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Posts Tagged ‘Animal Liberation’

Santiago: Corte de calle por la liberación animal (Chile)

Monday, February 1st, 2016

El día viernes 29/1 un grupo anónimo levantó barricadas en santiago en el contexto de la convocatoria internacional por la liberación animal, en la cual se han desarrollado diversas acciones propagandísticas por el cierre de las cárceles/zoológicos.


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Posted in Eco Struggle

Winter European Speaking Tour – Learning from SHAC/Free Sven and Natasha

Friday, January 29th, 2016

From Free Sven and Natasha:

We are pleased to announce our Winter European Speaking Tour across
France, the Basque Country & Spain.

Dates, Locations & Times:

Friday 29th January – Dijon | 7pm | Eternel Detour, 16ter rue de
Fontaine-lès-Dijon 21000 Dijon

Saturday 30th January – Grenoble | 2pm (Vegan food from 12pm) |
Parpaing Paillette (habitation and events squat), 104 avenue Ambroise
Croizat, Saint Martin D’here

Saturday 30th January – Lyon | 8pm | l’Atelier des Canulars Canulars
Workshop, 91 rue Montesquieu, Lyon

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Postal address of Osman Evcan, vegan comrade imprisoned in Kocaeli #1 F-Type Prison (Turkey)

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015

Postal address of the imprisoned vegan comrade, info via ABC Istanbul, write here or send a card to the recovering hungerstriker:

Osman Evcan
Kocaeli 1 Nolu F Tipi Cezaevi

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Sabotaje a tienda de animales – Por un Diciembre Negro (Chile)

Monday, December 14th, 2015

Desde el accionar anárquico y confrontacional a toda forma de
dominación, es que nos dirigimos en sigilo la tarde-noche de este sábado
12 a la tienda “Premium Pet” ubicada en Toesca 1844, pleno centro de
Santiago y con sencillos materiales(1) saboteamos los candados para que
los dueños de este “supuesto trabajo” les quede en la cabeza que hay
sujetos que no quieren y no respetan la comercialización de humillación,
sufrimiento y muerte de animales. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Osman Evcan on Hunger Strike: Anarchists and animal liberationists went to Kandıra F type prison (Turkey)

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

From ABC Istanbul:

Anarchists and animal liberationists went to Kandıra F type prison, Osman Evcan is on hunger strike since 10th November with various demands. Also Osman Evcan’s cellmate Hasan Çınar started indefinite hunger strike 3 days ago to support Osman Evcan. On 5th December we went in front of Kandıra F Type Prison with our flags, banners, slogans, drums and torches to show solidarity with Vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan. Our voices passed over the thick walls, and we brought hope to our comrade. Osman is refusing to eat with his own will, using his body, his only weapon to fight. He is resisting and becoming the justice himself. We screamed out loud for the animals, for the World and people,
for the freedom of the prisoners:

Fire to the prisons!
Demolish the prisons, freedom to prisoners!

We made this demo happen to show that we are not scared of the chains of the government capturing people, animals and earth. Our fight will continue against the systems will to include us to its decay.

Everyone who is fighting to abolish oppression is a freedom fighter. We will continue our struggle until the political isolation of Osman Evcan (who is supporting total freedom, and who is fighting against repression and torture for his anarchist ideals) are over. Prison systems are coffins built to control the majority, and to pacify masses for the minorities interest.

Freedom for Osman Evcan!

Until all cages and prisons are destroyed!


In Turkish.

So far there were solidarity actions in Moscow, Nantes and Tbilisi. In Tbilisi there was a protest in front of the Turkish consulate. 1 & 2

A stand opened in İzmir with the name “maneuver against speciesism”. Also in İzmir flyers were distributed to inform people about Osman Evcan’s hunger strike. And a banner was hanged saying “Vegan food for Osman Evcan”. 1 & 2

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Diciembre Negro: Sabotaje a tienda de animales exóticos (Chile)

Thursday, December 3rd, 2015


Junto con educar e informar,(…)salirte de las leyes del sistema
capital,(…) rayando y saboteando empresas(…)no pensamos solo en el
animal sino en todo el ecosistema que cada día está más mal. Si debemos
destrozar las propiedades de aquellos que sustentan la explotación
animal no dudaremos en usar todas nuestras armas, incluso quemar el
siniestro lugar.

(“Liberación Animal”, canción del compañero Sebastián “Angry”

En la sociedad del capital y la autoridad, el especismo es uno de los
pilares en que se sostiene la dominación, materializándose en relaciones
de poder que transforman a los animales en objetos para el consumo
humano bajo la modalidad de alimentación, vestimenta, entretención,
experimentación o como mascotas bajo la propiedad de una/un humana/o.

Insertando el anti especismo como parte de la lucha contra toda forma de
autoridad, una vida cotidiana alejada de los productos de origen animal
tiene como complemento inevitable la acción directa contra los/as
explotadores/as y mercaderes de animales.

Así, rechazando toda lógica reformista o victimista sobre la liberación
animal, saboteamos la noche del 01 de Diciembre la tienda de animales
“Exotic”, sellando con acero líquido los candados que permiten el acceso
al lugar donde las/os animales son vendidos como mercancía. En el lugar,
ubicado en Avenida Departamental, dejamos una nota para no dejar dudas
sobre el contenido de nuestra acción. Al salir el sol, sus dueñas/os no
podrán abrir su negocio basado en las jaulas y el cautiverio de
individuos no humanos, cumpliendo nuestra acción su objetivo: entorpecer
el normal funcionamiento de la opresión sobre nuestras vidas y las de
los/as animales.
No queremos leyes más compasivas con los animales ni jaulas más grandes.
Nuestra acción es expresión del deseo de la destrucción de toda forma de
encierro y dominación.

Respondemos de esta forma a la invitación realizada desde Grecia por los
compañeros Panagiotis Argyrou y Nikos Romanos, tomando parte en un
Diciembre Negro en cual nos interesa intensificar la acción transgresora
antiautoritaria y las redes de complicidad entre compañeros/as, buscando
proyectarlas más allá de un momento o mes específico.

Aportar a revitalizar en nuestro propio territorio la acción anti
especista es también nuestra forma de solidaridad con el prisionero
anarquista y vegano Osmar Evcan, en huelga de hambre desde el 10 de
noviembre en la prisiones del Estado de Turquía, quien pone en riesgo su
integridad poniendo su cuerpo como arma exigiendo la restitución de su
alimentación vegana al interior de la prisión.

Que la tensión anti especista se haga visible en el accionar anárquico
de ofensiva a través de células de compañeras/os que se organizan y
actúan sin jerarquías, afilando convicciones combinadas con la
creatividad, la cautela y diferentes medios y materiales para golpear
múltiples puntos de la red de la dominación.





Célula “Desorden Nocturno”.
Federación Anarquista Informal/ Frente Revolucionario Internacional

Chile-Diciembre Negro 2015

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Posted in Direct Action

Call for International Solidarity : Simultaneous local / global call for action on December 5th for Osman on hunger strike… (Turkey)

Monday, November 30th, 2015

We are going in front of Kandıra No.1 F Type Prison to support Osman Evcan…

Osman Evcan is resisting authority as an anarchist against speciecism for uninterrupted 23 years in state prisons. Osman Evcan supports the struggle for animal liberation as an anarchist since 2003. He has been a name for us, who voices the demand for total freedom against ecological destruction, hunger, poverty, carnage and war policies created by the state and capitalism.

Osman Evcan is recently located in Kandıra Kocaeli F-Type Prison No. 1 after being exiled to almost all the prisons in Turkey for resisting and never bending his head against systematically and continuously imposed intimidation. Osman Evcan’s and all political prisoners most basic and vital right to a healthy diet according to their preference and will is blocked by the prison management with the knowledge and instructions of the Ministry of Justice. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from imprisoned vegan anarchist Osman Evcan (Turkey)

Friday, November 27th, 2015

From ABC Istanbul:

We visited vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan at Kocaeli no:1 high security prison on his 16. Day of hunger strike. It is obvious that in parallel with the elections on November, the state fascism and oppression techniques have a reflection on the prisons. Because of the anarchist, vegan, libertarian ideas that Osman Evcan was fighting for, for many years; the pressure on him increases. Osman Evcan is now faced with F Type Prisons intimidation policies. His access to vegan food is blocked. And he is facing the imposition : “obey or die”. Osman Evcan continues his resistance under worsening conditions of imprisonment. And he made it clear that he is determined to continue his indefinite hunger strike with the will of total freedom. During our visit he was full of hope and told us to not to leave the arenas that organized violence is terrorizing. And he underlined that, the only way is resistance and struggle. And Osman Evcan also builds this hunger strike with a perception of psychological resistance that is against the fear and witch-hunt politics that is wanted to be created and calls us for action and to motivate ourselves for our rights arising from our existence. We shouldn’t let Osman Evcan and ourselves to be destroyed by the wheels of obedience mechanisms based on destroying all kinds of denial and objection. Let’s listen to the call of Osman Evcan who built his life on ideas based on solidarity, struggle and not harming any living being, and these ideas are bringing him to death. We want to share Osman Evcan’s letter on his reasons to start the hunger strike. Until all cages and prisons are destroyed!
ABC İstanbul


About informing public opinion about my indefinite hunger strike:

I am a prisoner in Kocaeli no:1 F type prison. Because I am vegan I don’t eat meat or any kind of animal products and I avoid using any kind of products made out of animal bodies. I chose to live this way because it’s related to animal liberation and animal rights. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

ABC Istanbul: Solidarity with imprisoned vegan anarchist Osman Evcan on hunger strike since Nov 10 (Turkey)

Saturday, November 21st, 2015

UPDATED: Spanish translation – CNA Mexico.

Who is Osman Evcan?

Osman Evcan who was born on 1959 in Samsun is an anarchist prisoner who spent his last 23 years in prison. İn 1992 he was sentenced to 30 years in prison with the charges of being a member of a leftist terrorist group and robbery. He was also imprisoned for 9 years between 1980-1989. Since Osman adopted anarchist ideas in 2003, he also became vegan and supports animal liberation struggles.

Osman Evcan was imprisoned in many different prisons all over the country during his conviction, he built his life fighting against authoritarian violence and especially the violence and oppression which is a systemic part of the prison’s hierarchical structure, and he still continues his fight against prison’s oppressive mentality, without giving an inch, aspiring to the right standards for anarchist, vegan, libertarian individuals.

Osman’s first barnburner act was his hunger strike in 2011 for vegan food to be available in prison which lasted 42 days. During his hunger strike the anarchists, animal liberationists from all over the World and in Turkey supported Osman’s fight to access vegan food in prison. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

PDF: “Akcja Bezpośrednia” – Latest anarchist attacks and reports 2011-2015 (Poland)

Wednesday, September 16th, 2015

Issue about latest direct actions in Poland since 2011 to this year’s summer.
The title is translated as: “Direct Action”

Polish language PDF here: Akcja Bezpośrednia

Long live Black Praxis

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