Tabula Rasa

Tabula Rasa wants to be an arsenal of anti-authoritarian and anarchist texts where one can find reflexions and ideas to sharpen their own thought and deepen their own struggles. Our wish is that this arsenal would contribute to discovering affinities beyond borders, to opening exciting unknowns in thought like in practice – which make one –, to throwing ourselves head over heels in the whirlwind of social war.

However this arsenal is not a supermarket of ideas so hip that it blatantly forgoes the absence of any coherence. Anarchist critique is not innocent. If we look at how even in the anti-authoritarian field ideas are transformed into ideologies and thoughts into politics, and how the most incompatible things are combined just to not clash with the quantitative illusion, our desire is to put back in the forefront an anarchist critique intimately destructive. It intends to destroy authority, its morality and the social relationships that derive from it, it does not attempt to manage them and neither to transform them little by little. Without hesitation and without fear of the ashes, making a tabula rasa of the existent. Today like yesterday, we think that it is necessary to spread everywhere this destructive tension, both in the tumultuous waters of social conflicts as well as in the glacial plains of social pacification.

We hope that this tool can contribute to making a tabula rasa of that – let us get away with it – “inferiority complex” under which all too often the partisans of anarchy suffer from, when they find themselves in front of marxist and political critiques or in front of the calls to conform to the reality of things. If it is true that the destruction of authority is something predominately carried out in practice, this is not the reason to bury our ideas. On the contrary, as someone was once able to summarize, anarchism is “thought and dynamite”. It is time to finally rid ourselves of the corpses that continue to claim that history is made of those mysterious social mechanisms and not by individuals in flesh and blood, that the desire of liberation and of revolt are generated by conditions of exploitation rather than by heart and head, that freedom is certainly a beautiful dream but at the moment it would be wiser to put it aside in the name of tactical and organizational needs of the moment. Against all of this, we find it necessary to take some steps towards the creation of autonomous spaces for discussion, the deepening of affinity, and the sharing and the critiquing of experiences of struggle and revolt.

Tabula Rasa will therefore make available to comrades many texts and translations in different languages. It will include texts from the past as well as more recent texts. Even though every “classification” carries within it problematics that are hard to overcome, we will attempt to store texts not only by authour or publication, but also by “theme” in order to facilitate searches. The only thing left to point out is the internationalist intention of this project: to offer a space of discussion beyond particular contexts, linguistic limits and state borders.


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