The Delhi High Court on Wednesday adjourned the hearing on a batch of petitions seeking cancellation of six months’ interim bail granted to JNU Students’ Union president Kanhaiya Kumar in a sedition case to April 28 for verification of an audio-visual material submitted to the court.

Counsel R.P. Luthra, representing petitioner Prashant Kumar Umrao, submitted a compact disk (CD) containing the recording of some speeches of Mr. Kumar subsequent to his release. Mr. Luthra alleged that the tone and tenor of speeches violated the bail conditions and instigated the audience to disturb public order.

Justice Suresh Kait, hearing the arguments, said the court could proceed in the matter only after getting the contents of the CD verified. The court adjourned the case to April 28 to enable the State authorities to verify the authenticity of the material.

Delhi government’s counsel told the court that no ground had been shown warranting cancellation of Mr. Kumar’s interim bail at this stage. The court observed that the police were already seized of the matter and would decide if he had indeed violated the bail terms. The court also asked the petitioners to clarify their locus in the case.

Petitioners Mr. Umrao and Vineet Jindal had contended that Mr. Kumar’s activities and speeches subsequent to his release on interim bail on March 2 in a sedition case, registered in connection with a controversial event on the university campus, were reflecting his “anti-national” pursuit.

Mr. Umrao has moved another petition seeking initiation of perjury proceedings against the student leader, alleging that he had filed a false affidavit before the court while seeking the relief.

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