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Care + Struggle Reading Group (Boston)

Care + Struggle Reading Group

Saturday, May 18th
Community Church of Boston
565 Boylston St, Boston, MA

Topic this month: The Politics of Women and Health: how gender inequality serves capital and state control. We'll be reading several articles describing the lack of access to healthcare, mistreatment by medical institutions, and forced treatment (psychiatric and reproductive) that affect women, paying attention to the similar and different forms of oppression experienced by women who are from the dominant culture and those who are from minority communities or developing countries. Drawing upon insights from previous readings, such as Caliban and the Witch, we'll speculate on how such maltreatment benefits capital and the state.

How Do You Practice Intersectionalism? An Interview with bell hooks

Illustration by Bree Johnson
Randy Lowens interviews bell hooks: "In June of 2009, bell hooks agreed to be interviewed. She generously waived the fee ordinarily charged from for-profit publications. We met at a local coffee shop and, over bagels and espresso drinks, discussed her books, politics and thoughts on recent events such as the economic downturn.

"I found her as forthright in person as on the page and with a subtle wit not always apparent (to me) in her writing. For example, after the interview we were approached by a local lawyer who was curious what publication she was being interviewed for. She cut her eyes at me and said, “Tell the man who the interview is for.” Upon learning I was anarchist, the lawyer mouthed familiar clichés about disorganization. hooks, a hint of a grin playing at the corners of her mouth, responded, “Yes, yes, it's all about license for the individual!”"

This interview was conducted by Randy Lowens, the pen name of Don Jennings, who passed away March 8, 2012, in Richmond, Kentucky. In lieu of flowers the Family request contributions to any public library in Don’s memory.

Strengthening Anarchism's Gender Analysis

Lessons From The Transfeminist Movement

by Rogue, Common Action/WSA

Transfeminism developed out of a critique of the mainstream and radical feminist movements. The feminist movement has a history of internal hierarchies. There are many examples of women of color, working class women, lesbians and others speaking out against the tendency of the white, affluent- dominated women’s movement to silence them and overlook their needs. Instead of honoring these marginalized voices, the mainstream feminist movement has prioritized struggling for rights primarily in the interests of white affluent women.

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