Handstick Staff

Vimeo HQ

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I'm a staff member consisting of a stick with a plastic hand duct taped to the end. I attended Oxford.

I am the Director of Hands here at Vimeo.


  1. Tommy Penner
  2. Alien Hand
  3. Alfie Hanssen
  4. SINLOGO Animation
  5. Jason Mooberry
  6. Kevin Sweeney
  7. Parin Patwa
  8. Jon Haggins
  9. James Hamilton
  10. Austin Swinney
  11. Justin Dickinson
  12. Naren Venkataraman
  13. Craig Campbell
  14. Jonathan Gass
  15. Deborah Szajngarten
  16. Ryan Hefner
  17. Joseph Schmitt
  18. Sam Morrill

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