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Posts Tagged ‘Alfredo M. Bonanno’

War against ISIS/Daesh: ‘From Tuzluçayır to Kobane’ – Interview With An Anarchist Warrior (Kurdistan)

Monday, July 6th, 2015

The following article is an interview with an environmentalist, vegetarian anarchist from Turkey who is a member of Sosyal Isyan (Social Insurrection) fighting as part of Birleşik Özgürlük Güçleri (United Freedom Forces) alongside the YPG / YPJ in Kobane, Rojava. The interview was conducted by H. Burak Öz and originally appeared on the jiyan.org website. We would like to thank the comrade Ece for translating the interview into English for us.

Environmentalist, vegetarian, anarchist combatants who fight in Kobane.

We are sitting at the headquarters of United Freedom Forces (Birleşik Özgürlük Güçleri) in Kobane. I ask for a cigarette from a fighter aiming to meet and talk with him. While he offers one, I’m asking how many group form the United Freedom Forces. He says that, this force consist of salvationists (Kurtuluşçular), MLSPB, TDP and anarchists and indicates that he is an anarchist too.

What is the aim of fighting here for the anarchists?

I’m one of the founders of Social Insurrection and also their spokesperson. When the attack of ISIS started in Kobane, in the name of international solidarity, not considering it too much, we idealized to raise the defense as International Brigades much like in the Spanish Civil War.

United Freedom Forces was formed by different socialist factions from Turkey. Being an anarchist, how did you become involved with this structure?

United Freedom Forces was founded when we arrived. We made a call to anarchists and ecologists. (more…)

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Posted in Interviews

Pula: Nothing is over, everything continues – RadioAzione Croatia (Croatia)

Wednesday, January 28th, 2015

Received and translated to English by Act for freedom now!

Update: RadioAzione, Italy“To be or not to be… that’s not our question”


On the morning of January 23, 2015 agents of the Croatian secret services – SOA – turned up here because they wanted to talk to me about my site, RadioAzione Croatia, and to my husband, anarchist comrade, Italian citizen, who runs and also hosts other anarchist sites (including RadioAzione), threatening him with expulsion.

Their discourse began with threats concerning my personal relationships, both current and future, assuming that these are and will only be realized with anarchists, not Croatian of course, warning me that Croatia has no intention of becoming a haunt for people who are a problem for their countries of origin. Here the reference to my relationship with the comrade of RadioAzione Italy is clear.

Of course the threats are not limited to my relationships with comrades, they also warn me that any foreign national who comes to visit me in Croatia in the future, anarchist or not, will be treated as suspicious. And then they get lost in the usual threats concerning my parents, my position as unemployed, possible raids, arrests etc.

Their intention was to intimidate me by threatening to isolate me here in Croatia, far from my ”Italian and Greek friends” (an expression that they used several times). Because they are well aware of the fact that I could not expect any cooperation, activities or whatever with the local movement.

They also tell me that they know other anarchists in Croatia, but that they, unlike me, do not constitute a problem, that I am a unique and singular case for these territories (hinting that other anarchists in Croatia do not care much for my ideas). And that they are also aware of the fact that I was the one to introduce insurrectionalist theories into these territories and beyond years ago, with translations of some texts of Alfredo M. Bonanno. A point that they particularly stressed. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Excerpt from ‘Towards the generalisation of armed struggle’ by Alfredo M. Bonanno (Elephant Editions)

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014


It is within the perspective of generalised mass armed struggle that the insurrection takes on libertarian meaning, and marks the definitive critique of any ‘closed’ attempt to organise the management of the class conflict.

Generalised armed conflict is the natural outcome of a situation that is getting worse every day. The exploited are beginning to point out this necessity in a series of anti-institutional actions that are continually spreading. The isolated acts of punishment carried out by minority clandestine groups against some of those responsible for exploitation are coming to be accepted with satisfaction and approved by the mass. (more…)

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Out Now : 325 #11 – Against the Post-Industrial Consumer Society and the Technological Singularity

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

Brand new magazine from the furnace of the 325 editorial collective free online now. 60 pages of b&w printer-friendly insurrectional nihilist-anarchy and anti-civilisation war.

325 #11 : Against the Post-Industrial Consumer Society and the Technological Singularity

325 #11 cover image : A3 download – Full size, Hi-res


3. Direct Action Chronology
8. No Illusions – Alfredo M.Bonanno
9. Climate change, nuclear-energy and urban war in the new century – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
13. Road Ahead Closed – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
13. Electricity grid at risk as floods increase – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
15. The Dictator – Rodolfo Gonzalez Pacheco
15. Industrial Alienation – B.I
23. Memories from the Future: The Coming Technological Singularity – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
29. Information and Slavery – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
31. Anarchist comrades contributions to the IX Meeting for Animal Liberation in Italy, 2013 – Silvia Guerini & Costantino Ragusa
38. War against the machines! – Gianluca Iacovacci
41. Letter from Adriano Antonacci about the refusal of video-conference trial
42. Necrotechnologies – Synthetic biology
43. Parts & Labour – Fabricating life in a lab
45. The Daleks Are Coming! – Robot security guards
46. Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Human Behaviour
48. Predictive Surveillance Technology Arrives
48. The Problem of Strategy – Alfredo M.Bonanno
49. Empty House & Crowded Forest – Eat
51. Some Thoughts on FAI/IRF – Eat
53. Don’t Trust, Don’t Fear, Don’t Beg – Ihar Alinevich
54. Fear – Rodolfo Gonzalez Pacheco
54. Escape into Sanity: The Fall – V.Q.
57. In the Fall-out of the Black Smoke Cloud of Black Rock Quarry
57. Perpetual Cycles
58. Someone else’s meal – L
58. Mechanics of Nature


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Posted in Library

PDF: Negacion – Revista anarquia, May-June 2014 (Mexico)

Thursday, May 29th, 2014


-Editorial 2
-Reflexiones escandalosas, algunas notas sobre anarquismo civil, Verona Q 4
-Perspectivas anárquicas sobre la clandestinidad Y apenas rosando la lucha armada 7
-¿Movimiento ficticio o movimiento real? Alfredo M. Bonanno 10
-La insurrección y su doble, apuntes críticos al ensayo la insurrección que viene 14
-Luigi Galleani y el anarquismo antiorganizacion, Antonio Serata 22
-Descontextualizando a Malatesta 25
-La solidaridad entre anarquistas es mas que palabra escrita, cartas de los compañeros presos y algunas reflexiones sobre la cárcel. 29
-Mas allá del feminismo, mas allá del genero, Wilfull Desobedience 40
-Las cenizas de las leyendas, para acabar con la apología ilegalista 42
-De carroñas comunistas y algo mas… 47
-¿Donde quedamos nosotrxs? Apuntes sobre la destrucción creadora, Rebelión Inmediata 51
-La apología a la lógica del rebote, Una individua anárquica fuera de lugar. 57
-Luchas parciales, luchas intermedias y luchas específicas. 61
-La dicotomía pasividad-banda armada 66
-Reseñas: Libros, textos y revistas . 68


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PDF: ‘Anarchist dialogues – A conversation with Gustavo Rodríguez’ by Conspiración Ácrata (Mexico)

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

325 receives and transmits:


Here we send you the English translation of the conversation with Gustavo Rodríguez published in Conspiración Ácrata. Feel free to publish it on your pages.

A warm embrace,


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Posted in Interviews

Alfredo Bonanno o el anarquismo de praxis del siglo XXI (Mexico)

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

Alfredo Bonanno o el anarquismo de praxis del siglo XXI

“Las prácticas de acción directa son ahora el corolario de este bagaje conceptual remozado. Cara a cara contra el enemigo, sin mediaciones ni gestorías: he ahí la divisa y el emblema de una práctica de intención, orientación y potencialidad anarquista”.
Rafael Spósito (Daniel Barret)

Hace exactamente cuatro años, tres meses y 22 días, recibí la llamada de un entrañable compañero comunicándome una lamentable noticia: el querido Alfredo María Bonanno, había sido detenido tras una expropiación fallida en la ciudad de Trikala al norte de Grecia. Hoy, he tenido una breve conversación vía telefónica con el compa Alfredo que me produjo la misma indignación e impotencia que aquella trágica llamada.

En medio de la gritería y las expresiones altisonantes de los represores que le ordenaban apagar el teléfono, me informó que las autoridades migratorias le habían impedido el ingreso al territorio dominado por el Estado mexicano, declarándolo “persona non grata” por su presunta “peligrosidad” y “antecedentes penales”, motivo por el que lo han deportado a Argentina. Pese al poco tiempo que pudimos hablar sentí en sus escuetas palabras la fortaleza de un irreductible. Lo primero que le pregunté es cómo estaba de salud y me contestó que bien. Enfurecido, lo único que atiné a decirle es que lamentaba mucho la decisión de estos mierdas hijos de perra y me respondió optimista, con la serenidad y la condición reflexiva que lo caracteriza: “es lógico que esto nos pase”. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Jornadas Infomales Anárquicas 2013 – Simposio Internacional Anarquista (Mexico)

Saturday, December 14th, 2013

Diciembre 2013.
26. Constantino Cavalleri.
27. Wolfi Landstreicher.
Gustavo Rodríguez.
28. Alfredo M. Bonanno.

Por seguridad de todxs: no mochilas, no cámaras, no fotos, no vídeos, no drogas ni alcohol, NO PERIODISTAS.

Conferencias, intervención y participación de compañerxs de Grecia, Italia, Chile, Inglaterra.

Editoriales y publicaciones afines.

En: Okupa Che, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM, México DF.

Inicio de Eventos a partir de las 14:00 Hrs.



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Posted in Autonomy

‘Kegembiraan Yang Dipersenjatai’ – Alfredo M Bonanno (Armed Joy – Indonesian)

Friday, November 29th, 2013



Buku ini ditulis pada tahun 1977 dalam suatu momentum perjuangan revolusioner yang terjadi di Italia, yang situasinya kini sangat jauh berbeda, sangat perlu untuk disimpan dalam ingatan kita. Pergerakan revolusioner termasuk di dalamnya gerakan anarkis, sepertinya mengalami fase perkembangan, dan segala hal mungkin dapat saja terjadi, meskipun secara umum meluas menjadi pemeberontakan bersenjata.

Namun yang penting adalah menghindari bahaya munculnya spesialisasi dan militerisasi, yang membatasi minoritas para militan yang berniat untuk memaksakan ribuan kamerad, dengan segala sumber daya yang dimilikinya berusaha menentang represi dan usaha negara—yang agak lemah dalam mengungkapkan kebenaran—kemudian menata kembali pola manajemen kapital.

Semua itu adalah situasi yang pernah terjadi di Italia, namun sesuatu yang serupa tengah berlangsung di Jerman, Paris, Britania Raya, dan di tempat-tempat lain.

Sepertinya merupakan hal yang esensial guna menghalangi berbagai aksi yang dilakukan setiap harinya oleh para kamerad terhadap orang-orang dan berbagai struktur kekuasaan, yang kemudian menggiringnya ke dalam logika terencana seperti yang diamini oleh partai bersenjata seperti Red Brigade1 di Italia. (more…)

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Journadas Informales Anarquicas 2013 – Simposio Internacional (Mexico)

Tuesday, August 20th, 2013

Jornadas Informales Anárquicas 2013 – Simposio Internacional
Ciclo de Conferencias y Debates con los compañeros:

Alfredo Maria Bonanno.

Constantino Cavalleri.

Gustavo Rodríguez.

Wolfi Landstreicher.

27-28 y 29 de Diciembre 2013.

México D.F.

Mesas Informativas.


Proyección de Documentales.




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