Paris: A JCDecaux van up in smoke in solidarity with Operation Piñata prisoners, Mónica and Francisco


In the early morning of May 27th, it smelt of burning by Télégraphe [metro station]. A JCDecaux van went up in smoke. They enrich themselves with the gentrification of cities and exploitation of convicts.

Solidarity with comrades imprisoned during the Operation Piñata in Spain. Solidarity with Mónica and Francisco.

[Translated by Squat!net from Nantes Indymedia]

Stockholm (Sweden): opening of a new squat, Högdalens new Folkets hus


We are a group who on Saturday 23rd May re-opened the old school building on Rangstaplan 22 in Högdalen Centrum. We did this because of the plans to demolish the building soon. The decision to do so was taken over the head of the local people. A former public space has without the local communitys’ consent been sold cheaply to a private developer who’s planning on building expensive private housing on the land. Protests and alternative suggestions, like using the building as an elderly home or community center, were ignored by the local politicians and decision makers. [Read More]

Prague: Klinika, struggle for autonomous space


Czech republic is a country of „political stability“. In despite of general disillusionment in capitalism no social movements haven’t emerged yet. Whereas in other countries social protests and demonstrations underway at least, in the Czech republic demonstrations against neoliberal austerity can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Moreover even the radical left, anarchist and anti-authoritarian activities were in decline after anti-IMF and anti-NATO summit protests at the beginning of 2000’s and squatting practically disappeared.

The situation began to change slowly after the eviction the last squat in Prague in 2009. In the next years the squatting has become important repertoire of action of the small radical and autonomous milieu in Prague. In despite of police repression and quick evictions of the squats, activists used the squatting as a tool in struggle against real estate speculations, and as a symbolic challenge the dogma of private property as one of the cornerstone of capitalist ideology in the Czech republic. After 2012 only one squat (Cibulka) remained, but squatters brought attention to the issues of speculations. Besides this symbolic struggle there was long-term effort in autonomous milieu to open squatted social center as autonomous space for radical and anti-capitalists politics. [Read More]

Ireland: What Housing Crisis? This is a capitalist crisis


Ours is a society in which, in every field, one group of people makes decisions, exercise control, limits choices, while the great majority have to accept these decisions, submit to this control and act within the limits of these externally imposed choices. Nowhere is this more evident than in the field of housing: one of those basic human needs which throughout history and all over the world people have satisfied as well as they could for themselves, using the materials what were at hand and their own, and their neighbors labor. The marvelously resourceful anonymous vernacular architecture of every part of the globe is a testimony to their skill, using timber, straw, grass, leaves, hides, stone, clay, bone, earth, mud sand even snow. Consider the igloo: maximum enclosure of space with minimum of labor. Cost of materials and transportation, nil. And all made of water. Nowadays, of course, the Eskimos live on welfare handouts in little northern slums. Man, as Habraken says “no longer houses himself: he is housed” – Colin Ward.
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Notre-Dame-des-Landes: Three ‘Vinci’ lackeys chased out of the ZAD (and their vehicles sabotaged)


Wednesday morning [April 29th], in Vigneux-de-Bretagne, three biologists from Angers who came to study marbled newt were chased off by a dozen masked individuals.

In recent days, scientists from Gecco (Ecology and Conservation of Vertebrates Group), a Faculty of Sciences laboratory in Angers, have been taking samples on the ZAD. The concessionaire appointed by the state, mandated by Vinci, are studying the functionality of amphibian populations on the zone affected by the airport project. In this case the marbled newt. [Read More]

Prague: Cibulka squat evicted


The Cibulka squat has been evicted today, four people are still in the tower, twelve have been already arrested according media report.
More info to be posted as soon as possible.

Communique 11/05/2015
Cibulka evicited…

Hello comrades friends and all the others

Our beloved squat Cibulka was evicted in wednesday 6th of may The police sent “tens of tens” (as described by the media) policemen in heavy armor with a water cannon against ten residents and less than twenty visitors of the run-down building. From those they then picked out residents according to an in advance prepared list and took them in for questioning. One of us got a suspended sentence in speeded-up proceedings, seven others are prosecuted for so called unauthorized use of property. We consider the intervention not only illegitimate, but also illegal according to what is here called legal code of the state. In spite of losing a place to live, in spite of the beating, threats, bullying and contempt from the police, state offices and even “decent” society, we remain free – our fight goes on! [Read More]

Faslane (Scotland): Support your local Peace Camp


There’s a good crew at the Peace Camp just now, if we can be so pleased with ourselves. However, to be fully effective the camp needs greater numbers and wider support. For that reason, we’d like to organise a ‘bank’ of part-time Peace Campers, to help make sure all the boxes are ticked and afford greater ambition in campaigning at this critical time.
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A call for the self-representations of autonomous projects

The SqEK network of researchers and activists meets in Barcelona, Spain, May 21st to 25th, 2015. We present there an exhibition of posters and information presentations from and about autonomous spaces, from the squatting, occupation and disobedient movements. This show will go on to the USA in September.

We call for posters and presentations to be sent by post (please contact for address), or by digital file so that we can print them out on site.
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The Hague (NL): Autonoom Centrum Den Haag eviction threat


The Autonomous Center (AC) located at Willem van Outhoornstraat 17 in The Hague is being threatened with eviction. The AC has already been squatted for 5 years and provides space for such activities as a vegan folks-kitchen and the alternative bookstore Opstand. During the past 5 years, nights devoted to information, films, and debate have been organized, and there is also room for music and meetings.
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London: Mayday for the Squatters and Homeless Autonomy

Bailiffs, in almost identical uniform as cops, illegally smashed into Parker Street squat and evicted us yesterday. We had previously managed to defended our selves from security thugs who were trying to force entry and deny access to the building. We had held our own and reclaimed access after a scuffle. Cops were called (not by us) and eventually one bailiff was arrested after assaulting a comrade. However, the cops were more than happy to allow the security thugs to hide their identification even though this is against the law and the legislation was spelled out clearly for them. We thought cops were good at following orders!? During this commotion the wanna be cops bailiffs smashed down doors around the back of the building and illegally stole the building from us. Parker Street building has been restored to an empty building, aka a dust collector. To add insult to injury the bailiffs stole some of our possessions. Our Neal Street, Covent Garden squat was also evicted, earlier in the morning, and the cops arrested one of our SHA comrades, on false charges, resulting in another empty dust collecting building. An addition two SHA comrades were arrested that night, again on false charges, and have now been released as has the former arrestee. [Read More]

Nijmegen (NL): Critical Cafe opens


On the morning of April 30 the New University Nijmegen opened the critical café Terecht! at Radboud University. This space will be a place where students, teachers and support staff can come together and discuss the role of the university. The New University Nijmegen is a movement proposing for an open, critical university for everyone. It is part of a broader national and international movement of students and teachers. With the opening of Terecht! we hope to make a contribution to the recent debate about the place of the university in society.
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Amsterdam: Students occupy building then leave


Today [April30], on the day before International Workers’ Day, we occupied the Service and Information Centre of the University of Amsterdam to demand attention for the exploitation and precarity of workers within the university, and outside of it.

In a phone call with the temporary head of the board Dymph van den Boom, we confronted her with questions concerning the insecurity and pressure under which workers are forced to produce and transfer knowledge in the neoliberal university.
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