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Navajo Diné Fight Uranium Resources Inc. Mining Permits In New Mexico
Pratap Chatterjee
March 25th, 2016

The Navajo Diné community have notched up a victory over Uranium Resources Inc. decades old plan to dig for uranium at Crownpoint and Churchrock, New Mexico, by successfully appealing a state permit for the Colorado company to dump waste into the Westwater Canyon aquifer.

ENDAUM 2014 protest. Photo: Tahirah Cook


Volkswagen Dieselgate Scandal Should Be Used To Fund Clean Vehicle Program
Richard Smallteacher
March 23rd, 2016

Activists say fines paid by Volkswagen to settle the "Dieselgate" scandal should be paid into a fund to help vulnerable populations like school children and low income communities, as punishment for installing software in some 11 million vehicles to enable the cars to cheat on emissions tests.
Photo: Tim Wang. Used under Creative Commons.

Food and Agriculture

Sierra Leone Activists Released After Six Weeks Jail For Protesting Socfin
Pratap Chatterjee
March 21st, 2016

Sierra Leonian courts have started to release a group of community activists from the Malen Land Owners and Users Association (MALOA) who were jailed recently for taking part in a October 2013 protest at a palm oil plantation operated by Societe Financiere des Caoutchoucs (Socfin).
Sima Mattia. Photo: Land Justice 4 WestAfrica

Technology & Telecommunications

VimpelCom Pays $795 Million To Settle Uzbekistan Bribery Investigation
Richard Smallteacher
February 18th, 2016

Netherlands-based telecommunications giant VimpelCom announced today that it would pay U.S. and Dutch authorities $795 million to end an investigation into bribery in Uzbekistan. While the settlement does not reveal the recipient of the bribes, most sources point to Gulnara Karimova, daughter of the Uzbek president.
Gulnara Karimova. Photo: Nader Daoud, World Economic Forum. Used under Creative Commons license.


In Memoriam: Chris Thompson
Pratap Chatterjee
January 24th, 2016

Chris Thompson, CorpWatch investigative reporter, died January 21, 2016, at his home in Berkeley, California. He was a fearless reporter and progressive activist and will be missed sorely by his readers, family and friends. This week, CorpWatch republishes some of his work for us and with us.
Photo: Erin Archer

Weapons Makers

Failed Watchkeeper Drone To Be Weaponized For Sale To Poland
Chris Thompson
January 13th, 2016

Thales, the French aerospace company, is hoping to develop a weaponized version of the Watchkeeper drone to sell to Poland. This is despite a series of software glitches and accidents that resulted in many of the first 54 Watchkeepers that were delivered to the UK to be sitting idle.
Thales Watchkeeper drone. Photo: Tomasz Dunn. Used under Creative Commons license.


China Cracks Down On Guangdong Labor Activists
Pratap Chatterjee
December 28th, 2015

Seven activists in Guangdong province, a key manufacturing hub in China, have been detained in a major crackdown on labor rights organizers. The arrests follow a steep rise in protests and strikes at factories that have long exploited migrant workers from rural areas with low pay and working conditions.
Zeng Feiyang, director of the Panyu Workers’ Center. Photo: China Labour Bulletin


Sun Pharma, India's Biggest Drug Producer, Violated Manufacturing Rules
Richard Smallteacher
December 25th, 2015

Sun Pharma, India's biggest drug manufacturer, has been sent a warning letter about violations of manufacturing regulations at its Halol plant in Gujarat by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Indian companies supply as much as 40 percent of the drugs sold in the U.S.

War & Disaster Profiteering

U.S. Air Force Hires Private Companies To Fly Drones In War Zones
Chris Thompson
December 16th, 2015

U.S. Air Force officials has begun to hire private companies to fly drone aircraft operating over Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. The unprecedented move is in response to demands from the Obama administration to dramatically expand the drone war just as the Pentagon faces a critical shortage of military pilots.
Reaper drone in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Photo: Defence Images. Used under Creative Commons license.