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Jura is solar-powered!

Circle A SunflowerJura is 100% solar-powered! In June 2011 we got together, planned, and organised. We raised over $7,000 entirely through donations so that Jura could install a collectively-owned renewable-energy system. The 2.09kW system on our roof generates about 9.41 kilowatt hours per day of clean, renewable energy. This saves more than 3 tonnes of greenhouse pollution every year. The energy generated meets Jura's needs and allows us to put some energy back into the grid for others to use. This reduces Jura's bills and generates a small income, which we use to help fund our political activity. More importantly, Jura has a working model of community-owned renewable energy.

Meanwhile, governments and capitalism just make the climate nightmare worse. At the same time as we installed our renewable energy system, the State government undermined the solar power industry, and the Federal government pushed a carbon price market mechanism. These policies will just increase injustice and will fail to solve climate change. This will be a nightmare for Indigenous people whose forests will be sold for 'carbon credits', workers whose jobs will get worse, those who will pay more for the same dirty coal power, and the future inhabitants of a hellish world. Removing the carbon price and replacing it with even less action, is criminal.

Community-owned and controlled renewable energy systems are a vision of the future. They can can de-carbonise, de-centralise and democratise. Imagine a world based on the principles of sustainability and decentralised collectivism. A world where communities own their own power systems. That's the world we are fighting for and pre-figuring at Jura. Our solar system is one step along that path. We invite you to join us in grassroots organising for justice on climate change. Come along and get involved!


Jura still needs donations

Everything we do at Jura is funded by donations and volunteer labour-power. You can continue to make a big difference to Jura by donating even a small amount. Please make whatever contribution you can.

Jura Books is doing a lot of great things. We sell anarchist and other radical political books at minimal mark-up. We don't make money from selling the books - just enough to pay some of the bills. Many of these books aren't available anywhere else in Australia. We also put on films, talks and other events for and about different political movements. We also maintain a unique archive of political posters, and we occasionally publish books and pamphlets.

All of us are volunteers. Please help us to keep doing this useful work.

How to donate:

  • Transfer your donation into our bank account using your own internet banking - email us for details;
  • Come in to Jura to donate in person;
  • Post a cheque or money order made out to Jura Books;
  • Use your credit card or paypal account - click on the button below;
  • Send us an email telling us you can help. We will get back to you and discuss the best way to contribute.

Thanks for all your support in the past, and your help in the future!


Political Perspectives: 