April 28, 2016 ON MAY 1st, RDN WATER SERVICE AREAS MOVE TO STAGE 2 RESTRICTIONS (Regional District of Nanaimo)

Edit Public Technologies 29 Apr 2016
ON MAY 1, RDN WATER SERVICE AREAS MOVE TO STAGE 2 RESTRICTIONS. Customers of the eight RDN Water Service Areas will, as of May 1, be subject to the Stage 2 watering restrictions ... 'The Stage 2 restrictions target automated sprinkler systems, to ensure they are operated efficiently and not wastefully as we move into our dry season,' said RDN Chair Bill Veenhof ... Vegetable and food gardens are exempt from the restrictions....

China just passed a law restricting the work of 7,000 foreign organizations

Edit CNBC 29 Apr 2016
China took a major step on Thursday, as it passed a new law restricting the work of foreign organizations, the NYT reports ... ....

Restrictive scheduling bill continues to be considered by Senate Appropriations Committee (California Restaurant Association)

Edit Public Technologies 29 Apr 2016
(Source. California Restaurant Association) This week the Senate Appropriations committee had the restrictive scheduling bill (SB 878) on their agenda. The bill was sent to the committee's 'suspense file', where all bills with significant costs to the state budget are sent for further consideration ... ​ ... http.//www.calrest.org/newsroom/-restrictive-scheduling-bill-continues-to-be-considered-by-senate-appropriations-committee. (noodl....

Councils Welcomes State Government review of Warnervale Airport Restrictions Act (Wyong Shire Council)

Edit Public Technologies 29 Apr 2016
(Source. Wyong Shire Council). 29 Apr 2016. Wyong Shire Council has welcomed a review of the Warnervale Airport (Restrictions) Act 1996 by the Department of Planning & Environment. Mayor Doug Eaton OAM said it was high time a review of the legislation took place ... This is the only Act of its kind to regulate a single airfield and no other airport in Australia faces the same restrictions ... Original Document ... (noodl. 33309945) ....

Microsoft restricts Cortana on Windows 10 to Bing and Edge

Edit Crunch 29 Apr 2016
 Cortana is Microsoft’s version of Google Now and Apple’s Siri digital assistant. It’s built right into Windows 10 and, while I’ve generally not found it all that useful, it’s a core component of Microsoft’s attempt at making its operating system smarter. Starting today, whenever you use Cortana to do a search on Windows 10 that would typically take you to ... ....

China passes new law that may restrict 7,000 foreign NGOs

Edit Star Tribune 29 Apr 2016
Groups must find sponsor and register with police ... ....

ADOT Weekend Freeway Travel Advisory (April 29-May 2) (Arizona Department of Transportation)

Edit Public Technologies 29 Apr 2016
PHOENIX - Improvement projects will require restrictions, including ramp closures, along Phoenix-area freeways this weekend (April 29-May 2) ... The Arizona Department of Transportation recommends planning ahead and considering alternate routes while the following scheduled restrictions are in place ... Additional freeway-restriction information will be posted at azdot.gov, under ADOT News....

Rep. Gosar Meets with Director Tuggle On Proposed Lake Havasu Boating Closures (Paul A Gosar)

Edit Public Technologies 29 Apr 2016
'The CD falls on the heels of a closure made by the Service last May that restricted motorized boating within the Havasu reservoir in an area that had been utilized by recreational enthusiasts for several decades. The Service enacted the May 2015 restrictions two days before Memorial Day Weekend without engaging local stakeholders or providing any opportunity for public comment....

Sugarcane industry to blame for drought, says Khadse

Edit The Hindu 29 Apr 2016
Mr Khadse hinted that the government may think of bringing restrictions on sugarcane cultivation in drought-affected areas, since such measures were necessary ... “I do not want to comment on what he (Sharad Pawar) said ... “There have to be certain restrictions on the amount of water being used for crops such as sugarcane and banana ... ‘Government may think of restrictions on sugarcane cultivation in drought-hit areas’....

‘Beedi workers leading a miserable life’

Edit The Hindu 29 Apr 2016
No ... Krishna wanted to know why the restrictions have been only to the beedi industry when all other tobacco products such as gutka, pan masala and jarda were allowed to be sold freely in the market. As regards to liquor, which is equally dangerous, there are no restrictions at all, he pointed out ... ....

Productivity Commission Publishes Draft report on IP Arrangements (Australian Copyright Council)

Edit Public Technologies 29 Apr 2016
(Source ... The ACC's submission is available here. As we reported in our December newsletter the Government has pre-empted the Productivity Commission's findings by announcing its intention to abolish the remaining restrictions on parallel importation of books as part of its Response to the Harper Review ... • repealing parallel importation restrictions on books by no later than the end of 2017 ... Original Document....

Rah Rah Revue

Edit Skiddle 29 Apr 2016
Rah Rah Room in London. Friday 29th - Saturday 30th April 2016. 8.30pm til 10.30pm. No age restrictions. Piccadilly presents Revue in association with Looking Glass Productions. Event Info. Venue.  . Rah Rah Revue on Fri 29th April 2016. Featuring the glitziest talent from the international cabaret, circus and burlesque scene ... Category. Arts ... (Unreserved or restricted view) plus entry to the club ... ....

To announce accumulated purchase Money Market Fund within one year on behalf of the company's subsidiary, Epicrystal Corporation (ChangZhou) Ltd. (Epistar Corporation)

Edit Public Technologies 29 Apr 2016
9.Terms of delivery or payment (including payment period and monetary amount), restrictive covenants in the contract, and other important stipulations.Remittance in a lump sum10.The manner in which the current transaction was decided, the reference basis for the decision on price, and the decision-making department. ... status of any restriction of rights....