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Parole is denied for Marco Camenisch (Switzerland)

The Zurich Office of Corrections denied the conditional release of Marco Camenisch. The 60 years old eco-anarchist prisoner is incarcerated since 20 years. At present, he’s in the prison of Lenzburg, Switzerland.

This January he went on a limited hunger strike to protest against the annual ‘World Economic Forum’ in Davos – a disgusting gathering of self-declared business and world leaders, culture industry wankers like Bono, and assorted rich arseholes. Two anarchist prisoners joined Marco’s protest: Silvia Guerini (prison of Hindelbank) and Luca ‘Billy’ Bernasconi (prison of Regensdorf).

This year Marco Camenisch has served 2/3 of his prison sentence. As a rule prisoners in Switzerland are entitled to an early release on parole after serving 2/3; Marco is not.

There should be a ‘hearing’ on his parole in February. But the Zurich Office of Corrections informed his lawyer, they wouldn’t ask Marco any questions at all – they simply wouldn’t release him. End of the story. The ‘hearing’ is but a farce. Marco will stay behind bars because he doesn’t renounce. He remains steadfast in his political beliefs.

5 years ago a public prosecutor, Ulrich Weder, a member of Swiss Labour (SP), tried to get Marco sentenced to indefinite incarceration. Asked for his reasons, Weder said: But why, that’s an anarchist! Furthermore the Zurich Office of Corrections refused Marco’s prison leave several times for no other than political reasons. In preparation for parole, every prisoner is entitled to a prison leave; again, Marco is not.

We ask everybody to take appropriate action in solidarity with Marco Camenisch!

And write an email to the Zurich Office of Corrections and let them know what you think of them: info-juv@ji.zh.ch or info-bvd@ji.zh.ch – there are fax machines too: +41 43 259 84 40 or +41 43 259 84 41

Victory to the prisoners!

Friends and supporters of Marco Camenisch, 2/1/2012
Contact: knast-soli (at) riseup (point) net

More info: www.rhi-sri.org (mostly German and Italian) & www.informa-azione.info (Italian)

Please write to Marco:

Marco Camenisch,
PF 45,
CH-5600 Lenzburg,
(Don’t forget to write down a sender)


Who is Marco Camenisch?

In the late 1970s Marco Camenisch (b. 1952) was a militant of the popular movement against nuclear power stations. He was arrested in 1980 and subsequently got a 10 year prison sentence for attacks against the Swiss nuclear industry. Luckily, he was able to escape. In 1989 corporate media and Swiss secret services accused him of murdering a border police officer. Marco rejected these claims. In 1991 he was arrested again, this time in Italy, and convicted for acts of sabotage against the nuclear industry. In 2002 he was extradited to Switzerland and sentenced to an additional 18 years of prison based on a dubious murder charge (the border copper). Though afterwards, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court declared the sentence inadmissible. In 2007 it was reduced to 8 years. As late as 2018 they must release him. Marco describes himself as a green anarchist. He is a very active and sincere supporter of left and progressive social movements; also, he took part in numerous protests behind bars.

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This entry was posted on Friday, February 3rd, 2012 at 4:42 pm and is filed under Eco Struggle, Prison Struggle.