Andy Fleming


Insouciant anarchist. Slack. Bastard. Likes cats. Usual disclaimers.


已封鎖 @slackbastard

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  1. 釘選的推文

    (Anti) Social Club : Pay Your Workers!

  2. The red and white giant flying squirrel peeking out from a hole in a tree. (Photo: Dan Doucette)

  3. Tommie Smith & John Carlos made history with the Black Power salute on this day in 1968, with Australian Peter Norman standing in solidarity

  4. Today is the 55th anniversary of the Paris Massacre, in which several hundred Algerian demonstrators where shot at forced into the Seine

  5. The AEC has announced the registration of a new party, Love Australia or Leave. Christ.

  6. Andy Fleming 已跟隨 、 及
    • @anarkonesia

      Indonesia Anarcho Communal l Direct Act, Event, Education, etc

    • @JktPpas

      Persaudaraan Pekerja Anarko-Sindikalis adalah Organisasi perlawanan kaum buruh. Indonesian Workers Unity On Anarcho - Syndicalist. Jakarta affiliate.

  7. . You would like to see a ban on migration from Africa and the Middle East?

  8. Dutch politician Geert Wilders to stand trial for incitement to hatred

  9. On this week's & examined concepts of people & multitude. Catch up here:

  10. The maddest sane man I've ever met - or the sanest madman. The memoir out this week.

  11. Bob Day: Gay marriage will destroy families! Also Bob Day: *leaves families homeless*

  12. Obituary: Great Barrier Reef (25 Million BC-2016) via

  13. Australian researchers have found Tassie devil milk can kill superbugs - including golden staph!



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