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Posts Tagged ‘Solidarity Action’

Montreuil-sous-Bois: Arson attack against ‘Archi 5′ studio of prison architecture in solidarity to Monica and Francisco (France)

Monday, March 21st, 2016

On the night between 8 and 9 March 2016, using dumped garbage and flammable products, we set fire to the front of the architect’s studio in Archi 5, rue Voltaire in the centre of Montreuil-sous-Bois.

On its website Archi 5 boasts of having achieved, or being in the act of achieving, alongside innocuous buildings, the following list of gruesome projects:

The prisons of Bourg en Bresse, of Draguignan, of Mont de Marsan, of Rennes, the jail of Condé-sur-Sarthe and Vendin the Veil, the Pole of the Judicial Police of Cergy-Pontoise, the police station in Clichy-sous-Bois, the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Chartres, the detention centre of French Polynesia in Tahiti.

We dedicate this action to all those fight for freedom and against all authority, especially the anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar in the clutches of the Spanish State and are risking very heavy prison sentences, do not deny a word of what they think and what they are.

Fire to the prisons.
Fire to those who build them.

[Published on Indymedia Nantes, March 11, 2016]
Le Chat Noir Emeutier, Translated by Act for freedom now

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Posted in Direct Action

Lisbon: Gathering 24/03 at the Spanish consulate in solidarity with Mónica and Francisco (Portugal)

Monday, March 21st, 2016


For the State, terrorists are those that endanger its interests. Fed up with this reality of fear, corruption, police abuses, media manipulation, some decide not to give up, and fight. For this they are persecuted.

Thursday 24th March at 17:30
Consulate General of Spain
3, Salitre St., Lisbon

We gather to oppose the parody trial against the anarchists Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar.




-via contrainfo

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: Responsibility claim for incendiary attack against Hellenic Post branch in Nea Smyrni by ‘Incendiary Disobedience Cell’ (Greece)

Monday, March 21st, 2016

“Who will shatter the rock that for millennia has sat upon individual autonomy? For so long now learning to live has meant learning to die.”

How many years of commercial society? How many more of “civilised” existence? And all this for what? We take part in the most paranoid experiment of human domination. From the early stages of domestication up to economy’s invasion into life, oppression, exploitation and coercion have been the most structural components of society. The Power’s structures and logics have strived to ensure their presence over the centuries, transformed themselves, gained flexibility by stepping on human relations and finally imposed their universality through the commercialisation of existence. Non-compliance margins have narrowed. The ways of vomiting “needless waste” are being humanised. The sometimes aggressive and sometimes passive indifference of the capitalist world towards the sustainability of human or nonhuman beings, that are deemed unnecessary in various ways, is discernible at a glance, not very far away. How many bodies stacked dead or alive in seas or the coldness of gray rooms?

There are no excuses in the face of the existent; everyone sees, everyone knows. The expression of our position towards this situation takes shape through anarchist action. We’ll avoid distant and hypothetical analysis. We know that (not only in our own lives) the moments of freedom are so assimilable into the repeated everyday routine that we are unable to imagine any possible turn of events. The only sure thing is that we feel this world to be unbearably hooked in our skin, and the more we attack it, the less it leaves its marks on us.

While some were sleeping exhausted and dazzled by a three-day weekend of frenzied consumption and entertainment, some chose to swing into action. In the early hours of Tuesday March 15th 2016, we torched and destroyed a van and an ATM of the Hellenic Post (ELTA) branch in the district of Nea Smyrni, Athens. Because of the fire’s extent, the branch acquired a new facade as well.

Also this is a minimum act of complicity with incarcerated comrades that have recently faced or are once again facing the halls of judges and prosecutors. Strength to Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Revolutionary Struggle, as well as all imprisoned anarchists around the world, and everyone who in any way contribute to the intensification of anarchist war against Power.

PS. And because memory is integral to the continuation of anarchist struggle we cannot but recall the death of comrade Lambros Foundas, on March 10th 2010, after an armed clash with cops.
Until anarchy

Incendiary Disobedience Cell

-via contrainfo

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Posted in Direct Action

Marseille: Incendiary attack against a GDF Suez car in solidarity with Calais (France)

Monday, March 21st, 2016

In recent weeks, the State and its “good” army have intensified their attacks against our friends in Calais, between two racist pogroms unleashed by fascists. But those who attack libertarian networks should expect strong reactions.

If the houses built in Calais are destroyed, we’ll destroy the repressive infrastructure, in Marseille like anywhere else.

In response to the destruction and attacks against the Calais Jungle, we burned a van of {Cofely – GDF Suez}, who profit from the management of so-called “migrants” by participating in the construction of detention centres in France and in Italy – Friday 4th March in the neighbourhood of Baille.

The struggle against all borders, States, and the society of exclusion and eviction, will continue.

For a solidarity-based life.

(Insomniac Owls with Internationalist Mood and Incandescent Humour)

-via contrainfo

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Posted in Direct Action

Asturias: Spanish trains sabotaged in solidarity with Mónica and Francisco (Spain)

Monday, March 21st, 2016

On March 11th 2016, we cut the counterweights along the catenary of Avilés/Xixón rail line in both directions. The cuts were made at the height of the town of Villabona, locality where our comrades Mónica and Francisco are held hostage. These cuts produce a voltage drop on the line forcing a halt to train traffic, causing serious delays and economic losses. The action aims to send a warm revolutionary hug to our comrades on the occasion of the trial/farce organised by the Spanish State.

Also solidarity graffiti were painted on the two signs of the -penitentiary centre- indicating where they are held hostage.

Love for freedom, and hate of those who take it from us

Some anarchist individualities

-via contrainfo

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Posted in Direct Action

Prague: Network of Revolutionary Cells take responsibility for incendiary attack against police vehicles in solidarity with imprisoned vegan anarchist Martin Ignačák (Czech Republic)

Monday, February 29th, 2016

Communique: Police cars set on fire with solidarity with anarchist Martin Ignačák.

A fire of two police cars took place on 14th February 2016 right by the police office at Nad Úpadem street. The fire itself was initiated by time flammable device. The Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB) – Solidarity Subversion Cell, is responsible for this sabotage. The cars were set on fire in solidarity with anarchist Martin Ignačák. He is being held in Prague – Pankrác prison, where he is being tortured.

Martin, as a fighter against capitalism is facing attacks from those, who want to keep the continuity of capitalism exploitation. Imprisonment is one of those attacks. The other one then is refusing to give him the food he needs. Martin is vegan and he has good reasons for being so. He doesn’t want to eat bodies of unnecessarily killed animals. He also doesn’t want to eat eggs, milk and other products from which the animals suffered. Before he was taken into custody he was eating only plant based food, that means vegan food. And the prison administration doesn’t respect it. They’re refusing to give him vegan food, although vegan food is a part of the prison administration’s rules, not to mention that the other imprisoned vegans are being given vegan food with no problem at all. Martin is in no doubt being tortured, and it can lead to a very serious health problems or death.

These torturing methods that are used against Martin Ignačák are unacceptable. We don’t believe that it will help if we just ask the institutions of the state, because they’re part of the problem. So anarchists are rather choosing direct action. Solidarity expressed in subversive activity against structures, that torture our comrade and makes sure that capitalism continues. Police is a part of these structures. That’s why the sabotage was on their cars, because the cars are technologies that help with oppression.

Martin Ignačák is now waiting in prison for the official court process. A spectacle where the society will be scared away by terrorism and extremism – the words, that the state’s servants like to use when they speak about anarchism so that the substance of emancipation would be hidden from people that otherwise have a lot of reasons to rage alongside us.

The official court process will for sure be a big demonstration of power. Theater scene in which the main character will be a big monster that everyone is afraid of. This role will be played by the states and their servants. There are no doubts, that the verdict was already said a long time ago. Martin Ignačák was sentenced to die. And it’s starting off by not giving him the food he needs to survive. The Network of Revolutionary Cells will not tolerate this. Our subversion will be present as long as we don’t get what we want. In the short term horizon, we want dignity for Martin Ignačák. In the long time horizon, we want to destroy the system that makes us and Martin lose our dignity.

Solidarity with Martin Ignačák!

Solidarity with everyone who is facing oppression from the state!

Solidarity Subversion Cell / Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB) – 14. 2. 2016


Links: 1, 2.

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Posted in Direct Action

‘Circle of Individualists for Anarky’ & ‘Grupo Kapibara FAI-FRI’ claim responsibility for arson of Andrés Bello University in Santiago (Chile)

Monday, February 22nd, 2016

Translated from Spanish by Palmer Amaranth

“Civilization is the war that some humans have unleashed against nature a few thousand years ago in order to increase their own power. This war continues today. A system of domination increasingly powerful and invasive, thanks to the support of its technological control devices, but which has failed to eliminate from the face of the earth the resistance of certain individuals, of some not yet civilized communities, of the wild which is reborn in every place abandoned by humans. All is not yet domesticated, wrought, alienated. Tangible signs of this are the countless attacks against authority and civilization that happen every day in different parts of the world, keeping in mind that we come to know only a small part of these attacks.”

People look at cell phones, other people look at more cell phones, it is an agreeable atmosphere for our intent. Meanwhile, someone delivers letters and documents, no one makes eye contact, access to the building was pretty easy, our previous observations give us the assurance. The first floor is at our mercy, the first barrier has fallen and there is only 10 meters to go. Scan the place and leave partly hidden the plastic bottle filled with gasoline and oil attached to an incendiary mixture of potassium nitrate and a timing device we hope will do its work in the morning. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Trento: Two repeaters sabotaged in solidarity with Silvia, Costa and Billy (Italy)

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

From informa-azione, via actforfree:
We receive from anonymous email and spread:

“On January 14 we burned and destroyed two repeaters in Trento. Let’s stop electronic control and electromagnetic pollution. For Silvia, Costa and Billy, still on trial.”

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Posted in Direct Action

Nov 14: Anti-repression solidarity demo at the Spanish Embassy in London (UK)

Tuesday, November 10th, 2015

Manifestación en la Embajada de España en Londres en solidaridad con los anarquistas perseguidos a raíz de la Operación Pandora en Barcelona en los últimos meses.

Demonstration at the Spanish Embassy in London in solidarity with anarchists persecuted following Operation Pandora in Barcelona in the last months.

Saturday, November 14

Spanish Embassy
SW1X 8SB, London, UK

Solidarity to all the prisoners of the Spanish State – Destroy the Prisons.


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Posted in Social Control

Athens: Political parties’ kiosks torched and vandalized (Greece)

Thursday, October 15th, 2015

Political parties’ kiosks torched and vandalized (Athens, 19/09/2015)

Inter Arma received and translated:

On Saturday 19/9 at dawn, we tried to disrupt even temporarily the conformism of the petty masses. As the crowd was sharpening its passivity, ready once again to show its complicity by supporting the authoritarian structure, we tried to actively declare our complicity with the anarchist prisoners, who carry out their own fight against the isolation and alienation their are subjected to in the condition of imprisonment.

Evi Statiri, partner of Gerasimos Tsakalos, is on a hunger strike since 14/9 demanding only the termination of her unjustified detention. Evi Satiri, victim of the authority’s generalized power expansion strategy is imprisoned in the cells of democracy since 2/3 when she arrested together with Angeliki Spyropoulou and Athena Tsakalou in Salamina and is accused of being member of a terrorist organization without any evidence whatsoever. It is certain that Evi is not held hostage by the state by accident. Authority, beyond the psychological test to which it wishes to put the comrades of CCF in order to avenge them for their consistent and uncompromising aggressive attitude, has a much more dangerous target in its plans. The democratic totalitarianism of order, legality, safety, quietness, commodities, and economic domination wants to eliminate everything that questions the choices which the masses are allowed to consume from its one-dimensional reality of the spectacle.

The total expansion of a reality with predefined movement limits doesn’t allow its questioning, much more the transfer from the abstract space of ideas to the physical armed confrontation with the materializations of institutional power. Those who negate the existent, should firstly be punished and eliminated and secondly, since no punishment can erase events, have their choices isolated, marginalized, ridiculed and communicated in the rational control tanks and their bearers. Anarchists urban guerrillas who attempt a radical deconstruction of modern life, should literally disappear from the social terrain in order for the smooth operation of the system and it is a natural consequence by which no one should be surprised that family members and friends are prosecuted, following their choice to have relationships with people whose history should be deleted from the social memory.

Under these conditions we wanted to disrupt the daily flow of news, information and events of an election campaign, we placed incendiary devices at two election kiosks, one of the Communist Party and one of SYRIZA in Ano Patissia, and vandalized one kiosk of ND (New Democracy) in Kifissia. Although there are many reasons to attack these political parties, the choice was essentially arbitrary, so we will not bother explaining any special reasons for these attacks since as anarcho-nihilists we are hostile towards every political structure. The time frame of the attack however was not arbitrary at all. Our choice to attack a day before the elections was aimed to disrupt the democratic spectacular relations where domination demonstrates its ideological omnipotence. Elections also are fully adapted to the existence of the modern slave who was asked to give away a life whose rights have already been taken, to the hands of a specialist. The votes deposited in the ballot box bear the imprints of an abandoned life and a rented consciousness whose every desire is the product of social imperatives, independent only to the extend that it confirms the one-dimensional civilization of the authoritarian world.

It is obvious that the choices and issues of anarchist prisoners have no place within the borders of domination and that is why we as anarchists take up the task of establishing the flow of our own world against those who in the face of the fear of a chaotic life chose to seek refuge in the smoothness of authoritarian realism. In contrast with the procedures for managing the masses, the issues concerning anarchist comrades are directly linked to us and we are prepared to assist them when necessary. Far from reproducing nihilistic intellectualism and the commodified notion of violence for violence, expressed by discontented crowds, let us go on the offensive always according to our desire for action. Let us put an end to the graphic reproduction of phrases spoken too many times and harmless slogans and let us begin to live the war for which so much ink has been spilled.

Immediate release of the hunger striker Evi Statiri, not because her imprisonment is “illegal” or “unjust” but because we demand it.

Immediate granting of educational prison leaves to Nikos Romanos




Nihilists for the total attack against the existent

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