How can I send a curated email newsletter from my topic? (

In addition to being discovered from search engines and growing your audience from your social channels, also lets you send curated email newsletters to your mailing lists.

As you've already done the work of curating content to your topics, this is a great and easy way to provide value to your audience with fresh new content that will drive engagement up without being repetitive.

(Note: if you're a Content Director customer, you benefit from our advanced, drag and drop editor which functionalities are described here.) 

To create a curated email newsletter, simply go to one of your topics and click 'Newsletter' from the Top Bar menu:

The 'Create a Newsletter' screen is fully wysiwyg (what you see is what you get,) letting you configure and preview your curated email newsletter in real-time.

Configuration options:

  1. Templates: choose from several pre-set templates the one that fits your needs. With our Business, Marketers or Enterprise versions, you can even customize the template to make this newsletter unique and branded.
  2. Number of posts: this is the number of scoops you want to include in your curated newsletter. Tip: you can reorder your scoops from your topic view to optimize the order they appear in the newsletter.
  3. Add share buttons: this is a great way to encourage recipients to reshare your content on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook:

Tip: How about if you want to aggregate scoops from various topics? One easy way to do that is to create a topic specifically for your newsletters and rescoop to it the posts you'd like to include in your curated email campaigns.

Pro Tip: with our Business, Marketers or Enterprise versions, you can access additional menus to customize your newsletters, link back to original content and send newsletters on a more frequent basis: weekly or even unlimited.

Export & Send lets you send your curated email newsletters in several ways:

  • To yourself as a test to make sure it looks exactly the way you want.

  • By exporting it to a Zip file which contains the HTML for your newsletter. This file can then be imported to the email platform of your choice giving you total flexibility and letting you use the tools you're familiar with. Of course, using this option, you can also modify the HTML of the newsletter to add your own introduction or anything you'd like.

  • Using MailChimp, a great and easy email platform we have partnered with. MailChimp has a forever free plan but also scales with premium subscriptions to business and enterprise needs so we encourage you to give it a try. By clicking on Connect, you will be asked to enter your MailChimp login credentials (as always, we don't store any of that information).


You will now have the option to create a MailChimp draft campaign straight from

From that screen, you can name your campaign, choose the mailing list to send your newsletter to if you have several, define the Subject line of your email campaign, the From email and name as well as the To Name - an option of MailChimp that lets you address your email to your recipients' names, if you have them in your database (instead of just addressing it to their email address). Spam filters are less likely to block you, if you know the recipient's name. For more info on this, read this MailChimp knowledge base article.

Once you've completed this simple form, click 'Create' and your campaign is now created in MailChimp. 

Click See it to go to MailChimp and send your campaign in 2 clicks, schedule it for later or preview & test it.

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