- published: 31 May 2013
- views: 12
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A home is a dwelling-place used as a permanent or semi-permanent residence for an individual, family, household or several families in a tribe. It is often a house, apartment, or other building, or alternatively a mobile home, houseboat, yurt or any other portable shelter. Homes typically provide areas and facilities for sleeping, preparing food, eating and hygiene. Larger groups may live in a nursing home, children's home, convent or any similar institution. A homestead also includes agricultural land and facilities for domesticated animals. Where more secure dwellings are not available, people may live in the informal and sometimes illegal shacks found in slums and shanty towns. More generally, "home" may be considered to be a geographic area, such as a town, village, suburb, city, or country.
Transitory accommodation in a treatment facility for a few weeks is not normally considered permanent enough to replace a more stable location as 'home'. In 2005, 100 million people worldwide were estimated to be homeless.
Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. The organization has released several copyright-licenses known as Creative Commons licenses free of charge to the public. These licenses allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators. An easy-to-understand one-page explanation of rights, with associated visual symbols, explains the specifics of each Creative Commons license. Creative Commons licenses do not replace copyright, but are based upon it. They replace individual negotiations for specific rights between copyright owner (licensor) and licensee, which are necessary under an "all rights reserved" copyright management, with a "some rights reserved" management employing standardized licenses for re-use cases where no commercial compensation is sought by the copyright owner. The result is an agile, low-overhead and low-cost copyright-management regime, profiting both copyright owners and licensees. Wikipedia uses one of these licenses.
A greatest hits album, sometimes called a "best of" album or a catalog album, is a compilation of songs by a particular artist or band. Most often the track list contains previously released recordings with a high degree of notability. However, to increase the appeal, especially to people who already own the original release, it is common to include remixes and/or alternate takes of popular songs; even new material (previously unreleased). At times a greatest hits compilation is the original release for songs that have themselves been released as a single and charted successfully.
Madonna's The Immaculate Collection is the best selling greatest hits compilation by a solo artist; all of the songs on it are presented in different versions than the original hit versions. The Eagles' Their Greatest Hits (1971–1975) is the best selling greatest hits compilation by a group and also one of the ten best selling albums in history. Greatest hits albums are typically produced after an artist has had enough successful songs to fill out an album release. Some artists, such as Mariah Carey, Madonna, Janet Jackson, Britney Spears, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Kenny Rogers, Aerosmith, Kiss, U2, Dolly Parton, Journey, Los Tigres del Norte, Queen, Kylie Minogue and Billy Joel, have released multiple greatest hits albums through their long careers. Some greatest hits albums are released only at the end of the artist or group's career. For example, My Chemical Romance released a greatest hits album after they disbanded. Other artists, like Eminem have released hits albums in the center of their success. He released Curtain Call: The Hits in 2005 and then Shady XV as a compilation album in 2014.
The western honey bee or European honey bee (Apis mellifera) is a species of honey bee. The genus name Apis is Latin for "bee", and mellifera means "honey-bearing". It has a defined social caste system and complex communication behaviors, such as intricate dance routines to indicate food availability. It is frequently maintained by beekeepers for its honey product. This species is widely distributed and an important pollinator for agriculture, though it is currently threatened by colony collapse disorder. It is also an important organism for scientific studies on social insects, especially as it now has a fully sequenced genome.
The western honey bee is native to Europe, Asia and Africa. During the early 1600s it was introduced to North America, with other European subspecies introduced two centuries later. Since then, it has spread throughout the Americas.
Western honey bees evolved into geographic races as they spread from Africa into Eurasia, and 28 subspecies based on these geographic variations are recognized. All races are cross-fertile, although reproductive adaptations may make interbreeding unlikely. The subspecies are divided into four major branches, based on work by Ruttner and confirmed by mitochondrial DNA analysis. African subspecies belong to branch A, northwestern European subspecies branch M, southwestern European subspecies branch C and Mideastern subspecies branch O. These subspecies are listed and grouped in the sidebar. Regions with local variations may be identified as subspecies in the future; A. m. pomonella, from the Tian Shan, would be included in the Mideastern subspecies branch.
Récupération abeilles at home 4/4
Récupération abeilles at home 1/4
Cévennes Nature la grande famille des Abeilles automne 2015 Video HD 16.9 By Gautier Vervoitte
Comment attirer les abeilles au jardin 2/2. Hôtel pour abeilles facile. HD
Récupération abeilles at home 2/4
Best of photos merveilleuses Abeilles Nature Vie si précieuses Cévennes France by Gautier Vervoitte
Récupération abeilles at home 3/4
Déplacer un essaim d'abeilles à mains nues !
Earthworks Farm, Alaska, home of Abeille Alaska
Visite d'un essaim d'abeilles à la maison. D'après l'apiculteur qui est venu, il y avait environ 5 Kg de ptites bêtes soit l'équivalent de 50 000 abeilles...
~ Cévennes Nature la grande famille des Abeilles automne 2015 vidéo HD 16/9 by Gautier Vervoitte ~ Observations Nature Cévennes France ~ avec appareil photo Panasonic Lumix FZ200 + macro bonnette DCR 150 & 250 + filtre anti UV + monopode en mode normal & HS Hight Speed (Vidéo en haute vitesse donne l'effet du ralenti) ~ Musique ; "HALLELUABBA INSTRUMENTAL" by Gautier Vervoitte https://soundcloud.com/gautier-vervoitte/halleluabba-instrumental ~ vidéos, photos; sans retouche ni recadrage, non photoshopé https://picasaweb.google.com/113257091637865661520/ScrapbookPhotos ~ Cévennes France, Home studio ~ Bénédictions & Peace Paix Mir Salam Shalom : ) ~ By Gautier Vervoitte http://huches-arts.blogspot.fr https://soundcloud.com/gautier-vervoitte https://plus.google.com/u/0/11325709163786566152...
~ ~ Best of photos merveilleuses Abeilles Nature et Vie si précieuses, Cévennes France 2016 vidéo HD by Gautier Vervoitte ~ ~ Best of photos wonderful Bees Nature and Life so precious, Cévennes France 2016 video HD by Gautier Vervoitte ~ la merveilleuse grande famille des précieuses Abeilles Apidae Apis ~ wonderful great family of precious Bees Apidae Apis ~ précieuses merveilles de la grande famille des Abeilles Apoidea, aujourd'hui lorsque l'on parle des Abeilles cela concerne la grande famille des Abeilles Apidae et pas seulement que les Abeilles à miel nommées Abeilles domestiques mais aussi les Abeilles solitaires. Approximativement 1 000 espèces. les Abeilles solitaires sont les plus importantes pollinisateurs de plantes à fleurs dites phanérogames Phanerogamae, Spermatophytes. v...
Lorsque vous êtes face à un essaim d'abeilles, votre premier reflexe est certainement de vous enfuir en courant et d'appeler les pompiers. Dans cette vidéo, deux amis vont déplacer ces abeilles en utilisant uniquement leurs mains et sans aucune protection. Petit à petit, ils prennent des abeilles et installent l'essaim dans une boîte en carton. Vidéo : Déplacer un essaim d'abeilles à mains nues Sticking HAND into BEEHIVE!!! Tags : abeille, essaim, main We Removed a swarm of Honey Bees with No protection and then relocated them to a new home. Transportation of the bees was an open box in front seat on daniel's lap! Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse NY Call for all your pest control needs today! 585-426-5024 For More Videos :https://www.facebook.com/the.best.youtube.video
This is a video/slide show of our farm located in Alaska that we have named "Earthworks Farm". We made this video in gratitude to the people who have supported us and our endeavors to build a market garden of vegetables and flowers and a beeswax and honey skin care line that we call "Abeille Alaska". For the anglophones, "abeille" (pronounced "abey") means honeybee in French. We love our bees, they are our 'livestock' of our farm. They're responsible for the beautiful vegetables we harvest and they seem to love the flowers we grow. At the end of the harvest season they provide us with honey that our friends say is unique. Our bees forage on a mixture of wild flowers and cultivated flowers and they seem to really like our sunflowers, as you will see in this video. We took all the pictures ...
Utilisation des boites polonaises pour l'élevage des reines et de l'insémination en groupe. Cette vidéo vient de mon site (http://www.videos-nature.com). Cette technique permet de se déplacer avec des reines, sur une longue distance, sans devoir déplacer du matériel conséquent (ruchette). Bernard Leclercq http://home.euphonynet.be/abeille http://www.videos-nature.com
Visite d'un essaim d'abeilles à la maison. D'après l'apiculteur qui est venu, il y avait environ 5 Kg de ptites bêtes soit l'équivalent de 50 000 abeilles...
~ Cévennes Nature la grande famille des Abeilles automne 2015 vidéo HD 16/9 by Gautier Vervoitte ~ Observations Nature Cévennes France ~ avec appareil photo Panasonic Lumix FZ200 + macro bonnette DCR 150 & 250 + filtre anti UV + monopode en mode normal & HS Hight Speed (Vidéo en haute vitesse donne l'effet du ralenti) ~ Musique ; "HALLELUABBA INSTRUMENTAL" by Gautier Vervoitte https://soundcloud.com/gautier-vervoitte/halleluabba-instrumental ~ vidéos, photos; sans retouche ni recadrage, non photoshopé https://picasaweb.google.com/113257091637865661520/ScrapbookPhotos ~ Cévennes France, Home studio ~ Bénédictions & Peace Paix Mir Salam Shalom : ) ~ By Gautier Vervoitte http://huches-arts.blogspot.fr https://soundcloud.com/gautier-vervoitte https://plus.google.com/u/0/11325709163786566152...
~ ~ Best of photos merveilleuses Abeilles Nature et Vie si précieuses, Cévennes France 2016 vidéo HD by Gautier Vervoitte ~ ~ Best of photos wonderful Bees Nature and Life so precious, Cévennes France 2016 video HD by Gautier Vervoitte ~ la merveilleuse grande famille des précieuses Abeilles Apidae Apis ~ wonderful great family of precious Bees Apidae Apis ~ précieuses merveilles de la grande famille des Abeilles Apoidea, aujourd'hui lorsque l'on parle des Abeilles cela concerne la grande famille des Abeilles Apidae et pas seulement que les Abeilles à miel nommées Abeilles domestiques mais aussi les Abeilles solitaires. Approximativement 1 000 espèces. les Abeilles solitaires sont les plus importantes pollinisateurs de plantes à fleurs dites phanérogames Phanerogamae, Spermatophytes. v...
Lorsque vous êtes face à un essaim d'abeilles, votre premier reflexe est certainement de vous enfuir en courant et d'appeler les pompiers. Dans cette vidéo, deux amis vont déplacer ces abeilles en utilisant uniquement leurs mains et sans aucune protection. Petit à petit, ils prennent des abeilles et installent l'essaim dans une boîte en carton. Vidéo : Déplacer un essaim d'abeilles à mains nues Sticking HAND into BEEHIVE!!! Tags : abeille, essaim, main We Removed a swarm of Honey Bees with No protection and then relocated them to a new home. Transportation of the bees was an open box in front seat on daniel's lap! Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse NY Call for all your pest control needs today! 585-426-5024 For More Videos :https://www.facebook.com/the.best.youtube.video
This is a video/slide show of our farm located in Alaska that we have named "Earthworks Farm". We made this video in gratitude to the people who have supported us and our endeavors to build a market garden of vegetables and flowers and a beeswax and honey skin care line that we call "Abeille Alaska". For the anglophones, "abeille" (pronounced "abey") means honeybee in French. We love our bees, they are our 'livestock' of our farm. They're responsible for the beautiful vegetables we harvest and they seem to love the flowers we grow. At the end of the harvest season they provide us with honey that our friends say is unique. Our bees forage on a mixture of wild flowers and cultivated flowers and they seem to really like our sunflowers, as you will see in this video. We took all the pictures ...
Utilisation des boites polonaises pour l'élevage des reines et de l'insémination en groupe. Cette vidéo vient de mon site (http://www.videos-nature.com). Cette technique permet de se déplacer avec des reines, sur une longue distance, sans devoir déplacer du matériel conséquent (ruchette). Bernard Leclercq http://home.euphonynet.be/abeille http://www.videos-nature.com
Salut, épisode long et un poil technique... Je coupe beaucoup au montage, j'aurais pu faire 2 heures là... Sachez que je répondrai (un jour) à tous vos commentaires et questions posés depuis l'épisode 1 !!! Mille Mercis à vous tous. ♫Music By♫ ●Ukiyo - Home - https://youtu.be/yPSxAbtfTeM ●Silent Partner - Sophomore Makeout - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2HzEvU1roY ●Silent Partner - Bet on it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GtxoefhOvo
No copyrights infringement intented all rights goes to Lazuli. The latest LAZULI album is a video registration of a recording session over at their home studio, 'L'Abeille Rôde'. Bonus tracks include concert fragments from the NOTP and the Prog Festival in Germany and France, plus some tracks from an acoustic session. True, Lazuli did not change their formula, so you know what to expect. But what you get, is great. Excellent French progressive rock. 01 - Je te laisse ce monde 02 - Abîme 03 - L’arbre 04 - Festin ultime (with string sextet) 05 - 15H40 06 - Dans le formol au museum 07 - Ouest terne 08 - Le miroir aux alouettes 09 - L’azur 10 - Mal de chien (with brass ensemble) 11 - Capitaine coeur de miel 12 - La valse à cent ans 13 - On nous ment comme on respire 14 - Cassiopée 15 - Sale...
Rien qu'aux USA, il y a déjà plus de 60.000 cas recensés de morgellons, et les cas se multiplient en Europe et dans les autres pays. Cette maladie a un lien direct avec les chemtrails ; les fibres qui sont retrouvées à l'intérieur du corps humain sont des fibres synthétiques intelligentes, qui se connectent entre elles et se regroupent par couleur, lorsqu'on les isole dans des boîtes ; elles en viennent même à "s'éclairer" une fois sorties de la peau !! Les médecins sont démunis face aux symptômes des malades, car il n'y a rien de reconnu ni d'officiel, et le seul diagnostic qui est fait est une "parasitose délirante". Les malades atteints présentent des analyses qui, comme par hasard, font ressortir de forts taux de métaux lourds dans le sang. On retrouve ces fibres dans l'alimentation. ...
Come share a day with us now that we have 6 kids! Owen is a newborn, just a few days old, in this video. He is such a good baby. The kids love him, we love him, and our home is happier that we could have imagined! I know I say this over and over, but I am SO thankful for my new sweet baby boy! I am so glad I took the leap of faith to have another baby. I hope you enjoy our video, 24 hours with 5 kids and newborn :) Thanks for watching! Don't forget to give us a THUMBS UP! Please subscribe to our channel & Alyssa's channel! http://bit.ly/FFPSubscribe http://bit.ly/AlwaysAlyssaSubscribe Shop our video: Baby Bottle Boy Giant 31 inch Mylar Balloon http://go.magik.ly/ml/5d6d/ Stuffed toy bee friend http://go.magik.ly/ml/5393/ Cuddly Bee friend toy http://go.magik.ly/ml/5394/ Step2 Sk...
Téléchargez gratuitement SMITE et jouez avec notre équipe: http://eclypsia.com/fr/gaming/gaming-1311.html Retrouvez l’ensemble de l’actualité SMITE en français sur notre site: news, guides et bien entendu live shows! - L’actu exhaustive, au jour le jour: http://www.eclypsia.com/fr/smite/home.html - Nos guides, débutants & avancés: http://www.eclypsia.com/fr/smite/guides - Nos programmes live: http://www.eclypsia.com/fr/smite/news-10318.html Réalisé en partenariat avec Hi-Rez Studios.
Introduce baby to life on a real. Featuring live-action images, traditional nursery rhymes, puppet shows and visuals of happy children, engaging toys and real-world objects, your baby will explore all of the sights and sounds of a farm. Together you will meet the farm animals, plant the crops, ride on a tractor, celebrate the harvest and much more! Subscribe to the OFFICIAL Baby Einstein channel for more of your favorite Baby Einstein videos! http://www.youtube.com/user/babyeinstein Connect with Baby Einstein on social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BabyEinstein/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babyeinstein/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/babyeinstein Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/babyeinstein/
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From director Tim Burton, comes a wildly imaginative fantasy-adventure. When Jake unravels a mystery that spans alternate realities and times, he discovers a secret world for children with unusual powers, including levitating Emma, pyrokinetic Olive, and invisible Millard. But danger soon arises and the children must band together to protect a world as extraordinary as they are.
This movie is long but could be useful for studies ... What you see is part of a garden house for wild bees. After few years it has started to be inhabited ... I don't really know what is the scenario of what is seen (April 17, 2015) ! If you know please explain ... Ce film est long mais peut servir à des études ... Ce que vous voyez est une partie d'une maison pour abeilles sauvages qui vide depuis quelques années commence à être habitée ... Je ne sais pas bien dire ce qui se trame dans cette vidéo (17 avril 2015) ! Si vous savez, merci de donner quelques explications !