A step on from Beattie

Friday, 26 February 2010   Tactics   8 comments 

On several levels, the Garrett episode has brought together both what is distinct about this Labor government, but also its weaknesses.

What we are seeing here is the second stage of the problem of undermining of the Australian political class, that began with the exhaustion of the domestic program twenty years ago, and has now extended to the international sphere.

Barnaby’s game

Friday, 12 February 2010   Political figures, Tactics   7 comments 

Joyce’s act is to portray himself as a rube who, through some stroke of luck, has popped up in the sophisticated Finance portfolio, but being the honest and simple guy he is, still can’t help saying what he really thinks.

It is the potential detachment of Abbott’s Liberals from big business interests that allows Turnbull a possible way back in.

How the ETS became the GST

Monday, 8 February 2010   Tactics   11 comments 

Nearly two months after Copenhagen, the government has still not addressed it.

Destroying Abbott

Wednesday, 3 February 2010   Tactics   15 comments 

Now we know what Turnbull was talking about.

Let’s all forget about 2007

Monday, 1 February 2010   Media analysis   11 comments 

Hartcher is doing the same thing that Antony Green did in his piece in The Drum undermining current polling – belittling the significance of the 2007 election