QUOTE OF THE DAY              


“We are more anxious to speak then [sic] to be heard”


—   Thoreau     


It's a privilege to be a member of a racist organization; definitely, it's not a right or a favor that you're doing for that group by joining a pro-white organization. Unfortunately it's been the other way around for the last two generations because of the evil mainstream media condemnations and propaganda against white identity politics and the consequent anti-white regime laws and police interference in these worthy organizations. This tax-paid-for interference is rightful political assembly has seen the destruction and demise of many pro-white groups, some created by the security agencies themselves, like Canada's infamous neo-criminal Heritage Front which was formed with White Nationalist and of a CSIS operative Grant Bristow who was thanked by a Canadian Parliamentary committee for his political civil rights/disruptive work in undermining the white racist movement in Ontario. This sneaky snake is now hiding in Alberta under the name Nathan Black. It cost the government $7 million tax dollars for this conspiracy.

Its leader, Wolfgang Droege, was allowed to peddle cocaine to strippers and was waved on many times by the cops when thy checked CPIC and found out he was one of them, while pretending to be pro-white advocate: "Equal Rights for Whites" was their lame slogan, ignoring necessary white privilege which guarantees a white society. One of the Heritage Front's "in crowd" is now working for Vladimir Putin with regular trips to the Donbass, Eastern Wave, where the Russian-speaking separatists rule. Of course, Yeltsin's boy Putin was put in by globalist Russia Jew oligarchs and probably cooperates with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the mother of the Heritage Front. This character now lauds the Soviets, having long forgotten his "Howdy Himmler" persona. He was one of the first to join an assist CSIS's treacherous Heritage Front, which went down in flames after Droege was gunned down by a jealous druggie customer over a wayward white woman, who left our three kids behind in search of a skinhead/motorhead lover, then switched to Droege's druggie assassin.

Besides police operations, a racist organization has to contend with all sorts of nut cases, some benign and some subversive, like the guy who pretends he's your loyal follower and admirer, then inserts crazy ideas into meetings and conversations like "The Earth is flat, and I can prove it! And the Jews are behind it, fooling us that the earth is round!" Those statements come from either a mental case or a conniving bastard who knows how to destroy the seriousness of our racist mission by equating his cuckoo theories to natural racism. "Well, you guys believe in racism, and I believe in this. It's just as valid." Needless to say, this able-bodied fool will be ostracized from future political and social events for his idiocy and for his persistent scheming to minimize the white nationalist movement.

Another naive nay-sayer said to me, "You're beating a dead horse" referring to racism. "Well, he's just as blind and childish as the agents on this point, since racism is rising everywhere and really never left the scene, but was waiting for a billionaire spokesman, Donald Trump and his views on globalist migrant invasion policies for racists to raise their heads around the white world. The 'dead horses' are the anti-racist white self-loathers and their hedonistic ilk white traitors are rueing every day as the racist roll call for the November 8 elections in the United States. Trump or no Trump, racism is here to stay, with all its warts and wing-nuts. And natural racism is getting stronger every day with the death of the barren anti-racist wimps and whiners as their pieces are removed from the game board of life while our racist "kith and kin" are still here.



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every picture tells a story


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's colorful socks are seen during a question and answer session

after his speech at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, March 31, 2016


Now on Bob's Beat :  Dumb dads and death wishes

“NPC TV Tips” can be accessed HERE or from the link on ARTS/REVIEWS 





( OLD GODZ for those who might care )




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300 Coxwell Avenue, P.O. Box 3037

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Mind of a racist — recommended books Don Andrews has read

A SMALL CORNER OF HELL by Anna Politskovskaya

(University of Chicago Press; 224 pages) Russia's dirty war against Chechnya as reported by a Russian female journalist
murdered by Putin's KGB



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