- published: 19 Jan 2015
- views: 12782
T45, T.45 or T-45 may refer to:
T45 Goshawk Carrier Operations
võ thuật cảnh sát cơ động T45
T45 Cruise Formation Barrel Roll
Fallout 4 - ALL FULL POWER ARMOR LOCATIONS! T45, T51, Raider, T60 & X-01 (FO4 Power Armor Locations)
World of Tanks - Replay [deutsch][HD] 157 - T45 das geschenkte Fohlen!
Freewing 90mm T45 Goshawk 003
Võ thuật CSCĐ T45 - Bộ Công An
Hobbyking/Lanyu T45 Goshawk maiden flight.
RC BAE Hawk T45 EDF Jet -- Flight for Arish Ali
A buddy's T45 Goshawk in carrier operations. Sorry it's so short but it's not my camera work. Filmed January 2015.
All Full Sets of Power Armor & Locations. How To Find The T45, T51, Raider, T60 & X-01 Power Armor in Fallout 4! Click the Like Button & Subscribe for more Fallout 4 Videos! Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChaoticRavenger Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ChaoticRavenger Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/oChaoticRavenger Cheap Games (Use Discount Code AZUEO): https://www.g2a.com/r/ochaoticravenger Full List of Power Armor T45 - 0:30 T51 - 1:51 Raider - 2:40 T60 - 3:51 X-01 - 5:04
Gefecht 1: http://wotreplays.com/site/2864254#stats - Intromusik mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Seducer! - Videomaterial des Intro's mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Wargaming.net - Letsplay4charity: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw-Muz5igbpH8J5zQ2v6gLw - GDZ Modpack: http://gdz-esports.de/index/files/vie... - Promod: http://www.stats whore.net/?page_id=209 - Nossi bei Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nossi79 - Nossis Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/SirNossi Konstruktive Kritik ist gern in den Comments gesehen :-). Der Soundmod meiner ersten beiden Videos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/q5h87imovohpv4s/QNOQd2a2fe?m
Lanyu/Hobbyking T45 Goshawk.Flew great but a little nose heavy meant aileron response was lacking giving a few hairy moments.Nearly took myself and Alex out at the end.Winds 10-15mph.Please watch in HD.Happy flying. Hobbyking T45 Goshawk/Lanyu Red arrow. Wingspan-780mm Motor-Lander 64mm edf 4000kv 660w @ 41amps Esc-Turnigy Trust 45a Servos-Turnigy 10g digital mg Radio-9x Battery 1800mah 4s AUW-680g http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=36735&aff;=484158
This Flight was done to let Arish Ali (my little future pilot) see the EDF jet in action, entertain him and to let him interact first time with a real life RC EDF Jet that is going to be his and he is going to fly it when he grows up. We had wonderful time together and Arish seems to simply love this plane. I am hoping that Arish will soon be flying this jet with me. For rest of us, let's enjoy this flight. My Old RC BAE Hawk T-45, one of my oldest RC jet still flies super awesome and rules the skies. Its by far the best EDF jets I have ever flown. This is a Must have RC Jet for all RC pilots. Comments and feedback welcome at alishanmao@gmail.com , or info@onlyflyingmachines.com don't forget to visit http://www.onlyflyingmachines.com and Subscribe to http://www.youtube.com/alishanmao
Music by: S. Galoyan & I. Shapovalov
Lyrics by: E. Kiper & V. Polienko
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona
(I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind
I need her, I need her
I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind
I need her, I need her)
(I've lost my mind)
Menya polnost'yu net
Absolyutno vser'yoz
Situatsiya "help"
Situatsiya "SOS"
(I'm completely nothing
This is absolutely serious
Situation "Help"
Situation "SOS")
Ya sebya ne poimu
Ty okuda vzyalas'
Pochemu, pochumu
Na tebya povelas'
(I don't understand myself
Where did you come from
Why, why
Am I attracted to you)
Vyklyuchayetsya svet
Ya kuda-to lechu
Bez tebya menya net
Nichego ne hochu
(The lights switch off
I'm flying somewhere
Without you I don't exist
There is nothing I want)
Eto medlenniy yad
Eto svodit c uma
A oni govoryat - vinovata sama
A oni govoryat - vinovata sama
(It's a slow poison
It's driving me mad
And they say - It's my fault
And they say - It's my fault)
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona
(I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind
I need her, I need her
I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind
I need her, I need her)
(I've lost my mind
Bez tebya ya ne ya
Bez tebya menya net
A oni govoryat
Govoryat eto bred
(Without you I'm not me
Without you I don't exist
And they say
They say it's delirium)
Eto solnechniy yad
Zolotiye luchi
A oni govoryat
Nado srochno lechit'
(It's sunlight poison
Golden rays
But they say
I need to be cured immediately)
Ya hotela zabyt'
Do upora I vniz
Ya schitala stolby
I rasteryannih ptits
(I wanted to forget how
I hit the wall and slid down
and I counted the poles
and confused birds)
Bez tebya menya net
Otpusti. otpusti
Do ugla po stenye
Mama-papa prosti
(Without you I don't exist
Let me go. let me go
I'm cornered
Mom and Dad forgive me)
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona
(I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind
I need her, I need her
I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind
I need her, I need her)
Raz, dva posle pyati
Mama papa prosti
Ya soshla s uma
Raz, dva posle pyati
Mama papa prosti
Ya soshla s uma
(One, two after five
Mom and dad forgive me
I've lost my mind
One, two after five
Mom and dad forgive me
I've lost my mind)
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Mne nuzhna ona, mne nuzhna ona
(I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind
I need her, I need her
I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind
I need her, I need her)
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma
Ya soshla s uma, ya soshla s uma...
(I've lost my mind, I've lost my mind