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Support needed for Decarcerate PA Arrestees

Please, make a contribution toward the defense of the Decarcerate PA movement. Seven people were arrested on Monday, November 19th for an act of civil disobedience to block the construction of two new prisons in Graterford, PA.

Open City Issue 4 Now Out!

The newest issue of Open City from New York City is now out. Please find it attached below.

Things to Remember

Illustration by Kevin 'Rashid' Johnson

The high independence of the rich only reveals the immeasurable distance between us. The blessings in which they this day rejoice are not enjoyed, in common. The rich's inheritance of justice, liberty, prosperity, and independence: it's only shared in the rich society and not in the oppressed society.

The sunlight that has brought life and healing to the capitalists has brought to us stripes of pain and death. The Fourth of July belongs to them, and not to us. They may rejoice and we must mourn, because this day only reveals to us the gross injustice and cruelty to which we're the constant victim: the racist capitalist society.

The Struggle of Sports in Prisons

We as human beings feel the need for physical activities. Unfortunately, not every single one of us has the opportunity or ability to do what we love due to the circumstances.

May Day Message of Solidarity with Imprisoned Iranian Workers

To imprisoned workers of Iran:

Dear friends,

This yearʼs International Workersʼ Day is approaching at a time when you are in prison. We know that among you there are many like Farzad Kamangar who sacrificed his life to defend the human dignity of the humble masses that are forced to sell their labour for meagre wages. And there are many more of you who like Mansour Osanloo, Ebrahim Madadi, Behnam Ebrahimzadeh, Reza Shahabi and others, have languished in prison with many dark years still ahead simply for defending workersʼ basic human rights.

Others who have gone to prison for organizing workers have continued to be punished by the ruling legal and political regime after their release, being forced out of work and thus deprived of their only source of income, creating unbearable conditions for them and their families. The government, judiciary and intelligence machinery in Iran have proven that any attempt by workers to establish independent labour organizations and defend their livelihood will be met with swift vengeance, a fact that violates both international agreements Iran is a party to and tramples on the governmentʼs own laws.

Women in House of Correction in Boston resisting! Call in this week!


Women at South Bay are being served bug-infested food, are forced to live in flooded cells, and daily face unsanitary and dangerous conditions. Women are refusing meals and demanding that the situation immediately be put to rights.

Grievances have been filed about food infested with maggots*; rat droppings have also been found in prisoners' food. The late rain may have been an annoyance to some of us, but it was flooding the women's cells in the tower where they are held. One woman was given a plastic trash bag to

Close Guantánamo

Some of us attended a rally in downtown Boston, calling on the Obama administration to shut down the detention facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Local anti-war activists re-committed themselves to the struggle to end torture and repression in the name of the so-called "War on Terror." President Obama has yet to follow through on an executive order he signed in January, 2009 that would shut down the facility completely. Shutting down Guantánamo Bay should be seen as one step in stopping State repression world wide.

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