- published: 22 Sep 2015
- views: 182242
Kevin MacLeod or Kevin McLeod may refer to:
Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. The organization has released several copyright-licenses known as Creative Commons licenses free of charge to the public. These licenses allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators. An easy-to-understand one-page explanation of rights, with associated visual symbols, explains the specifics of each Creative Commons license. Creative Commons licenses do not replace copyright, but are based upon it. They replace individual negotiations for specific rights between copyright owner (licensor) and licensee, which are necessary under an "all rights reserved" copyright management, with a "some rights reserved" management employing standardized licenses for re-use cases where no commercial compensation is sought by the copyright owner. The result is an agile, low-overhead and low-cost copyright-management regime, profiting both copyright owners and licensees. Wikipedia uses one of these licenses.
The cabin of Peter the Great (Russian: Domik Petra I or Domik Petra Pervogo or Domik Petra Velikogo) is a small wooden house which was the first St Petersburg "palace" of Tsar Peter the Great.
The log cabin was constructed in three days in May 1703, by soldiers of the Semyonovskiy Regiment. At that time, the new St Petersburg was described as "a heap of villages linked together, like some plantation in the West Indies". The date of its construction is now considered to mark the foundation of the city.
The design is a combination of an izba, a traditional Russian countryside house typical of the 17th century, and the Tsar's beloved Dutch Baroque, later to evolve into the Petrine Baroque. Peter built similar domiki elsewhere in Russia - for example, in Voronezh, and Vologda. The wooden cabin in St Petersburg covers only 60 square metres (650 sq ft) and contains three rooms - living room, bedroom, and study. It has large ornate windows and a high hipped roof of wooden tiles. Inside, the wooden walls were painted with red oil to resemble brick, and the rooms came to be known as the "red chambers" (krasnyie khoromtsy). There are no fires or chimneys, as it was intended to be used only in the warmer summer months. It was occupied by the Tsar between 1703 and 1708, while Peter supervised the construction of the new imperial city and the Peter and Paul Fortress.
Kevin (/ˈkɛv.ɪn/; Irish: Caoimhín [kiː.vʲiːnʲ], Middle Irish: Caoimhghín [kəiṽʲ.ʝiːnʲ], Old Irish: Cóemgein [koiṽʲ.ɣʲinʲ], Scottish Gaelic: Caomhainn, Latin: Coemgenus) is a male first name of Goidelic origin. Among the earliest famous bearers of the name was Saint Kevin, although Kevin is not a biblical name. Caoimhghín derives from the Irish caomh (Old Irish cóem) "kind, honest, handsome" and -gin (Old Irish gein) "birth". Kevin influenced the similarly Irish-derived Kelvin, as well as the Latin Calvin. "Kevin" is one of the top 100 male baby names in Chile, France, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden and the United States. It can also be spelled Kevyn, Keven, or Kevan.
In the United Kingdom, its popularity peaked during the 1950s and 1960s, when it was frequently among the 20 most popular male first names, but by the 1990s it had fallen out of the top 100. In France, the name was very popular during the 1980s and 1990s, especially in the lower class. There is wide variation both on the pronunciation and accentation. A more Franco-Celtic pronunciation is often written as Kévin, while a consciously Anglo-American pronunciation is written without the accent. For example, French horseman Kevin Staut's and French runner Kévin Hautcœur's official websites differ, though the French media may pronounce both names similarly.
Ontario (i/ɒnˈtɛərioʊ/) is one of the ten provinces of Canada, located in east-central Canada. It is Canada's most populous province by a large margin, accounting for nearly 40 percent of all Canadians, and is the second largest province in total area. Ontario is fourth largest in total area when the territories of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut are included. It is home to the nation's capital city, Ottawa, and the nation's most populous city, Toronto.
Ontario is bordered by the province of Manitoba to the west, Hudson Bay and James Bay to the north, and Quebec to the east, and to the south by the US states of (from west to east) Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York. All of Ontario's 2,700 km (1,678 mi) border with the United States follows inland waterways: from the west at Lake of the Woods, eastward along the major rivers and lakes of the Great Lakes/Saint Lawrence River drainage system. These are the Rainy River, the Pigeon River, Lake Superior, the St. Marys River, Lake Huron, the St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair, the Detroit River, Lake Erie, the Niagara River, Lake Ontario and along the St. Lawrence River from Kingston, Ontario, to the Quebec boundary just east of Cornwall, Ontario.
Crabby Joe's "THE BIG JOE" Burger Review (feat. Ken Domik)
Hospital Food Review by Ben Domik
McDonald's 1/3 Pound Burger Review with Ken Domik!
Домик на окраине Владимир Мигуля Domik Na Okraine
Alperts Furniture Showplace - Funny Commercial - Blind Girl - Starring Ken Domik
Peri Peri Chicken Kabobs at the Cottage
Vlogging with JOEY #4 - Joey & Ken Domik!
Ken Domik Verified, Sound Studio Recording at Session101, Fans Stop to say Hi! - Ken's Vlog #651
Hey YouTubers, here's another video for you. Crabby Joe's "THE BIG JOE" Burger Review (feat. Ken Domik). I hope you enjoy this one :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crabby Joe's: http://www.crabbyjoes.com/ @crabbyjoes #crabbyjoes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Domik KBDProductionsTV Vlogs - https://www.youtube.com/user/domik1966 YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/user/KBDProductionsTV Twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/@kendomik FaceBook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/KBDProductionsTV/162219386763 Google+ - https://plus.google.com/113137194334536004205/posts Instagram - http://instagram.com/kendomik tumblr - http://kendomik.tumblr.com Skype - kendomik Vine - https://vine.co/Ken.Domik SnapChat - kendomik T...
These are my daily vlogs. Anything and everything you wanted to know about my life plus exciting Travel Vlogs. Check out my Travel Vlog Playlist: https://goo.gl/PyCW6C Subscribe NOW to my Vlog Channel KenDomik'sLife: https://goo.gl/fGkaQV #Just4UCrew #DomikNation #DJIPhantom4 #DJI #KenDomik #KBDProductionsTV #KenDomiksLife MY GEAR; BIG CAMERA; http://amzn.to/2d2TQhZ FLEXABLE TRIPOD; http://amzn.to/2ejOD5z GOOD WIDE LENS; http://amzn.to/2dKmsOs 50mm LENS; http://amzn.to/2d2VQ9O SMALL VLOG CAMERA; http://amzn.to/2dDXJcc MICROPHONE; http://amzn.to/2e8lQ4N OTHER MICROPHONE; http://amzn.to/2e8plrI DRONE; http://amzn.to/2e8nOC1 These vlogs are all shot with the Canon Vixia Mini X & Canon 70D, sometimes my iPhone and my Phantom 4 Drone. The Canon Vixia X Mini is an awesome little camera to shoo...
Here's the vlog with the explanation as to by Ben is in the hospital... "Blood Test, Editing, BEN IN HOSPITAL WITH A PUNCTURED LUNG!!! - Ken's Vlog #594" https://youtu.be/uHlFpfpa5XA Hey YouTubers, here's another video for you. Hospital Food Review by Ben Domik | KBDProductionsTV. I hope you enjoy this one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ben's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/BigBenStudios ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Domik KBDProductionsTV ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vlogging Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/KenDomiksLife KBD Uncut & Raw: https://www.youtube.com/c/KBDUNCUTRAW KBDPeriscopeTV: https://www.youtube.com/c/KBDPeriscopeTV T-Shirts: ht...
https://www.youtube.com/user/KBDProductionsTV I want to thank Ken Domik from KBDProductionsTV for being a Mentor and a Friend. Watch as we review Mcdonald's New Third Pound Burger with some behind the scenes banter thrown in for fun! Share-Like-Subscribe! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KBDProductionsTV, P.O. Box 640, Lefroy, Ontario, Canada L0L 1W0 Joeys World Tour Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/JoeysWorldTour Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/joeysworldtour Facebook Team Daym: http://www.Facebook.com/teamdaym Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/joeysworldtour T-Shirts! http://JoeysWorldTour.spreadshirt.com/ McDonald's 1/3 Pound Burger Review with Ken Domik! According to Burger Business, McDonald’s will offer for...
These are my daily vlogs. Anything and everything you wanted to know about my life plus exciting Travel Vlogs. Check out my Travel Vlog Playlist: https://goo.gl/PyCW6C Subscribe NOW to my Vlog Channel KenDomik'sLife: https://goo.gl/fGkaQV #Just4UCrew #DomikNation #DJIPhantom4 #DJI #KenDomik #KBDProductionsTV #KenDomiksLife MY GEAR; BIG CAMERA; http://amzn.to/2d2TQhZ FLEXABLE TRIPOD; http://amzn.to/2ejOD5z GOOD WIDE LENS; http://amzn.to/2dKmsOs 50mm LENS; http://amzn.to/2d2VQ9O SMALL VLOG CAMERA; http://amzn.to/2dDXJcc MICROPHONE; http://amzn.to/2e8lQ4N OTHER MICROPHONE; http://amzn.to/2e8plrI DRONE; http://amzn.to/2e8nOC1 These vlogs are all shot with the Canon Vixia Mini X & Canon 70D, sometimes my iPhone and my Phantom 4 Drone. The Canon Vixia X Mini is an awesome little camera to shoo...
Замечательный русский и советский композитор, певец и музыкант Владимир Мигуля исполняет свою песню "Домик на окраине". Эту песню он исполнял также во втором отделении заключительного концерта фестиваля-конкурса "Песня 86". Владимир Мигуля был редчайший по единству в гармонии русский талант, лирический поэт и композитор, и певец, которого в полной мере можно было назвать современным Сергеем Есениным в музыке и песне. Просьба ко всем, у кого может быть, сохранились видеозаписи в хорошем качестве любых выступлений этого выдающегося композитора и исполнителя, найти любую возможность и опубликовать утраченный на телевидении материал в сети, восстановить оцифрованные варианты всех возможных выступлений Владимира Мигули для зрителей и слушателей России. Домик на окраине. Стихи слова песни...
Here's another commercial I was in for Alperts Furniture. I played the dad. This commercial was shot May 17th, 2000 Ken Domik KBDProductionsTV PayPal: kendomik@gmail.com KBD MAILING: KBDProductionsTV, P.O. Box 640, Lefroy, Ontario, Canada L0L 1W0 YouTube Main - http://www.youtube.com/user/KBDProductionsTV YouTube Games - https://www.youtube.com/user/KBDGamesTV YouTube Toys - https://www.youtube.com/user/KBDToysTV Twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/@kendomik FaceBook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/KBDProductionsTV/162219386763 Google+ - https://plus.google.com/113137194334536004205/posts Instagram - http://instagram.com/kendomik tumblr - http://kendomik.tumblr.com Skype - kendomik Vine - https://vine.co/Ken.Domik T-Shirts - http://kbdproductionstv.spreadshirt.com/
These are my daily vlogs. Anything and everything you wanted to know about my life plus exciting Travel Vlogs. Check out my Travel Vlog Playlist: https://goo.gl/PyCW6C Subscribe NOW to my Vlog Channel KenDomik'sLife: https://goo.gl/fGkaQV #Just4UCrew #DomikNation #DJIPhantom4 #DJI #KenDomik #KBDProductionsTV #KenDomiksLife MY GEAR; NEW VLOGGING CAMERA: http://amzn.to/2n3OzvK BIG CAMERA; http://amzn.to/2d2TQhZ FLEXABLE TRIPOD; http://amzn.to/2ejOD5z GOOD WIDE LENS; http://amzn.to/2dKmsOs 50mm LENS; http://amzn.to/2d2VQ9O SMALL VLOG CAMERA; http://amzn.to/2dDXJcc MICROPHONE; http://amzn.to/2e8lQ4N OTHER MICROPHONE; http://amzn.to/2e8plrI DRONE; http://amzn.to/2e8nOC1 These vlogs are all shot with the Canon Vixia Mini X & Canon 70D, sometimes my iPhone and my Phantom 4 Drone. The Canon Vixi...
VLOGGING with JOEY#4 - Hello YouTubers! Here is my latest vlog for your enjoyment! Share-Like-Subscribe! Joeys World Tour Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/JoeysWorldTour Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/joeysworldtour Facebook Team Daym: http://www.Facebook.com/teamdaym Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/joeysworldtour T-Shirts! http://JoeysWorldTour.spreadshirt.com/ *Buy Joey a Cup O' Coffee! https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi- Music by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com/m/c/royalty-free/ "Airport Lounge" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Airport Lounge by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under CC Attribution 3.0. Direct Link: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN11008...
These are my daily vlogs. Anything and everything you wanted to know about my life plus exciting Travel Vlogs. If you like this video check out my Travel Vlog Playlist: https://goo.gl/PyCW6C If you like my videos then please subscribe: https://goo.gl/WtF9s9 #Just4UCrew #DomikNation Support KBDProductionsTV: PayPal: kendomik@gmail.com KBD MAILING: KBDProductionsTV, P.O. Box 640, Lefroy, Ontario, Canada L0L 1W0 YouTube Food Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/KBDProductionsTV YouTube Games - https://www.youtube.com/user/KBDGamesTV YouTube Toys - https://www.youtube.com/user/KBDToysTV Twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/@kendomik FaceBook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/KBDProductionsTV/162219386763 Google+ - https://plus.google.com/113137194334536004205/posts Instagram - http://instagram....
This was a FANTASTIC 30 minutes with Kevin. We discussed the Oscar nomination that included his music, his 800,000 attributed credits on YouTube, and we even played 'guess the mood' for the music. It was a lot of fun as well :D Check out www.incompetech.com for free music from Kevin.
He's been hiding in plain sight this whole time.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Animated by Alex Bale Narrated by Andrew Loitz Alex Character voiced by Alex Bale Music by Kevin MacLeod from freepd.com All the accusations about Kevin not existing and filing copyright strikes are all made up for satirical purposes. He's an amazing person for giving us the gift of free music. (This video has many easter eggs and secrets)
On this Ron’s Amazing Stories, we have the Kevin MacLeod Interview! He is a composer, producer, and has been the primary music provider to the show since 2011. He has a talent for creating musical scores that fits every situation. Be it Classic Rock or Bavarian Classical, Kevin has a title that fits the mood. The quality shines through on all of his works and you feel every emotion that he sets out to convey. The Stories - we have two great stories for you to enjoy this week. The first comes in the form of a Five Minute mystery. For the second we have, The Troubadour, which is written by Robert A. W. Lowndes. This a strange but spirited science fiction story that is worth listening to. It is short, but has a message for us all. A New Website for the RAS - I have created a new...
Grand Designs TV presenter and designer Kevin McCloud confesses his car fanaticism in a brilliant celebrity interview with Jeremy Clarkson before braving it on the Top Gear test track in the reasonably priced car and achieving possibly the most surprising lap time ever recorded. Go to http://www.youtube.com/TopGear to see a full list of all high quality videos available on the Top Gear YouTube channel and don't forget to visit http://www.topgear.com for all the latest news and car reviews.
So you're producing an interview segment! Problem is most people suck at being interviewed. Like... almost everyone. What do you do? You could send the non-media professional to an improv class, you could do 5 pre-interview coachings, or you could schedule a 3-day "pre-interview" at an all-inclusive beach resort in hopes that you will "share a moment" and uncover some goddamn humanity in your interview subject. Or. You could just put some interesting music behind the segment. If your crap interview is longer than this piece Do NOT loop this music - fire your editor. ISRC: USUAN1600067 https://sellfy.com/p/3C2A/ permaFAQ software = Logic yes you can use this in your [whatever] - see my site for details. site = http://incompetech.com/
Part One of the Sword of Ker Podcast Feature Interview with Kevin MacLeod.
Thanks again for all of the questions you guys sent me! Leave a comment, give a like and subscribe. :) Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/shimmycocopuffsss Personal Facebook: http://facebook.com/danielshim Twitter: http://twitter.com/Shimmycocopuffs Instagram: http://instagram.com/Shimmycocopuff Twitch: http://twitch.tv/shimmy Snapchat: KawaiiSashimi Music: Kevin MacLeod @ Incompetech
New videos every Tuesday & Thursday! Leave a comment, press that thumbs up and subscribe. :) Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/shimmycocopuffsss Personal Facebook: http://facebook.com/danielshim Twitter: http://twitter.com/Shimmycocopuffs Instagram: http://instagram.com/Shimmycocopuff Twitch: http://twitch.tv/shimmy Tumblr: http://shimmycocopuffsss.tumblr.com/ Snapchat: KawaiiSashimi Music: Kevin MacLeod @ Incompetech
Watch Bite-Sized Minecraft 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00XJ9qrtyHM ElementAnimation: http://youtube.com/ElementAnimation All animation and editing was done by ElementAnimation. Music: "Groove Grove" "Sneaky Snitch" "Sneaky" and "Music to Delight" are all by Kevin MacLeod.
Delve further into the mind of a genius: Kevin MacLeod.
How do you tell people that you take self portraits of yourself in the nude? Arno Rafael Minkkinen held a workshop for the 3. semester students before christmas, to get their creative juices flowing before the holidays. Here are some of his thoughts about photography and its future. Produced by Ådne Dyrnesli and Camilla Longva Music by Kevin MacLeod - White Lotus
Tony Moore, co-creator of The Walking Dead comic series, talks with the boys of Threadless about family, his Threadless t-shirt, and brainsss. Head over to http://tonymooreillustration.com to check out more of Tony's work. Interview by Lance Curran - http://www.twitter.com/wearecareful Shot and edited by Craig Shimala - http://cshimala.tumblr.com Shot by Collin James Diederich - http://www.collinjamesdiederich.com Music by Kevin MacLeod - http://www.incompetech.com Some sound effects by Mike Koenig - http://www.soundbible.com Special thanks to Tony, Kara and Emmylou Moore, Colleen Wilson and Sean Donohue. Cameras used: Canon 7D, CAnon XH-A1, Panasonic HMC-150 Lenses: Nikkor 50mm 1.4, Nikkor 28mm 2.8, Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM, Canon 50mm 1.4, Canon 28mm 1.8
"Interview mit dem Brautpaar“ ... eine Komödie von Svetlana Schotte ----- Nach der Hochzeit, das Brautpaar Hilde und Luke lassen den wunderschönen Abend bei einem Gläschen Champagner und zarte Küsschen ausklingen. Endlich haben die beiden jetzt Zeit, um selbst die Hochzeitszeitung, ein besonders und persönliches Geschenk von Vanessa, zu lesen. Vanessa – beste Freundin der Braut und die eifersüchtige Ex-Freundin des Bräutigams – kennt viele Details aus dem Leben des Brautpaares, die hervorragend in eine Hochzeitszeitung passen. Sie entscheidet sich dazu, intime Details in Form eines Interviews mit dem Brautpaar zu veröffentlichen. Die geschriebenen Fakten - bloßstellend, heftig und hässlich - offenbart schmutzige Geheimnisse über eine knallhart kalkulierte vermeintliche Liebesheirat, ü...
Having traveled to Singapore many times now and having produced a few shorts on this beautiful city in Southeast Asia, this time I thought it would be fun to interview some friends to see what their take is on the place I've grown to love. Since I was not "working" while I was there, I only brought out my camera and gear while eating and hanging where the cool kids hang. I wish there had been more time to shoot, but that would not have been fair to the folks I was there to see. I hope you enjoy it! Camera: Canon 60D, GoPro Hero Lenses: Canon 50mm 1.4, Tokina 11-16mm f2.8, Tamron 17-50mm f2.8 Audio: Rode VideoMic Pro Slider: Kessler Pocket Dolly Tripod: Gorilla Pod Narration: Lambchop Jojo & Rosa Selamat Special Thanks: Nora Raza'ai, Harman Mohamad Ali, Mike Sutton, and Kessler Cra...
Donna Brass discusses the drive to create. Like Donna on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/TheDonnaBrass Part one of series: Making Art vimeo.com/channels/makingart Texture vimeo.com/26558589 Dialogue vimeo.com/35613468 Pressure vimeo.com/36471606 Imagination vimeo.com/37391181 Constraints vimeo.com/38478095 Light vimeo.com/39175950 Effect vimeo.com/46189622 Fantasy vimeo.com/61361236 Music courtesy of Kevin Macleod I have always been close with my family but I was surprised by how much I learned during this brief interview. Not just about my mother but about myself and the compulsive/creative behaviors I possess. When my wife saw this she said "that's you." Winner of the "Handmade Portraits" Weekend Project http://www.vimeo.com/groups/weekendproject/forumthread:242841 More about Donna...
Veteran stop-motion animator and celebrated filmmaker, Barry JC Purves has been involved in stop-motion puppet animation for over 30 years. His immense body of work includes well-loved television shows such as 'Wind in the Willows’. However, it is his own independent filmmaking that provides the greatest insight to the artist. We sat down with him at BFP15 to talk about his passion for the theatre, connections between stop-motion and puppetry and the art of artifice. P. I. Tchaikovsky: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
JOIN MY WEEKLY NEWSLETTER: http://mustseefilmspodcast.com SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: https://www.patreon.com/MUSTSEEFILMS?ty=h ASK ME QUESTIONS: https://twitter.com/darrenf87 We all know the result of Stanley Kubrick's life as a Director, leaving us one of the greatest cinematic bodies of work. But this video explores the man himself, how he lived his life, how he researched, how he prepared a scene and the inner drive that made him a true artist. MOVIE GEEKS UNITED PODCAST: http://www.moviegeeksunited.net/kubrick.htm (BOOK) STANLEY KUBRICK AND ME: https://www.amazon.com/Stanley-Kubrick-Me-Thirty-Years/dp/1628726695/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid;=1465798628&sr;=8-1&keywords;=kubrick+and+me OTHER VIDEO SOURCES: INTRO CLIP OF YOUNG STANLEY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZJnWulrQac BOXES DOCUMENTA...
Before The Simpsons, before Family Guy, and before Sausage Party, there was Ralph Bakshi, who remains of the most distinct voices in all of animation, and who helped popularize mainstream adult-oriented animated features in the West. Let's take a few minutes to dive in and explore the worlds he created. Further Reading- They Don't Make Them Like Ralph Bakshi Anymore: Interview by Marc Spitz- http://bit.ly/1MCVtsa Inner City Hues: The Ralph Bakshi Q&A; by Tony Best- http://bit.ly/2nsRApd Ralph Bakshi- Surviving in Tough Times (2008)- http://bit.ly/2nKcFYi You can follow me through: Twitter- https://twitter.com/andymsaladino YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/c/theroyaloceanfilmsociety Poppers and Prosecco by Kevin MacLeod- http://bit.ly/2nx7Py1 Music by Chillhop: youtube.com/chillhopdo...
I'll be loving you forever
Deep inside my heart you'll leave me never
Even if you took my heart and tore it apart
I would love you still forever
You are the sun, you are my light
And you're the last thing on my mind
Before I go to sleep at night
You're always 'round when I'm in need
When trouble's on my mind
You put my soul at ease
There is no one in this world
Who can love me like you do
So many reasons that I want to spend forever with you
I'll be loving you forever
Deep inside my heart you'll leave me never
Even if you took my heart and tore it apart
I would love you still forever
We've had our fun, and we've made mistakes
But who'd have guessed along that road
We'd learn to give and take
It's so much more than I could have dreamed
You make loving you so easy for me
There is no one in this world
Who can love me like you do
That is the reason that I want to share forever with you
I'll be loving you forever
Deep inside my heart you'll leave me never
Even if you took my heart and tore it apart
I would love you still forever
(And girl I pray you leave me never)
'Cause this is a world
Where lovers often go astray
But if we love each other
We won't go, won't go that way
So put your doubts aside
Do what it takes to make it right
'Cause I'll love you forever
No one can tear us apart
I'll be loving you forever
Deep inside my heart you'll leave me never
Even if you took my heart and tore it apart
I would love you still forever
I just want you to know that
I can't eat, I can't sleep
I can't breathe, whenever I'm without you
When we walk, I stand tall
When we talk, I only talk about you girl
I'll be loving you forever
Deep inside my heart you'll leave me never
Even if you took my heart and tore it apart
I would love you still forever
I'll be loving you forever
Deep inside my heart you'll leave me never
Even if you took my heart and tore it apart
I would love you still forever
I'll be loving you forever
Deep inside my heart you'll leave me never
Even if you took my heart and tore it apart
I would love you still forever