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Tag Archives: Digests

Partial Demolition of Israeli Colony in Bil’in

1. Partial Demolition of Israeli Colony in Bil’in 2. Israeli Company Blockaded in Britan For the Second Time in Bid to Gain Ruling on Illegality of Settlement Products 3. 12 Year Old Boy Shot by Settler While Playing Near His ...

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Palestinian Companies Forced to Buy Israeli Products

1. AP: Gazans Protest Journalists’ Abduction 2. Palestinian Companies Forced to Buy Israeli Products 3. Bil’in Demonstration Against the Wall Turns Blue 4. Teenage Settlers Hurl Glass Bottles at Human Rights Workers 5. Resistance and Collective Punishment in Beit Furik ...

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Non-violent Resistance Works

International Solidarity Movement Digest 7-24-2006 to 7-26-2006 1) Palestinians Open Checkpoint by Laying down on Settler Road 2) Qalqilya: Palestinian Grandfather Killed by Israeli Checkpoint 3) Maria Nikiforou Was Illegaly Deported 4) Court Victory for Bil’in 5) Rice Not Welcome ...

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A Flying Start to Freedom Summer 2006

International Solidarity Movement Digest 7-19 to 7-23-2006 1.) A Flying Start to Freedom Summer 2006 2.) Israel Declares Greek Human Rights Worker a Security Threat 3.) Settlers in Hebron Continue Campaign of Harassment and Violence 4.) Bil’in Mourns Hundreds of ...

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International Activists Stand with Lebanon and Gaza

1) International Activists Stand with Lebanon and Gaza 2) On Shabbat, Settlers Escalate Attacks on Palestinians and Internationals 3) Musa Abu Mariya Released from Prison 4) Greek Activist Celebrates Birthday in Detention 5) Road Block Removed in Village of Izbat ...

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The Meaning of ‘Justice’ in an Apartheid System

1 – Israeli “Justice”: Paul Larudee Denied Entry to Palestine by Israel 2 – HRW: “Israeli artillery fire was to blame” in Gaza Beach Massacre 3 – Bil’in Unites in Solidarity With Gaza 4 – ISM Brighton to Hold Freedom ...

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Military Branches Collaborate with Settlers

1-Israeli Military branches Collaborate with Settlers to Expand Settlement 2- Bil’in out post world Cup Party 3- Israeli Demonstrations Against Gaza Massacres Continue 4- Al jazeera : Israel Introduces New Travel Restrictions 5- Help Free Paul Larudee! 6- Ha’aretz : ...

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Israeli War Crimes in Gaza

1 – Bloody Friday: 10 killed in Gaza massacre, as shelling, sonic booms continue 2 – Al-Jazeera: “Protests against Gaza beach killings” 3 – Action Alert: Support CUPE’s Call to Boycott Israeli Apartheid 4 – Commentary: “Begging For a Response” ...

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Come, Boycott Israel!

1 – Update on Paul Larudee – we will have our day in court! 2 – President of South African Trade Unions Congress: “Israel is an apartheid state” 3 – Haaretz: “Sweden Labels Golan Wines: Made in Occupied Syrian Land” ...

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