Lantheus Presents New Data on the Effectiveness of Novel PET Cardiac Imaging Agent Flurpiridaz F 18 in Obese Patients with Suspected Heart Disease at ACC Scientific Session (Lantheus Holdings Inc)

Edit Public Technologies 04 Apr 2016
(Source. Lantheus Holdings Inc) http.// An example of a 59-year-old male subject with a BMI of 30 in Lantheus' first Phase 3 clinical trial of flurpiridaz F 18 PET imaging, studied using exercise stress. Quantitative angiography showed a stenosis of 72% in the left circumflex coronary artery and smaller stenoses ( ... of Mid America Heart Institute onMonday, April 4, 2016 at 9.45 a.m ... Source....

Lantheus Presents New Data on the Effectiveness of Novel PET Cardiac Imaging Agent Flurpiridaz F 18 in Obese Patients with Suspected Heart Disease at ACC Scientific Session (Lantheus Medical Imaging Inc)

Edit Public Technologies 04 Apr 2016
(Source. Lantheus Medical Imaging Inc) http.// An example of a 59-year-old male subject with a BMI of 30 in Lantheus' first Phase 3 clinical trial of flurpiridaz F 18 PET imaging, studied using exercise stress. Quantitative angiography showed a stenosis of 72% in the left circumflex coronary artery and smaller stenoses ( ... of Mid America Heart Institute onMonday, April 4, 2016 at 9.45 a.m....

Francophonie Week 2016 (British Embassy in France)

Edit Public Technologies 29 Mar 2016
(Source. British Embassy in France). There is a debate raging in Europe. Both sides are entrenched, immovable. Families are divided, with brothers on different sides ... I'm talking, of course, about whether France should get rid of the circumflex! ... It's clear that Britain will be safer, stronger and better off inside a reformed EU where France and UK can continue working together, whatever the future holds for the circumflex ... (noodl....

Critics Are Calling a Fashion Show With Only White Models ‘Revolutionary’

Edit New York Magazine 04 Mar 2016
In addition to hoodies that say "Justin4Ever" and "May the Bridges I Burn Light the Way" — sentiments we can all agree with — there was one thing that stood out about circumflex-free Paris "It" label Vetements' show yesterday. And that is, it was pretty much a sea of white ... More » ... ....

Pardon my French! (Finn Partners)

Edit Public Technologies 02 Mar 2016
(Source. Finn Partners). Controversy is brewing in France. The Superior Council of French Language has suggested that the spelling of some words is changed in order to make them easier for school children to learn. The reforms being suggested include simplifying spellings and the removal of the circumflex accent from a number of words ... We've seen it over and over again ... Brands have also had to adapt their communications to 'new' audiences....

Top Twenty Inventors Killed by Their Inventions

Edit Huffington Post 29 Feb 2016
There's something ingrained in humans that cause us to take dangerous risks and try things that might change the world. Over the course of civilization, thousands upon thousands of inventions succeeded beyond their creator's wildest dream. But some were epic fails ... 20 ... 19 ... The autopsy showed his heart arteries were 70% blocked in the right anterior descending, 80% blocked in the left anterior descending, and 95% blocked in the circumflex....

Off With the Circumflex!

Edit New York Times 25 Feb 2016
A reader and her French colleagues say it’s hard to find it on the keyboard ... ....

^: Off With the Circumflex!

Edit New York Times 25 Feb 2016
A reader and her French colleagues say it’s hard to find it on the keyboard ... ....

New Changes To French Beg The Question: Why Are English Spellings So Weird?

Edit National Public Radio 24 Feb 2016
i. Is the English spelling system irrational? Gary Waters/Getty Images/Ikon Images hide caption. toggle caption Gary Waters/Getty Images/Ikon Images. Is the English spelling system irrational? Gary Waters/Getty Images/Ikon Images ... The changes were originally proposed more than 25 years ago ... But what people have gotten most worked up about is the elimination of many of the circumflexes ... Geoff Nunberg. ....

Hats Off to the Circumflex

Edit New York Times 20 Feb 2016
An accent mark invented in the the ancient world has become a focal point in France’s debate over spelling reform ... ....

French furore over spelling continues

Edit BBC News 20 Feb 2016
Media captionThe Academie Francaise want to make changes to the French language that have caused uproar ... "In defence of the circumflex" ... francais and anglais ... So the debate over whether the circumflex should stay on the "i" or whether numerals take hyphens has become code for arguments about immigration and assimilation ... As for the row over the circumflex on "i" and "u", contrary to what has been reported it is not set to disappear ... ....

THE INSIDER: Got your number Mr Mantashe

Edit Business Day 18 Feb 2016
Je suis apoplectique at dropping of circumflex....

The curious incident of the disappearing French circumflex

Edit The Independent 17 Feb 2016
French speakers have been scratching their heads in recent weeks over the alleged death of the circumflex....