Anarchist Black Cross Moscow

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Anarchist Black Cross
Moscow group
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Anarchist Black Cross


ABC Moscow is supporting repressed antiauthoritarians, who are repressed for their political activities or actions which do not conflict anarchist ideals. Financial support for prisoners is often necessary. Often financial resources are needed, for this we have set up a fund.

Money from our fund is allocated to legal support and material support, for example medical aid and food parcels for prisoners.

We are not only reacting to most outrageous attacks against our freedom, but we also spread information on our opinions and on alternatives to police and prison system. We try to react to repression preventively, by spreading information on right behaviour during interrogations and arrest among revolutionary movement.

We attempt to react quickly to repressive measures against anti-authoritarians in other countries, and we are maintaining relations with sections of Anarchist Black Cross all around the world.

You may help ABC by donating to our fund. If you have particular wishes on allocation of money, let us know. Also always write how did you transfer funds for us and how much.

Bank accounts (write please "donation for (name)" or "donation")


Beneficiary bank: Alfa-Bank Moscow, Russia SWIFT code: ALFARUMM Beneficiary account number: № 40817978004230006660 Beneficiary full name: MIRYASOVA OLGA ALEKSANDROVNA


Beneficiary bank: Alfa-Bank Moscow, Russia SWIFT code: ALFARUMM Beneficiary account number: № 40817840204230006802 Beneficiary full name: MIRYASOVA OLGA ALEKSANDROVNA

You may donate to us to the following internet purse:

Yandex.Money Яндекс.Деньги 41001188576819 (system only works in Russian language, instructions in in

Our Paypal is

Please note that currently for our Paypal account, withdrawing in euro is free of cost, but in order to withdraw dollars, they must be converted to euros with internal exchange rate of paypal which means almost 10% losses - that is a lot of money and even Western Union may be more cheap.

For other transfer options, please contact us by e-mail: (Russian, English, Spanish, German, French, Swedish, Finnish languages)

About us

After heated years 1905-1907 thousands of anarchists and socialists were sent to labour camps and exile, first groups of Anarchist Black Cross (until 1919 called Anarchist Red Cross) were founded 1906 to support them. Organisation became international the next year already, when a group was set up in London. Although contact with anarchist political prisoners of the Soviet Union was lost in 1930's, international organisation has continued its activity in various forms ever since.

Russian anarchist movement newborn in 1980's was immediately targeted with repressions, and during the following 15 years several succesfull and unsuccesfull campaigns against repression were organised. But during first years of the 21st century these initiatives disappeared completely from Moscow, and in summer of 2003 it was decided to refound Moscow group of ABC, since still no-one is protecting anarchists against repressions except anarchists themselves.

We support all anti-authoritarians, and their supporters who are persecuted due to their political activities or acts which do not contradict ideal of anarchism. And whenever possible, we support also prisoners who became anti-authoritarians during their sentences, so-called "social prisoners" who were forced to break laws for subsistence or in fight against despotism of the ruling class, and prisoners who fight against the prison-industrial complex from inside. As anarchists we are against all prisons. We believe in direct action for destruction of the capitalism and the state. We are not a human rights organisation, since our goal is not defence of the laws but their destruction. In some cases we may support prisoner for purely humanitarian reasons.

Most elementary form of help is writing to prisoners, since the main goal of power is to isolate our comrades from the movement. We are publishing list of addresses of the political prisoners, so that anyone could send letters of support. We also have a support fund, which helps with legal costs and supports prisoners materially, fund also finances litterature to prisoners, such as journals Avtonom and Pryamoe Deystvie which we send for free to all those prisoners in the former Soviet Union upon request, who are not enemies of the anarchist movement. We try to react quickly against all repressions against authoritarians all around the world, and we are connected to Black Cross groups all around the world. We are not only reacting against most outrageous acts against our freedom, we also distribute information on alternatives of the prisons, cops and electronic surveillance of the everyday life. We also try to prevent repression, this is why we distribute information about behaviour in interrogations, during arrests and other similar situations among the revolutionary movement.

Moscow group of Anarchist Black Cross is a structure independent from all other anarchist groups, it is organised by people who do not feel indifferent about repressed anarchists. We invite anyone to support and to participate to our work - most elementary form of support is to write to prisoners and to distribute our materials. It would be even better if you could participate to our projects, or to set up your own Black Cross group in your area - for that you need only thirst of equality and solidarity.

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