For next Australia Day

Tuesday, 27 January 2009   The Australian state   5 comments 

Instead of making even more racially based sections of the constitution with a preamble, how about marking next Australia Day by getting rid of the ones we’ve got?

No Right turn

Monday, 19 January 2009   State of the parties   8 comments 

For someone who makes a living out of being right wing it is not surprising that Switzer doesn’t want to acknowledge what really happened to right wing politics last November.

Easy in, easy out

Tuesday, 13 January 2009   State and federal politics   3 comments 

There is just a little bit of hypocrisy doing the rounds about Evan Thornley’s sudden decision to refuse a ministry spot and quit Victorian politics.

The slow toppling of Turnbull

Monday, 12 January 2009   Political figures   5 comments 

We now have a couple of straws in the wind that suggest the Liberals have embarked on the slow and tortuous task of undermining and destroying Turnbull’s leadership.

Culture wars bores

Friday, 9 January 2009   The Australian state   7 comments 

Greer seems to be demanding that a zany film director and a screen actress do what she can’t – make a coherent political point.


Monday, 5 January 2009   State of the parties   12 comments 

Economic policy is in a strange limbo at the moment. What we have is less an economic strategy than action to put off having to think of one.