1859 Carrington Event - The biggest Solar Storm in history
The Carrington Event
On the morning of September 1, 1859, amateur astrologer Richard Carrington ascended into the private observatory attached to his country estate outside of London. After cranking open the dome's shutter to reveal the clear blue sky, he pointed his brass telescope toward the sun and began to sketch a cluster of enormous dark spots that freckled its surface. Suddenly, Carrington
Lectia de istorie 15 - Unirea de la 1859
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Premise. După eșecul Revoluției de la 1848 din Țările Române, Imperiul Otoman și cel Rus, puteri reacționare care se opuneau liberalismului național în teritoriile de sub influența lor, au decis să-și consolideze stăpânirea în Valahia și Moldova
The Carrington event of 1859 - the largest solar flare ever recorded.
Just before noon on September 1st 1859, the British astronomer Richard Carrington witnessed the largest solar flare ever recorded. The solar flare ejected a plasma cloud that traveled from the surface of the Sun for just over eighteen hours before finally reaching the Earth. As the dawn broke on September 1 1859, the skies all over planet Earth erupted in red, green, and purple lights so brilliant
1859-1861 L'unificazione italiana
1859-1861 L'unificazione italiana
La pace di Villafranca e le insurrezioni nell'Italia centrale
La spedizione dei Mille
Il Regno d'Italia
Unirea Principatelor Române 24 ianuarie 1859
Afise pt 24 ianuarie 2011 : http://img156.imageshack.us/g/24ian4.jpg/
Unirea Mica a fost infaptuita in 24 ianuarie 1859 cand Alexandru Ioan Cuza a fost ales domnitor in ambele Principate Româneşti:Moldova si Ţara Românească.Mai multe detalii aici http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unirea_Principatelor_Rom%C3%A2ne
Joachim Raff - Symphony No. 1 "To the Fatherland" (1859)
Painting Info - The artist is Piotrek Swigut
I. Allegro - 00:00
II. Scherzo - Allegro Vivace - 18:12
III. Larghetto - 25:58
IV. Allegro Drammatico - 39:06
V. Larghetto Sostenuto - 50:42
Musical reputations are fragile. Joachim Raff is now remembered principally as the composer of a Cavatina, a salon piece, and as an assistant to Liszt in Weimar, little more than a footnote in the history of the
Franco-Austrian War 1859- Battle of Solferino and Aftermath.
DIXIE'S LAND - Original 1859 Verses - Tom Roush
Composer Dan Emmett, a Northern sympathizer, never intended for this song to become the anthem that it was for the South. Most folks today have never heard more than the first verse. I included all 5 of the original verses in this video. This and 14 other songs of 19th century America are available on my new CD - 'MY GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK' available at: http://tomroush.us/ or iTunes at: https://it
EATING HORSE IN JAPAN! (6.2.14 - Day 1859)
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24 ianuarie 1859 - Unirea Principatelor Romane
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Acum 155 de ani la București, conform Convenției de la Paris, promulgată un an mai devreme, era confirmată și în Țara Românească alegerea lui Alexandru Ioan Cuza ca domnitor, după ce tot el fusese ales și la Iași.
Acest fapt, care punea marile
4. Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859)
Filmed as part of a second year course in social anthropology at Cambridge University in November 2001. For further writings on the social theorists and the background, please see www.alanmacfarlane.com Please see the short book Alan Macfarlane, 'Tocqueville and the Making of the Modern World', on Amazon for his life and theories. It is that book upon which this lecture is based.
All revenue is
Mica Unire - 24 ianuarie 1859
Les Grandes Batailles du Passé : 1859 La Bataille de Solferino
Venustiano Carranza 1859-1920 a 75 años de su muerte
Te invitamos a que veas este video en correspondencia a la efeméride del 23 de abril, en la cual Álvaro Obregón programa el Plan de Agua Prieta desconociendo el gobierno de Venustiano Carranza.
The King Hunt: Mandolfo vs Ignatz von Kolisch - Paris 1859
Mandolfo vs Ignatz von Kolisch
Paris 1859 Vienna Game: Stanley Variation (C26)
This game is taken from the book: The King Hunt:
MUZICA: Alexandru Flechtenmacher.
Time Capsule (1859) in Waverly, Ohio
While repairing bricks at the historic German church in Waverly (now the Pike Heritage Museum), workers discovered a time capsule from 1859. This footage is from the capsule being opened for the first time in a century and a half.
Unirea Principatelor Romane - 24 Ianuarie 1859 - Mica Unire
Clip by: http://www.gicacontra.eu
Unirea Principatelor Române cunoscută și ca Mica Unire (Marea Unire fiind cea de la 1918) a avut loc la jumătatea secolului al XIX-lea și reprezintă unificarea vechilor state Moldova și Țara Românească. Unirea este strâns legată de personalitatea lui Alexandru Ioan Cuza și de alegerea sa ca domnitor al ambelor principate la 5 ianuarie 1859 în Moldova și la 24 ianu
1859 Unirea Principatelor Romane
War Simulations : The Russian Invasion of Morocco (1858 - 1859)
Music Used: Black Vortex, by Kevin MacLeod
Diamond Caverns Kentucky - Discovered 1859 Rediscovered Daily!
Informative video illustrating the history, geology and beauty of Diamond Caverns. Located in South central Kentucky, Historic Diamond Caverns has amazed visitors for over 152 years.
Discovered 1859, Rediscovered Daily! Located adjacent to Mammoth Cave National Park near Park City, KY just one mile off I-65 at Exit 48. Open Year Round.
1859 O primeiro submarino
Narcis Monturiol foi un enxeneiro, intelectual, político republicano, inventor catalán e precursor do submarino. O clip recolle o acontecido o 22 de setembro de 1859 no peirao de Barcelona onde presentou o primeiro submarino: o "Ictineo 1". Monturiol conseguiu navegar completamente sumerxido durante 2 horas e 20 minutos a unha profundidade de 20 m e voltar logo á superficie sen novidade. Lamentab
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1859 Carrington Event - The biggest Solar Storm in history
The Carrington Event
On the morning of September 1, 1859, amateur astrologer Richard Carrington ascended into the private observatory attached to his country es...
The Carrington Event
On the morning of September 1, 1859, amateur astrologer Richard Carrington ascended into the private observatory attached to his country estate outside of London. After cranking open the dome's shutter to reveal the clear blue sky, he pointed his brass telescope toward the sun and began to sketch a cluster of enormous dark spots that freckled its surface. Suddenly, Carrington spotted what he described as "two patches of intensely bright and white light" erupting from the sunspots. Five minutes later the fireballs vanished, but within hours their impact would be felt across the globe.
That night, telegraph communications around the world began to fail; there were reports of sparks showering from telegraph machines, shocking operators and setting papers ablaze. All over the planet, colorful auroras illuminated the nighttime skies, glowing so brightly that birds began to chirp and laborers started their daily chores, believing the sun had begun rising. Some thought the end of the world was at hand, but Carrington's naked eyes had spotted the true cause for the bizarre happenings: a massive solar flare with the energy of 10 billion atomic bombs. The flare spewed electrified gas and subatomic particles toward Earth, and the resulting geomagnetic storm—dubbed the "Carrington Event"—was the largest on record to have struck the planet. Ice core samples have determined that the Carrington Event was twice as big as any other solar storm in the last 500 years.
What would be the impact of a similar storm today? According to a 2008 report from the National Academy of Sciences, it could cause "extensive social and economic disruptions" due to its impact on power grids, satellite communications and GPS systems. The potential price tag? Between $1 trillion and $2 trillion.
wn.com/1859 Carrington Event The Biggest Solar Storm In History
The Carrington Event
On the morning of September 1, 1859, amateur astrologer Richard Carrington ascended into the private observatory attached to his country estate outside of London. After cranking open the dome's shutter to reveal the clear blue sky, he pointed his brass telescope toward the sun and began to sketch a cluster of enormous dark spots that freckled its surface. Suddenly, Carrington spotted what he described as "two patches of intensely bright and white light" erupting from the sunspots. Five minutes later the fireballs vanished, but within hours their impact would be felt across the globe.
That night, telegraph communications around the world began to fail; there were reports of sparks showering from telegraph machines, shocking operators and setting papers ablaze. All over the planet, colorful auroras illuminated the nighttime skies, glowing so brightly that birds began to chirp and laborers started their daily chores, believing the sun had begun rising. Some thought the end of the world was at hand, but Carrington's naked eyes had spotted the true cause for the bizarre happenings: a massive solar flare with the energy of 10 billion atomic bombs. The flare spewed electrified gas and subatomic particles toward Earth, and the resulting geomagnetic storm—dubbed the "Carrington Event"—was the largest on record to have struck the planet. Ice core samples have determined that the Carrington Event was twice as big as any other solar storm in the last 500 years.
What would be the impact of a similar storm today? According to a 2008 report from the National Academy of Sciences, it could cause "extensive social and economic disruptions" due to its impact on power grids, satellite communications and GPS systems. The potential price tag? Between $1 trillion and $2 trillion.
- published: 09 Feb 2010
- views: 226798
Lectia de istorie 15 - Unirea de la 1859
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Premise. După eșecul Revoluției de la 1848 din Țările Române, Imperiul Otoman și cel Rus, puteri reacționare care se opuneau liberalismului național în teritoriile de sub influența lor, au decis să-și consolideze stăpânirea în Valahia și Moldova și să preîntâmpine orice altă mișcare națională. Cele două puteri au ignorat dorința românilor de modernizare și de unire a celor două state și au semnat CONVENȚIA DE LA BALTA LIMAN (1849) prin care se stabilrea faptul că domnitorii Țărilor Române vor fi considerați funcționari otomani. Astfel autonomia lor era profund limitată, ei fiind numiți direct de către sultan.
Între anii 1853-1856 are loc un nou război ruso-turc, în care însă s-au amestecat și Franța și Anglia de partea Porții – Războiul Crimeii. Înfrângerea Rusiei a dus la slăbirea influenței ei în Peninsula Balcanică pentru următoarele decenii. Rusia ceda Moldovei trei județe din sudul țării – Cahul, Bolgrad și Ismail, pierzând așadar ieșirea la Dunăre. Totodată, eșecul Rusiei a adus la masa discuțiilor problema organizării Principatelor. Acestea intrau sub garanția colectivă ale Marilor Puteri, care au primit numeroase memorii de la boierii reformatori care solicitau unirea Țărilor Române. La Congresul de Pace de la Paris din 1856, care încheia Războiul Crimeei, Marile Puteri au decis constituirea unor Adunări Ad-Hoc, care să consulte populația privind unirea. În Valahia Adunarea ad-hoc a fost majoritar pro-unire, dar în Moldova situația s-a complicat datorită amestecului otomanilor care erau interesați să blocheze unirea. Astfel, caimacanul (reprezentantul Porții) Nicolae Vogoride a falsificat listele electorale ale Adunării pentru a obține un vot negativ. Intrigile sale au fost dezvăluite însă Marilor Puteri și în urma presiunilor lor otomanii au fost nevoiți să accepte decizia pro-unire și a Adunării din Moldova.
2. Unirea propriu-zisă. Luând act de decizia majorității populației din cele două Țări Române privind unirea, Marile Puteri au organizat Conferința de la Paris din 1858, ocazie cu care au decis:
- unirea parțială a Principatelor într-un stat care să se cheme Principatele Unite ale Moldovei și Valahiei.
- noul stat rămânea vasal otomanilor dar sub garanția colectivă a Marilor Puteri.
- doi domni, două capitale.
-singurele puncte comune urmau să fie Comisie Centrală (Parlament) la Focșani, Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție și armata, limitată oricum numeric.
Cu toate că documentul prevedea necesitatea alegerii unor domnitori diferiți, nicăieri nu se specifica imposibilitatea alegerii aceluiași domn. Această “scăpare” a fost adesea pusă pe seama bunăvoinței împăratului francez Napoleon al III-lea care căuta să-și sporească influența în răsăritul Europei prin sprijinirea unirii celor două Țări Române. La 17 ianuarie 1859 la Iași este ales în Moldova domn Al. I. Cuza, iar peste o săptămână, pe 24 tot el la București în Valahia. Marile Puteri au fost puse în fața faptului împlinit și au acceptat realitatea cu excepția Imperiului Otoman, care a necesitat negocieri mai îndelungate până a fost de acord cu domnia unită doar în timpul lui Cuza.
3. Urmări. Mica Unire, așa cum a fost ea numită ulterior, a fost adesea ignorată comparativ cu mult mai importanta unire Mare din 1918, dar la momentul respectiv ea a reprezentat un pas important către formarea și consolidarea statului modern român. Ca multe state europene la acea vreme, precum Germania sau Italia, și țara noastră a căutat mereu să realizeze unirea tuturor românilor în interiorul unei singure granițe. Caracterul extraordinar al unirii din 1859 ar trebui să fie evident dacă ținem seama de condițiile extraordinare în care s-a realizat și că orice altă circumstanță ar fi dus probabil la nerealizarea sau la desfacerea rapidă a ei.
wn.com/Lectia De Istorie 15 Unirea De La 1859
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Premise. După eșecul Revoluției de la 1848 din Țările Române, Imperiul Otoman și cel Rus, puteri reacționare care se opuneau liberalismului național în teritoriile de sub influența lor, au decis să-și consolideze stăpânirea în Valahia și Moldova și să preîntâmpine orice altă mișcare națională. Cele două puteri au ignorat dorința românilor de modernizare și de unire a celor două state și au semnat CONVENȚIA DE LA BALTA LIMAN (1849) prin care se stabilrea faptul că domnitorii Țărilor Române vor fi considerați funcționari otomani. Astfel autonomia lor era profund limitată, ei fiind numiți direct de către sultan.
Între anii 1853-1856 are loc un nou război ruso-turc, în care însă s-au amestecat și Franța și Anglia de partea Porții – Războiul Crimeii. Înfrângerea Rusiei a dus la slăbirea influenței ei în Peninsula Balcanică pentru următoarele decenii. Rusia ceda Moldovei trei județe din sudul țării – Cahul, Bolgrad și Ismail, pierzând așadar ieșirea la Dunăre. Totodată, eșecul Rusiei a adus la masa discuțiilor problema organizării Principatelor. Acestea intrau sub garanția colectivă ale Marilor Puteri, care au primit numeroase memorii de la boierii reformatori care solicitau unirea Țărilor Române. La Congresul de Pace de la Paris din 1856, care încheia Războiul Crimeei, Marile Puteri au decis constituirea unor Adunări Ad-Hoc, care să consulte populația privind unirea. În Valahia Adunarea ad-hoc a fost majoritar pro-unire, dar în Moldova situația s-a complicat datorită amestecului otomanilor care erau interesați să blocheze unirea. Astfel, caimacanul (reprezentantul Porții) Nicolae Vogoride a falsificat listele electorale ale Adunării pentru a obține un vot negativ. Intrigile sale au fost dezvăluite însă Marilor Puteri și în urma presiunilor lor otomanii au fost nevoiți să accepte decizia pro-unire și a Adunării din Moldova.
2. Unirea propriu-zisă. Luând act de decizia majorității populației din cele două Țări Române privind unirea, Marile Puteri au organizat Conferința de la Paris din 1858, ocazie cu care au decis:
- unirea parțială a Principatelor într-un stat care să se cheme Principatele Unite ale Moldovei și Valahiei.
- noul stat rămânea vasal otomanilor dar sub garanția colectivă a Marilor Puteri.
- doi domni, două capitale.
-singurele puncte comune urmau să fie Comisie Centrală (Parlament) la Focșani, Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție și armata, limitată oricum numeric.
Cu toate că documentul prevedea necesitatea alegerii unor domnitori diferiți, nicăieri nu se specifica imposibilitatea alegerii aceluiași domn. Această “scăpare” a fost adesea pusă pe seama bunăvoinței împăratului francez Napoleon al III-lea care căuta să-și sporească influența în răsăritul Europei prin sprijinirea unirii celor două Țări Române. La 17 ianuarie 1859 la Iași este ales în Moldova domn Al. I. Cuza, iar peste o săptămână, pe 24 tot el la București în Valahia. Marile Puteri au fost puse în fața faptului împlinit și au acceptat realitatea cu excepția Imperiului Otoman, care a necesitat negocieri mai îndelungate până a fost de acord cu domnia unită doar în timpul lui Cuza.
3. Urmări. Mica Unire, așa cum a fost ea numită ulterior, a fost adesea ignorată comparativ cu mult mai importanta unire Mare din 1918, dar la momentul respectiv ea a reprezentat un pas important către formarea și consolidarea statului modern român. Ca multe state europene la acea vreme, precum Germania sau Italia, și țara noastră a căutat mereu să realizeze unirea tuturor românilor în interiorul unei singure granițe. Caracterul extraordinar al unirii din 1859 ar trebui să fie evident dacă ținem seama de condițiile extraordinare în care s-a realizat și că orice altă circumstanță ar fi dus probabil la nerealizarea sau la desfacerea rapidă a ei.
- published: 13 Oct 2014
- views: 5659
The Carrington event of 1859 - the largest solar flare ever recorded.
Just before noon on September 1st 1859, the British astronomer Richard Carrington witnessed the largest solar flare ever recorded. The solar flare ejected a pla...
Just before noon on September 1st 1859, the British astronomer Richard Carrington witnessed the largest solar flare ever recorded. The solar flare ejected a plasma cloud that traveled from the surface of the Sun for just over eighteen hours before finally reaching the Earth. As the dawn broke on September 1 1859, the skies all over planet Earth erupted in red, green, and purple lights so brilliant that newspapers could be read as if it were daylight.
Stunning northern lights pulsated at the tropical latitudes over Cuba, the Bahamas, and Jamaica.
Telegraph systems worldwide went haywire. Spark discharges shocked telegraph operators and set the telegraph paper on fire. Even when the telegraph operators disconnected the batteries powering the lines, electric currents in the wires still allowed messages to be transmitted.
A sun storm of this sort today could cause billions of dollars of damage to the Earth's satellites and terrestrial power grids. And disrupt radio and cell phone communications.
In the 160-year recorded history of geomagnetic storms, the Carrington event is the biggest.
wn.com/The Carrington Event Of 1859 The Largest Solar Flare Ever Recorded.
Just before noon on September 1st 1859, the British astronomer Richard Carrington witnessed the largest solar flare ever recorded. The solar flare ejected a plasma cloud that traveled from the surface of the Sun for just over eighteen hours before finally reaching the Earth. As the dawn broke on September 1 1859, the skies all over planet Earth erupted in red, green, and purple lights so brilliant that newspapers could be read as if it were daylight.
Stunning northern lights pulsated at the tropical latitudes over Cuba, the Bahamas, and Jamaica.
Telegraph systems worldwide went haywire. Spark discharges shocked telegraph operators and set the telegraph paper on fire. Even when the telegraph operators disconnected the batteries powering the lines, electric currents in the wires still allowed messages to be transmitted.
A sun storm of this sort today could cause billions of dollars of damage to the Earth's satellites and terrestrial power grids. And disrupt radio and cell phone communications.
In the 160-year recorded history of geomagnetic storms, the Carrington event is the biggest.
- published: 11 Feb 2012
- views: 44480
1859-1861 L'unificazione italiana
1859-1861 L'unificazione italiana
La pace di Villafranca e le insurrezioni nell'Italia centrale
La spedizione dei Mille
Il Regno d'Italia...
1859-1861 L'unificazione italiana
La pace di Villafranca e le insurrezioni nell'Italia centrale
La spedizione dei Mille
Il Regno d'Italia
wn.com/1859 1861 L'Unificazione Italiana
1859-1861 L'unificazione italiana
La pace di Villafranca e le insurrezioni nell'Italia centrale
La spedizione dei Mille
Il Regno d'Italia
- published: 07 Jun 2012
- views: 7728
Unirea Principatelor Române 24 ianuarie 1859
Afise pt 24 ianuarie 2011 : http://img156.imageshack.us/g/24ian4.jpg/
Unirea Mica a fost infaptuita in 24 ianuarie 1859 cand Alexandru Ioan Cuza a fost ales dom...
Afise pt 24 ianuarie 2011 : http://img156.imageshack.us/g/24ian4.jpg/
Unirea Mica a fost infaptuita in 24 ianuarie 1859 cand Alexandru Ioan Cuza a fost ales domnitor in ambele Principate Româneşti:Moldova si Ţara Românească.Mai multe detalii aici http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unirea_Principatelor_Rom%C3%A2ne
wn.com/Unirea Principatelor Române 24 Ianuarie 1859
Afise pt 24 ianuarie 2011 : http://img156.imageshack.us/g/24ian4.jpg/
Unirea Mica a fost infaptuita in 24 ianuarie 1859 cand Alexandru Ioan Cuza a fost ales domnitor in ambele Principate Româneşti:Moldova si Ţara Românească.Mai multe detalii aici http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unirea_Principatelor_Rom%C3%A2ne
- published: 08 Jan 2010
- views: 51767
Joachim Raff - Symphony No. 1 "To the Fatherland" (1859)
Painting Info - The artist is Piotrek Swigut
I. Allegro - 00:00
II. Scherzo - Allegro Vivace - 18:12
III. Larghetto - 25:58
IV. Allegro Drammatico - 39:06
V. L...
Painting Info - The artist is Piotrek Swigut
I. Allegro - 00:00
II. Scherzo - Allegro Vivace - 18:12
III. Larghetto - 25:58
IV. Allegro Drammatico - 39:06
V. Larghetto Sostenuto - 50:42
Musical reputations are fragile. Joachim Raff is now remembered principally as the composer of a Cavatina, a salon piece, and as an assistant to Liszt in Weimar, little more than a footnote in the history of the symphonic poem. In his own time he enjoyed a very considerable renown, justified, it seemed, by a prolific talent and by his distinction as a teacher.
Four of Raff's six operas remained unperformed, but he proved very much more successful with his orchestral works, chamber music and with an exceptionally large number of piano pieces. The quantity of his work prompted Wagner's cynical remark to a correspondent that now he was composing like Raff or Brahms, - in other words copiously, since his views on the compositions of the latter, at least, were well known. Raff belongs in one way to the Neo-German school of Wagner and Liszt, at least in the overt programmatic element in eight of his eleven numbered symphonies. In other ways he may seem more academic in his approach, making full use of most available forms and of a strong element of counterpoint in works that are admirably orchestrated for a body of less than Wagnerian proportions. Charges of superficiality and eclecticism can now be rebutted by renewed attention to music that has much to say and is remarkable, if in no other way, for the clear influence it exercised on composers like Richard Strauss.
The Symphony No. 1 in D major, Opus 96, carries the title "An das Vaterland" and was started in 1859, after the Peace of Villafranca and completed in 1861. It received an award from the Vienna Philharmonic Society with a prize jury that included Hiller, Reinecke, Ambros, Volkmann and Vincenz Lachner. In the first movement Raff sets out to depict various aspects of the German character, from the opening optimism to depth of thought, decency and triumphant endurance. Opening with an energetic sweep of Wagnerian sound, the first movement develops in more formal terms, with a strongly contrapuntal element. The Scherzo allows the horns to suggest the German forest and those that work there, with the folk-song of girls and young men in the meadows of the countryside. The slow movement starts with a strongly felt theme, moving to music that is more gently lyrical in feeling, suggesting the family and the home and developed contrapuntally and dramatically, with due reference to material from the preceding movements. The declared drama of the fourth movement makes use of a well-known patriotic song, a setting by Reichardt of words by the ardent nationalist Ernst Moritz Arndt, Was ist des deutschen Vaterland?, in a plea for national unity, an emphatically patriotic statement, before the sombre ending. In the final Larghetto sostenuto Raff at first expresses something of the sadness felt at the troubles of the whole of Germany, moving forward to a new hope, and culminating in a spirit of national triumph. In spite of its considerable length and apparent digressions, the symphony is, all in all, remarkably unified in structure, in thematic material and in general intention.
wn.com/Joachim Raff Symphony No. 1 To The Fatherland (1859)
Painting Info - The artist is Piotrek Swigut
I. Allegro - 00:00
II. Scherzo - Allegro Vivace - 18:12
III. Larghetto - 25:58
IV. Allegro Drammatico - 39:06
V. Larghetto Sostenuto - 50:42
Musical reputations are fragile. Joachim Raff is now remembered principally as the composer of a Cavatina, a salon piece, and as an assistant to Liszt in Weimar, little more than a footnote in the history of the symphonic poem. In his own time he enjoyed a very considerable renown, justified, it seemed, by a prolific talent and by his distinction as a teacher.
Four of Raff's six operas remained unperformed, but he proved very much more successful with his orchestral works, chamber music and with an exceptionally large number of piano pieces. The quantity of his work prompted Wagner's cynical remark to a correspondent that now he was composing like Raff or Brahms, - in other words copiously, since his views on the compositions of the latter, at least, were well known. Raff belongs in one way to the Neo-German school of Wagner and Liszt, at least in the overt programmatic element in eight of his eleven numbered symphonies. In other ways he may seem more academic in his approach, making full use of most available forms and of a strong element of counterpoint in works that are admirably orchestrated for a body of less than Wagnerian proportions. Charges of superficiality and eclecticism can now be rebutted by renewed attention to music that has much to say and is remarkable, if in no other way, for the clear influence it exercised on composers like Richard Strauss.
The Symphony No. 1 in D major, Opus 96, carries the title "An das Vaterland" and was started in 1859, after the Peace of Villafranca and completed in 1861. It received an award from the Vienna Philharmonic Society with a prize jury that included Hiller, Reinecke, Ambros, Volkmann and Vincenz Lachner. In the first movement Raff sets out to depict various aspects of the German character, from the opening optimism to depth of thought, decency and triumphant endurance. Opening with an energetic sweep of Wagnerian sound, the first movement develops in more formal terms, with a strongly contrapuntal element. The Scherzo allows the horns to suggest the German forest and those that work there, with the folk-song of girls and young men in the meadows of the countryside. The slow movement starts with a strongly felt theme, moving to music that is more gently lyrical in feeling, suggesting the family and the home and developed contrapuntally and dramatically, with due reference to material from the preceding movements. The declared drama of the fourth movement makes use of a well-known patriotic song, a setting by Reichardt of words by the ardent nationalist Ernst Moritz Arndt, Was ist des deutschen Vaterland?, in a plea for national unity, an emphatically patriotic statement, before the sombre ending. In the final Larghetto sostenuto Raff at first expresses something of the sadness felt at the troubles of the whole of Germany, moving forward to a new hope, and culminating in a spirit of national triumph. In spite of its considerable length and apparent digressions, the symphony is, all in all, remarkably unified in structure, in thematic material and in general intention.
- published: 28 Jul 2013
- views: 10624
DIXIE'S LAND - Original 1859 Verses - Tom Roush
Composer Dan Emmett, a Northern sympathizer, never intended for this song to become the anthem that it was for the South. Most folks today have never heard more...
Composer Dan Emmett, a Northern sympathizer, never intended for this song to become the anthem that it was for the South. Most folks today have never heard more than the first verse. I included all 5 of the original verses in this video. This and 14 other songs of 19th century America are available on my new CD - 'MY GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK' available at: http://tomroush.us/ or iTunes at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/my-grandfathers-clock/id943157863
wn.com/Dixie'S Land Original 1859 Verses Tom Roush
Composer Dan Emmett, a Northern sympathizer, never intended for this song to become the anthem that it was for the South. Most folks today have never heard more than the first verse. I included all 5 of the original verses in this video. This and 14 other songs of 19th century America are available on my new CD - 'MY GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK' available at: http://tomroush.us/ or iTunes at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/my-grandfathers-clock/id943157863
- published: 09 Jul 2013
- views: 122413
EATING HORSE IN JAPAN! (6.2.14 - Day 1859)
watch the new video, selfies with strangers here: https://youtu.be/0ko60ne2DjQ
the limited guitar picks are at http://CTFxCmerch.com along with the signed pos...
watch the new video, selfies with strangers here: https://youtu.be/0ko60ne2DjQ
the limited guitar picks are at http://CTFxCmerch.com along with the signed posters and shirts!
(↓↓ click show more ↓↓)
Tour Dates http://wethekingsmusic.com/tour
Charles - http://twitter.com/CharlesTrippy
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This video is for entertainment purposes only. We don't condone anyone attempting the activities shown.
wn.com/Eating Horse In Japan (6.2.14 Day 1859)
watch the new video, selfies with strangers here: https://youtu.be/0ko60ne2DjQ
the limited guitar picks are at http://CTFxCmerch.com along with the signed posters and shirts!
(↓↓ click show more ↓↓)
Tour Dates http://wethekingsmusic.com/tour
Charles - http://twitter.com/CharlesTrippy
Subscribe To Our Other Channels:
This video is for entertainment purposes only. We don't condone anyone attempting the activities shown.
- published: 02 Jun 2014
- views: 458411
24 ianuarie 1859 - Unirea Principatelor Romane
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Acum ...
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Acum 155 de ani la București, conform Convenției de la Paris, promulgată un an mai devreme, era confirmată și în Țara Românească alegerea lui Alexandru Ioan Cuza ca domnitor, după ce tot el fusese ales și la Iași.
Acest fapt, care punea marile puteri în fața faptului împlinit, simboliza Unirea Principatelor Române pentru prima dată de la Mihai Viteazul.
Această unire a reprezentat unul dintre idealurile cele mai importante ale poporului român și a fost piatra de temelie pe care au fost fondate programele revoluționarilor de la 1848, din rândul cărora făcea parte și Cuza.
Colegul și prietenul lui, marele istoric Nicolae Bălcescu, scria profetic în 1850: "După revoluția de la 1848 ne nai rămâneau de făcut alte două revoluții: o revoluție pentru unitatea națională și mai târziu, pentru independența națională, ca în felul acesta națiunea să reintre în posesia deplină a drepturilor sale naturale".
Acest vis devenit realitate - unirea din 1859, este intrinsec legată de Revoluția de la 1848. Ideea de unire a fost exprimată clar şi puternic înca in timpul revoluţiei,iar după aceasta a devenit problema centrală, dominantă a vieţii politice româneşti.
Generaţia de mari oameni care a realizat marele ideal al Unirii din 1859 şi care participase la revoluţia de la 1848, era condusă de patrioţi înflăcăraţi, intre care s-au distins: Mihail Kogălniceanu,Vasile Alecsandri,Costache Negri,Alexandru Ioan Cuza,Vasile Mălinescu, Constantin A. Rosetti, fraţii Ion şi Dumitru Brătianu, Dimitrie Bolintineanu și Cezar Boliac.
Ei au desfășurat o amplă campanie de propagandă în emigrație la curțile de la Londra, Paris, Viena sau Berlin și au făcut apel la opinia publică europeană în favoarea unirii tuturor românilor într-un singur stat.
Profitând de contextul internațional favorabil (războiul Crimeei 1853-1856) și de slăbiciunea Rusiei, problema Principatelor s-a găsit în mijlocul discuțiilor aprinse și a devenit o parte integrantă a Tratatului de pace de la Paris (1856).
Problema unirii nu a putut fi amânată de cei potrivnici (Austria și Turcia) și în ciuda presiunilor și amestecului în treburile interne, Adunările Ad-hoc au exprimat clar voința populară pentru unire, ratificată prin Convenția de la Paris din 1858.
Cele două Principate urmau să aibă domni diferiți, dar nicăieri nu se specifica imposibilitatea alegerii aceluiași domn în ambele țări. De această omisiune au profitat românii atunci când au realizat dubla alegere a lui Al. Ioan Cuza.
Vis și program al revoluționarilor pașoptiști, unirea de la 1859 sub domnia luminoasă a lui Cuza, deși era doar o realizare parțială a năzuințelor revoluționare de la 1848, a constituit totuși o primă etapă vitală a procesului de formare a statului național unitar român.
În ciuda dificultăților interne, politice și economice din timpul domniei lui Cuza, la sfârșitul acesteia în urma reformelor administrative, statul modern român era în esență edificat.
wn.com/24 Ianuarie 1859 Unirea Principatelor Romane
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Acum 155 de ani la București, conform Convenției de la Paris, promulgată un an mai devreme, era confirmată și în Țara Românească alegerea lui Alexandru Ioan Cuza ca domnitor, după ce tot el fusese ales și la Iași.
Acest fapt, care punea marile puteri în fața faptului împlinit, simboliza Unirea Principatelor Române pentru prima dată de la Mihai Viteazul.
Această unire a reprezentat unul dintre idealurile cele mai importante ale poporului român și a fost piatra de temelie pe care au fost fondate programele revoluționarilor de la 1848, din rândul cărora făcea parte și Cuza.
Colegul și prietenul lui, marele istoric Nicolae Bălcescu, scria profetic în 1850: "După revoluția de la 1848 ne nai rămâneau de făcut alte două revoluții: o revoluție pentru unitatea națională și mai târziu, pentru independența națională, ca în felul acesta națiunea să reintre în posesia deplină a drepturilor sale naturale".
Acest vis devenit realitate - unirea din 1859, este intrinsec legată de Revoluția de la 1848. Ideea de unire a fost exprimată clar şi puternic înca in timpul revoluţiei,iar după aceasta a devenit problema centrală, dominantă a vieţii politice româneşti.
Generaţia de mari oameni care a realizat marele ideal al Unirii din 1859 şi care participase la revoluţia de la 1848, era condusă de patrioţi înflăcăraţi, intre care s-au distins: Mihail Kogălniceanu,Vasile Alecsandri,Costache Negri,Alexandru Ioan Cuza,Vasile Mălinescu, Constantin A. Rosetti, fraţii Ion şi Dumitru Brătianu, Dimitrie Bolintineanu și Cezar Boliac.
Ei au desfășurat o amplă campanie de propagandă în emigrație la curțile de la Londra, Paris, Viena sau Berlin și au făcut apel la opinia publică europeană în favoarea unirii tuturor românilor într-un singur stat.
Profitând de contextul internațional favorabil (războiul Crimeei 1853-1856) și de slăbiciunea Rusiei, problema Principatelor s-a găsit în mijlocul discuțiilor aprinse și a devenit o parte integrantă a Tratatului de pace de la Paris (1856).
Problema unirii nu a putut fi amânată de cei potrivnici (Austria și Turcia) și în ciuda presiunilor și amestecului în treburile interne, Adunările Ad-hoc au exprimat clar voința populară pentru unire, ratificată prin Convenția de la Paris din 1858.
Cele două Principate urmau să aibă domni diferiți, dar nicăieri nu se specifica imposibilitatea alegerii aceluiași domn în ambele țări. De această omisiune au profitat românii atunci când au realizat dubla alegere a lui Al. Ioan Cuza.
Vis și program al revoluționarilor pașoptiști, unirea de la 1859 sub domnia luminoasă a lui Cuza, deși era doar o realizare parțială a năzuințelor revoluționare de la 1848, a constituit totuși o primă etapă vitală a procesului de formare a statului național unitar român.
În ciuda dificultăților interne, politice și economice din timpul domniei lui Cuza, la sfârșitul acesteia în urma reformelor administrative, statul modern român era în esență edificat.
- published: 21 Jan 2014
- views: 8163
4. Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859)
Filmed as part of a second year course in social anthropology at Cambridge University in November 2001. For further writings on the social theorists and the bac...
Filmed as part of a second year course in social anthropology at Cambridge University in November 2001. For further writings on the social theorists and the background, please see www.alanmacfarlane.com Please see the short book Alan Macfarlane, 'Tocqueville and the Making of the Modern World', on Amazon for his life and theories. It is that book upon which this lecture is based.
All revenue is donated to: http://www.oralliterature.org/
wn.com/4. Alexis De Tocqueville (1805 1859)
Filmed as part of a second year course in social anthropology at Cambridge University in November 2001. For further writings on the social theorists and the background, please see www.alanmacfarlane.com Please see the short book Alan Macfarlane, 'Tocqueville and the Making of the Modern World', on Amazon for his life and theories. It is that book upon which this lecture is based.
All revenue is donated to: http://www.oralliterature.org/
- published: 20 Nov 2007
- views: 36849
Venustiano Carranza 1859-1920 a 75 años de su muerte
Te invitamos a que veas este video en correspondencia a la efeméride del 23 de abril, en la cual Álvaro Obregón programa el Plan de Agua Prieta desconociendo el...
Te invitamos a que veas este video en correspondencia a la efeméride del 23 de abril, en la cual Álvaro Obregón programa el Plan de Agua Prieta desconociendo el gobierno de Venustiano Carranza.
wn.com/Venustiano Carranza 1859 1920 A 75 Años De Su Muerte
Te invitamos a que veas este video en correspondencia a la efeméride del 23 de abril, en la cual Álvaro Obregón programa el Plan de Agua Prieta desconociendo el gobierno de Venustiano Carranza.
- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 14686
The King Hunt: Mandolfo vs Ignatz von Kolisch - Paris 1859
Mandolfo vs Ignatz von Kolisch
Paris 1859 Vienna Game: Stanley Variation (C26)
This game is taken from the book: The King Hunt:
Mandolfo vs Ignatz von Kolisch
Paris 1859 Vienna Game: Stanley Variation (C26)
This game is taken from the book: The King Hunt:
wn.com/The King Hunt Mandolfo Vs Ignatz Von Kolisch Paris 1859
Mandolfo vs Ignatz von Kolisch
Paris 1859 Vienna Game: Stanley Variation (C26)
This game is taken from the book: The King Hunt:
- published: 09 Feb 2015
- views: 7484
Time Capsule (1859) in Waverly, Ohio
While repairing bricks at the historic German church in Waverly (now the Pike Heritage Museum), workers discovered a time capsule from 1859. This footage is fro...
While repairing bricks at the historic German church in Waverly (now the Pike Heritage Museum), workers discovered a time capsule from 1859. This footage is from the capsule being opened for the first time in a century and a half.
wn.com/Time Capsule (1859) In Waverly, Ohio
While repairing bricks at the historic German church in Waverly (now the Pike Heritage Museum), workers discovered a time capsule from 1859. This footage is from the capsule being opened for the first time in a century and a half.
- published: 10 Oct 2011
- views: 153894
Unirea Principatelor Romane - 24 Ianuarie 1859 - Mica Unire
Clip by: http://www.gicacontra.eu
Unirea Principatelor Române cunoscută și ca Mica Unire (Marea Unire fiind cea de la 1918) a avut loc la jumătatea secolului al...
Clip by: http://www.gicacontra.eu
Unirea Principatelor Române cunoscută și ca Mica Unire (Marea Unire fiind cea de la 1918) a avut loc la jumătatea secolului al XIX-lea și reprezintă unificarea vechilor state Moldova și Țara Românească. Unirea este strâns legată de personalitatea lui Alexandru Ioan Cuza și de alegerea sa ca domnitor al ambelor principate la 5 ianuarie 1859 în Moldova și la 24 ianuarie 1859 în Țara Românească.
wn.com/Unirea Principatelor Romane 24 Ianuarie 1859 Mica Unire
Clip by: http://www.gicacontra.eu
Unirea Principatelor Române cunoscută și ca Mica Unire (Marea Unire fiind cea de la 1918) a avut loc la jumătatea secolului al XIX-lea și reprezintă unificarea vechilor state Moldova și Țara Românească. Unirea este strâns legată de personalitatea lui Alexandru Ioan Cuza și de alegerea sa ca domnitor al ambelor principate la 5 ianuarie 1859 în Moldova și la 24 ianuarie 1859 în Țara Românească.
- published: 24 Jan 2011
- views: 11584
Diamond Caverns Kentucky - Discovered 1859 Rediscovered Daily!
Informative video illustrating the history, geology and beauty of Diamond Caverns. Located in South central Kentucky, Historic Diamond Caverns has amazed visit...
Informative video illustrating the history, geology and beauty of Diamond Caverns. Located in South central Kentucky, Historic Diamond Caverns has amazed visitors for over 152 years.
Discovered 1859, Rediscovered Daily! Located adjacent to Mammoth Cave National Park near Park City, KY just one mile off I-65 at Exit 48. Open Year Round.
wn.com/Diamond Caverns Kentucky Discovered 1859 Rediscovered Daily
Informative video illustrating the history, geology and beauty of Diamond Caverns. Located in South central Kentucky, Historic Diamond Caverns has amazed visitors for over 152 years.
Discovered 1859, Rediscovered Daily! Located adjacent to Mammoth Cave National Park near Park City, KY just one mile off I-65 at Exit 48. Open Year Round.
- published: 25 Feb 2012
- views: 46122
1859 O primeiro submarino
Narcis Monturiol foi un enxeneiro, intelectual, político republicano, inventor catalán e precursor do submarino. O clip recolle o acontecido o 22 de setembro de...
Narcis Monturiol foi un enxeneiro, intelectual, político republicano, inventor catalán e precursor do submarino. O clip recolle o acontecido o 22 de setembro de 1859 no peirao de Barcelona onde presentou o primeiro submarino: o "Ictineo 1". Monturiol conseguiu navegar completamente sumerxido durante 2 horas e 20 minutos a unha profundidade de 20 m e voltar logo á superficie sen novidade. Lamentablemente o goberno español non se interesou polo proxecto -"por non ter utilidade" - e Monturiol, a pesar de realizar 69 inmersións sen ningun accidente, non logrará desenvolver o seu invento por falta de apoio oficial do goberno de O`Donnell, demasiado ocupado na "conquista" de Marrocos.
Monturiol, el senyor del mar (Francesc Bellmunt, 1992)
wn.com/1859 O Primeiro Submarino
Narcis Monturiol foi un enxeneiro, intelectual, político republicano, inventor catalán e precursor do submarino. O clip recolle o acontecido o 22 de setembro de 1859 no peirao de Barcelona onde presentou o primeiro submarino: o "Ictineo 1". Monturiol conseguiu navegar completamente sumerxido durante 2 horas e 20 minutos a unha profundidade de 20 m e voltar logo á superficie sen novidade. Lamentablemente o goberno español non se interesou polo proxecto -"por non ter utilidade" - e Monturiol, a pesar de realizar 69 inmersións sen ningun accidente, non logrará desenvolver o seu invento por falta de apoio oficial do goberno de O`Donnell, demasiado ocupado na "conquista" de Marrocos.
Monturiol, el senyor del mar (Francesc Bellmunt, 1992)
- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 5969
#CRTV420 PLAYLISTS - Link: http://bit.ly/1TpLqvM
SUPPORT THE CHANNEL GLASS & MERCH Link: http://crtvstore.com...
#CRTV420 PLAYLISTS - Link: http://bit.ly/1TpLqvM
SUPPORT THE CHANNEL GLASS & MERCH Link: http://crtvstore.com/
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Social Media Links #CRTV420 on the Web!
Instagram @CannabisReviewTV #CRTV420
wn.com/Skywalker Og Kush Strain Review 1859 Crtv420
#CRTV420 PLAYLISTS - Link: http://bit.ly/1TpLqvM
SUPPORT THE CHANNEL GLASS & MERCH Link: http://crtvstore.com/
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Social Media Links #CRTV420 on the Web!
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- published: 08 Jan 2016
- views: 1534
1859 ♪ 渚の女 ☆ 五木ひろし ◇ ② 160216
♪ 渚の女 ◎ 歌謡曲
☆ 歌唱:五木ひろし/作詞:山口洋子/作曲:五木ひろし
2016-2-17 OA
Matches of English cricket team in North America in 1859 Top 6 Facts.mp4
Aftermath of English cricket team in North America in 1859 Top 6 Facts.mp4
IMG 1859
DSC 1859
First and Last Indian Head Cents 1859 to 1909
For More Info or to Buy Now: http://www.hsn.com/products/seo/7833041?rdr=1&sourceid;=youtube&cm;_mmc=Social-_-Youtube-_-ProductVideo-_-437501
First and Last Indian Head Cents 1859 to 1909
Add these historic Indian Head cents to your collection. This set includes an example of the first and last years of mintage for the classic Indian...
Prices shown on the previously recorded video may not repre
1859 MILL St, Ringgold, LA 71068
For more information:
Large brick home within city limits of Ringgold with approx. 7.75 acres!!! This home boasts lots of windows with natural light, 4 spacious bedrooms and a flex room. Refrigerator, washer and dryer remains with home. Large back yard with outdoor shed and att
1859 S Gilpin st
afford-a-rooter sewer scope
#1859. Moskvitch Hot Rod [RUSSIAN SUPER AUTO]
Popular cars and SUVs.
Ural and KrAZ military tuning.
Modern Lada and GAZ.
Niva 4x4 vs UAZ.
Huge collection of auto tuning.
Russian concept cars and limited editions.
Best russian cars and trucks.
Russian cross-country vehicles.
Four-wheel drive cars in MUD.
てんが闇2/15 1859
2016 ADDYs - Lodge Design - Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // August 1859
Film, Video, & Sound - Branded Content & Entertainment - 60 - Branded Content & Entertainment – Non-Broadcast
- Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // August 1859
- Lodge Design
- 60 154250 06 IDP 1
2016 ADDYs - Lodge Design - Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // Meet John Wise
Film, Video, & Sound - Branded Content & Entertainment - 60 - Branded Content & Entertainment – Non-Broadcast
- Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // Meet John Wise
- Lodge Design
- 60 154159 06 IDP 1
2016 ADDYs - Lodge Design - Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // Five Fantastic Flights
Film, Video, & Sound - Branded Content & Entertainment - 60 - Branded Content & Entertainment – Non-Broadcast
- Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // Five Fantastic Flights
- Lodge Design
- 60 154259 06 IDP 1
Amtrak F50PH 1859 at Thomasville,NC
Original structure (1843–1859) of Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Hong Kong) Top 8 Facts.mp4
♐BRILL 1859
東武1800系 マイナーチェンジ車 1819F モハ1859形MTユニット車 南栗橋→快速→板倉東洋大前
Theodore Wores (1859 – 1939)
Американский художник Theodore Wores (1859 – 1939).
Theodore Wores (August 1, 1859–September 11, 1939) was an American painter.
[GOTY 2015 #7] Best VGM 1859 - Lara Croft GO - Temple Of The Wise (Distant Melody)
A collection of my favorite videogame music. Note that most of them are from games I played so I might miss some great ones from games I never played.
Lara Croft GO (2015)
Temple Of The Wise (Distant Melody)
Pixel Audio
SAM 1859
Staats- und Domchor Berlin: August Neithardt – Misericorias (1859)
Der Staats- und Domchor singt das "Misericordias Domini" seines ehemaligen Direktors August Neithardt (1793–1861) bei der Trauerfeier für Johannes Rau im Berlin Dom.
1859 ♪ 渚の女 ☆ 五木ひろし ◇ ② 160216
♪ 渚の女 ◎ 歌謡曲
☆ 歌唱:五木ひろし/作詞:山口洋子/作曲:五木ひろし
2016-2-17 OA...
♪ 渚の女 ◎ 歌謡曲
☆ 歌唱:五木ひろし/作詞:山口洋子/作曲:五木ひろし
2016-2-17 OA
wn.com/1859 ♪ 渚の女 ☆ 五木ひろし ◇ ② 160216
♪ 渚の女 ◎ 歌謡曲
☆ 歌唱:五木ひろし/作詞:山口洋子/作曲:五木ひろし
2016-2-17 OA
- published: 17 Feb 2016
- views: 1
First and Last Indian Head Cents 1859 to 1909
For More Info or to Buy Now: http://www.hsn.com/products/seo/7833041?rdr=1&sourceid;=youtube&cm;_mmc=Social-_-Youtube-_-ProductVideo-_-437501
First and Last Indi...
For More Info or to Buy Now: http://www.hsn.com/products/seo/7833041?rdr=1&sourceid;=youtube&cm;_mmc=Social-_-Youtube-_-ProductVideo-_-437501
First and Last Indian Head Cents 1859 to 1909
Add these historic Indian Head cents to your collection. This set includes an example of the first and last years of mintage for the classic Indian...
Prices shown on the previously recorded video may not represent the current price. View hsn.com to view the current selling price. HSN Item #437501
wn.com/First And Last Indian Head Cents 1859 To 1909
For More Info or to Buy Now: http://www.hsn.com/products/seo/7833041?rdr=1&sourceid;=youtube&cm;_mmc=Social-_-Youtube-_-ProductVideo-_-437501
First and Last Indian Head Cents 1859 to 1909
Add these historic Indian Head cents to your collection. This set includes an example of the first and last years of mintage for the classic Indian...
Prices shown on the previously recorded video may not represent the current price. View hsn.com to view the current selling price. HSN Item #437501
- published: 16 Feb 2016
- views: 0
1859 MILL St, Ringgold, LA 71068
For more information:
Large brick home wit...
For more information:
Large brick home within city limits of Ringgold with approx. 7.75 acres!!! This home boasts lots of windows with natural light, 4 spacious bedrooms and a flex room. Refrigerator, washer and dryer remains with home. Large back yard with outdoor shed and attachment that could store your boat, tractor, 2 more vehicles, etc. Great home to raise a large family in. Additional pics coming soon!
Mary Jo Gray
(318) 469-6867
wn.com/1859 Mill St, Ringgold, La 71068
For more information:
Large brick home within city limits of Ringgold with approx. 7.75 acres!!! This home boasts lots of windows with natural light, 4 spacious bedrooms and a flex room. Refrigerator, washer and dryer remains with home. Large back yard with outdoor shed and attachment that could store your boat, tractor, 2 more vehicles, etc. Great home to raise a large family in. Additional pics coming soon!
Mary Jo Gray
(318) 469-6867
- published: 16 Feb 2016
- views: 6
1859 S Gilpin st
afford-a-rooter sewer scope...
afford-a-rooter sewer scope
wn.com/1859 S Gilpin St
afford-a-rooter sewer scope
- published: 15 Feb 2016
- views: 0
#1859. Moskvitch Hot Rod [RUSSIAN SUPER AUTO]
Popular cars and SUVs.
Ural and KrAZ military tuning.
Modern Lada and GAZ.
Niva 4x4 vs UAZ.
Huge collection of auto tuning.
Russian concept cars and limite...
Popular cars and SUVs.
Ural and KrAZ military tuning.
Modern Lada and GAZ.
Niva 4x4 vs UAZ.
Huge collection of auto tuning.
Russian concept cars and limited editions.
Best russian cars and trucks.
Russian cross-country vehicles.
Four-wheel drive cars in MUD.
wn.com/1859. Moskvitch Hot Rod Russian Super Auto
Popular cars and SUVs.
Ural and KrAZ military tuning.
Modern Lada and GAZ.
Niva 4x4 vs UAZ.
Huge collection of auto tuning.
Russian concept cars and limited editions.
Best russian cars and trucks.
Russian cross-country vehicles.
Four-wheel drive cars in MUD.
- published: 15 Feb 2016
- views: 4
2016 ADDYs - Lodge Design - Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // August 1859
Film, Video, & Sound - Branded Content & Entertainment - 60 - Branded Content & Entertainment – Non-Broadcast
- Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // August ...
Film, Video, & Sound - Branded Content & Entertainment - 60 - Branded Content & Entertainment – Non-Broadcast
- Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // August 1859
- Lodge Design
- 60 154250 06 IDP 1
wn.com/2016 Addys Lodge Design Conner Prairie 1859 Balloon Voyage August 1859
Film, Video, & Sound - Branded Content & Entertainment - 60 - Branded Content & Entertainment – Non-Broadcast
- Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // August 1859
- Lodge Design
- 60 154250 06 IDP 1
- published: 15 Feb 2016
- views: 0
2016 ADDYs - Lodge Design - Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // Meet John Wise
Film, Video, & Sound - Branded Content & Entertainment - 60 - Branded Content & Entertainment – Non-Broadcast
- Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // Meet Jo...
Film, Video, & Sound - Branded Content & Entertainment - 60 - Branded Content & Entertainment – Non-Broadcast
- Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // Meet John Wise
- Lodge Design
- 60 154159 06 IDP 1
wn.com/2016 Addys Lodge Design Conner Prairie 1859 Balloon Voyage Meet John Wise
Film, Video, & Sound - Branded Content & Entertainment - 60 - Branded Content & Entertainment – Non-Broadcast
- Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // Meet John Wise
- Lodge Design
- 60 154159 06 IDP 1
- published: 15 Feb 2016
- views: 3
2016 ADDYs - Lodge Design - Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // Five Fantastic Flights
Film, Video, & Sound - Branded Content & Entertainment - 60 - Branded Content & Entertainment – Non-Broadcast
- Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // Five Fa...
Film, Video, & Sound - Branded Content & Entertainment - 60 - Branded Content & Entertainment – Non-Broadcast
- Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // Five Fantastic Flights
- Lodge Design
- 60 154259 06 IDP 1
wn.com/2016 Addys Lodge Design Conner Prairie 1859 Balloon Voyage Five Fantastic Flights
Film, Video, & Sound - Branded Content & Entertainment - 60 - Branded Content & Entertainment – Non-Broadcast
- Conner Prairie // 1859 Balloon Voyage // Five Fantastic Flights
- Lodge Design
- 60 154259 06 IDP 1
- published: 15 Feb 2016
- views: 1
Theodore Wores (1859 – 1939)
Американский художник Theodore Wores (1859 – 1939).
Theodore Wores (August 1, 1859–September 11, 1939) was an American painter....
Американский художник Theodore Wores (1859 – 1939).
Theodore Wores (August 1, 1859–September 11, 1939) was an American painter.
wn.com/Theodore Wores (1859 – 1939)
Американский художник Theodore Wores (1859 – 1939).
Theodore Wores (August 1, 1859–September 11, 1939) was an American painter.
- published: 29 Jan 2016
- views: 157
[GOTY 2015 #7] Best VGM 1859 - Lara Croft GO - Temple Of The Wise (Distant Melody)
A collection of my favorite videogame music. Note that most of them are from games I played so I might miss some great ones from games I never played.
A collection of my favorite videogame music. Note that most of them are from games I played so I might miss some great ones from games I never played.
Lara Croft GO (2015)
Temple Of The Wise (Distant Melody)
Pixel Audio
wn.com/Goty 2015 7 Best Vgm 1859 Lara Croft Go Temple Of The Wise (Distant Melody)
A collection of my favorite videogame music. Note that most of them are from games I played so I might miss some great ones from games I never played.
Lara Croft GO (2015)
Temple Of The Wise (Distant Melody)
Pixel Audio
- published: 18 Jan 2016
- views: 3212
SAM 1859
wn.com/Sam 1859
- published: 27 Jul 2015
- views: 22
Staats- und Domchor Berlin: August Neithardt – Misericorias (1859)
Der Staats- und Domchor singt das "Misericordias Domini" seines ehemaligen Direktors August Neithardt (1793–1861) bei der Trauerfeier für Johannes Rau im Berlin...
Der Staats- und Domchor singt das "Misericordias Domini" seines ehemaligen Direktors August Neithardt (1793–1861) bei der Trauerfeier für Johannes Rau im Berlin Dom.
wn.com/Staats Und Domchor Berlin August Neithardt – Misericorias (1859)
Der Staats- und Domchor singt das "Misericordias Domini" seines ehemaligen Direktors August Neithardt (1793–1861) bei der Trauerfeier für Johannes Rau im Berlin Dom.
- published: 12 Jul 2015
- views: 239
(19) Les grandes batailles du passé - Solférino (1859)
Vilém Blodek - Symphony in D-minor (1859)
Vilém Blodek (October 3, 1834, Prague -- May 1, 1874, Prague), was a Czech composer, flautist, and pianist.
Work: Symphony in D-minor (1859)
Mov.I: Andante sostenuto - Allegro agitato 00:00
Mov.II: Andante sostenuto 09:08
Mov.III: Scherzo 17:56
Mov.IV: Finale: Molto vivace 24:09
Orchestra: Pilsen Radio Orchestra
Conductor: Bohumír Liška
Radio recording
Ludwig Spohr(1784-1859):Violin Concerto Nº2 in D Minor,Op.2
I.Allegro moderato:10:13
III.Alla Polacca:11:03
C.Edinger/Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/F.Cramer
Битвы за Кавказ: Гуниб. 1859 г.
Неизвестные битвы России: Битвы за Кавказ (сериал)
История России написана на полях сражений. Куликовская битва, Бородино, Курская дуга... Сколько раз на пути грозного и непобедимого доселе врага становилась русская армия! О кровопролитных сражениях и великих победах знают и помнят все, но есть еще и другие славные страницы истории русского оружия. Именно о них пойдет речь в цикле документальных
Johannes Brahms - Piano Concerto No.1 in D-minor, Op.15 (1859)
Picture: Joseph Mallord William Turner - Snow Storm, Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps
Johannes Brahms
Work: Piano Concerto No.1 in D-minor, Op.15 (1859)
Mov.I: Maestoso 00:00
Mov.II: Adagio 22:18
Mov.III: Rondo: Allegro non troppo 34:35
Pianist: Hardy Rittner (plays on a Erard piano from 1854)
Orchestra: L'arte del mondo (period instruments)
Conductor: Werner Ehrhardt
Franciszek Mirecki - Symphony in C minor (1859)
Franciszek Wincenty Mirecki (Krakau, 1791 - 1862)
Symphony in C minor (published 1859)
1. Allegro vivace con brio (0:00)
2. Adagio non tanto (11:56)
3. Scherzo: Vivo assai (24:06)
4. Ultimo tempo: Vivace molto (29:56)
Performed by the Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Bogdan Oledzki
Illustration: Wawel Castle, near Krakau. By Jan Nepomucen Głowacki (ca. 1847). CC-By Wikim
Cesare Ciardi - Flute Concerto in D-major, Op.129 (1859)
Picture: Thomas Miles Richardson Jr. - A View of Bellagio looking across Lake Como (1861)
Cesare Ciardi (28 June 1818 -- 13 June 1877) was an Italian flautist and composer.
Work: Flute Concerto in D-major, Op.129 (1859) revised and orchestrated by Roberto Fabbriciani.
Mov.I: Allegro non troppo 00:00
Mov.II: Andante sostenuto 09:02
Mov.III: Allegro scherzando 13:43
Flute: Roberto Fabbriciani
Harjap Bhangal Legal Solutions Full Show 20141114 1859 MATV National 00
Complete Legal Solutions Show from 14th November 2014.
Harjap Bhangal Legal Solutions Full Show 20150130 1859 MATV National 00
Complete Legal Solutions show from 30th January 2015.
Harjap Bhangal Legal Solutions Full Show 20150213 1859 MATV National 00
Complete Legal Solutions show from 13th February 2015.
Harjap Bhangal Legal Solutions Full Show 20150327 1859 MATV National 00
Complete Legal Solutions show from 27th March 2015.
Harjap Bhangal Legal Solutions Full Show 20150417 1859 MATV National 00
Complete Legal Solutions show from 17th April 2015.
Harjap Bhangal Legal Solutions Full Show 20150508 1859 MATV National 00
Full Legal Solutions show from 8th May 2015
Ludwig Spohr(1784-1859):Symphony Nº3 in C Minor,Op.78(1828).
Slovak State Philharmonic Orchestra(Kosice)/Alfred Walter
Jesús de Monasterio - Violin Concerto in B-minor (1859/1880)
Picture: Mariano Fortuny - La Vicaría
Jesús de Monasterio (26 March 1836 - 28 September 1903) spanish composer and violinist.
Work: Violin Concerto in B-minor (1859/1880)
Mov.I: Allegro ma non troppo 00:00
Mov.II: Adagio cantabile 14:23
Mov.III: Polaca (Allegro giusto) 22:42
Violin: Ara Malikian
Orchestra: Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León
Conductor: Alejandro Posada
Harjap Bhangal Full Show - Harbhajan Mann Interview 20150518 1859 MATV National 00
Harjap interviews Punjabi singer/actor Harbhajan Mann.
Harjap Bhangal Full Show 20150223 1859 MATV National 00
Harjap and Jag Chima take a tour of Harjaps village in Punjab. Complete show from 23rd February 2015.
Harjap Bhangal Full Show 20150504 1859 MATV National 00
Harjap and Jag present their version of Country File from Punjab.
26 Maggio 1859 - La Battaglia di Varese
La storia della Battaglia di Varese combattuta il 26 maggio 1859 tra i Cacciatori delle Alpi di Garibaldi e gli Austriaci del Feldmaresciallo Urban nell'ambito della II Guerra di Indipendenza.
Vilém Blodek - Symphony in D-minor (1859)
Vilém Blodek (October 3, 1834, Prague -- May 1, 1874, Prague), was a Czech composer, flautist, and pianist.
Work: Symphony in D-minor (1859)
Mov.I: Andante so...
Vilém Blodek (October 3, 1834, Prague -- May 1, 1874, Prague), was a Czech composer, flautist, and pianist.
Work: Symphony in D-minor (1859)
Mov.I: Andante sostenuto - Allegro agitato 00:00
Mov.II: Andante sostenuto 09:08
Mov.III: Scherzo 17:56
Mov.IV: Finale: Molto vivace 24:09
Orchestra: Pilsen Radio Orchestra
Conductor: Bohumír Liška
Radio recording
wn.com/Vilém Blodek Symphony In D Minor (1859)
Vilém Blodek (October 3, 1834, Prague -- May 1, 1874, Prague), was a Czech composer, flautist, and pianist.
Work: Symphony in D-minor (1859)
Mov.I: Andante sostenuto - Allegro agitato 00:00
Mov.II: Andante sostenuto 09:08
Mov.III: Scherzo 17:56
Mov.IV: Finale: Molto vivace 24:09
Orchestra: Pilsen Radio Orchestra
Conductor: Bohumír Liška
Radio recording
- published: 09 Apr 2013
- views: 11775
Ludwig Spohr(1784-1859):Violin Concerto Nº2 in D Minor,Op.2
I.Allegro moderato:10:13
III.Alla Polacca:11:03
C.Edinger/Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/F.Cramer...
I.Allegro moderato:10:13
III.Alla Polacca:11:03
C.Edinger/Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/F.Cramer
wn.com/Ludwig Spohr(1784 1859) Violin Concerto Nº2 In D Minor,Op.2
I.Allegro moderato:10:13
III.Alla Polacca:11:03
C.Edinger/Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra/F.Cramer
- published: 30 Dec 2014
- views: 5448
Битвы за Кавказ: Гуниб. 1859 г.
Неизвестные битвы России: Битвы за Кавказ (сериал)
История России написана на полях сражений. Куликовская битва, Бородино, Курская дуга... Сколько раз на пути ...
Неизвестные битвы России: Битвы за Кавказ (сериал)
История России написана на полях сражений. Куликовская битва, Бородино, Курская дуга... Сколько раз на пути грозного и непобедимого доселе врага становилась русская армия! О кровопролитных сражениях и великих победах знают и помнят все, но есть еще и другие славные страницы истории русского оружия. Именно о них пойдет речь в цикле документальных фильмов "Неизвестные битвы России".
Данная программа состоит из четырех фильмов о Первой Кавказской войне, каждый из которых посвящен конкретному периоду: Блестящая победа русского оружия на реке Иоре, 1800 г.; Храбрый штурм и героическая оборона, Гимры 1832 г.; Начало войны с Шамилем, Ахульго 1839 г; Решающая битва при ауле Гуниб и окончание Кавказской войны, 1859 г. Более 50 лет Кавказ находился в огне невиданной по своей жестокости войны. Отчаянная храбрость горцев и доблесть русских солдат, религиозный фанатизм мюридов и долг солдата перед Родиной. Все это в нашем фильме о кровопролитной войне на Кавказе.
wn.com/Битвы За Кавказ Гуниб. 1859 Г.
Неизвестные битвы России: Битвы за Кавказ (сериал)
История России написана на полях сражений. Куликовская битва, Бородино, Курская дуга... Сколько раз на пути грозного и непобедимого доселе врага становилась русская армия! О кровопролитных сражениях и великих победах знают и помнят все, но есть еще и другие славные страницы истории русского оружия. Именно о них пойдет речь в цикле документальных фильмов "Неизвестные битвы России".
Данная программа состоит из четырех фильмов о Первой Кавказской войне, каждый из которых посвящен конкретному периоду: Блестящая победа русского оружия на реке Иоре, 1800 г.; Храбрый штурм и героическая оборона, Гимры 1832 г.; Начало войны с Шамилем, Ахульго 1839 г; Решающая битва при ауле Гуниб и окончание Кавказской войны, 1859 г. Более 50 лет Кавказ находился в огне невиданной по своей жестокости войны. Отчаянная храбрость горцев и доблесть русских солдат, религиозный фанатизм мюридов и долг солдата перед Родиной. Все это в нашем фильме о кровопролитной войне на Кавказе.
- published: 09 Dec 2012
- views: 5778
Johannes Brahms - Piano Concerto No.1 in D-minor, Op.15 (1859)
Picture: Joseph Mallord William Turner - Snow Storm, Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps
Johannes Brahms
Work: Piano Concerto No.1 in D-minor, Op.15 (1859...
Picture: Joseph Mallord William Turner - Snow Storm, Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps
Johannes Brahms
Work: Piano Concerto No.1 in D-minor, Op.15 (1859)
Mov.I: Maestoso 00:00
Mov.II: Adagio 22:18
Mov.III: Rondo: Allegro non troppo 34:35
Pianist: Hardy Rittner (plays on a Erard piano from 1854)
Orchestra: L'arte del mondo (period instruments)
Conductor: Werner Ehrhardt
wn.com/Johannes Brahms Piano Concerto No.1 In D Minor, Op.15 (1859)
Picture: Joseph Mallord William Turner - Snow Storm, Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps
Johannes Brahms
Work: Piano Concerto No.1 in D-minor, Op.15 (1859)
Mov.I: Maestoso 00:00
Mov.II: Adagio 22:18
Mov.III: Rondo: Allegro non troppo 34:35
Pianist: Hardy Rittner (plays on a Erard piano from 1854)
Orchestra: L'arte del mondo (period instruments)
Conductor: Werner Ehrhardt
- published: 05 Nov 2013
- views: 7560
Franciszek Mirecki - Symphony in C minor (1859)
Franciszek Wincenty Mirecki (Krakau, 1791 - 1862)
Symphony in C minor (published 1859)
1. Allegro vivace con brio (0:00)
2. Adagio non tanto (11:56)...
Franciszek Wincenty Mirecki (Krakau, 1791 - 1862)
Symphony in C minor (published 1859)
1. Allegro vivace con brio (0:00)
2. Adagio non tanto (11:56)
3. Scherzo: Vivo assai (24:06)
4. Ultimo tempo: Vivace molto (29:56)
Performed by the Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Bogdan Oledzki
Illustration: Wawel Castle, near Krakau. By Jan Nepomucen Głowacki (ca. 1847). CC-By Wikimedia Commons.
wn.com/Franciszek Mirecki Symphony In C Minor (1859)
Franciszek Wincenty Mirecki (Krakau, 1791 - 1862)
Symphony in C minor (published 1859)
1. Allegro vivace con brio (0:00)
2. Adagio non tanto (11:56)
3. Scherzo: Vivo assai (24:06)
4. Ultimo tempo: Vivace molto (29:56)
Performed by the Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Bogdan Oledzki
Illustration: Wawel Castle, near Krakau. By Jan Nepomucen Głowacki (ca. 1847). CC-By Wikimedia Commons.
- published: 08 Mar 2013
- views: 4248
Cesare Ciardi - Flute Concerto in D-major, Op.129 (1859)
Picture: Thomas Miles Richardson Jr. - A View of Bellagio looking across Lake Como (1861)
Cesare Ciardi (28 June 1818 -- 13 June 1877) was an Italian flautist ...
Picture: Thomas Miles Richardson Jr. - A View of Bellagio looking across Lake Como (1861)
Cesare Ciardi (28 June 1818 -- 13 June 1877) was an Italian flautist and composer.
Work: Flute Concerto in D-major, Op.129 (1859) revised and orchestrated by Roberto Fabbriciani.
Mov.I: Allegro non troppo 00:00
Mov.II: Andante sostenuto 09:02
Mov.III: Allegro scherzando 13:43
Flute: Roberto Fabbriciani
Orchestra: Orchestra Sinfonica del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Conductor: Stefan Fraas
Cesare Ciardi composed only one flute concerto, the Gran Concerto in D, Op. 129, for flute and piano. He recast the work for flute and orchestra, but it was never published in this version and no copy has yet been found. Op. 129 was written in about 1859, when Ciardi had already been in St. Petersburg for some time, and it brings out all the qualities peculiar to the flute, from its sublime lyrical expressivity to its dazzling agility, giving the soloist wonderful opportunities for virtuosic display. The first movement is in sonata form, and the flute part provides highly inventive variations on the theme. There follow an Andante sostenuto in F major and an Allegro scherzoso finale, marked by an overall lightness and melodic fantasy which make it a delight to hear.
wn.com/Cesare Ciardi Flute Concerto In D Major, Op.129 (1859)
Picture: Thomas Miles Richardson Jr. - A View of Bellagio looking across Lake Como (1861)
Cesare Ciardi (28 June 1818 -- 13 June 1877) was an Italian flautist and composer.
Work: Flute Concerto in D-major, Op.129 (1859) revised and orchestrated by Roberto Fabbriciani.
Mov.I: Allegro non troppo 00:00
Mov.II: Andante sostenuto 09:02
Mov.III: Allegro scherzando 13:43
Flute: Roberto Fabbriciani
Orchestra: Orchestra Sinfonica del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Conductor: Stefan Fraas
Cesare Ciardi composed only one flute concerto, the Gran Concerto in D, Op. 129, for flute and piano. He recast the work for flute and orchestra, but it was never published in this version and no copy has yet been found. Op. 129 was written in about 1859, when Ciardi had already been in St. Petersburg for some time, and it brings out all the qualities peculiar to the flute, from its sublime lyrical expressivity to its dazzling agility, giving the soloist wonderful opportunities for virtuosic display. The first movement is in sonata form, and the flute part provides highly inventive variations on the theme. There follow an Andante sostenuto in F major and an Allegro scherzoso finale, marked by an overall lightness and melodic fantasy which make it a delight to hear.
- published: 16 Jan 2014
- views: 2311
Ludwig Spohr(1784-1859):Symphony Nº3 in C Minor,Op.78(1828).
Slovak State Philharmonic Orchestra(Kosice)/Alfred Walter...
Slovak State Philharmonic Orchestra(Kosice)/Alfred Walter
wn.com/Ludwig Spohr(1784 1859) Symphony Nº3 In C Minor,Op.78(1828).
Slovak State Philharmonic Orchestra(Kosice)/Alfred Walter
- published: 18 Jul 2014
- views: 1908
Jesús de Monasterio - Violin Concerto in B-minor (1859/1880)
Picture: Mariano Fortuny - La Vicaría
Jesús de Monasterio (26 March 1836 - 28 September 1903) spanish composer and violinist.
Work: Violin Concerto in B-minor...
Picture: Mariano Fortuny - La Vicaría
Jesús de Monasterio (26 March 1836 - 28 September 1903) spanish composer and violinist.
Work: Violin Concerto in B-minor (1859/1880)
Mov.I: Allegro ma non troppo 00:00
Mov.II: Adagio cantabile 14:23
Mov.III: Polaca (Allegro giusto) 22:42
Violin: Ara Malikian
Orchestra: Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León
Conductor: Alejandro Posada
wn.com/Jesús De Monasterio Violin Concerto In B Minor (1859 1880)
Picture: Mariano Fortuny - La Vicaría
Jesús de Monasterio (26 March 1836 - 28 September 1903) spanish composer and violinist.
Work: Violin Concerto in B-minor (1859/1880)
Mov.I: Allegro ma non troppo 00:00
Mov.II: Adagio cantabile 14:23
Mov.III: Polaca (Allegro giusto) 22:42
Violin: Ara Malikian
Orchestra: Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León
Conductor: Alejandro Posada
- published: 29 Jan 2014
- views: 3488
Harjap Bhangal Full Show 20150223 1859 MATV National 00
Harjap and Jag Chima take a tour of Harjaps village in Punjab. Complete show from 23rd February 2015....
Harjap and Jag Chima take a tour of Harjaps village in Punjab. Complete show from 23rd February 2015.
wn.com/Harjap Bhangal Full Show 20150223 1859 Matv National 00
Harjap and Jag Chima take a tour of Harjaps village in Punjab. Complete show from 23rd February 2015.
- published: 04 Mar 2015
- views: 2437
Harjap Bhangal Full Show 20150504 1859 MATV National 00
Harjap and Jag present their version of Country File from Punjab....
Harjap and Jag present their version of Country File from Punjab.
wn.com/Harjap Bhangal Full Show 20150504 1859 Matv National 00
Harjap and Jag present their version of Country File from Punjab.
- published: 14 May 2015
- views: 3265
26 Maggio 1859 - La Battaglia di Varese
La storia della Battaglia di Varese combattuta il 26 maggio 1859 tra i Cacciatori delle Alpi di Garibaldi e gli Austriaci del Feldmaresciallo Urban nell'ambito ...
La storia della Battaglia di Varese combattuta il 26 maggio 1859 tra i Cacciatori delle Alpi di Garibaldi e gli Austriaci del Feldmaresciallo Urban nell'ambito della II Guerra di Indipendenza.
wn.com/26 Maggio 1859 La Battaglia Di Varese
La storia della Battaglia di Varese combattuta il 26 maggio 1859 tra i Cacciatori delle Alpi di Garibaldi e gli Austriaci del Feldmaresciallo Urban nell'ambito della II Guerra di Indipendenza.
- published: 07 Jul 2011
- views: 1656