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    It Wouldn't be Easter Without... Bunny Rabbits!

    It Wouldn't be Easter Without... Bunny Rabbits!

    Mar 27, 2016 by Catherine Pelosi

    At Easter time bunny rabbit toys and chocolate are seen everywhere, here are a few of our favourite breeds of the real thing

    Topic: Owning a Pet Rabbits

    Dental Care for your Pet

    Dental Care for your Pet

    Mar 25, 2016 by Amanda Fraser

    Does your dog suffer with bad breath?

    Topic: Owning a Pet Dogs

    It’s a Dog’s Life

    It’s a Dog’s Life

    Mar 18, 2016 by Amanda Fraser

    Dogs are furry and adorable creatures

    Topic: Owning a Pet

    Taking your dog on a boat

    Taking your dog on a boat

    Mar 18, 2016 by Catherine Pelosi

    Before you bring Fido on-board, there are a few things you need to consider when taking your dog on a boat

    Topic: Owning a Pet Dogs

    Play with Guinea pigs

    Play with Guinea pigs

    Mar 17, 2016 by Catherine Pelosi

    Sitting in an empty cage all day long is pretty boring! So whats the best way to play with guinea pigs?

    Topic: Pet Care Guinea Pigs

    professional dog walker

    professional dog walker

    Mar 12, 2016 by Catherine Pelosi

    Before you make the career leap as a professional dog walker, you may want to make sure you’re dog walker material

    Topic: Pet Walking Dogs

    How to get your cat in the carrier

    How to get your cat in the carrier

    Mar 10, 2016 by Catherine Pelosi

    Cats are cautious by nature and the sight of a carrier can send them running here we explore how to get your cat in the carrier.

    Topic: Owning a Pet Cats

    What to do if your dog runs away

    What to do if your dog runs away

    Mar 9, 2016 by Catherine Pelosi

    If you have ever wondered what to do if your dog runs away we came up with some helpful tips

    Topic: Owning a Pet Dogs

    Siamese Fighting Fish

    Siamese Fighting Fish

    Mar 7, 2016 by Catherine Pelosi

    The natural habitat of the Siamese Fighting Fish is vegetated marshes, rice paddies and slow moving streams

    Topic: Exotic Pets Fish

    Rabbits and the Heat

    Rabbits and the Heat

    Mar 7, 2016 by Amanda Fraser

    Rabbits and the heat - heat can be very dangerous for rabbits

    Topic: Owning a Pet Rabbits

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    Real Insurance - Pet Insurance
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    Could Pets Secure our Mental Health?
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    Keeping Reptiles as Pets
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    Yorkshire Terrier Breeders
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    Shetland Sheepdog Breeders
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    Is My Cat Overweight?