The 5 oldest known languages based on first written account
Here are short examples of the world's five languages with the earliest known written accounts.
I've excluded
Eblaite (which is as old as
Akkadian) because I find it nearly impossible to read. And it is very similar to Akkadian anyway (could be considered an Akkadian dialect).
Little is known about
Elamite and Hurrian phonology because of the limited possibilities of the cuneiform script. Thus I have randomly filled the pronunciation of these two languages with what I think might fit. So these are more like artificial impressions rather than scientifically accurate representations.
Judge, arise!
Thoth, be high!
Sleepers, awake! The inhabitants of
Nubia arise before the
Great Trembler who comes out of the nome, Upuaut who comes out of the bush!
Pure is the mouth of
Teti! The two Enneads cense Teti. Pure indeed is the tongue which is in his mouth! Excrement is an abomination of Teti. Teti rejects urine, Teti loathes his abomination.
The abomination of Teti is this: he does not eat this abomination, and like
Seth rejects the poison(?) of these two who cross the sky, these are
Horus and Thoth. Take Teti with you
One-time member of the school, come here to me, and let me explain to you what my teacher revealed.
Like you, I was once a youth and had a mentor. The teacher assigned a task to me -- it was man's work. Like a springing reed, I leapt up and put myself to work. I did not depart from my teacher's instructions, and I did not start doing things on my own initiative. My mentor was delighted with my work on the assignment. He rejoiced that I was humble before him and he spoke in my favour.
I just did whatever he outlined for me -- everything was always in its place. Only a fool would have deviated from his instructions. He guided my hand on the clay and kept me on the right path. He made me eloquent with words and gave me advice. He focused my eyes on the rules which guide a man with a task: zeal is proper for a task, time-wasting is taboo; anyone who wastes time on his task is neglecting his task.
He did not vaunt his knowledge: his words were modest. If he had vaunted his knowledge, people would have frowned. Do not waste time, do not rest at night -- get on with that work!
Do not reject the pleasurable company of a mentor or his assistant: once you have come into contact with such great brains, you will make your own words more worthy.
When Anu the
King of the Anunaki, and
Bel, the lord of
Heaven and earth, who decreed the fate of the land, assigned to
Marduk, the over-ruling son of Ea, God of righteousness, dominion over earthly man, and made him great among the
Igigi, they called
Babylon by his illustrious name, made it great on earth, and founded an everlasting kingdom in it, whose foundations are laid so solidly as those of heaven and earth; then Anu and Bel called by name me,
Hammurabi, the exalted prince, who feared God, to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm the weak; so that I should rule over the black-headed people like Shamash, and enlighten the land, to further the well-being of mankind.
Hammurabi, the prince, called of Bel am I, making riches and increase, enriching
Nippur and Dur-ilu beyond compare, sublime patron of E-kur; who reestablished
I am Shuturnahunte son of Hubannumena king of
Anzan and
Susa, the largest kingdom; a temple built with glazed bricks and decorated with horns of alabaster and to Pinigir, the
Mistress the sky, my goddess, i dedicated it; whoever removes the door of Pinigir and enters, punishment of Pinigir shall fall on him.
How my brother loves me and how I love my brother, so may Teshub, Shavushka, Amanu, Shimige and Ea-Sharri – the
Gods – love uns very much in their hearts. So that we may rejoice very much for many years. What we wish for each other in the best way, one may do to another in a very beautiful way.