Act For Freedom Now!

March 15, 2016
by actforfreedom

Responsibility Claim 3/3/2016, for the attack at the State Legal Council (Akadimias street and Zoodohou Pigis) – Athens – Greece

Responsibility Claim Today, 3/3/2016, we attacked the State Legal Council (Akadimias street and Zoodohou Pigis). The windows were smashed and paint as well as flyers were thrown, as first response to the sentences imposed by the terror-court of Koridallos prisons … Continue reading

February 26, 2016
by actforfreedom

SOME UPDATES : Concerning Anarchists and fighters who are hostages in the hell-holes of Greek democracy.

22/02/16 Revolutionary Struggle case 2nd trial update. The proposition of the prosecutor for the 2nd trial of the Revolutionary Struggle case was postponed for Wednesday 24/02/16. The judges refused to appoint a new lawyer for Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis, … Continue reading

September 9, 2015
by actforfreedom

Athens – N. Maziotis, new translation: “The country is a powder keg and needs only a spark or a detonator to blow up capital and the state.”

From:thebarbariantimes Concerning the New Memorandum and the Elections of 20 September The 3rd Memorandum signed by the SYRIZA government marks the complete political bankruptcy of the left regime and the chimerical aspirations for a more “humane” capitalism. After taking office … Continue reading

July 12, 2015
by actforfreedom

Statement by Nikos Maziotis to the appeals court at the first trial of the Revolutionary Struggle on July 7 – Concerning the bankruptcy of the country

New N. Maziotis translation, July 7 trial statement  Statement by Nikos Maziotis to the appeals court at the first trial of the Revolutionary Struggle on July 7 – Concerning the bankruptcy of the country As is well known, the repressive … Continue reading

July 2, 2015
by actforfreedom

Text of Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis regarding Greece’s default and exit from the EMU

via:contrainfo The SYRIZA-led government is collapsing. The Greek default and exit from the Eurozone, as choice of the lenders, is a process that started in 2010 and currently marks the beginning of the end of the SYRIZA government. The implementation … Continue reading

April 4, 2015
by actforfreedom

Statement of Anarchist revolutionary Kostas Gournas and Nikos Maziotis is transferred to hospital – Greece

Anarchist revolutionary Nikos Maziotis is transferred to hospital. As of April 2nd comrade Nikos Maziotis member of the Revolutionary Struggle has been transferred to Lamia hospital because during the last week his health has seriously deteriorated. —————————- Statement of Anarchist revolutionary … Continue reading