Class war dreaming

Thursday, 24 May 2012   State of the parties   33 comments 

The delusion of both sides of the political spectrum suggests we are building up to a full-blown political crisis yet to come.

Some journalists might at least make at least some effort to keep the hypocrisy under check.

Whether they like it or not Rudd is the only one in Labor with enough popular support to be a battering ram against those holding power and who are the ultimate target of reform.

Rudd’s intention is not to ‘democratise’ Labor, but reorganise it to reflect the social irrelevance it has become.

Far from wishing to undermine it, the Australian media is joined at the hip to the current political system and is getting caught up in its problems.

The government mistake in still thinking it’s all about policy on asylum seekers, rather than its own authority, is why it cocked up so badly on Thursday.

This is a struggle over the dead soul of the Labor party.

This Parliament has an in-built disconnect with the electorate that is no more likely to be resolved at the next election as it was at the last.

Unlike Labor’s previous bouts of economic rationalism, say, as under Hawke and Keating, this time business aren’t especially asking for it.

This is why the real issue is not that Gillard didn’t mean it when she said there wouldn’t be a carbon tax, but that she doesn’t mean it now when she says there will.

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