Act For Freedom Now!

March 20, 2016
by actforfreedom

Italy – Issue 4 of the radical ecology paper L’Urlo della Terra is out

In this issue: in italian language:
– Starting again from Nature
– The struggle against technology: a few thoughts
– Transplants: tears of those who receive and those who give or sell
– Post-human anti-specist crossing
– Fastidious Xylella, unbearable State – Chronology of a false emergency and considerations on the subject
– Leaps in the night…
– A letter to the Expo 2015 catering – Analysis of a counterproductive action
– Solidarity and complicity, on nocivities and the need to oppose them – Notes on the attempted attack on IBM in Switzerland by Silvia Billy Costa and their trial in Italy
What does starting again from Nature mean? Has it been abandoned?
We’re certainly losing interest in it precisely when it deserves all our attention, commitment and energy.
Hearing the urgency for green spaces, environmental dangers, more ecological catastrophes to come, yet another rare and ‘photogenic’ species at risk of extinction… being shouted out by the media every day, our capacity for empathy towards what is less and less around us or under our feet, the Earth, has become saturated.

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March 20, 2016
by actforfreedom

Valencia: Anarchists tags on two churches in the city

3-139Valence (Drôme): “Whether of God or the State, all armies are disgusting”
Translated by Act for freedom now!
Dauphiné Libéré, 13/03/2016 17:01
Funny discovery this morning for the parishioners of Our Lady of the Annunciation, at the Grand Charran and Notre Dame, rue Berthelot in Valencia. During the night one or more individuals had doused the facades of the two religious buildings with red paint, not without also writing phrases with anarchist connotations. The council has decided to lodge a complaint.

March 20, 2016
by actforfreedom

Montreuil 93, France – Attack on an architect of dominion

March 9, 2016
On the night between 8 and 9 March 2016, using dumped garbage and flammable products, we set fire to the front of the architect’s studio in Archi 5 rue Voltaire in the centre of Montreuil-sous -Bois.
On its website Archi 5 boasts of having achieved, or being in the act of achieving, alongside innocuous buildings, the following list of gruesome projects:
The prisons of Bourg en Bresse, of Draguignan, of Mont de Marsan, of Rennes, the jail of Condé-sur-Sarthe and Vendin the Veil, the Pole of the Judicial Police of Cergy-Pontoise, the police station in Clichy-sous-Bois, the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Chartres, the detention centre of French Polynesia in Tahiti.
We dedicate this action to all those fight for freedom and against all authority, especially the anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar in the clutches of the Spanish State and are risking very heavy prison sentences, do not deny a word of what they think and what they are.
Fire to the prisons.
Fire to those who build them.
[Published on Indymedia Nantes, March 11, 2016]
Le Chat Noir Emeutier
Translated by Act for freedom now

March 20, 2016
by actforfreedom

Nantes: Once again against the permanence of François de Rugy


West France / Monday, February 22, 2016
The window of the premises of Green MP François de Rugy was damaged in the night from Sunday to Monday. Four individuals were arrested.
François de Rugy has “had enough.” “One almost has a feeling of harassment,” he said. In one year, nine complaints were filed due to damage of the premises in rue Paul-Bellamy in Nantes.
In the night from Sunday to Monday, the window of the Green MP’s office was destroyed with blows of construction panels according to a witness at the scene.Four individuals were arrested near the premises by a police patrol. They were remanded in custody. The member complained. “Move? No question of it, says François de Rugy. It would be a way of giving in. I wanted to have a visible place to have a certain proximity to citizens. “
Posted on February 23, 2016 by Attack
Translated by Act for freedom now!

March 20, 2016
by actforfreedom

[Poster] Against their war against their peace … For the social revolution! -France

Against their war against their peace …affguerrepaix2.indd
… For the social revolution!

WAR is in full swing and rounding up the troops. The carnage by the Assad regime, Daech and the democratic bombing is drowning any revolutionary possibility in Syria in blood. And from Iraq to Mali, Yemen to Ukraine, daily terror is devastating lives and territories for economic and political interests in the name of religion, an ethnic group, a nation.
To different degrees, the dirty war of oppression allows soldiers to let loose against entire populations, ordered to submit or follow one or the other side. In January and November 2015 the Paris killings arrived to remind us that the horror of war is not limited to far off battlefields.
HERE soldiers of god also massacre to impose their rule, while the French government is reinforcing its own war at all cost. The army is deployed and the state of emergency drags on. Pumped up surveillance and uniforms, beatings, trigger happy hunting for migrants and undesirables, laws and measures against anything that might resemble an “enemy within”, the message is clear: the screw is being tightened and everyone must tow the line.
Against the logic of war which is engulfing bodies and minds, in the name of power, it is time to break ranks and spread the struggle for freedom.
THE STRUGGLE FOR FREEDOM does not seek little soldiers and defers to no higher authority. Rather, it takes shape in each refusal to delegate one’s decisions and the will to take one’s life in one’s own hands. It advances in rebellion against the permanent war that strikes through money and cops. It is led by all those who are fighting here and now for a truly different world, without moral or criminal codes, States or borders, masters or slaves.
Facing what hinders freedom also makes us face ourselves: it is for us to determine, experiment, approach what we want to live. It is certainly not easy, but we have weapons that the powerful fear: SOLIDARITY among rebels against isolationism, SELF-ORGANISATION without leaders or hierarchy, individual and collective ATTACK on all everything involved in domination.
So let’s give free rein to our autonomy of thought and action to spread subversion and break their barrack-style peace! Let’s take the initiative to sabotage all their projects of devastation! Let’s go on the offensive to destroy the machinery of the war machine, control and exploitation! To finally put an end to this deadly order!
[Poster found on the walls of several towns, February 2016]
Translated by Act for freedom now!

March 20, 2016
by actforfreedom

Smash Facebook+Telephone – use Tails and Jabber/OTR

To avoid more repression from the police – think about your
communication! The pigs get many informations through the unnessesary
use of telephone and Facebook. Try Tails , it is the most safe way of
communication and internet using.

Tails is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and
anonymity. It helps you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent
censorship almost anywhere you go and on any computer but leaving no
trace unless you ask it to explicitly.

It is a complete operating system designed to be used from a DVD, USB
stick, or SD card independently of the computer’s original operating
system. It is Free Software and based on Debian GNU/Linux.

Tails comes with several built-in applications pre-configured with
security in mind: web browser, instant messaging client, email client,
office suite, image and sound editor, etc.

Tails relies on the Tor anonymity network to protect your privacy

all software is configured to connect to the Internet through Tor
if an application tries to connect to the Internet directly, the
connection is automatically blocked for security.

Tor is an open and distributed network that helps defend against
traffic analysis, a form of network surveillance that threatens
personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and
relationships, and state security.

Tor protects you by bouncing your communications around a network of
relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody
watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit,
and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical

Using Tor you can:
be anonymous online by hiding your location,
connect to services that would be censored otherwise;
resist attacks that block the usage of Tor using circumvention
tools such as bridges.

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March 17, 2016
by actforfreedom

Solidarity letter from imprisoned anarchists comrades in Greece to Osman Evcan

Solidarity to Osman Evcan from Greece
Osman Evcan, who is imprisoned in the prisons of the Turkish state from 1992 and identifies himself as a vegan anarchist since 2003, is fighting a tough struggle for the rudimentary conditions of living, like the achievement of mail, telephone communication, information etc, with the main point being the vegan alimentation right. Since the 22th of February, he is carrying his 4th hunger strike for the same reasons, in a very short period of time from the last one, as they transferred him recently in L type prisons, losing everything he had achieved till now with his former exhausting hunger strikes.
We barely know him personally, but we cannot help but feel moved by the fact that in a country-war zone, an imprisoned comrade is choosing and insisting to raise the matter of total liberation of life from the shackles of civilization and authority. An imprisoned comrade who refuses to feed himself with corpses of animals, which have been tortured by the meat industry and all the derivatives of pain, who refuses to become a cogwheel in this bloodthirsty capitalist machine which is destroying and plunders the earth.
We ourselves have experienced the disdain and irony in our non anthropocentric struggle attitude; even inside the antiauthoritarian milieu in Greece, usually in the name of “something more important”, as if there can be an impartial prioritization of the struggle. That’s why this has an additional importance for us to point out the hunger strike of this comrade in Greece as well, aside from the obvious support and solidarity that Osman needs at this tough moment.
 Dimitris Politis
George Karagiannidis
Yannis Michailidis
 via: Radiofragmata Translation Project

March 17, 2016
by actforfreedom

A Call For Actions in Solidarity with Alabama Prison Rebels – USA

via: It’s Going Down
Things here are tense but festive. The C.O. and warden was stabbed…It has nothing to do with overcrowding, but with the practice of locking folks up for profit, control and subjugation. Fires were set, we got control of two cubicles, bust windows. The riot team came, shot gas, locked down, searched the dorms. Five have been shipped and two put in lockup.”
An inmate at Holman Correctional
This week, prison rebels at Holman Correctional Facility in Atmore, Alabama staged two riots in three days—battling guards, building barricades, stabbing the warden, taking over sections of the prison and setting a guard station on fire. These actions come as no surprise to those who have been paying attention to the crumbling prison system in Alabama and the increasing level of radicalization of the prison population there.
The uprising at Holman, and the conditions of Alabama prisons in general, provide a unique situation in which anarchist solidarity may prove strategic. Historically speaking, successful prison uprisings have often been the result of a degrading prison system (incompetence, understaffing, weak administration) in combination with a high level of prisoner-unity and the development of a strong political subculture within the prison that supports and encourages acts of resistance. These conditions shift the balance of power between prisoners and their captors and allow prisoners more latitude to take bold action. Prison rebels in Alabama report that guards often refuse to enter the cell blocks for months at a time out of fear of attacks. The conditions for rebellion are ripe in the Alabama prison system.
The connections that Alabama prison rebels and anarchists outside of prisons have cultivated over years have created a situation in which expressions of solidarity from anarchists may have an impact. There is a great possibility that news of solidarity actions will reach prisoners there and that those actions will make sense to these rebels.

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March 17, 2016
by actforfreedom

Germany – Urgent Hambach Forest Eviction

Second Day of Evictions! Support needed!

Polizei an der Wiese 14.3.2016.3 from Hambacher Forst on Vimeo.
RWE und Polizeieinsatz am 15.03.16 RWE und Polizeieinsatz am 15.03.16
 15. March2016
Yesterday morning the meadow occupation was surrounded by police. This turned into a large scale police operation: All main paths in the forest were cleared, fixed and broadened, all barricades and tripods destroyed. Until today three unoccupied occupations were evicted (Crusty Town, Pizza, Molly). Police forces are still present all around, chasing people who try to build new barricades.
This is an urgent call-out for all kinds of support! What has happened the last two days is a massive attack! Because all the roads are cleared and passable for big machinery it’s important to protect the forest occupations NOW!
Come to the Hambach forest, we need food, water, blankets and most of all more people with fresh energy!
March 15, 2016
19:30 For now the situation is calm again, seems like the cops left the forest.
17:10 Police chases activists who are trying again and again to barricade the roads.
17:00 Cops cut a rope in Oaktown and peppersprayed one other. This is hindering food/water supply, climbing up or down is impossible now.
14:30 evicted until now: Crusty Town, Molly, Pizza (all platforms were not occupied at that time) the meadow is surrounded by cops again, some on horses. Tunnel near Molly is destroyed.
11:00 Cop cars are patrolling in the forest
March 14, 2016
20:00 Police operation is over. Also traffic and person controls stopped.
18:00 Cops in Oaktown, Beechtown and at the Chillum. The encirclement of the meadow has just ended, people can leave the meadow again.
16:25 Platforms “Molly” and “Pizza” are evicted.
13:00 Cops destroy Pizza (the platform was not occupied).
12:10 All paths in the forest are broadened and flattened.
11:30 Cops found a tunnel near one of the tree occupations.
11:20 The police denies access to the forest until tomorrow, 6 am.
Entering the meadow is just possible by showing the ID.
Räumung 14.3.2016
10:40 Cops announce a press conference at 2 pm. Today the trees around the
“Pizza”platform should be cut, because of the pumping station that RWE wants to
build there.
8:40 Eviction vehicles have entered the forest and are clearing barricades.
8:30 cops in Oaktown
8:26 tripod near Deathtrap is evicted
7:52 Police at Deathtrap (platform at the entrance to the forest next to the old highway)
7:30 The meadow is surrounded by cops.

March 15, 2016
by actforfreedom

Spain – The third day of the trial against Anarchists comrades Mónica and Francisco

Second day March 9 of the trial against Anarchist comrades Mónica and Francisco
March 8 – Summary of the first session of the trial against the comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar


Today, Thursday, March 10, the third and final hearing in the trial of our comrades Mónica and Francisco took place. There was mainly the summing up of the lawyers for both the defence  and the prosecution, and that of the Public Prosecutor.
The hearing began with the expert witnesses called by the defence, who submitted reports on the comparative study of DNA from a number of objects found after the explosion, and DNA of Francisco and Mónica extracted from objects taken from their cells. They confirmed what had already been exposed in the reports: there is absolutely no correspondence.
Subsequently, the judge asked whether the parties confirmed their initial conclusions, a question to which the lawyer of the specific accuser, the woman who was in Pilar at the moment of the explosion, confirmed wanting to maintain the charges of “damage” and “injury”, but asked for the charges of membership and conspiracy to be dropped, significantly lowering the request to 12 years and a day for each and asking for compensation of 102,000 euro.
The summing up began with the Public Prosecutor who retained the 4 charges as in the indictment: membership, massacre, injury and conspiracy. He also retained the request of 44 years prison for each. In his argumentation he insisted that after the oral hearing and the investigators’ reports, the participation of the comrades in an organisation of a terrorist nature remains proven.
In the face of the discrediting of the experts by the defence in previous hearings by alluding to their lack of documented training in relation to what is stated in the reports, the prosecutor wanted to validate their professional offices on the basis of their technical and practical knowledge. The prosecution continued his exposition along the same lines, taking for granted the participation of Francisco and Mónica in the action in Pilar and their intention to attack the shrine of Montserrat. Concerning the charge of injury, he referred to the medical reports that assess the acoustic injury and the psychological consequences of the woman affected.
He continued with an exposition of the specific charge, explaining the reason for the change in his conclusions after the hearing, pointing out that although he agrees with the Prosecutor concerning membership of the comrades in the FAI-FRI and GAC, there are no sufficient arguments for this to be considered a terrorist organization. A similar argument was used to justify the withdrawal of the charge of massacre: he considers that effectively their visit to Montserrat had the intention to attack the same, but that there is insufficient evidence to prove it. In relation to the accusations, it is important to note that he changed the charge of “massacre” to “damage” with terrorist aims.
The final expositions were by the defence and were blunt and categorical in relation to the accusatory thesis. It was an extensive exposure, so we will look at the main aspects of the argumentation here:
– The court’s lack of impartiality for having participated in investigations which were up to the investigating judge. It was also discussed whether the fact that the court would have been the same to decree the extension of prison on remand arguing that there was sufficient “evidence” to adopt this measure was a sign of impartiality. The fact that police reports were included in the trial as expert evaluations was also mentioned.
– Lack of truth for reporting in the investigation that Francisco and Mónica had been sentenced in Chile for the caso Bombas and then released due to a “procedural error”, as they were acquitted for lack of evidence.
– The fact that the order of judicial proceedings and the prosecution’s text were a “cut and paste” of the investigators’ reports highlights the lack of impartiality in the investigation by the Public Prosecutor and in the preliminary investigation of the case.
– With solid technical documentation, the rigour of the system used to obtain the results of the anthropometric analysis was questioned, pointing out, for example, that the technical specificity of the program applied is never clear; why this system was used and not another and the fact that the results are far from reliable as they do not have the minimum technical requirements (camera distance, angle, light, pixels, image quality).
 – There was some discussion on the use of “open” sources, ie, obtained from the internet without a comparison with original sources.
 – It was reiterated that no eyewitness gives any description matching the two.
– The concept and practice of “solidarity and mutual aid” are inherent in all anarchists.
– In requiring at least 3 people to form a terrorist organization, the police investigation needed to link the two with other people and groups, and it is here that the GAC come into the trial.
– There is insufficient evidence to put them in conjunction with GAC and in no case could this be considered a terrorist organization, indicating that no action has been claimed with this acronym. The communiqués of the GAC and the book “Against Democracy” were gone through, demonstrating that no aspect of their contents that could indicate that this is an organization with terrorist aims.
– The defence argue that FAI-FRI does not correspond to any structure or organization and that it is a “signature” with which anarchists are called to action internationally. It also reiterates the fact that from 2010 it is no longer identified as a terrorist organization by the European Union.
– With regard to the explosive device danger ratio, based on the conviction that they are not responsible for the fact, it is reported that whoever carried out the Pilar action had no intention of causing harm to people given the characteristics of the device, the time at which it exploded and the telephone alert.
The trial ended with Francisco and Mónica’s right to a final word, where they took the opportunity to reaffirm their ideas as anarchists. Following this, the judge ordered the court to be cleared, amidst shouts of support of the comrades present.
We end this summary with the words with which the two comrades concluded their declarations, reflecting the strength and consistency of their convictions:


 Indymedia Barcelona
from: Informa-azione
Translated by Act for freedom now!

March 15, 2016
by actforfreedom

Responsibility Claim 3/3/2016, for the attack at the State Legal Council (Akadimias street and Zoodohou Pigis) – Athens – Greece

Responsibility Claim
Today, 3/3/2016, we attacked the State Legal Council (Akadimias street
and Zoodohou Pigis). The windows were smashed and paint as well as
flyers were thrown, as first response to the sentences imposed by the
terror-court of Koridallos prisons on those accused in the 2nd trial of
the Revolutionary Struggle:

Nikos Maziotis: life, 126 years and a 20000 euro fine.
Pola Roupa: 11 years for the misdemeanors. The felonies will be tried if
and when she is arreseted.
Adonis Staboulos: 13 years.
Giorgos Petrakakos: 36 years and a 9000 euro fine.

It is the first time that the bombing of a bank (Bank of Greece) brings
a life sentence. Despite the fact that the appellate for the 1st trial
of the R.S. is underway, the transfer of comrade Maziotis from the
special wing of Koridallos prisons is imminent, as it has been leaked.
The political and physical isolation they attempt at the expense of the
political prisoners will not pass. we will be at the side of the armed
revolutionary organizations as well as those comrades accused of
integration in those. Authority will always find us in front of it.

Freedom to the political prisoners

Against the “anti-terrorist” legislation, factual solidarity.


Translated by Act for freedom now!

March 15, 2016
by actforfreedom

Greece – Open letter of Pola Roupa about the attempt to break Nikos Maziotis out of Koridallos prison

maziotis-polaBelow is the first part of the comrade’s long letter; originally published in Greek on Athens IMC (March 8th 2016).
Under other circumstances, this text would be written by Revolutionary Struggle. However, the outcome of the attempt to break out the comrade Nikos Maziotis of Koridallos prison obliges me to speak personally.
On February 21st [2016], I attempted to break out Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis by helicopter. The operation was planned so that other political prisoners could join us, who wished to make their way to freedom. Details of the plan, how I managed to evade the security measures and board the helicopter armed, have no special significance and I will not refer to them; despite the fact that there has been a lot of misinformation. Just for the sake of clarity, I will only mention that the plan was not based on any previous helicopter prison escape, it is not associated with any findings of plans not yet implemented, and I do not have any relation to another fugitive person despite media portrayals to the contrary. Also, this attempt was not preceded by any escape plan that “was wrecked”, as reported by some media.
A quarter of the journey after our takeoff from Thermisia in Argolida, I took out my gun and I asked the pilot to change course. Of course, he did not understand who I am, but he realised it was an attempted prison break. He panicked. He attacked me pulling out a gun – a fact he “omitted”. Also because they will likely try to refute the fact he was armed, I remind everyone that there are publicly available reports about the discovery of two mags in the helicopter. One was mine, but the second wasn’t mine. The second mag was from his own gun, which he dropped from his hands during our scuffle during flight. And as for me, of course I had a second mag. Would I go to such an operation with only one mag?
He lost control of the helicopter and shouted in panic “we will get killed”. The description that was presented of a helicopter substantially unmanageable is true. But these images did not result from my actions, but his. The helicopter was losing altitude and swirled in the air. We flew a few meters over electricity wires. I screamed to him to pull up the helicopter, to do what I tell him so no one will get hurt.
Within no time at all, we were on the ground. Those who speak of a dispassionate reaction of the pilot, apparently judging from the result, don’t know what they are talking about.
Instead of doing what I told him to do, he preferred to risk crashing with me in a collision of the helicopter, which didn’t happen by chance. It goes without saying that upon entering the helicopter and trying to gain control of it, to direct it to the prisons, I had made my decision. If he refused to do what I told him, I would naturally react. Those who claim I was responsible for the uncontrolled descent of the helicopter, from 5,000 feet to the ground, what did they expect? That I would have said “if you don’t want to come to the prisons, never mind”? I fired my gun and we engaged – both armed – in a scuffle during flight.
He preferred to risk crashing with me on the mountain than to obey. When we finally landed on the ground with speed, even though I knew the operation was lost, I had every opportunity to execute him. I consciously decided not to do so. Although I knew that with this decision I was endangering my life or freedom, I did not execute him even though I had the chance. He himself knows this very well. The only factor that held me back was my political conscience. And I took this decision, risking my own life and possibility to get away.
Regarding the prison escape operation itself, it’s obvious that all possible safety measures were taken in order to safeguard the undertaking against the armed guards patrolling the prison perimeter, and I even carried a bulletproof vest for the pilot as well. In this case, the purpose was to make the prison break happen in a way that would ensure the lowest possible risk for the helicopter, the comrades and, of course, the pilot. I acted with the same thought when we landed on the ground; despite the fact that the operation failed because of the pilot; despite the fact that he was armed. I essentially put his life over my own life and safety. But I am to reconsider this specific choice.
Organising to break out Nikos Maziotis was a political decision, as much as it was a political decision to liberate other political prisoners as well. It was not a personal choice. If I wanted to only liberate my comrade Nikos Maziotis, I wouldn’t have chartered a large helicopter – a fact that made the operation’s organising more complex. The aim of the operation was the liberation of other political prisoners as well; those who actually wanted, together with us, to make their way to freedom.
This action, therefore, despite its personal dimensions that are known, was not a personal choice but a political one. It was a step in the path to Revolution. The same goes for every action I have carried out and for every action I will make in the future. These are links in a chain of revolutionary planning aimed to create more favourable political and social conditions, for broadening and strengthening revolutionary struggle. Below I will refer to the political basis of this choice; but first I have to talk about facts, and the way I have operated until now in regard to some of these facts.
As I previously mentioned, every action I carry out concerns an act related to political planning. In the same context, I expropriated a branch of Piraeus Bank on the premises of Sotiria Hospital in Athens last June [2015]. With this money, in addition to my survival in “clandestinity”, I secured the organising of my action and financing of the operation for the liberation of Nikos Maziotis and other political prisoners from Koridallos women’s prisons. The reason I refer to this expropriation (I couldn’t care less about the penal consequences of this admittance) is because, at this time, I consider it absolutely necessary to disclose how I operate in regard to the safety of civilians, who in certain circumstances happen to be present in revolutionary actions I am involved in, and my perspective about this issue on the occasion – always mutatis mutandis – of the prison escape attempt.
In the case of the expropriation of Piraeus Bank branch, what I mentioned to the bank clerks when we walked into the bank was that they should not press the alarm button, because this would endanger their own safety, since I wasn’t willing to leave the bank without the money. I did not threaten them, nor would they ever be in danger because of me. They would only be in danger because of the police, if cops arrived at the spot and we subsequently had an armed clash. And the police would only arrive if any clerks pressed the bank alarm. This was a development which they themselves wanted to avoid. Because people who happen to be present in every such action are not afraid of those trying to expropriate, but instead the police intervening. Besides, it’s really stupid for anyone to attempt to defend money belonging to bankers. And for the record, when a female clerk told me “we ourselves are also poor people,” I suggested to her that we step over to a “blind” spot, where cameras can’t see us, to let her have 5,000 euros, which she did not accept, apparently out of fear. If she had accepted the money, she can be sure I would not speak publicly about it. And one detail: what I was holding was a medical apron to conceal my gun while waiting outside the bank; it was not a towel(!), as mentioned several times.
In every period of time, in the struggle for Revolution – as is also the case in all wars – at times the revolutionaries are obliged to seek the assistance of civilians in their fight. The historical examples are too many – an attempt to document them would fill an entire book, and this isn’t the time to expand on the matter – both in Greece and in armed movements and organisations in other countries. In such cases, however, we essentially ask them to take sides in a war. Once someone refuses to assist, their stance is not just about the particular practice, but an overall hostile stance against the struggle. They endanger or cancel undertakings, they put the lives of fighters in danger, they throw obstacles in the way of a revolutionary process. They take a position against a social and class war.
Neither at Piraeus Bank branch nor during the attempted helicopter escape did I make my identity known. Therefore, no one involved in these cases knew that those were political actions. But after the failed escape attempt, and given that – as I already mentioned – I had the opportunity to kill the pilot but I didn’t, risking my own life, I have to make the following public: from now on, whenever I need the assistance of civilians again, and if I deem it necessary, I will make my identity known from the outset. Since my mission in any case concerns the promotion of the struggle for overthrowing the criminal establishment, let everyone know that any possible refusal of cooperating and effort of obstructing the action will be treated accordingly.
I am, of course, aware of the personal details of the pilot, but I did not threaten his family. I would never threaten families and children.
This is my balance sheet after the escape attempt, one I must make public.
Pola Roupa
member of Revolutionary Struggle
(via Contra Info)

March 14, 2016
by actforfreedom

Switzerland – Issue 1 of Rizoma is out [IT- DE – FR]

Rizoma IT (2).jpg 1_Page_1RIZOMA
 Swiss anarchist bulletin in support of the struggle against genetic engineering and the world that produces it
 January 2016 – issue 1 – a-periodical publication in three languages: Rizoma ITRizoma DERizoma FR
 With this bulletin we want to spread theoretical and practical information on the struggle against GMOs and the world that produces them, make actions of resistance against death technologies known and create links between them, encourage exchanges, discussions and critique on practices of action and events occurring within the movement. Because we live close to GMOs experimentation fields, university and research centres, agrochemical industries, raw materials trading companies, we feel we’re directly involved and we stand in solidarity with the lives destroyed elsewhere on the planet. We want to nourish a movement full of all forms of liberating struggle and of all the means necessary against OGMS and their world.
We want our lives and methods of action to be autonomous and independent from the state, the institutions, all sorts of experts, because we want a world free of all forms of dominion and exploitation here and now.
Translated by act for freedom now

March 14, 2016
by actforfreedom

Modena, Italy – Fascists and police: the usual servants of the bosses

The Northern League and Forza Nuova are playing a dirty game organizing rallies in the city centre, torchlit processions, pseudo security patrols, inciting racial hatred and homophobia; in perfect accord with the powers that be, democratic politicians and wealthy tycoons, they are in favour of war, the war of poor against poor; just ask your grandfather who they are, what happened with Mussolini in Russia, or ask your mother if she remembers the Bologna massacre…

While this is going on under the disgusted eyes of many people of Modena, the Police, faithful ally of the right, have intimidated, banned, repressed and arrested antifascists. In 10 days alone: 2 comrades are banned from the city after getting ‘orders to leave’ by the police chief: they’re guilty of putting posters whose antifascist content could lead to unrest. 2 antifascists are arrested following a provocation set up by the police as they go to raid some squatted council flats.  26 antifascists are served with ‘injunction to pay’ (a total of 70,000 euros) for an ‘unauthorized’ demonstration in solidarity with Emilio, a comrade from Cremona brutally injured after being ambushed by neo-fascists.
13 communist militants are ordered to report to the police station every day following a demonstration against ACER and its disgusting policies on housing issues.
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March 13, 2016
by actforfreedom

Spain – Second day March 9 of the trial against Anarchist comrades Mónica and Francisco


The second hearing in the trial against Francisco and Mónica took place today Wednesday March 9. The comrades are accused of belonging to a terrorist organization, slaughter, injury and conspiracy, charges for which the prosecutor is asking for 44 years’ prison for each.
 While this hearing was taking place in court No. 4 of the Tribunale Nazionale, a group in solidarity gathered outside the walls, shouting slogans of support that could be heard by the comrades inside the court.
 Despite the fact that yesterday’s hearing was centred on the statements of Mónica, Francisco and witnesses (police and eyewitnesses) presented by the Public Prosecutor, today’s began with that of the witnesses called by the defence before moving on to experts’ statements.
 The four witnesses presented by the defence confirmed the statements that they gave to the police at the time, in which none of the features that they described correspond with those of Mónica and Francisco.
The expert witnesses (all policemen) summoned by the Public Prosecutor focused on various aspects:
– Hazard of the explosive artefact: the policemen (national, scientific and TEDAX) who deposed followed the same line of magnifying the supposed explosion hazard and the possibility of causing harm to human life. There was an attempt to scientifically endorse this argument from a theoretical study on the impact of an artefact of 3 kg of gunpowder in an open field. This argument was contested by the defence since, although the investigation mentions a charge of between 2 and 3 Kg and the claim statement describes the use of 2 kg of gunpowder, the reports were made according to the theoretical criterion of 3 Kg, highlighting the intentions of the police.
– Anthropometric analysis: this compares images of Francisco and Mónica taken from the internet (without knowing whether the police have manipulated them or not) with images from Barcelona surveillance cameras. It is concludes with a high probability of coincidence in the case of Francisco and a lesser one in Mónica’s case. It should be pointed out that none of the witnesses has any qualification related to anthropometric expertise. The intervention of the defence highlighted the handicap of the computer system used, which can only give probabilities but cannot establish identity beyond any doubt.
– Belonging to a terrorist organization: the police’s argument is based on considering that the FAI-FRI, GAC and Commando Insurreccional Mateo Morral are part of the same terrorist organization. The policemen who elaborated the report on the FAI-FRI as a terrorist organization reported that it is considered such in a European Disposition of 2001, but did not know that already from 2009, in the same Disposition, it is no longer considered a terrorist organization. They also cite in their reports various trials that have taken place in European countries against the FAI-FRI. When asked what sources they had consulted to become aware of these trials, they revealed that they had used open sources (internet, press) and in no case any official body (court, police forces, etc.).
To establish the link between the FAI-FRI and the GAC they make reference to the fact that the latter respond to the call for direct action, solidarity and mutual support that the FAI-FRI realizes. Another argument that the police use to maintain that the GAC are a terrorist organization is temporality: they report that after the GAC’s first text of presentation appeared the first coordinated action was realized in the Spanish State.
In the description that they give of the functioning of the GAC the existence of some kind of informal leadership is indicated. They also cite as an indication of Mónica and Francisco’s belonging to a terrorist organization the various international communiques showing solidarity with them, such as those made starting by the call for a “Black December”; they also mention the solidarity text that Mónica contributed to the book “Mapeando el fuego” while on trial in Chile for the caso bombas.
Finally, in the afternoon session the medical expert cited the specific allegations of the injured woman that mainly certified psychological consequences resulting from the experience of the Pilar. The day ended with police reports related to fingerprints and DNA, which established that neither one nor the other were found in the places inspected in Zaragoza (in the remains of the explosive and in the phone booth from which it was made the bomb warning call was made).
 In the face with this farcical trial, the comrades are not alone. Until we are all free! Solidarity and struggle!
Indymedia Barcelona
Translated from Italian by Act for freedom now

March 13, 2016
by actforfreedom

Spain – March 8 – Summary of the first session of the trial against the comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar


At the start of the hearing, one of the defence lawyers intervened to remind the court that a text had been introduced expressing doubts on the impartiality of the court, requesting the change of the judges. It also called for another form of judgment, in which the accused could speak last, after all the witnesses and experts. In the face of the court’s refusal to grant both claims, the hearing began with the statements of Francisco and Monica, who refused to answer the prosecution’s questions, responding only to those of their lawyers.
 Both claimed their anarchist ideas, they denied responsibility for the attack at the Basilica del Pilar, as well as belonging to any organization, which, according to the cop literature, is composed of leaders and hierarchies. Before being interrupted by the judge of the court, Angela Murillo, Francisco declared: “Yes, I am an anarchist because I mean freedom from any constraint. I think that individual creativity springs forth when there is no authority, nor orders or commands from above, which only atrophy and degrade human conduct. The State implies subordination and is against every impulse of freedom; it also implies the existence of moneylenders and exploiters”. And on organizations … “they restrict individual freedom and reduce people’s initiative to pre-established norms.” And Monica: “Any hierarchical foundation is incompatible with my ideology and way of thinking, because each dome of Power is harmful and limiting for the human being”. And responding to a question from her lawyer, she took the opportunity to reaffirm their bonds of affinity and solidarity with the other arrested comrades.
After the comrades’ statements, it was the turn of the witnesses, beginning with several members of the National Police, nine in all, who had participated in some way in the investigations. In these statements there are some contradictions on the collaboration and the flow of information provided by the Chilean State and how this may have affected the way that the investigations centred on Monica and Francisco. In this sense, one of the defence lawyers presented as evidence a press release of the General Directorate of the National Police, which informed of the operation at the time and it was assumed was a result of cooperation between States.
 No doubt the court did not take it into account. The methods used for identification of the accused and therefore the accuracy of the results was also put in question. Immediately after they proceeded to hear the witnesses present at the time of the explosion in the religious temple. First, the woman who would have sustained injuries to her ear declared that, while she was praying, two people approached her warning her to leave the place. Still she cannot even confirm whether it was two men or a man and a woman. She simply saw the profile of a man whom she could not identify.
 The other two witnesses are a security guard and a doorman of the Basilica del Pilar, who apart from describing the time of the explosion endeavoured to convey the sense of the serious danger of the bomb.
 It is worth mentioning that some days before the trial the Church Council of Zaragoza withdrew from litigation.
Translated by Act for freedom now!
croce nera anarchica — 9 March 2016
Source: publicación Refractario

March 12, 2016
by actforfreedom

Brazil: Arson attack against a Santander bank branch in Porto Alegre


 From: http://insurrectionnewsworldwide. received & translated on 11.03.16:
On the night of March 9, we placed an incendiary device at the Santander bank branch on Ramiro Barcelos street. Our incentive to conspire and then carry out the attack was solidarity and complicity with anarchists behind bars who endure days and days of incarceration but still hold their heads high, proud of their ideas and convictions.
In response to the call for solidarity with the compas Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar we organized ourselves so that our desire to express solidarity became a fire to reach the companeros who are facing a trial in which they face 44 years in prison, accused of terrorism and particularly an attack on the Basilica of the Pillar in Barcelona.
There are many reasons and motives to attack Santander Bank. For example, besides being representatives of the Spanish state (who have kidnapped our companeros), in this territory they were the administrators of Augustus Pinochet’s money following the military dictatorship in Chile. In the end, these facts are only details that enhance our anger…Any banking institution that tries to hide their genocidal intentions with ‘cultural projects’ or other pseudo-humanist terms are representatives of a system that only inspires our disgust.
Branches of Santander Bank have been attacked twice in recent days in Santiago, Chile and in Buenos Aires. The two attacks were carried out in solidarity with Monica and Francisco. This silent, instinctive coordination of solidarity not only causes a great inconvenience to normal life at different points in the world, but also strengthens our ties, making it clear there are no borders and that we do not need leaders or vertical structures to attack several bars in the same cage.
With this solidarity action for Monica and Francisco, we also send greetings to the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire compas and their families who are also facing another trial against them. Their strength inspires us every day to walk looking for the fire to illuminate the darkness.
Down with the prison walls.
Incendiary solidarity with Monica and Francisco
For the proliferation of the groups of attacks. The beauty of solidarity is the complicity.
Long live anarchy!

March 12, 2016
by actforfreedom

The God who they have created is an eternal dictator. solidarity with Francisco and Monica – Spain

Published on Feb 28, 2016
Informative and agitational video in solidarity with comrades Francisco Solar and Monica Caballero imprisoned in Spain since November 13th, 2013.
On March, 8th, 9th, 10th, 2016, Mónica and Francisco will face a trial in which they are looking at 44 years in prison.
Anarchic, Insurgent and Internationalist Solidarity with comrades Francisco and Monica!

March 10, 2016
by actforfreedom

Honour to the revolutionary Lambros Foundas who fell in battle on March 10th 2010 in Dafni, Athens -Greece

In any case, Lambros Foundas lives in the flaming hearts of those who fight continuously for dignity and freedom. The memory of the rebels that die is incarnated in our small and big revolts. Honour for ever to our comrade fighter revolutionary Lambros Foundas!
Act for freedom now ! /boubourAs
For us, his comrades in Revolutionary Struggle, Lambros Foundas is not deceased. He is in our blood and the air we breathe as fighters. He is within our goals and objectives. He is identified with our organization and our struggle. Every day, every moment, he is present