
Monday, 30 November 2009   Political figures   8 comments 

As Gillard showed with her mocking of him yesterday, Hockey would provide the easiest target for the government yet.

Conservatives scramble for cover

Sunday, 29 November 2009   Tactics   7 comments 

The problem for Abbott and the conservatives now is that having broken away, their electoral unacceptability is now being openly discussed.

By parading themselves on 4 Corners the sceptics exposed their weakness.

Is Turnbull a politician?

Thursday, 26 November 2009   Political figures, Tactics   15 comments 

The question is whether Turnbull has the capacity to bring this weakness of his opponents out or whether it will be someone else who will benefit.

If Turnbull has any political sense, now would be the time to go for the kill.

Dead party walking

Wednesday, 25 November 2009   State of the parties   5 comments 

It is all very well having a nice abstract discussion about ‘values’ and hiding behind a bogus scientific argument, but when it becomes necessary to put a face on it, like Andrews or Abbott, then the electoral poison that is being talked about becomes clear.

Crunch time – again

Tuesday, 24 November 2009   State of the parties   4 comments 

This is an establishment party fighting for its political existence but with nothing but a bogus scientific debate and the most anti-establishment segment of society to base it on.

Joyce’s position reflects the stance of those who don’t have much to bargain with and would prefer to voice their detachment from something they have no stake in.

Rogue poll, rogue media

Wednesday, 11 November 2009   Media analysis   6 comments 

How cruel, and how naughty, of Newspoll to do a rogue poll!

Depoliticise this, politicise that

Tuesday, 10 November 2009   Tactics   2 comments 

It is only the state that can regulate the economy at home and pursue climate change’s global agenda abroad, and Rudd clearly looks the best qualified to lead it.

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