Sir Otto Niemeyer comes to town

Friday, 30 March 2007   International relations, Key posts  Comments Off on Sir Otto Niemeyer comes to town 

Howard is likely to find it a frustrating business to exploit the detrimental economic impact of this agenda. He will be right in many ways – but wrong on the most important, the shift in geopolitics that is giving the Global Warming agenda such authority.

Look at WA to see we are in new waters

Thursday, 29 March 2007   State of the parties  Comments Off on Look at WA to see we are in new waters 

If there are those who still think the two party system is in operation at the state level, then they should look at the latest poll from WA reported by The Australian.

Old man talking to himself

Thursday, 29 March 2007   Political figures  Comments Off on Old man talking to himself 

The more he articulates it, the more Howard’s agenda looks like a relic from the past.

‘Wall-to-wall’ Labor scare – how self-absorbed

Wednesday, 28 March 2007   Tactics  Comments Off on ‘Wall-to-wall’ Labor scare – how self-absorbed 

At face value, the wall-to-wall Labor scare makes little sense.

NSW/Federal read-through – not a lot, quite a lot

Tuesday, 27 March 2007   State and federal politics  Comments Off on NSW/Federal read-through – not a lot, quite a lot 

The NSW result may be important in undermining the confidence of the Canberra government and of the media observing it.

Incumbency factor? Someone should have told Sussex St!

Monday, 26 March 2007   State and federal politics  Comments Off on Incumbency factor? Someone should have told Sussex St! 

Incredibly, given the way the NSW election was conducted, some are even trying to push the ‘incumbency factor’ as a reason for Iemma’s return.

NSW – Do we still have a two-party system?

Saturday, 24 March 2007   State and federal politics  Comments Off on NSW – Do we still have a two-party system? 

… at least at the state level?

Is it the economy, stupid?

Saturday, 24 March 2007   State of the parties  Comments Off on Is it the economy, stupid? 

If the ALP does win power at the end of the year, it will be the first time in its federal history that it will have done so without a programme that only it could carry out.

Newspoll – the penny begins to drop

Wednesday, 21 March 2007   Media analysis  Comments Off on Newspoll – the penny begins to drop 

The most important feature of the latest 61/39 Newspoll was not the poll itself so much, which carried on the trends seen since the Rudd ascendancy, but their interpretation by the media as suggesting a break from the pattern of the last two elections. However, in this blog’s view there is still a vast under-estimation […]

The myth of the ‘protest vote’

Wednesday, 21 March 2007   State of the parties  Comments Off on The myth of the ‘protest vote’ 

A basic assumption of this blog is that electoral behaviour is reasonably straight forward.

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