Andy Fleming


Insouciant anarchist. Slack. Bastard. Likes cats. Usual disclaimers.





  1. 固定されたツイート

    (Anti) Social Club : Pay Your Workers!

  2. George Orwell on the vilification of Polish refugees to the UK in 1947. (From )

  3. Aerial shot from mobilization against feminicide, y/day in Buenos Aires

  4. Protesters Crashed Security Awards To Present “Excellence In Human Rights Abuse” Banner via

  5. Labour hold Batley and Spen with 85.8%. English Democrats 4.8%; BNP 2.7%; Engish Independence 1.2%; Liberty GB 1.1%; NF 0.4%.

  6. Thoughtful critique of the drive towards a universal basic income from

  7. Centrelink and class war

  8. Bronx woman wrote essay on fears of police years before an officer killed her

  9. : Video shows senator David Leyonhjelm saying he would be happy to 'let police bleed to death'.

  10. . Barcelona Bookstore (with cat)

  11. Remember when the WA Wikileaks candidate withdrew because he was a Schapelle Truther

  12. A year ago, I spoke with the Australian man behind Nauru's public relations ops

  13. Exclusive: Mining lobby linked to fake Twitter accounts coordinating against renewable energy

  14. VIDEO: Riot arrest residents incl who peacefully protested 's drill site in this AM. Pls RT

  15. Protesters arrested for peaceful action to stop test drilling in Holmwood St for stage 3 this morning. Unnecessary force.

  16. Journalist and activist has been arrested and held at Newtown Police station for protesting against



