Projected again into the international spotlight by a visit from
Russia's Pemier KRUSCHEV,
Marshal TITO,
Communism's first great heretic.
Film shows some events of
Tito's career as leader of
Yugoslavia. Tito - Projected again into the international spotlight by a visit from
Premier Kruschev,
Marshal Tito, Communism's first great heratic, maybe excused for felling a little smug these days
.... Hailed by the world during the second
World War for his leadership of Yugoslavia's
Partisan's against the Nazis, Tito used women as well as men to harass the Hitlerian Hordes attempting to subjugate his country ... Then after the
Allied victory Tito went on to make Yugoslavia the most powerful Balken nation - a
Communist State that he led so independently he finally caused
Stalin to excommunicate him as a deviationist who wouldn't knucke down to Kremlin dictates ... A situation that depreived Yugoslavia of promised
Russian Aid - a withholding that could have been disastrous for the country if the
United States hadn't come to it's assistance with food, medicine and equipment - The later was an open bid to win Yugoslavia to the
Western Alliance and in an interview Tito observed ... Tito survived
Stalin's punitive actions and while the
Communist world labeled him a traitor he continued to consider himself a true Red and the Stalin wanted no trouble with the west, at this time, Tito sparked the riots in
Trieste in an attempt to annex the
Adriatic Seaport to Yugoslavia ... He claimed that traditionally Trieste constituted a part of Yugoslavia and that
Italy could not justify it's claims to it - this was a final straw for Stalin and before his death he had Tito proclaimed to the Red World as a "malicious deserter"
. .....But in
1955 Kruschev welcomed Tito back to the Red fold - and after apologies for Stalin's spite, the then
Premier of Russia,
Bulganin, and Tito signed a friendship pact that has had many ups and downs .... To leaders like
Sukarno, Tito was an oracle and
Tunisia's Bouguiba and
Nasser consulted him on how to play the ends against the middle ... But Tito never relexed Communist disciplins - when
Milovan Djilas his pal in Partisan days, exposed
Belgrade's leaders as bourgeois status seekers he jailed him -
Middleman and expert at playing the communist double game, Tito is happily married to one of his former Partisan fighters - and he goes his independent way between the
Free World and the
Communist block regardless of consequences - how the future will regard him a hero or a villain, time will tell - Tito will never be called a
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- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 61