Taking the terror out of terrorism

David Wells 12:00 AM   There are no easy answers in Europe, but Australia is heading in the right direction.

Europe confronted by a perfect storm

"Brussels forever" at the Place de la Bourse in the centre of Brussels.

Malcolm Turnbull 6:30 PM   In the fight against terrorism, Australia is fully committed to playing a leading role.

Comments 2

ABCC a poor base to build an election on

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull: "Unlawful conduct on building sites around Australia is holding back our economy."

Peter Martin 12:00 AM   The Prime Minister uses discredited analysis to exaggerate reasons to reinstate the Australian Building and Construction Commission.

Bullies don't deserve Safe Schools exceptions

Protesters at a Melbourne rally this month challenge the Christian lobby that is fighting the Safe Schools program.

Julie Szego 12:00 AM   The Turnbull government gives succour to the notion that LGBTI children are the problem, not the school environment.

Why I turned off my son's Xbox

Internet use disorder may soon be added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders.

Amanda Sheehan 1:14 AM   If I had known what I was getting myself into when I bought my son an X-Box for his 8th birthday, I would have put it back on the shelf. 

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Nation states providing false sense of security

"Brussels forever" at the Place de la Bourse in the centre of Brussels.

Christopher Michaelsen 11:45 PM   Rationally considered we should do everything possible to overcome the nation state.

Australian airports under scrutiny again

Qantas and Emirates have been alliance partners since 2013.

Justin Wastnage 9:00 PM   Plans to make airports appealing places to spend time and money are in conflict with the need to keep travellers safe.

Why smaller towns matter to city dwellers

Government policy needs to treat all of our towns and cities as an interconnected system.

Matthew Trigg 2:00 PM   With tax reform debate falling further down the rabbit hole, discussion is shifting to areas less prone to brute partisanship: our cities.

Comments 10

The middle-age surge

Jane Turner, right, in the play Jumpy 	Marina Prior and Jane Turner in Jumpy, which focuses on the experience of a ...

David Brooks 7:30 PM   Midlife offers people the chance to take the big risks precisely because their foundation is already secure.

Why Belgium has a problem with terrorism

People receive treatment in the debris strewn terminal at Brussels Airport after explosions on Tuesday.

Fiona de Londras 9:22 AM   The Brussels attacks reinforced what many have known for years: Belgium has a serious problem with terrorism.

Comments 22

Fighting ideology behind political Islamism

Islamic State has made suicide attacks a real danger because for its fighters, martyrdom is something to be sought out.

Denis Dragovic 3:11 PM   Understanding the challenge as a transnational ideological movement rather than focusing on each terrorist event can help us better respond.

Comments 1

Brussels: EU "state" fails to protect its citizens

People bring flowers and candles to mourn at  the Place de la Bourse in the center of Brussels.

Philip Johnston 10:38 AM   Allowing free movement of people across Europe helps terrorists and puts innocent lives in danger.

Comments 1

Brussels: I wait by the phone, hoping 

I am Brussels, the banner reads, as members of the public pour onto the streets to protest against the bombings on ...

Jacqueline Pascarl 12:25 AM   Belgium has always been stubbornly obtuse when it comes to dealing with security threats and aggression.

Comments 20

Cutting at what cost?

If the printed newspaper becomes a thing of the past, will "quality journalism" follow suit?

Jonathan Holmes 6:59 AM   A commitment to quality journalism does not mesh with a ruthless drive to keep cutting the workforce.

Blessing the rise of Melbourne's west

The Heavenly Queen Temple in Footscray.

Paul Bateman   By the Maribyrnong River a golden empress rises up to rejoice in our city's lively mix.

Comments 3

Future of policing in Victoria may change

Police found themselves confronted with a crowd of up to 150 people.

Anthony Kelly   Put simply, old-school policing is bad policing, ineffective and, ultimately, dangerous. It feeds into the growing extreme anti-immigration sentiment that is revealing itself to be a source of serious social and political conflict.

Turnbull v Abbott: only one will survive 

Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott.

Alan Stokes   There is no point in pussyfooting around. An election victory whereby Abbott remains capable of rallying his supporters and undermining Turnbull is no victory at all.

Myanmar - and the road to Mandalay

National League for Democracy party (NLD) leader Aung San Suu Kyi, center, arrives in Manama's parliament in Naypyitaw, ...

Clive Williams   Myanmar, formerly Burma, is in transition to "guided" democracy.  I spent a week there this month to see how it was progressing.

Jail serial rapists until they're too grey to prey


Ted Lapkin   For too many years Victoria’s judiciary has given violent sex offenders absurdly lax prison sentences. This must stop.

Safe Schools: new battleground for culture war

MP Cory Bernardi's office was defaced by protesters, angry over calls to close the Safe Schools program.

Laura McNally   The anti-bullying initiative has been touted as life-saving but evidence is lacking.

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Safe Schools furore hurts young people

Supporters of the Safe Schools program at a rally in Melbourne this month.

Minto Felix   A sense of calmness and care needs to be injected into the way we respond to same-sex attraction and gender diversity.

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Labor's united front may yet upset the odds

As Malcolm Turnbull shrinks, Bill Shorten is quietly growing larger.

Nicholas Reece   No longer a toxic soap opera, the ALP has seized the upper hand in the policy debate.

Comments 24

Republicans have a duty to stump Trump

During his campaign, Donald Trump has shown disdain for the democratic process.

Nicole Hemmer   A pre-emptive strike would be hazardous, but democracy in the US is now in danger.

Does rise of Trump remind you of anyone?

Illustration by Dionne Gain.

Tom Switzer   Like Pauline Hanson two decades ago and the European nationalists today, Donald Trump appeals to voters abandoned by globalisation and betrayed by politicians.

PM steals a march with double dissolution

Peter Reith

Peter Reith   Malcolm Turnbull has not only acted decisively, he has caught his opponents on the hop. By taking the initiative he has already set the early agenda for the 2016 election.

NAPLAN analysis points out policy gaps

In practice, it is hard to compare different groups of students using the NAPLAN points scale.

Pete Goss and Julie Sonnemann   Australia's education system allows disadvantaged students to fall further behind with each year of school.

Why banks may start dropping money

Peter Hartcher dinkus

Peter Hartcher   Ken Courtis went to the bank on Saturday. He wanted to withdraw some cash. Nothing unusual so far. But this was Japan.

A little pun never hurt anyone

Do puns make you groan or roar with laughter?

Alexandra Petri   Witty wordplay deserves wider appreciation, but sometimes it can be a sign of brain damage.

Comments 3

Oldies are coming: is our healthcare ready?

for oped 


 Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite


Institute of Health ...

Jeffrey Braithwaite   Trends in future healthcare for the aged are already apparent, but the challenge will be to provide it within a limited budget.

World's elite wisdom may no longer matter

Illustration: Dionne Gain

Waleed Aly   Millions are more likely to see an influx from Europe as a source of competition, for jobs, for houses, for everything.

Uncertainty is the new black

Older Australians are not bluntly opposed to changes that would make things fairer.

Mark Kenny   It should come as no surprise that the elderly have strong feelings about changes to the taxation system.

Comments 62

Australia still in the dark over Afghanistan war

Australian soldiers told their side of fighting in Afghanistan in a recent documentary series.

Kevin Foster   The story of Australia's engagement in Afghanistan still hasn't been fully told.

Comments 34

Turnbull's first budget will be great, seriously

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   The Prime Minister is prepared to make the most of unusually low interest rates by spending up big on projects that will pay dividends.

We're raising girls in a modern hall of mirrors

British broadcaster says girls "are preoccupied with being beautiful and healthy and thin" – just like the traditional ...

Allison Pearson   Do we really think there is no connection between a pornographic culture of display and young people hating and starving their bodies?.

Comments 9

Why learn Chinese if others speak it at home?

Australian students don't study Chinese in large numbers, but this is not due to laziness.

Rachel Hibbert   Kids from Chinese-speaking families have a huge advantage when studying the language. It's simply not fair.

Comments 55

Taking a sledgehammer to a delicate problem

Premier Daniel Andrews and Victoria Police Deputy Commissioner Andrew Crisp at a press conference discussing the gang ...

Josh Gordon   The Premier made an important distinction when he came down hard on anti-social behaviour rather than particular ethnic groups.

Turnbull government's next tax target

The proposed cap on work-related expenses could mean bad news for many Australian households.

Alex Malley   Your right to claim full work-related expenses in your year-end tax return could be at stake.

Give young a chance and they will astonish

SMH 9 year old Emma Yap with a copy of the new Tech Girl Superhero book at the Launch Fairfax and Google are among the ...

Karen Skinner   We need to let young people empower themselves and engage, but the political system locks them out or disengages them.

Comments 2

Lonely mission ahead for US's deputy sheriff

Prime Minister David Cameron may lead Britain out of  the EU.

Hannah Bretherton   Australia should follow the pragmatism of Britain, Canada and NZ in its approach to China, not join the "containment" camp led by the US.

Comments 11

Lessons from the past can help Australia grow

BHP Billiton and Australia have travelled a parallel path to prosperity, says chief executive Andrew Mackenzie.

Andrew Mackenzie   Reform is never easy but it has never been more necessary than now. The responsibility to lead reform belongs to all of us.

Police must stop being so politically correct

TPA secretary Ron Iddles.

Ron Iddles   Police officers are timid when dealing with ethnic-based gangs because they fear being accused of racism.


Prepare for Islamic terrorism to endure for years to come

Liberal societies must continue to function with the degree of openness and freedom that defines them. BY RODGER SHANAHAN

Saturday night is not all right for fighting

We should not tolerate gang violence in Melbourne or limit ourselves to a law and order solution alone. By COLLEEN LEWIS

Big risks to submarine deal with Japan

Asian power politics must be factored into any defence contract decisions. By HUGH WHITE

Democracy’s retreat behind walls

Nearly 30 years after the Berlin Wall came down, we are in an era of barricade democracy. By MARK TRIFFITT

Iran visit is a chance to fight for peace

The former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger once said that Iran needed to decide whether it was "a nation or a cause".