Latham is articulating a search for a new relationship of politics to society, based not on its representation, but on intervention on a degraded basis. You have been warned.

Howard’s Golden Age

Monday, 20 August 2012   State of the parties   16 comments 

The over-turning of the orthodoxies of the Howard period during 2008-2009 has been forgotten as much as the reason for the popularity for the man who brought them about.

We’re all journalists now

Monday, 20 December 2010   Media analysis   11 comments 

Calls to support Wikileaks and uphold the public’s need to get access to information is a moot point, because there is little sign of anything that would know what to do with it.

Let’s all forget about 2007

Monday, 1 February 2010   Media analysis   11 comments 

Hartcher is doing the same thing that Antony Green did in his piece in The Drum undermining current polling – belittling the significance of the 2007 election

In knots over nothing

Sunday, 11 November 2007   Tactics  Comments Off on In knots over nothing 

The campaign has become focused on exactly the issue that media commentators have said it needed to for the coalition to win, the economy, and it is a mess.

Maybe Keating was right after all

Thursday, 8 November 2007   Tactics  Comments Off on Maybe Keating was right after all 

Has the Mandarin lost control of his own campaign?

Rate rise re-writing

Friday, 26 October 2007   Media analysis  Comments Off on Rate rise re-writing 

It is not the government’s support that has been falling away this year but the media’s confidence in it’s survival.

The pretend campaign, and the real one

Tuesday, 16 October 2007   Tactics  Comments Off on The pretend campaign, and the real one 

The Liberals are less campaigning for government than their political survival.

The phoney real campaign

Wednesday, 3 October 2007   Tactics  Comments Off on The phoney real campaign 

Media interest over when the PM will call the election seems to assume that something will change when he does.

Mood swings

Tuesday, 18 September 2007   Tactics  Comments Off on Mood swings 

Not as much has changed from 2004 as perhaps Labor likes to think.

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