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Show your support for safe and affordable healthcare for trans and gender nonconforming people!

TAKE ACTION BY FEBRUARY 2, 2015: Tell the DOH:  We need trans healthcare for ALL New Yorkers!

BREAKING: Medicaid programs will now cover transgender healthcare following SRLP’s twelve-year campaign, December 17, 2014

Join us in telling NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo and NYS Health Commissioner Zucker its time for trans and gender non conforming people New Yorkers have the healthcare they need!

Sign the petition now

Healthcare for transgender people isn’t special healthcare. It’s regular healthcare that non-trans people receive every day when they need it.  Transgender health treatments are safe, effective and medically necessary for many transgender people. Unfortunately, healthcare is often denied to trans people due to misinformation and bias.

That’s why we are calling on New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and New York State Health Commissioner Howard Zucker to repeal New York State Medicaid’s regulation excluding transgender people from accessing care. Medicaid is meant to ensure that low-income people have the care they need to survive, and no one should be denied that just because of who they are.  By repealing the exclusionary regulation, Gov. Cuomo and Health Commissioner Zucker can ensure that transgender people receiving Medicaid have the same access to essential care as all other eligible New Yorkers.

As the National Center For Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force found: transgender people live in poverty at 4 times the national average, a staggering 19% of transgender people report lacking any form of health insurance, including Medicaid. The truth is that covering trans healthcare is affordable through insurance plans. As Basic Rights Oregon Points out: No jurisdiction, employer or insurance company which covers trans health care has found the cost to be prohibitive. in 2011 the city of Portland determined that the cost increase was only .08% of its healthcare insurance budget.  The city and county of San Francisco have provided comprehensive coverage for years with research showing no discernible cost.

So please join us and tell NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo and NYS Health Commissioner Zucker to allow trans and gender non conforming people New Yorkers get the healthcare they need!


Sign & Share the petition to tell NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo and NYS Health Commissioner Zucker its time for trans and gender non conforming people New Yorkers have the healthcare they need!

Then share our videos above and infographic below!

Healthcare Realities for Trans and Gender Non Conforming People

Healthcare Realities for Trans and Gender Non Conforming People

Egyptt and Stephen Ira

Egyptt and Stephen Ira