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Author Archive | Sasha Alexander, SRLP Director of Membership

Last chance to make noise for trans healthcare to the Feds!

This is a call to action to support trans health! Tonight, comments are due at 11:59 pm on a new proposed rule from the federal housing agency, HUD (Housing and Urban Development) for a change in regulations regarding “Equal Access to Housing in HUD Programs Regardless of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity (Equal Access Rule)“. Our communities […]

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NYC Commission on Human Rights Announces Stronger Protections for Trans and Gender Non-Conforming People

Yesterday, the NYC Commission on Human Rights announced their commitment to strengthen protections for trans and gender non-conforming people under the NYC Human Rights Law through the release of clearer guidelines. As mentioned in the press release below  “…discrimination based on gender identity and expression has been illegal under the City’s law since 2002, previous […]

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Trans Health Care Now Campaign Part 2. – Implementation and Updates

Trans Health Care Now Campaign Part 2. – Implementation and Updates In response to litigation filed in federal court in Manhattan by Sylvia Rivera Law Project, Legal Aid Society, and Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP, the New York Department of Health amended a state regulation to provide Medicaid coverage for certain surgeries and procedures for […]

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Poster created by SRLP Movement Building Team member Olympia Perez at rally for black trans women held in Brooklyn.

Celebrating Islan, Honoring Keisha, Remembering Jennifer: Anti-Trans Violence is a Public Health Issue

  As a young black trans person, I live afraid that I and those I love will have to live and die with fear, discrimination, and violence. Sometimes I find it difficult to find peace for those we loved and ourselves in a world where we see beautiful progress along with continued vicious attacks. Today, […]

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Statement on Rentboy Raid: Criminalization is Economic, Racial, and Gender-based Violence.

  The Sylvia Rivera Law Project stands in solidarity with our sister organizations and allies against the criminalization of immigrants, LGB, trans, gender non-conforming and intersex people (TGNCI), low-income people, differently-abled folks, sex workers, currently and formerly incarcerated people, and people of color. From the recent federal raid on Rentboy to practices like arresting folks […]

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trans healthcare celebration fists jan 30 2015

Thank You for Supporting SRLP, ALP, and GLOBE’s Demands for Fully Inclusive Trans Healthcare!

With only 36 hours before the deadline, we mobilized more than 300 people to sign our letter to the NY Health Department letting them know just how important #transhealthcarenow is to our communities. Thank you for joining us in telling them that, while the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, TransJustice of the Audre Lorde Project, and GLOBE: […]

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Celebrate SRLP’s Everyday Abolition series Movement Building Team Organizers Aviva and Olympia!

The Sylvia Rivera Law Project is excited to uplift and celebrate the leadership of our Movement Building Team organizers Aviva and Olympia who are both helping develop and launch our new “Every Day Abolition” series. Last night was the first event of the series“Practices of Every Day Abolition” which was a huge success! Thanks to […]

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