25 de JUL. º460 Aniversario de Santiago del Estero. Cristina Fernández
25 de JUL. º460 Aniversario de Santiago del Estero. Cristina Fernández
25 de JUL. º460 Aniversario de Santiago del Estero. Cristina Fernández
Jueves 25 de Julio de 2013, Santiago del Estero: En los primeros minutos del día del 460 aniversario de la fundación de la capital de Santiago del Estero, Cr...
09 de SEP. Cristina Fernández inaugura Unidad de Pronta Atención en Jose C. Paz.
09 de SEP. Cristina Fernández inaugura Unidad de Pronta Atención en Jose C. Paz.
09 de SEP. Cristina Fernández inaugura Unidad de Pronta Atención en Jose C. Paz.
India Martínez - 90 Minutos. 25 Aniversario Cadena Dial 2015
India Martínez - 90 Minutos. 25 Aniversario Cadena Dial 2015
India Martínez - 90 Minutos. 25 Aniversario Cadena Dial 2015
Visión 7 - Cristina: "Río Turbio es más energía para los argentinos"
Visión 7 - Cristina: "Río Turbio es más energía para los argentinos"
Visión 7 - Cristina: "Río Turbio es más energía para los argentinos"
La Presidenta puso en marcha la Central Termoeléctrica a Carbón en Río Turbio, que aportará 240 megavatios al sistema nacional elaborados en base a 1.200.000 toneladas de carbón que se extraen en las minas de la zona. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner inauguró la obra que lleva el nombre de los 14 mineros fallecidos en un accidente en la mina en el año 2004. Los trabajos demandaron una inversión de 9 mil millones de pesos. Durante su discurso, transmitido por cadena nacional, la Jefa del Estado propuso acordar un aumento en la producción de carbón para llegar a los 2 millones de toneladas, y alcanzar así un excedente de 800 mil toneladas que se
20 de MAY. 420º Aniversario fundación de la Ciudad de La Rioja. Cristina Fernández
20 de MAY. 420º Aniversario fundación de la Ciudad de La Rioja. Cristina Fernández
20 de MAY. 420º Aniversario fundación de la Ciudad de La Rioja. Cristina Fernández
20 de Mayo de 2011, La Rioja: La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto central conmemorativo del 420 aniversario de la fundación de la ciudad de La ...
FESTA SURPRESA (PARTE 1) - Aniversário da Milena Stepanienco - 9 anos
FESTA SURPRESA (PARTE 1) - Aniversário da Milena Stepanienco - 9 anos
FESTA SURPRESA (PARTE 1) - Aniversário da Milena Stepanienco - 9 anos
A Milena nem desconfiou que a festa era dela, ela foi na festa para fazer um Show de Aniversário contratada por outra pessoa, cantou meio desconfiada e ... este vídeo é a PARTE 1
Redes Sociais:
FACEBOOK (Fan Page) : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Milena...
CANAL YOU TUBE 2 .....: https://www.youtube.com/user/MilenaSt...
SITE OFICIAL........... .....: http://www.milenastepanienco.com.br/
INSTAGRAM............... ...: https://instagram.com/Milenastepanien...
TWITTER........................: https://twitter.com/MiStepanienco
Cristina Fernández concede a RT su histórica primera entrevista sobre asuntos globales en años
Cristina Fernández concede a RT su histórica primera entrevista sobre asuntos globales en años
Cristina Fernández concede a RT su histórica primera entrevista sobre asuntos globales en años
La presidenta de Argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, quien estuvo estos días en Moscú de visita oficial, ha concedido una entrevista exclusiva a RT. Es la primera entrevista a un medio internacional sobre asuntos globales.
SEPA MÁS: http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/172846-kirchner-entrevista-rt-visita-rusia
¡Suscríbete a RT en español!
RT en Twitter: https://twitter.com/ActualidadRT
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Vea nuestra señal en vivo: http:/
Visión Siete: Cristina: "Aerolíneas Argentinas ha batido récord de cumplimiento"
Visión Siete: Cristina: "Aerolíneas Argentinas ha batido récord de cumplimiento"
Visión Siete: Cristina: "Aerolíneas Argentinas ha batido récord de cumplimiento"
La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto oficial por el 135° aniversario del bautismo del Lago Argentino, en la villa turística de El Calafate, loca...
aen especial 14-09-2010: discurso completo cristina fernandez luna park juventud peronista
aen especial 14-09-2010: discurso completo cristina fernandez luna park juventud peronista
aen especial 14-09-2010: discurso completo cristina fernandez luna park juventud peronista
Luciana Abreu - Festa de aniversário 2015 - parte 1
Luciana Abreu - Festa de aniversário 2015 - parte 1
Luciana Abreu - Festa de aniversário 2015 - parte 1
24 de AGO. 179 aniversario del izamiento de la bandera argentina en Malvinas. Cristina Fernández
24 de AGO. 179 aniversario del izamiento de la bandera argentina en Malvinas. Cristina Fernández
24 de AGO. 179 aniversario del izamiento de la bandera argentina en Malvinas. Cristina Fernández
24 de agosto de 2012, Buenos Aires: La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó un acto de homenaje a Antonio "el gaucho" Rivero, en conmemoración del 179 aniv...
Maki - Actuación en Isla Cristina (Huelva) (Gira Humildad 2010)
Maki - Actuación en Isla Cristina (Huelva) (Gira Humildad 2010)
Maki - Actuación en Isla Cristina (Huelva) (Gira Humildad 2010)
¿Qué opinas? - 40 aniversario del golpe de Estado en Chile
¿Qué opinas? - 40 aniversario del golpe de Estado en Chile
¿Qué opinas? - 40 aniversario del golpe de Estado en Chile
El 11 de septiembre de 1973 un golpe de Estado cívico-militar en Chile terminó con la experiencia de una transformación socialista democrática, encabezada por el presidente Salvador Allende e instauró una dictadura que permaneció por 17 años, encabezada por Augusto Pinochet.
Los militares en el poder adoptaron un programa económico diseñado en la universidad de Chicago, por seguidores de los economistas Milton Friedman y Frederic von Hayek, convirtiendo a Chile en un laboratorio para la aplicación de políticas económicas y sociales neoliberales. Conjuntamente, la dictadura impuso en 1980 una Constitución política a través de un referéndum f
Visión 7 - Apertura de sesiones ordinarias: discurso de la Presidenta
Visión 7 - Apertura de sesiones ordinarias: discurso de la Presidenta
Visión 7 - Apertura de sesiones ordinarias: discurso de la Presidenta
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner pronunció hoy un discurso de casi cuatro horas, ante la 133º Asamblea Legislativa donde enumeró los principales ejes de su gobierno y anunció los paquetes de leyes que se enviarán al Parlamento, entre ellos la estatización de los ferrocarriles.Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el domingo 1 de marzo de 2015.http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
25 de JUL. º460 Aniversario de Santiago del Estero. Cristina Fernández
25 de JUL. º460 Aniversario de Santiago del Estero. Cristina Fernández
25 de JUL. º460 Aniversario de Santiago del Estero. Cristina Fernández
Jueves 25 de Julio de 2013, Santiago del Estero: En los primeros minutos del día del 460 aniversario de la fundación de la capital de Santiago del Estero, Cr...
09 de SEP. Cristina Fernández inaugura Unidad de Pronta Atención en Jose C. Paz.
09 de SEP. Cristina Fernández inaugura Unidad de Pronta Atención en Jose C. Paz.
09 de SEP. Cristina Fernández inaugura Unidad de Pronta Atención en Jose C. Paz.
India Martínez - 90 Minutos. 25 Aniversario Cadena Dial 2015
India Martínez - 90 Minutos. 25 Aniversario Cadena Dial 2015
India Martínez - 90 Minutos. 25 Aniversario Cadena Dial 2015
Visión 7 - Cristina: "Río Turbio es más energía para los argentinos"
Visión 7 - Cristina: "Río Turbio es más energía para los argentinos"
Visión 7 - Cristina: "Río Turbio es más energía para los argentinos"
La Presidenta puso en marcha la Central Termoeléctrica a Carbón en Río Turbio, que aportará 240 megavatios al sistema nacional elaborados en base a 1.200.000 toneladas de carbón que se extraen en las minas de la zona. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner inauguró la obra que lleva el nombre de los 14 mineros fallecidos en un accidente en la mina en el año 2004. Los trabajos demandaron una inversión de 9 mil millones de pesos. Durante su discurso, transmitido por cadena nacional, la Jefa del Estado propuso acordar un aumento en la producción de carbón para llegar a los 2 millones de toneladas, y alcanzar así un excedente de 800 mil toneladas que se
20 de MAY. 420º Aniversario fundación de la Ciudad de La Rioja. Cristina Fernández
20 de MAY. 420º Aniversario fundación de la Ciudad de La Rioja. Cristina Fernández
20 de MAY. 420º Aniversario fundación de la Ciudad de La Rioja. Cristina Fernández
20 de Mayo de 2011, La Rioja: La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto central conmemorativo del 420 aniversario de la fundación de la ciudad de La ...
FESTA SURPRESA (PARTE 1) - Aniversário da Milena Stepanienco - 9 anos
FESTA SURPRESA (PARTE 1) - Aniversário da Milena Stepanienco - 9 anos
FESTA SURPRESA (PARTE 1) - Aniversário da Milena Stepanienco - 9 anos
A Milena nem desconfiou que a festa era dela, ela foi na festa para fazer um Show de Aniversário contratada por outra pessoa, cantou meio desconfiada e ... este vídeo é a PARTE 1
Redes Sociais:
FACEBOOK (Fan Page) : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Milena...
CANAL YOU TUBE 2 .....: https://www.youtube.com/user/MilenaSt...
SITE OFICIAL........... .....: http://www.milenastepanienco.com.br/
INSTAGRAM............... ...: https://instagram.com/Milenastepanien...
TWITTER........................: https://twitter.com/MiStepanienco
Cristina Fernández concede a RT su histórica primera entrevista sobre asuntos globales en años
Cristina Fernández concede a RT su histórica primera entrevista sobre asuntos globales en años
Cristina Fernández concede a RT su histórica primera entrevista sobre asuntos globales en años
La presidenta de Argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, quien estuvo estos días en Moscú de visita oficial, ha concedido una entrevista exclusiva a RT. Es la primera entrevista a un medio internacional sobre asuntos globales.
SEPA MÁS: http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/172846-kirchner-entrevista-rt-visita-rusia
¡Suscríbete a RT en español!
RT en Twitter: https://twitter.com/ActualidadRT
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RT en Vkontakte: http://vk.com/actualidadrt
Vea nuestra señal en vivo: http:/
Visión Siete: Cristina: "Aerolíneas Argentinas ha batido récord de cumplimiento"
Visión Siete: Cristina: "Aerolíneas Argentinas ha batido récord de cumplimiento"
Visión Siete: Cristina: "Aerolíneas Argentinas ha batido récord de cumplimiento"
La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto oficial por el 135° aniversario del bautismo del Lago Argentino, en la villa turística de El Calafate, loca...
aen especial 14-09-2010: discurso completo cristina fernandez luna park juventud peronista
aen especial 14-09-2010: discurso completo cristina fernandez luna park juventud peronista
aen especial 14-09-2010: discurso completo cristina fernandez luna park juventud peronista
Luciana Abreu - Festa de aniversário 2015 - parte 1
Luciana Abreu - Festa de aniversário 2015 - parte 1
Luciana Abreu - Festa de aniversário 2015 - parte 1
24 de AGO. 179 aniversario del izamiento de la bandera argentina en Malvinas. Cristina Fernández
24 de AGO. 179 aniversario del izamiento de la bandera argentina en Malvinas. Cristina Fernández
24 de AGO. 179 aniversario del izamiento de la bandera argentina en Malvinas. Cristina Fernández
24 de agosto de 2012, Buenos Aires: La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó un acto de homenaje a Antonio "el gaucho" Rivero, en conmemoración del 179 aniv...
Maki - Actuación en Isla Cristina (Huelva) (Gira Humildad 2010)
Maki - Actuación en Isla Cristina (Huelva) (Gira Humildad 2010)
Maki - Actuación en Isla Cristina (Huelva) (Gira Humildad 2010)
¿Qué opinas? - 40 aniversario del golpe de Estado en Chile
¿Qué opinas? - 40 aniversario del golpe de Estado en Chile
¿Qué opinas? - 40 aniversario del golpe de Estado en Chile
El 11 de septiembre de 1973 un golpe de Estado cívico-militar en Chile terminó con la experiencia de una transformación socialista democrática, encabezada por el presidente Salvador Allende e instauró una dictadura que permaneció por 17 años, encabezada por Augusto Pinochet.
Los militares en el poder adoptaron un programa económico diseñado en la universidad de Chicago, por seguidores de los economistas Milton Friedman y Frederic von Hayek, convirtiendo a Chile en un laboratorio para la aplicación de políticas económicas y sociales neoliberales. Conjuntamente, la dictadura impuso en 1980 una Constitución política a través de un referéndum f
Visión 7 - Apertura de sesiones ordinarias: discurso de la Presidenta
Visión 7 - Apertura de sesiones ordinarias: discurso de la Presidenta
Visión 7 - Apertura de sesiones ordinarias: discurso de la Presidenta
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner pronunció hoy un discurso de casi cuatro horas, ante la 133º Asamblea Legislativa donde enumeró los principales ejes de su gobierno y anunció los paquetes de leyes que se enviarán al Parlamento, entre ellos la estatización de los ferrocarriles.Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el domingo 1 de marzo de 2015.http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
Visión 7 - Cristina a la militancia: "Si traicionan al país, ustedes serán el problema"
Visión 7 - Cristina a la militancia: "Si traicionan al país, ustedes serán el problema"
Visión 7 - Cristina a la militancia: "Si traicionan al país, ustedes serán el problema"
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner aseguró ante la multitud que colmó la Plaza de Mayo a pesar de la lluvia que si en el futuro "traicionan las banderas del país" y quieren restaurar "un sistema conservador", el "problema" no será ella, sino los jóvenes que "crecieron en un país distinto". Fue en el corolario del cierre de los festejos por los 31 años de Democracia, en el que Cristina -tal cual advirtió en el discurso oficial brindado previamente en Casa de Gobierno- decidió hablar de cara a los jóvenes en la mítica Plaza aunque "me electrocute". "Les agradezco la inmensa presencia aguantando la lluvia, el viento y el granizo. Nos q
Super Sonora Acollina - Aniversario de la Banda Tupac Amaru - Huancayo
Super Sonora Acollina - Aniversario de la Banda Tupac Amaru - Huancayo
Super Sonora Acollina - Aniversario de la Banda Tupac Amaru - Huancayo
La Asociación Musical Internacional "SUPER SONORA ACOLLINA", Autoridad en Banda, demostrando su calidad y poderío en el Aniversario de la Banda Tupac Amaru, ...
Miles de "aves de papel" para festejar el 64 aniversario de la independencia india
Miles de "aves de papel" para festejar el 64 aniversario de la independencia india
Miles de "aves de papel" para festejar el 64 aniversario de la independencia india
Nueva Delhi, 15 ago (EFE).- (Imagen: Moncho Torres) Niños, jóvenes y también mayores, de toda clase social y religión, cubrieron hoy desde parques y azoteas ...
07 de AGO. Inauguración complejo educativo bilingüe en el Chaco. Cristina Fernández.
07 de AGO. Inauguración complejo educativo bilingüe en el Chaco. Cristina Fernández.
07 de AGO. Inauguración complejo educativo bilingüe en el Chaco. Cristina Fernández.
Martes 07 de Agosto de 2012, Buenos Aires: La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner debió postergar por razones climáticas el viaje previsto para esta ta...
23 de DIC. Julio De Vido inauguró el Polo Espacial Punta Indio.
23 de DIC. Julio De Vido inauguró el Polo Espacial Punta Indio.
23 de DIC. Julio De Vido inauguró el Polo Espacial Punta Indio.
23 de Diciembre de 2014, Pipinas: En su discurso el Ministro expresó que “es un ejemplo y fundamentalmente es un emblema de la soberanía nacional, que para eso lo hicimos, para el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología y para decir acá esta Argentina presente, que no tengamos que ir a la Guayana ni a ningún otro lugar a poner nuestros cohetes, nuestros satélites en órbita, que lo podamos hacer en la Argentina, con universidades argentinas, con técnicos argentinos, y con chicos argentinos”.
También Julio De Vido destacó que “todos nosotros, los que seguimos este proyecto que fundó Néstor, que es la continuidad del proyecto de Perón y Evita e
Visión 7 - Festejos por el 205º aniversario de la Revolución de Mayo (4)
Visión 7 - Festejos por el 205º aniversario de la Revolución de Mayo (4)
Visión 7 - Festejos por el 205º aniversario de la Revolución de Mayo (4)
Una impresionante movilización llenó la plaza y sus alrededores desde bien temprano disfrutando del festival, de la celebración patria de la Semana de Mayo. Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el lunes 25 de mayo de 2015. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
Periodismo Para Todos 2014 - 31 de agosto
Periodismo Para Todos 2014 - 31 de agosto
Periodismo Para Todos 2014 - 31 de agosto
El programa de Periodismo Para Todos se centró en la problemática de la inseguridad en la Argentina y Jorge Lanata empezó entrevistando a Bobby Flores, que en agosto pasado fue víctima de un violento robo en su propia casa. "Me aterra porque podría haber pasado cualquier cosa", comenzó diciendo el músico. Después hizo referencia a lo primero que pensó en el instante en el que llegó a la casa y vio cómo habían dejado todo: "Por primera vez quería morirme o matar".
Jorge Lanata habló en este nuevo programa de Periodismo Para Todos sobre los principales temas de actualidad que sucedieron en la semana, como los tweets de Cristina Kirchner califi
La delegación de cultura del Ayuntamiento de Manilva nos sigue proponiendo para la presente semana diversas actividades que llenarán las horas de ocio de vec...
Bautismos 16-Marzo-2014
Bautismos 16-Marzo-2014
Bautismos 16-Marzo-2014
Bautismos del 16 de Marzo del 2014 en Acuña Coahuila, donde se bautizaron 2 personas mas, Hna. Cristina Martinez, y Hna. Noemi Gallegos.
25 de JUL. º460 Aniversario de Santiago del Estero. Cristina Fernández
Jueves 25 de Julio de 2013, Santiago del Estero: En los primeros minutos del día del 460 aniversario de la fundación de la capital de Santiago del Estero, Cr...
Jueves 25 de Julio de 2013, Santiago del Estero: En los primeros minutos del día del 460 aniversario de la fundación de la capital de Santiago del Estero, Cr...
La Presidenta puso en marcha la Central Termoeléctrica a Carbón en Río Turbio, que aportará 240 megavatios al sistema nacional elaborados en base a 1.200.000 toneladas de carbón que se extraen en las minas de la zona. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner inauguró la obra que lleva el nombre de los 14 mineros fallecidos en un accidente en la mina en el año 2004. Los trabajos demandaron una inversión de 9 mil millones de pesos. Durante su discurso, transmitido por cadena nacional, la Jefa del Estado propuso acordar un aumento en la producción de carbón para llegar a los 2 millones de toneladas, y alcanzar así un excedente de 800 mil toneladas que se destinarán a la exportación y representarán un ingreso de 40 millones de dólares anuales.
De alcanzarse esa meta, señaló la Presidenta, el 50 por ciento de la ganancia "será destinado a un bonus para los trabajadores, y el otro 50 por ciento a inversiones en la mina". "Desde aquí, desde el sur, le estamos dando a todos argentinos petróleo, gas y ahora también le vamos a dar energía por carbón", afirmó. Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el viernes 4 de septiembre de 2015. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
La Presidenta puso en marcha la Central Termoeléctrica a Carbón en Río Turbio, que aportará 240 megavatios al sistema nacional elaborados en base a 1.200.000 toneladas de carbón que se extraen en las minas de la zona. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner inauguró la obra que lleva el nombre de los 14 mineros fallecidos en un accidente en la mina en el año 2004. Los trabajos demandaron una inversión de 9 mil millones de pesos. Durante su discurso, transmitido por cadena nacional, la Jefa del Estado propuso acordar un aumento en la producción de carbón para llegar a los 2 millones de toneladas, y alcanzar así un excedente de 800 mil toneladas que se destinarán a la exportación y representarán un ingreso de 40 millones de dólares anuales.
De alcanzarse esa meta, señaló la Presidenta, el 50 por ciento de la ganancia "será destinado a un bonus para los trabajadores, y el otro 50 por ciento a inversiones en la mina". "Desde aquí, desde el sur, le estamos dando a todos argentinos petróleo, gas y ahora también le vamos a dar energía por carbón", afirmó. Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el viernes 4 de septiembre de 2015. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
published:04 Sep 2015
20 de MAY. 420º Aniversario fundación de la Ciudad de La Rioja. Cristina Fernández
20 de Mayo de 2011, La Rioja: La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto central conmemorativo del 420 aniversario de la fundación de la ciudad de La ...
20 de Mayo de 2011, La Rioja: La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto central conmemorativo del 420 aniversario de la fundación de la ciudad de La ...
A Milena nem desconfiou que a festa era dela, ela foi na festa para fazer um Show de Aniversário contratada por outra pessoa, cantou meio desconfiada e ... este vídeo é a PARTE 1
Redes Sociais:
FACEBOOK (Fan Page) : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Milena...
CANAL YOU TUBE 2 .....: https://www.youtube.com/user/MilenaSt...
SITE OFICIAL........... .....: http://www.milenastepanienco.com.br/
INSTAGRAM............... ...: https://instagram.com/Milenastepanien...
TWITTER........................: https://twitter.com/MiStepanienco
A Milena nem desconfiou que a festa era dela, ela foi na festa para fazer um Show de Aniversário contratada por outra pessoa, cantou meio desconfiada e ... este vídeo é a PARTE 1
Redes Sociais:
FACEBOOK (Fan Page) : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Milena...
CANAL YOU TUBE 2 .....: https://www.youtube.com/user/MilenaSt...
SITE OFICIAL........... .....: http://www.milenastepanienco.com.br/
INSTAGRAM............... ...: https://instagram.com/Milenastepanien...
TWITTER........................: https://twitter.com/MiStepanienco
published:02 Jun 2015
Cristina Fernández concede a RT su histórica primera entrevista sobre asuntos globales en años
La presidenta de Argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, quien estuvo estos días en Moscú de visita oficial, ha concedido una entrevista exclusiva a RT. Es la primera entrevista a un medio internacional sobre asuntos globales.
SEPA MÁS: http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/172846-kirchner-entrevista-rt-visita-rusia
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Vea nuestra señal en vivo: http://actualidad.rt.com/en_vivo
La presidenta de Argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, quien estuvo estos días en Moscú de visita oficial, ha concedido una entrevista exclusiva a RT. Es la primera entrevista a un medio internacional sobre asuntos globales.
SEPA MÁS: http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/172846-kirchner-entrevista-rt-visita-rusia
¡Suscríbete a RT en español!
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RT en Vkontakte: http://vk.com/actualidadrt
Vea nuestra señal en vivo: http://actualidad.rt.com/en_vivo
published:23 Apr 2015
Visión Siete: Cristina: "Aerolíneas Argentinas ha batido récord de cumplimiento"
La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto oficial por el 135° aniversario del bautismo del Lago Argentino, en la villa turística de El Calafate, loca...
La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto oficial por el 135° aniversario del bautismo del Lago Argentino, en la villa turística de El Calafate, loca...
24 de agosto de 2012, Buenos Aires: La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó un acto de homenaje a Antonio "el gaucho" Rivero, en conmemoración del 179 aniv...
24 de agosto de 2012, Buenos Aires: La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó un acto de homenaje a Antonio "el gaucho" Rivero, en conmemoración del 179 aniv...
El 11 de septiembre de 1973 un golpe de Estado cívico-militar en Chile terminó con la experiencia de una transformación socialista democrática, encabezada por el presidente Salvador Allende e instauró una dictadura que permaneció por 17 años, encabezada por Augusto Pinochet.
Los militares en el poder adoptaron un programa económico diseñado en la universidad de Chicago, por seguidores de los economistas Milton Friedman y Frederic von Hayek, convirtiendo a Chile en un laboratorio para la aplicación de políticas económicas y sociales neoliberales. Conjuntamente, la dictadura impuso en 1980 una Constitución política a través de un referéndum fraudulento.
Al perder la dictadura un plebiscito realizado en 1988, la oposición de centroizquierda y el régimen negociaron una transición democrática que mantendría intacto tanto el sistema económico como la institucionalidad dictatorial, con semi autonomía y financiamiento garantizado de las Fuerzas Armadas. Así, la democracia de Chile nació en 1990 con una matriz autoritaria, con reglas electorales que hacen prácticamente imposible cualquier cambio sustancial del sistema. Este sistema sigue vigente hasta hoy.
El golpe Estado en Chile causó un impacto mundial y generó profundos debates acerca de la posibilidad de los movimientos populares de alcanzar el poder y realizar transformaciones por la vía democrática electoral. En los países europeos se generó el "eurocomunismo", que buscaba alianzas de clase para aislar a la minoría del capital monopolista. La figura de Salvador Allende ha sido levantada recientemente como ícono de las luchas del movimiento estudiantil y social chileno, y también su experiencia y ejemplo han dejado lecciones que aplican Gobiernos como los de Venezuela, Ecuador, Nicaragua o Bolivia.
El sentido de "Qué opinas" sería percibir la opinión de los ciudadanos acerca del país que Chile fue hasta 1973, y lo que es hoy.
El 11 de septiembre de 1973 un golpe de Estado cívico-militar en Chile terminó con la experiencia de una transformación socialista democrática, encabezada por el presidente Salvador Allende e instauró una dictadura que permaneció por 17 años, encabezada por Augusto Pinochet.
Los militares en el poder adoptaron un programa económico diseñado en la universidad de Chicago, por seguidores de los economistas Milton Friedman y Frederic von Hayek, convirtiendo a Chile en un laboratorio para la aplicación de políticas económicas y sociales neoliberales. Conjuntamente, la dictadura impuso en 1980 una Constitución política a través de un referéndum fraudulento.
Al perder la dictadura un plebiscito realizado en 1988, la oposición de centroizquierda y el régimen negociaron una transición democrática que mantendría intacto tanto el sistema económico como la institucionalidad dictatorial, con semi autonomía y financiamiento garantizado de las Fuerzas Armadas. Así, la democracia de Chile nació en 1990 con una matriz autoritaria, con reglas electorales que hacen prácticamente imposible cualquier cambio sustancial del sistema. Este sistema sigue vigente hasta hoy.
El golpe Estado en Chile causó un impacto mundial y generó profundos debates acerca de la posibilidad de los movimientos populares de alcanzar el poder y realizar transformaciones por la vía democrática electoral. En los países europeos se generó el "eurocomunismo", que buscaba alianzas de clase para aislar a la minoría del capital monopolista. La figura de Salvador Allende ha sido levantada recientemente como ícono de las luchas del movimiento estudiantil y social chileno, y también su experiencia y ejemplo han dejado lecciones que aplican Gobiernos como los de Venezuela, Ecuador, Nicaragua o Bolivia.
El sentido de "Qué opinas" sería percibir la opinión de los ciudadanos acerca del país que Chile fue hasta 1973, y lo que es hoy.
published:16 Sep 2013
Visión 7 - Apertura de sesiones ordinarias: discurso de la Presidenta
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner pronunció hoy un discurso de casi cuatro horas, ante la 133º Asamblea Legislativa donde enumeró los principales ejes de su gobierno y anunció los paquetes de leyes que se enviarán al Parlamento, entre ellos la estatización de los ferrocarriles.Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el domingo 1 de marzo de 2015.http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner pronunció hoy un discurso de casi cuatro horas, ante la 133º Asamblea Legislativa donde enumeró los principales ejes de su gobierno y anunció los paquetes de leyes que se enviarán al Parlamento, entre ellos la estatización de los ferrocarriles.Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el domingo 1 de marzo de 2015.http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
published:01 Mar 2015
Visión 7 - Cristina a la militancia: "Si traicionan al país, ustedes serán el problema"
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner aseguró ante la multitud que colmó la Plaza de Mayo a pesar de la lluvia que si en el futuro "traicionan las banderas del país" y quieren restaurar "un sistema conservador", el "problema" no será ella, sino los jóvenes que "crecieron en un país distinto". Fue en el corolario del cierre de los festejos por los 31 años de Democracia, en el que Cristina -tal cual advirtió en el discurso oficial brindado previamente en Casa de Gobierno- decidió hablar de cara a los jóvenes en la mítica Plaza aunque "me electrocute". "Les agradezco la inmensa presencia aguantando la lluvia, el viento y el granizo. Nos quieren correr con buitres desplumados, y no entienden que esta es la plaza del amor, del aguante, la democracia y de todos los argentinos", señaló apenas subió al escenario para hablar a los militantes que soportaron el temporal para cerrar el festejo. Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el sábado 13 de diciembre de 2014. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner aseguró ante la multitud que colmó la Plaza de Mayo a pesar de la lluvia que si en el futuro "traicionan las banderas del país" y quieren restaurar "un sistema conservador", el "problema" no será ella, sino los jóvenes que "crecieron en un país distinto". Fue en el corolario del cierre de los festejos por los 31 años de Democracia, en el que Cristina -tal cual advirtió en el discurso oficial brindado previamente en Casa de Gobierno- decidió hablar de cara a los jóvenes en la mítica Plaza aunque "me electrocute". "Les agradezco la inmensa presencia aguantando la lluvia, el viento y el granizo. Nos quieren correr con buitres desplumados, y no entienden que esta es la plaza del amor, del aguante, la democracia y de todos los argentinos", señaló apenas subió al escenario para hablar a los militantes que soportaron el temporal para cerrar el festejo. Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el sábado 13 de diciembre de 2014. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
published:14 Dec 2014
Super Sonora Acollina - Aniversario de la Banda Tupac Amaru - Huancayo
La Asociación Musical Internacional "SUPER SONORA ACOLLINA", Autoridad en Banda, demostrando su calidad y poderío en el Aniversario de la Banda Tupac Amaru, ...
La Asociación Musical Internacional "SUPER SONORA ACOLLINA", Autoridad en Banda, demostrando su calidad y poderío en el Aniversario de la Banda Tupac Amaru, ...
Nueva Delhi, 15 ago (EFE).- (Imagen: Moncho Torres) Niños, jóvenes y también mayores, de toda clase social y religión, cubrieron hoy desde parques y azoteas ...
Nueva Delhi, 15 ago (EFE).- (Imagen: Moncho Torres) Niños, jóvenes y también mayores, de toda clase social y religión, cubrieron hoy desde parques y azoteas ...
Martes 07 de Agosto de 2012, Buenos Aires: La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner debió postergar por razones climáticas el viaje previsto para esta ta...
Martes 07 de Agosto de 2012, Buenos Aires: La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner debió postergar por razones climáticas el viaje previsto para esta ta...
23 de Diciembre de 2014, Pipinas: En su discurso el Ministro expresó que “es un ejemplo y fundamentalmente es un emblema de la soberanía nacional, que para eso lo hicimos, para el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología y para decir acá esta Argentina presente, que no tengamos que ir a la Guayana ni a ningún otro lugar a poner nuestros cohetes, nuestros satélites en órbita, que lo podamos hacer en la Argentina, con universidades argentinas, con técnicos argentinos, y con chicos argentinos”.
También Julio De Vido destacó que “todos nosotros, los que seguimos este proyecto que fundó Néstor, que es la continuidad del proyecto de Perón y Evita en la década del 50 y que ahora lo continua con toda la fuerza y toda la pasión Cristina. No le aflojamos ni media hora antes de navidad”.
Es importante resaltar que el estado nacional a través del Ministerio de Planificación, lleva invertido en Punta Indio más de 41 millones de pesos que incluye las obras del Plan Más Cerca, además de viviendas y Cibersalud.
Este polo está ubicado en la localidad de Pipinas, Provincia de Buenos Aires, sobre la Ruta Provincial Nº 36 y cuenta con una superficie total de 2000 m2. En él se encuentra emplazado el modelo en escala del Lanzador Tronador II (exhibido anteriormente en Tecnópolis), como así también un microcine con capacidad para 30 personas, donde se mostrarán videos referentes a la temática, además de que se contará con pantallas interactivas, se entregará material gráfico informativo y merchandising, entre otras actividades.
El predio está anexado al corredor de servicios turísticos de Pipinas, por ello contará además con una Oficina de Turismo perteneciente al partido de Punta Indio.
Posteriormente, el Ministro encabezó la firma del boleto de Compra-Venta por el predio de la ex fábrica Corcemar, ex Loma Negra. Dicha firma se realizará entre la firma El Jaripeo S.A. (Corcemar), la CONAE, la Municipalidad de Punta Indio y el Ministerio de Planificación.
La adquisición de este predio tiene como objetivo adecuar los edificios existentes para establecer parte de las instalaciones del Polo Espacial Punto Indio, en particular, las áreas de acopio de materiales especiales, de fabricación de componentes utilizando tecnología de avanzada, de integración de los vehículos lanzadores, de facilidades para ensayos dinámicos de dichos vehículos e instalaciones para la fabricación del equipamiento de aviónica y comunicaciones de los mismos. Asimismo, se incluirá el Centro de Control de Lanzamiento de Vehículos Experimentales.
Esto se lleva a cabo en el marco del Programa Inyector Satelital de Cargas Utiles Livianas (ISCUL), que tiene como objetivo desarrollar el primer vehículo lanzador satelital argentino, Tronador II - específicamente diseñado para el concepto de arquitectura satelital segmentada-, cuyo nuevo ensayo de prueba se llevó a cabo con éxito el pasado 15 de agosto.
Además, el Titular de Planificación hizo entrega de Actas Acuerdo para la ejecución de obras para el municipio en el marco del Plan Más Cerca y firmó la Carta de Adhesión a la Plataforma de Identificación de Problemáticas (PIP) y la Carta de Adhesión al Plan Cibersalud.
De esta actividad participaron el Director Ejecutivo y Técnico de la Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE), Conrado Varotto; el Síndico General de la Nación, Daniel Reposo; el Intendente de Punta Indio, Hernán Y Zurieta; de Berazategui, Patricio Mussi; de Bolívar, Eduardo Bucca; de Castelli, Francisco Echarren; de General Rodríguez, Juan Pablo Anghileri; entre otros funcionarios.
23 de Diciembre de 2014, Pipinas: En su discurso el Ministro expresó que “es un ejemplo y fundamentalmente es un emblema de la soberanía nacional, que para eso lo hicimos, para el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología y para decir acá esta Argentina presente, que no tengamos que ir a la Guayana ni a ningún otro lugar a poner nuestros cohetes, nuestros satélites en órbita, que lo podamos hacer en la Argentina, con universidades argentinas, con técnicos argentinos, y con chicos argentinos”.
También Julio De Vido destacó que “todos nosotros, los que seguimos este proyecto que fundó Néstor, que es la continuidad del proyecto de Perón y Evita en la década del 50 y que ahora lo continua con toda la fuerza y toda la pasión Cristina. No le aflojamos ni media hora antes de navidad”.
Es importante resaltar que el estado nacional a través del Ministerio de Planificación, lleva invertido en Punta Indio más de 41 millones de pesos que incluye las obras del Plan Más Cerca, además de viviendas y Cibersalud.
Este polo está ubicado en la localidad de Pipinas, Provincia de Buenos Aires, sobre la Ruta Provincial Nº 36 y cuenta con una superficie total de 2000 m2. En él se encuentra emplazado el modelo en escala del Lanzador Tronador II (exhibido anteriormente en Tecnópolis), como así también un microcine con capacidad para 30 personas, donde se mostrarán videos referentes a la temática, además de que se contará con pantallas interactivas, se entregará material gráfico informativo y merchandising, entre otras actividades.
El predio está anexado al corredor de servicios turísticos de Pipinas, por ello contará además con una Oficina de Turismo perteneciente al partido de Punta Indio.
Posteriormente, el Ministro encabezó la firma del boleto de Compra-Venta por el predio de la ex fábrica Corcemar, ex Loma Negra. Dicha firma se realizará entre la firma El Jaripeo S.A. (Corcemar), la CONAE, la Municipalidad de Punta Indio y el Ministerio de Planificación.
La adquisición de este predio tiene como objetivo adecuar los edificios existentes para establecer parte de las instalaciones del Polo Espacial Punto Indio, en particular, las áreas de acopio de materiales especiales, de fabricación de componentes utilizando tecnología de avanzada, de integración de los vehículos lanzadores, de facilidades para ensayos dinámicos de dichos vehículos e instalaciones para la fabricación del equipamiento de aviónica y comunicaciones de los mismos. Asimismo, se incluirá el Centro de Control de Lanzamiento de Vehículos Experimentales.
Esto se lleva a cabo en el marco del Programa Inyector Satelital de Cargas Utiles Livianas (ISCUL), que tiene como objetivo desarrollar el primer vehículo lanzador satelital argentino, Tronador II - específicamente diseñado para el concepto de arquitectura satelital segmentada-, cuyo nuevo ensayo de prueba se llevó a cabo con éxito el pasado 15 de agosto.
Además, el Titular de Planificación hizo entrega de Actas Acuerdo para la ejecución de obras para el municipio en el marco del Plan Más Cerca y firmó la Carta de Adhesión a la Plataforma de Identificación de Problemáticas (PIP) y la Carta de Adhesión al Plan Cibersalud.
De esta actividad participaron el Director Ejecutivo y Técnico de la Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE), Conrado Varotto; el Síndico General de la Nación, Daniel Reposo; el Intendente de Punta Indio, Hernán Y Zurieta; de Berazategui, Patricio Mussi; de Bolívar, Eduardo Bucca; de Castelli, Francisco Echarren; de General Rodríguez, Juan Pablo Anghileri; entre otros funcionarios.
published:23 Dec 2014
Visión 7 - Festejos por el 205º aniversario de la Revolución de Mayo (4)
Una impresionante movilización llenó la plaza y sus alrededores desde bien temprano disfrutando del festival, de la celebración patria de la Semana de Mayo. Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el lunes 25 de mayo de 2015. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
Una impresionante movilización llenó la plaza y sus alrededores desde bien temprano disfrutando del festival, de la celebración patria de la Semana de Mayo. Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el lunes 25 de mayo de 2015. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
El programa de Periodismo Para Todos se centró en la problemática de la inseguridad en la Argentina y Jorge Lanata empezó entrevistando a Bobby Flores, que en agosto pasado fue víctima de un violento robo en su propia casa. "Me aterra porque podría haber pasado cualquier cosa", comenzó diciendo el músico. Después hizo referencia a lo primero que pensó en el instante en el que llegó a la casa y vio cómo habían dejado todo: "Por primera vez quería morirme o matar".
Jorge Lanata habló en este nuevo programa de Periodismo Para Todos sobre los principales temas de actualidad que sucedieron en la semana, como los tweets de Cristina Kirchner calificando como "atentado" las bolsas de basura que aparecieron en algunos trenes durante el paro.
El periodista habló sobre un lamentable aniversario en el país: "Se cumplen 15 años de la tragedia de LAPA en la que murieron 65 personas y todavía no hubo ni un preso. Lo peor es que prescribió la causa, la Justicia dejó que eso pasara"
Periodismo Para Todos realizó un informe impactante sobre la inseguridad en la Argentina y registró imágenes e historias muy fuertes de ciudadanos que conviven a diario con estas graves y peligrosas situaciones.
Las cámaras de PPT estuvieron en una zona humilde de La Matanza, en el barrio de La Horqueta y en distintos hospitales. "Hemos operado con los familiares armados en el quirófano", afirmó un médico contando una de las situaciones que sufren.
Romina Ríos fue baleada en la puerta de su casa, se recuperó y ahora organiza una red de vecinos para luchar contra la inseguridad. PPT estuvo con ella para que cuente su historia.
No hay dudas de que fue uno de los finales de Periodismo Para Todos más divertidos: Iván De Pineda irrumpió en el estudio y sorprendió a Jorge Lanata.
Lo que pasó es que el conductor de Resto del mundo se quería llevar a Malena a un viaje a la India y quería pedirle permiso al periodista. Pero Lanata no dio el ok y se canceló el viaje.
El programa de Periodismo Para Todos se centró en la problemática de la inseguridad en la Argentina y Jorge Lanata empezó entrevistando a Bobby Flores, que en agosto pasado fue víctima de un violento robo en su propia casa. "Me aterra porque podría haber pasado cualquier cosa", comenzó diciendo el músico. Después hizo referencia a lo primero que pensó en el instante en el que llegó a la casa y vio cómo habían dejado todo: "Por primera vez quería morirme o matar".
Jorge Lanata habló en este nuevo programa de Periodismo Para Todos sobre los principales temas de actualidad que sucedieron en la semana, como los tweets de Cristina Kirchner calificando como "atentado" las bolsas de basura que aparecieron en algunos trenes durante el paro.
El periodista habló sobre un lamentable aniversario en el país: "Se cumplen 15 años de la tragedia de LAPA en la que murieron 65 personas y todavía no hubo ni un preso. Lo peor es que prescribió la causa, la Justicia dejó que eso pasara"
Periodismo Para Todos realizó un informe impactante sobre la inseguridad en la Argentina y registró imágenes e historias muy fuertes de ciudadanos que conviven a diario con estas graves y peligrosas situaciones.
Las cámaras de PPT estuvieron en una zona humilde de La Matanza, en el barrio de La Horqueta y en distintos hospitales. "Hemos operado con los familiares armados en el quirófano", afirmó un médico contando una de las situaciones que sufren.
Romina Ríos fue baleada en la puerta de su casa, se recuperó y ahora organiza una red de vecinos para luchar contra la inseguridad. PPT estuvo con ella para que cuente su historia.
No hay dudas de que fue uno de los finales de Periodismo Para Todos más divertidos: Iván De Pineda irrumpió en el estudio y sorprendió a Jorge Lanata.
Lo que pasó es que el conductor de Resto del mundo se quería llevar a Malena a un viaje a la India y quería pedirle permiso al periodista. Pero Lanata no dio el ok y se canceló el viaje.
published:07 Sep 2014
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Welcome to Delhi. Say goodbye to your personal space. It’s crowded, it’s overwhelming, and definitely exhausting. One day here can feel like an entire week. The only way you’ll have any fun is to just put down the Purell and join the party.
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India is a subcontinent with a long history, a land of legend, fantasy and reality.A country that extends from the Himalayas in the north to the semi-desert terrain and tropics of the south. A place of incredible contrasts and fascinating splendour. Delhi is the political and administrative capital of India and a melting pot of both culture and religion. A constantly expanding metropolis built on the site of twelve former cities and centre of power for almost a thousand years. Jama Masjid, the Friday Mosque, is one of ancient Delhi’s main landmarks that was bequeathed to the city by the mogul king, Shah J
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Dealing with Rajasthan first, there are very good reasons why over half of all first timers travel here. Firstly it's close to Delhi where there are excellent flight connections and which is itself a fascinating city. A veritable tale of two cities Delhi combines the busy hustle bustle of the dramatic Moghul Old Town -- with its narrow alleys, its markets and mosques - with the sublime New Town, where quiet parks and tree lined avenues are peppered
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In Part One of my India travel video guide, I begin my travels in India with Calcutta (Kolkata). India had long been on my bucket list of countries to travel to in the world, and in April, 2013, I finally made it there, starting with Calcutta, with no better reason than the fact was I knew so little about that part of the country.
Calcutta was once the capital of the British Empire in India, and today it's home to over 14 million people, which means the city itself is a crowded, dense, loud, but endlessly fascinating place to explore. In this video I explore the alleyways and grand buildings that make up B.B.D. Bagh, the area where the city
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For many more things to do in Delhi, where to stay, and delicious food to eat, check out my Delhi Travel Guide: http://migrationology.com/delhi-travel-guide-ebook/ (click the link)!
Delhi, India, (नई दिल्ली) is the national capital of the country and has a metropolitan population of around 22 million residents. The city is ancient, it's been around since the 6th century BC so there are many historical and cultural places to visit. That's specifically why I created this list of 21 things to do in Delhi, to help you plan and get excited about visiting Delhi, India.
1. The Lotus Temple (Bahá'í House of Worship) - The temple is in the shape of a
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India (Hindi), is the largest country in the Indian Subcontinent and shares borders with Pakistan to the west, China and Nepal to the north, Bhutan to the north-east, and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. Sri Lanka lies to the south, Maldives to the south-west and Indonesia to the south-east of India in the Indian Ocean.
India is the seventh largest country in the world by area and, with over a billion people, is second only to China in population, although its much
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In Part One of my India travel video guide, I begin my travels in India with Calcutta (Kolkata). India had long been on my bucket list of countries to travel...
Pallavi Shah sits down with Erik Hastings to talk about visiting India. The Taj Mahal is just the beginning when it comes to this fascinating world destination.
Please share this video with your friends, subscribe to my HastingsTravel YouTube Channel and follow my blog at http://www.erik-hastings.com.
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Explore India on an adventure travel trip with OAT. Visit Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur (the Golden Triangle), tour the Taj Mahal, glimpse wildlife, and more.
Explore India Travel, Tours, Vacation, wildlife, Cruises HD
In our video, watch as travelers discover the magic of India, and preview the life-changing experiences that await you:
Cruise down the Ganges at sunrise
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New Delhi travel guide that lets you get a look at the street level of the city.
Psychedelic Crater by Kevin McLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Dhaka by Kevin McLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Music: Filling the Void by TeknoAXE
Is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
South India Travel guide for backpackers
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This is the whole guide about Tamil Nadu, Kernataka and Andaman Islands.
Check out more on my website www.johnbenjamin.se
a website about India, photos, video ,text plus my music.
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Darjeeling, India - Travel Guide and Attractions
Darjeeling, India - Travel Guide and Attractions
Check out my Darjeeling travel guide here - http://migrationology.com/2013/05/darjeeling-travel-guide-things-you-need-to-know/ | Have Facebook? https://www.facebook.com/migrationology
Darjeeling, India, is located in the very Northern part of the West Bengal state. Coming from Kolkata, it's hard to believe that Darjeeling is actually in the same state, it's such a vastly different place.
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Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Ehow Watch More: http://www.youtube.com/Ehow For anyone in the West, India is either a cou...
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Travel Guide to India (Part 5): The Himalayas
In Part Five (my last) of my India travel video guide, I trek into the Himalayas along the famed Singalila Ridge, a picturesque trail that winds its way betw...
India Adventure vlog from my travels throughout the country a few years ago. India is the land of contrast, and a place I hold very dear to my heart.
I found a bunch of footage on an old hard drive from my travels from 2-3 years ago. The quality isn't up to par with what I do now, but I thought it was still fun to share:) Enjoy!
Also, be sure to check out Hemant Devara (as seen in this video) who taught me Bollywood dancing in Pushkar if you are ever there.
Where you can find me:
FACEBOOK- http://www.facebook.com/hopscotchtheglobe
INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/kristenadv
Travel India on $10 a day! Budget travel tips and tricks
Travel India on $10 a day! Budget travel tips and tricks
Travel India on $10 a day! Budget travel tips and tricks
In this video I document my expenses during one day in India, and show that you can travel there incredibly cheap!
Feel like something fun, adventurous and inspiring to read? "Following My Thumb" by Gabriel Morris features 26 travel stories from around the world: http://www.amazon.com/Following-My-Thumb-Gabriel-Morris/dp/1846948495/
Or, Gabriel's practical travel guidebook, "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", is just $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/
Gabriel's travel page on Facebook:
Lots more adventure t
Travel Tips for South India
Travel Tips for South India
Travel Tips for South India
Ten travel tips for anyone planning a trip to South India! I traveled the North part of India (Delhi) as well and most of these tips apply to that area too. But there was something quite special about the South: Tamil Nadu and Kerala...both areas were lush, tropical and beyond fascinating. One local rightly described the South as "India Light" and I couldn't agree more. I hope these tips help save you money and keep you safe and happy on your journey!
India Travel Video Dairies - Road Trip to Manali Rohtang from Delhi - Day1
India Travel Video Dairies - Road Trip to Manali Rohtang from Delhi - Day1
India Travel Video Dairies - Road Trip to Manali Rohtang from Delhi - Day1
Road trip to Manali - Rohtang, a beautiful hill station at the height of 2100 Meter in Himanchal Pradesh, India. We are travelling to Manali by car from New Delhi in summer time around may. Manali is very beautiful place for hiking, paragliding, skating (winter), fun with snow (winter) & camping. Manali itself is a small town, all time crowded with domestic Indian tourist as well as international tourist as this is the road way to Leh Ladakh Valley in upper Himalaya. I along with my 2 friends visited Manali in summer of 2014. It was an remarkable journey which brought many sweet memories in my & my friends life.
Pick season for Manali travel
India Travel Guide - Top 5 Destinations in India
India Travel Guide - Top 5 Destinations in India
India Travel Guide - Top 5 Destinations in India
Take a tour of India - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 travel d...
Calcutta and Northeast India Travel Guide
Calcutta and Northeast India Travel Guide
Calcutta and Northeast India Travel Guide
Wild Frontiers' Jonny Bealby presents a guide to Calcutta and the Northeast of India.
As far as Wild Frontiers is concerned Calcutta and the Northeast is a region that comprises pretty much anything east of Delhi, running along the Ganges flood plain to Calcutta and beyond to the borders of Bangladesh, Burma and Bhutan.
If most travellers coming to India head west out of Delhi to Rajasthan, most that don't head east down the Ganges to Varanasi.
Most of these travel by air or rail directly to Varanasi but if you are of an adventurous disposition there are many interesting places to stop off at along the route, such as Rishikesh -- where
Travel Tips & must avoid these mistakes- India & SE Asia
Travel Tips & must avoid these mistakes- India & SE Asia
Travel Tips & must avoid these mistakes- India & SE Asia
Theese are Travel Tips for first timer travelling to India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand.
These are few things you must avoid :-)
Safe travel.
When you think India, if you think spicy food, snake charmers, dodging cows, the Taj Mahal, and total chaos- you’re thinking about Northern India. It's an adventure waiting to happen, and will leave you wondering why it only accounts for 1% of world tourism.
Join Ricky Moreno as he explores Delhi, Rajasthan, Agra, Rishikesh, and Varanasi.
Welcome to Delhi. Say goodbye to your personal space. It’s crowded, it’s overwhelming, and definitely exhausting. One day here can feel like an entire week. The only way you’ll have any fun is to just put down the Purell and join the party.
Instead of going straight to Agra to see the Taj Mahal, first I head west to hang with some locals in Rajasthan. Here, the people are welcoming, the desert is sprawling, and the camels command the streets. And it turns out that the cows aren’t the only things Hindus hold sacred.
Karni Mata Rat Temple. Over 20,000 rats call this Hindu temple home, and Indians come here to pay their respects, as these rats are believed to be the reincarnations of ancestors. Shoes aren’t allowed inside, so plan ahead and bring two pairs of socks, and if you’re brave enough, it’s considered an honor to share a bowl of milk with the rats.
Most travelers who come to Jaisalmer opt for the camel safari across the Thar Desert, leading you to a good spot to view the sun setting over the Pakistani border, which happens to be heavily armed, so always keep your cool.
The food is awesome. It completely blew me away. I honestly don’t know much about Indian food, and half the time I didn’t know what I was ordering, but with the intense spices and pungent flavors, every meal seemed to be better than the next, from high end restaurants to local cafes. TripAdvisor and Lonely Planet usually hit the mark with their recommendations, and asking for whatever the chef recommends almost always rewarded me with a memorable meal.
Get on a bus and head north, and you’ll eventually reach Rishikesh- a city where you won’t find meat on any menu, and is overrun by hippie backpackers, weird yoga people, and unruly monkeys. It’s the gateway to the Himalayas.
Oh my God whatever you do.. don’t feed the monkeys. Rabies is a very serious risk in India, and medical treatment to prevent it is very long, and very painful.
After experiencing my share of incredible extremes here in India, my journey brings me to Varanasi, Hindu’s most holy city on the banks its most holy river, The Ganges. Varanasi is a city that was built on and still thrives on traditions. Traditions that may seem strange and shocking, at first, but spend enough time here and you’ll come to appreciate the power of this place.
For many people, Varanasi is their final resting place. Hindus believe that dying here will release you from the cycle of rebirth. For families that can afford it, elaborate cremation ceremonies are carried out in publi c view along the river, their ashes being released into the water. For the vast majority, however, bodies are weighted with stones and sunk to the bottom. These traditions are in harmony with daily bathing rituals- a ritual that is said to remove sins and purify souls.
Please like, comment, and subscribe! There are many more travel videos to come.
When you think India, if you think spicy food, snake charmers, dodging cows, the Taj Mahal, and total chaos- you’re thinking about Northern India. It's an adventure waiting to happen, and will leave you wondering why it only accounts for 1% of world tourism.
Join Ricky Moreno as he explores Delhi, Rajasthan, Agra, Rishikesh, and Varanasi.
Welcome to Delhi. Say goodbye to your personal space. It’s crowded, it’s overwhelming, and definitely exhausting. One day here can feel like an entire week. The only way you’ll have any fun is to just put down the Purell and join the party.
Instead of going straight to Agra to see the Taj Mahal, first I head west to hang with some locals in Rajasthan. Here, the people are welcoming, the desert is sprawling, and the camels command the streets. And it turns out that the cows aren’t the only things Hindus hold sacred.
Karni Mata Rat Temple. Over 20,000 rats call this Hindu temple home, and Indians come here to pay their respects, as these rats are believed to be the reincarnations of ancestors. Shoes aren’t allowed inside, so plan ahead and bring two pairs of socks, and if you’re brave enough, it’s considered an honor to share a bowl of milk with the rats.
Most travelers who come to Jaisalmer opt for the camel safari across the Thar Desert, leading you to a good spot to view the sun setting over the Pakistani border, which happens to be heavily armed, so always keep your cool.
The food is awesome. It completely blew me away. I honestly don’t know much about Indian food, and half the time I didn’t know what I was ordering, but with the intense spices and pungent flavors, every meal seemed to be better than the next, from high end restaurants to local cafes. TripAdvisor and Lonely Planet usually hit the mark with their recommendations, and asking for whatever the chef recommends almost always rewarded me with a memorable meal.
Get on a bus and head north, and you’ll eventually reach Rishikesh- a city where you won’t find meat on any menu, and is overrun by hippie backpackers, weird yoga people, and unruly monkeys. It’s the gateway to the Himalayas.
Oh my God whatever you do.. don’t feed the monkeys. Rabies is a very serious risk in India, and medical treatment to prevent it is very long, and very painful.
After experiencing my share of incredible extremes here in India, my journey brings me to Varanasi, Hindu’s most holy city on the banks its most holy river, The Ganges. Varanasi is a city that was built on and still thrives on traditions. Traditions that may seem strange and shocking, at first, but spend enough time here and you’ll come to appreciate the power of this place.
For many people, Varanasi is their final resting place. Hindus believe that dying here will release you from the cycle of rebirth. For families that can afford it, elaborate cremation ceremonies are carried out in publi c view along the river, their ashes being released into the water. For the vast majority, however, bodies are weighted with stones and sunk to the bottom. These traditions are in harmony with daily bathing rituals- a ritual that is said to remove sins and purify souls.
Please like, comment, and subscribe! There are many more travel videos to come.
India, subcontinent of diversity and contrasts, has attracted and fascinated travellers from time immemorial. Often, India didn't let them leave. India's unsettled past, its diverse culture, art and architecture make up a great mosaic that bewitches the visitors.
India, subcontinent of diversity and contrasts, has attracted and fascinated travellers from time immemorial. Often, India didn't let them leave. India's unsettled past, its diverse culture, art and architecture make up a great mosaic that bewitches the visitors.
Travel video about destination India.
India is a subcontinent with a long history, a land of legend, fantasy and reality.A country that extends from the Himalayas in the north to the semi-desert terrain and tropics of the south. A place of incredible contrasts and fascinating splendour. Delhi is the political and administrative capital of India and a melting pot of both culture and religion. A constantly expanding metropolis built on the site of twelve former cities and centre of power for almost a thousand years. Jama Masjid, the Friday Mosque, is one of ancient Delhi’s main landmarks that was bequeathed to the city by the mogul king, Shah Jahan and close to the mosque is the bazaar district of Chandni Chowk, a busy commercial area. The white temples of Ranakpur are the sanctuaries of the Jains and are situated in a picturesque valley to the west of the Aravalli Mountains north of Udaipur. At around the same time that Buddhism was introduced to the area, Jainism also arrived, the religion of the country’s great hero, Mahavira. Rajasthan is the Land Of The Maharajas in all its splendour, a living fairytale beneath the desert sky. Agra was once the imposing metropolis of the mogul monarchy and today the city has lost nothing of its mediaeval atmosphere. Calcutta, or Kolkata, as it has been known since 2001, is the capital of West Bengal and also the second largest city in India. A city of contrasts that could not be more striking. Each morning hundreds of people go to the Howrah Bridge to bathe on the banks of the Hooghly River, a tributary of the sacred River Ganges. In 1853 Bombay had its first railroad and the Indian rail network was soon extended. The Victoria Terminus was built, one of the most impressive train stations in the world. Incredible India, a remarkable country that has always fascinated travellers by the amazing diversity of its people, culture and landscapes.
Travel video about destination India.
India is a subcontinent with a long history, a land of legend, fantasy and reality.A country that extends from the Himalayas in the north to the semi-desert terrain and tropics of the south. A place of incredible contrasts and fascinating splendour. Delhi is the political and administrative capital of India and a melting pot of both culture and religion. A constantly expanding metropolis built on the site of twelve former cities and centre of power for almost a thousand years. Jama Masjid, the Friday Mosque, is one of ancient Delhi’s main landmarks that was bequeathed to the city by the mogul king, Shah Jahan and close to the mosque is the bazaar district of Chandni Chowk, a busy commercial area. The white temples of Ranakpur are the sanctuaries of the Jains and are situated in a picturesque valley to the west of the Aravalli Mountains north of Udaipur. At around the same time that Buddhism was introduced to the area, Jainism also arrived, the religion of the country’s great hero, Mahavira. Rajasthan is the Land Of The Maharajas in all its splendour, a living fairytale beneath the desert sky. Agra was once the imposing metropolis of the mogul monarchy and today the city has lost nothing of its mediaeval atmosphere. Calcutta, or Kolkata, as it has been known since 2001, is the capital of West Bengal and also the second largest city in India. A city of contrasts that could not be more striking. Each morning hundreds of people go to the Howrah Bridge to bathe on the banks of the Hooghly River, a tributary of the sacred River Ganges. In 1853 Bombay had its first railroad and the Indian rail network was soon extended. The Victoria Terminus was built, one of the most impressive train stations in the world. Incredible India, a remarkable country that has always fascinated travellers by the amazing diversity of its people, culture and landscapes.
In this guide to India for beginners, Wild Frontiers founder Jonny Bealby talks about two perfect destinations for the first-time visitor - Rajasthan and Kerala.
Rajasthan, Delhi and the Taj Mahal
Dealing with Rajasthan first, there are very good reasons why over half of all first timers travel here. Firstly it's close to Delhi where there are excellent flight connections and which is itself a fascinating city. A veritable tale of two cities Delhi combines the busy hustle bustle of the dramatic Moghul Old Town -- with its narrow alleys, its markets and mosques - with the sublime New Town, where quiet parks and tree lined avenues are peppered by some of the country's most magnificent architecture. From here you can travel easily, either by car or train, down to Agra where most go to visit the essential and truly amazing Taj Mahal.
And from here, either travelling via the tiger park at Ranthambore -- which does offer one of the best chances in the world to see a tiger in the wild -- making up the third stop in the triangle, there's the quintessential Rajput town of Jaipur with its bustling bazaar, its famous palace of the winds and the nearby Amber Fort. And that in itself makes a 7 to 10 day holiday.
But if you have a bit more time and want to scratch a little deeper into what is arguable India's most colourful state, from here there are a number of other routings that can take you to some of the Rajasthan's more wonderful offbeat converted Rajput palace hotels. Right now I'm at just such a place, called Castle Bijaipur, from which you can ride the Marwari Horses, go for bicycling rides or just enjoy a bit of relaxation by the pool. There are many such properties in this part of India which you can mix up with other famous towns like Pushkar, Bundi or Jodhpur.
And a great place to finish your trip to Rajasthan is the lake city of Udaipur. Sitting on the banks of the beautiful Lake Picola, Udaipur is a stunning place, packed with impressive palaces, temples and shops; it's easy to navigate and walk around and is often referred to as the Venice of the East. Not only is this one of my favourite towns in India it also has very convenient flight connections back to London, meaning you can spend your last night here -- having dinner at one of the wonderful rooftop restaurant -- and bounce through Delhi without being forced to spend an extra night there.
VTC: Rajasthan is India's most colourful state, it has most of the country's must see attractions, and some of her best hotels.
If you like to travel in a small group our Taj, Temples and Tigers would tick all these boxes as would our India in Slow Motion if you like your travels a bit more off the beaten track; And if you like to travel privately give us a call and one of our expert travel planners will be happy to help design a trip especially for you.
Kerala and the South
However, if something else, perhaps a little less frenetic appeals, then why not head south to the beautiful state of Kerala, which is where I am now.
Kerala is a stunning state situated at the southern tip of the Indian subcontinent and if Rajasthan and the north represents and great place for travel, Kerala, with its beautiful beaches, its temple culture and its meandering backwater cruises, offers the chance to truly relax and enjoy a more traditional holiday.
A great routing here is to fly in to Bangalore, drive down through Mysore -- with its colourful market and immense palace -- to the beach. There are a number of fabulous properties dotted up and down the coast, and in my option none is more special that Neeleshwar Hermitage. Here you can relax, walk along the beach, enjoy truly delicious cuisine and take a backwater cruise.
Using these old converted rice barges to float through the tranquil back water canals is a quintessential part of a trip to the south. And from here you can continue down the coast to another of my favourite towns, Cochin, a place that hasn't changed much from when my mother lived here as a small girl. This route makes for a perfect 10 day holiday, but if you have a bit more time and want to turn your holiday into more of a travelling experience, you can head up to the hill stations of Ooti and Munnar and on into temple filled Tamil Nadu.
Rajasthan and Kerala are the ideal locations for the inquisitive traveller coming to India for the first time. We have a number of small group departures for those that don't wish to travel alone, and a team of experts back in London to help those of you looking for a tailored experience ready to help you create your ideal trip.
In this guide to India for beginners, Wild Frontiers founder Jonny Bealby talks about two perfect destinations for the first-time visitor - Rajasthan and Kerala.
Rajasthan, Delhi and the Taj Mahal
Dealing with Rajasthan first, there are very good reasons why over half of all first timers travel here. Firstly it's close to Delhi where there are excellent flight connections and which is itself a fascinating city. A veritable tale of two cities Delhi combines the busy hustle bustle of the dramatic Moghul Old Town -- with its narrow alleys, its markets and mosques - with the sublime New Town, where quiet parks and tree lined avenues are peppered by some of the country's most magnificent architecture. From here you can travel easily, either by car or train, down to Agra where most go to visit the essential and truly amazing Taj Mahal.
And from here, either travelling via the tiger park at Ranthambore -- which does offer one of the best chances in the world to see a tiger in the wild -- making up the third stop in the triangle, there's the quintessential Rajput town of Jaipur with its bustling bazaar, its famous palace of the winds and the nearby Amber Fort. And that in itself makes a 7 to 10 day holiday.
But if you have a bit more time and want to scratch a little deeper into what is arguable India's most colourful state, from here there are a number of other routings that can take you to some of the Rajasthan's more wonderful offbeat converted Rajput palace hotels. Right now I'm at just such a place, called Castle Bijaipur, from which you can ride the Marwari Horses, go for bicycling rides or just enjoy a bit of relaxation by the pool. There are many such properties in this part of India which you can mix up with other famous towns like Pushkar, Bundi or Jodhpur.
And a great place to finish your trip to Rajasthan is the lake city of Udaipur. Sitting on the banks of the beautiful Lake Picola, Udaipur is a stunning place, packed with impressive palaces, temples and shops; it's easy to navigate and walk around and is often referred to as the Venice of the East. Not only is this one of my favourite towns in India it also has very convenient flight connections back to London, meaning you can spend your last night here -- having dinner at one of the wonderful rooftop restaurant -- and bounce through Delhi without being forced to spend an extra night there.
VTC: Rajasthan is India's most colourful state, it has most of the country's must see attractions, and some of her best hotels.
If you like to travel in a small group our Taj, Temples and Tigers would tick all these boxes as would our India in Slow Motion if you like your travels a bit more off the beaten track; And if you like to travel privately give us a call and one of our expert travel planners will be happy to help design a trip especially for you.
Kerala and the South
However, if something else, perhaps a little less frenetic appeals, then why not head south to the beautiful state of Kerala, which is where I am now.
Kerala is a stunning state situated at the southern tip of the Indian subcontinent and if Rajasthan and the north represents and great place for travel, Kerala, with its beautiful beaches, its temple culture and its meandering backwater cruises, offers the chance to truly relax and enjoy a more traditional holiday.
A great routing here is to fly in to Bangalore, drive down through Mysore -- with its colourful market and immense palace -- to the beach. There are a number of fabulous properties dotted up and down the coast, and in my option none is more special that Neeleshwar Hermitage. Here you can relax, walk along the beach, enjoy truly delicious cuisine and take a backwater cruise.
Using these old converted rice barges to float through the tranquil back water canals is a quintessential part of a trip to the south. And from here you can continue down the coast to another of my favourite towns, Cochin, a place that hasn't changed much from when my mother lived here as a small girl. This route makes for a perfect 10 day holiday, but if you have a bit more time and want to turn your holiday into more of a travelling experience, you can head up to the hill stations of Ooti and Munnar and on into temple filled Tamil Nadu.
Rajasthan and Kerala are the ideal locations for the inquisitive traveller coming to India for the first time. We have a number of small group departures for those that don't wish to travel alone, and a team of experts back in London to help those of you looking for a tailored experience ready to help you create your ideal trip.
In Part One of my India travel video guide, I begin my travels in India with Calcutta (Kolkata). India had long been on my bucket list of countries to travel to in the world, and in April, 2013, I finally made it there, starting with Calcutta, with no better reason than the fact was I knew so little about that part of the country.
Calcutta was once the capital of the British Empire in India, and today it's home to over 14 million people, which means the city itself is a crowded, dense, loud, but endlessly fascinating place to explore. In this video I explore the alleyways and grand buildings that make up B.B.D. Bagh, the area where the city was founded.
After checking out a parade (a very common occurrence I was to later learn) and grabbing a roadside cup of chai, I stop at the home of famed poet and writer Rabindranath Tagore, the first Indian to win the Nobel Prize, and whose home is a great place to learn about Calcutta's cultural history.
And if you like the video, please check out my travel site, http://www.TheExpeditioner.com.
In Part One of my India travel video guide, I begin my travels in India with Calcutta (Kolkata). India had long been on my bucket list of countries to travel to in the world, and in April, 2013, I finally made it there, starting with Calcutta, with no better reason than the fact was I knew so little about that part of the country.
Calcutta was once the capital of the British Empire in India, and today it's home to over 14 million people, which means the city itself is a crowded, dense, loud, but endlessly fascinating place to explore. In this video I explore the alleyways and grand buildings that make up B.B.D. Bagh, the area where the city was founded.
After checking out a parade (a very common occurrence I was to later learn) and grabbing a roadside cup of chai, I stop at the home of famed poet and writer Rabindranath Tagore, the first Indian to win the Nobel Prize, and whose home is a great place to learn about Calcutta's cultural history.
And if you like the video, please check out my travel site, http://www.TheExpeditioner.com.
For many more things to do in Delhi, where to stay, and delicious food to eat, check out my Delhi Travel Guide: http://migrationology.com/delhi-travel-guide-ebook/ (click the link)!
Delhi, India, (नई दिल्ली) is the national capital of the country and has a metropolitan population of around 22 million residents. The city is ancient, it's been around since the 6th century BC so there are many historical and cultural places to visit. That's specifically why I created this list of 21 things to do in Delhi, to help you plan and get excited about visiting Delhi, India.
1. The Lotus Temple (Bahá'í House of Worship) - The temple is in the shape of a giant lotus and on the inside is a peaceful sanctuary where you can enter and sit in silence for as long as you like.
2. ISKCON Hare Krishna Temple - I had never seen a temple like this before, so it as an interesting experience to hear the music and walk around the interior of the temple.
3. Kalkaji Mandir Hindu Temple - This temple is a very important Hindu temple in Delhi and while I was there, there were a number of babies being dedicated by being decorated and blessed.
4. Jama Masjid - Located in Old Delhi, Jama Masjid is the largest mosque in all of Delhi. Though they will attempt to get money from you, it's free to enter the mosque, but if you want to take photos inside they will charge you 300 rupees.
5. Akshardham Temple - This modern Hindu temple located on the outskirts of Delhi literally made my jaw drop, it's that amazing. It's free to enter, but unfortunately, they don't allow any photography inside. This is one of the things to do in Delhi that you cannot afford to miss!
6. Gurudwara Bangla Sahib (Sikh Temple) - Unlike some other sites in Delhi where you'll find many touts and hustlers, the Gurdwara Sikh Temple is about the nicest and most friendly place you can go in Delhi. People are extremely nice and you can enter the temple to listen to music.
7. Laxmi Narayan Mandir -- Dedicated by Mahatma Gandhi, this is one of the most significant Hindu temples in Delhi.
8. Hauz Khas Complex - I'm always amazed at the history of Delhi and Hauz Khas is an excellent example of ancient monuments in the middle of a public park.
9. Lodi Gardens - As a free entrance public park, visiting the Lodi Gardens is one of the most amazing things to do in Delhi. It's just like an ordinary park, but it's filled with thousand year old tombs and monuments that are truly inspirational.
10. India Gate - The war memorial is one of the landmarks of Delhi and resembles the famous Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
11. Jantar Mantar - The Jantar Mantar complex is a compound that houses 13 different astronomy instruments. The structures are confusing to look at, but if you read or follow a guide (or audio guide) you'll understand how each instrument functioned.
12. Qutub Minar - Just like Akshardham Temple, Qutub Minar is one of the top things to do in Delhi, it's truly remarkable. The minaret is the main attraction, a huge pillar of red carved sandstone that towers above the ancient ruins in the complex.
13. Humayun's Tomb - One of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Delhi is Humayun's Tomb, built in Mughal Islamic architecture.
14. Tomb of Safdarjung - Very similar to Humayun's tomb is the tomb of Safdarjung. What I really liked is that there were no other tourists the day I went so it was quite and peaceful.
15. Red Fort - Located near Chandni Chowk in Old Delhi is the Red Fort. It's an entire walled in city where you can walk around the browse the many buildings within the walls.
16. Raj Ghat - The Raj Ghat is a memorial park dedicated to Gandhi.
17. Chandni Chowk & Chawri Bazar - The liveliest and busiest area of Delhi is Chandni Chowk and Chawri Bazar. I think it's possible to purchase anything from the entire world in this area, and you'll also find lots of delicious food.
18. Dilli Haat - This handicraft village was set up by the Delhi tourism authority and it's a decent place to purchase souvenirs or high quality crafts. You'll also find a food court that contains canteens serving food from all over India.
19. Connaught Place (Rajiv Chowk) - Known for short as just CP is a huge series of roundabouts and is the central modern business district of Delhi. Within the area you'll find all sorts of shops, famous restaurants and the Palika Bazar, an underground shopping center.
20. Paharganj (Main Bazar) - The main bazar is located just west of the New Delhi railroad station and it's an old area of town where you'll find a market and lots of budget accommodation options.
21. Delhi Street Food - Eating street food is one of the best things to do in Delhi, you'll love it.
Thank you for watching this Delhi travel guide video and hope you have a great trip to Delhi, India! Subscribe here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=migrationology
For many more things to do in Delhi, where to stay, and delicious food to eat, check out my Delhi Travel Guide: http://migrationology.com/delhi-travel-guide-ebook/ (click the link)!
Delhi, India, (नई दिल्ली) is the national capital of the country and has a metropolitan population of around 22 million residents. The city is ancient, it's been around since the 6th century BC so there are many historical and cultural places to visit. That's specifically why I created this list of 21 things to do in Delhi, to help you plan and get excited about visiting Delhi, India.
1. The Lotus Temple (Bahá'í House of Worship) - The temple is in the shape of a giant lotus and on the inside is a peaceful sanctuary where you can enter and sit in silence for as long as you like.
2. ISKCON Hare Krishna Temple - I had never seen a temple like this before, so it as an interesting experience to hear the music and walk around the interior of the temple.
3. Kalkaji Mandir Hindu Temple - This temple is a very important Hindu temple in Delhi and while I was there, there were a number of babies being dedicated by being decorated and blessed.
4. Jama Masjid - Located in Old Delhi, Jama Masjid is the largest mosque in all of Delhi. Though they will attempt to get money from you, it's free to enter the mosque, but if you want to take photos inside they will charge you 300 rupees.
5. Akshardham Temple - This modern Hindu temple located on the outskirts of Delhi literally made my jaw drop, it's that amazing. It's free to enter, but unfortunately, they don't allow any photography inside. This is one of the things to do in Delhi that you cannot afford to miss!
6. Gurudwara Bangla Sahib (Sikh Temple) - Unlike some other sites in Delhi where you'll find many touts and hustlers, the Gurdwara Sikh Temple is about the nicest and most friendly place you can go in Delhi. People are extremely nice and you can enter the temple to listen to music.
7. Laxmi Narayan Mandir -- Dedicated by Mahatma Gandhi, this is one of the most significant Hindu temples in Delhi.
8. Hauz Khas Complex - I'm always amazed at the history of Delhi and Hauz Khas is an excellent example of ancient monuments in the middle of a public park.
9. Lodi Gardens - As a free entrance public park, visiting the Lodi Gardens is one of the most amazing things to do in Delhi. It's just like an ordinary park, but it's filled with thousand year old tombs and monuments that are truly inspirational.
10. India Gate - The war memorial is one of the landmarks of Delhi and resembles the famous Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
11. Jantar Mantar - The Jantar Mantar complex is a compound that houses 13 different astronomy instruments. The structures are confusing to look at, but if you read or follow a guide (or audio guide) you'll understand how each instrument functioned.
12. Qutub Minar - Just like Akshardham Temple, Qutub Minar is one of the top things to do in Delhi, it's truly remarkable. The minaret is the main attraction, a huge pillar of red carved sandstone that towers above the ancient ruins in the complex.
13. Humayun's Tomb - One of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Delhi is Humayun's Tomb, built in Mughal Islamic architecture.
14. Tomb of Safdarjung - Very similar to Humayun's tomb is the tomb of Safdarjung. What I really liked is that there were no other tourists the day I went so it was quite and peaceful.
15. Red Fort - Located near Chandni Chowk in Old Delhi is the Red Fort. It's an entire walled in city where you can walk around the browse the many buildings within the walls.
16. Raj Ghat - The Raj Ghat is a memorial park dedicated to Gandhi.
17. Chandni Chowk & Chawri Bazar - The liveliest and busiest area of Delhi is Chandni Chowk and Chawri Bazar. I think it's possible to purchase anything from the entire world in this area, and you'll also find lots of delicious food.
18. Dilli Haat - This handicraft village was set up by the Delhi tourism authority and it's a decent place to purchase souvenirs or high quality crafts. You'll also find a food court that contains canteens serving food from all over India.
19. Connaught Place (Rajiv Chowk) - Known for short as just CP is a huge series of roundabouts and is the central modern business district of Delhi. Within the area you'll find all sorts of shops, famous restaurants and the Palika Bazar, an underground shopping center.
20. Paharganj (Main Bazar) - The main bazar is located just west of the New Delhi railroad station and it's an old area of town where you'll find a market and lots of budget accommodation options.
21. Delhi Street Food - Eating street food is one of the best things to do in Delhi, you'll love it.
Thank you for watching this Delhi travel guide video and hope you have a great trip to Delhi, India! Subscribe here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=migrationology
India Tourism & Vacation 2015, India trip 2015, Tourist Attractions In India
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
India (Hindi), is the largest country in the Indian Subcontinent and shares borders with Pakistan to the west, China and Nepal to the north, Bhutan to the north-east, and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. Sri Lanka lies to the south, Maldives to the south-west and Indonesia to the south-east of India in the Indian Ocean.
India is the seventh largest country in the world by area and, with over a billion people, is second only to China in population, although its much higher birth rate makes it likely to reach pole position in less than ten years.
It is an extremely diverse country, with vast differences in geography, climate, culture, language and ethnicity across its expanse, and prides itself on being the largest democracy on Earth.
See in India
The Taj Mahal : It is actually bigger and more majestic than what it looks in the photograph.
Varanasi : Hindu religious rituals, some harking back to the Vedic age, 5,000 years ago, Varanasi is the oldest living city of the world and the birth place of Hinduism. Don't miss the evening Ganga Aarti.
Tigers : They may or may not be present in all the tiger reserves but your chances of seeing a tiger are fairly good in Bandhavgarh or Ranthambore tiger reserves.
Sundarbans: Largest mangrove forest and delta in the world. Home to the famous Royal Bengal tigers and estuarine crocodiles.
Hill Stations: India is home to some remarkable, scenic and gorgeous hill stations such as Shimla, Mussorie, Darjeeling, Shillong and Ooty.
Sangla Valley : Considered one of the most beautiful valleys of the world lies in the upper regions of Himachal Pradesh. It is extremely scenic with photogenic landscapes and unforgettable landscapes.
Leh : Considered to be on the top of the world. One of the highest inhabited cities of the world. It gives a different idea of high altitude altogether with unbelievable landscapes.
Srinagar : It is the capital of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Extremely beautiful city in the midst of the Himalayas with a very beautiful Dal lake in it.
Gangtok : Capital city of Sikkim. Gangtok is a bewitching hill-station located amidst the multiple-hued mountains of Sikkim.
Goa : Ruled by Portuguese for over 400 years, Goa is a cocktail of Indian and Portuguese culture. Quite a different kind of place altogether, Goa is full of beautiful beaches and flocking tourists.
Pondicherry : Pondicherry was a French colony over two hundred years and has a lot of sighting of French influence throughout it's territories. Now tourists often flock there for spiritual ashrams or enjoyable pubs and parties.
Bishnupur : Located in West Bengal, it is home to the famous terracotta temples and a great centre for classical Bishnupur Gharana music. Do not forget to buy a Bankura horse made of terracota(which is the symbol for Indian handicrafts).
Tirupati Balaji : If you want to see the material richness of a religious place, visit this temple. It is considered to be the richest temple in the world and one surprising sight to see for a non Indian. It is located in Andhra Pradesh.
Nalanda : Related to Buddhism, It was the oldest university of the world later on destroyed completely during the Muslim invasions of India. Sights of Buddhist interest like Pavapuri and Rajgir are in the vicinity.
Golden Temple : An actual temple plated with gold is one of Sikhism's holiest shrines. Looks very serene early in the mornings.
Khajuraho : Supposedly the birth place of Kamasutra, Khajuraho is full of temples with erotic sculptures all around them. One of the most interesting and less talked about aspects of Hindu culture.
Kochi : In a State full of secluded and ravishing beaches, Kochi is one of the most sought after tourist destination. It is advisable to visit the surrounding beach cities of Kochi. Don't forget to experience backwaters of Kerala in a house boat.
Andamans : Beautiful Island territory of India in the Bay of Bengal, Andaman islands can be considered one of the best island destinations in the world.
Jaisalmer : A city located in the middle of desert, Jaisalmer is a place to go for watching the beautiful view of sun lighted virgin deserts of Thar Desert.
Srirangam, Srirangam is a marvellous and magnificient temple in South of India.
Kumarakom. Serene back waters in God's own country, Kerala in South India is a must visit.
India Tourism & Vacation 2015, India trip 2015, Tourist Attractions In India
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
India (Hindi), is the largest country in the Indian Subcontinent and shares borders with Pakistan to the west, China and Nepal to the north, Bhutan to the north-east, and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. Sri Lanka lies to the south, Maldives to the south-west and Indonesia to the south-east of India in the Indian Ocean.
India is the seventh largest country in the world by area and, with over a billion people, is second only to China in population, although its much higher birth rate makes it likely to reach pole position in less than ten years.
It is an extremely diverse country, with vast differences in geography, climate, culture, language and ethnicity across its expanse, and prides itself on being the largest democracy on Earth.
See in India
The Taj Mahal : It is actually bigger and more majestic than what it looks in the photograph.
Varanasi : Hindu religious rituals, some harking back to the Vedic age, 5,000 years ago, Varanasi is the oldest living city of the world and the birth place of Hinduism. Don't miss the evening Ganga Aarti.
Tigers : They may or may not be present in all the tiger reserves but your chances of seeing a tiger are fairly good in Bandhavgarh or Ranthambore tiger reserves.
Sundarbans: Largest mangrove forest and delta in the world. Home to the famous Royal Bengal tigers and estuarine crocodiles.
Hill Stations: India is home to some remarkable, scenic and gorgeous hill stations such as Shimla, Mussorie, Darjeeling, Shillong and Ooty.
Sangla Valley : Considered one of the most beautiful valleys of the world lies in the upper regions of Himachal Pradesh. It is extremely scenic with photogenic landscapes and unforgettable landscapes.
Leh : Considered to be on the top of the world. One of the highest inhabited cities of the world. It gives a different idea of high altitude altogether with unbelievable landscapes.
Srinagar : It is the capital of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Extremely beautiful city in the midst of the Himalayas with a very beautiful Dal lake in it.
Gangtok : Capital city of Sikkim. Gangtok is a bewitching hill-station located amidst the multiple-hued mountains of Sikkim.
Goa : Ruled by Portuguese for over 400 years, Goa is a cocktail of Indian and Portuguese culture. Quite a different kind of place altogether, Goa is full of beautiful beaches and flocking tourists.
Pondicherry : Pondicherry was a French colony over two hundred years and has a lot of sighting of French influence throughout it's territories. Now tourists often flock there for spiritual ashrams or enjoyable pubs and parties.
Bishnupur : Located in West Bengal, it is home to the famous terracotta temples and a great centre for classical Bishnupur Gharana music. Do not forget to buy a Bankura horse made of terracota(which is the symbol for Indian handicrafts).
Tirupati Balaji : If you want to see the material richness of a religious place, visit this temple. It is considered to be the richest temple in the world and one surprising sight to see for a non Indian. It is located in Andhra Pradesh.
Nalanda : Related to Buddhism, It was the oldest university of the world later on destroyed completely during the Muslim invasions of India. Sights of Buddhist interest like Pavapuri and Rajgir are in the vicinity.
Golden Temple : An actual temple plated with gold is one of Sikhism's holiest shrines. Looks very serene early in the mornings.
Khajuraho : Supposedly the birth place of Kamasutra, Khajuraho is full of temples with erotic sculptures all around them. One of the most interesting and less talked about aspects of Hindu culture.
Kochi : In a State full of secluded and ravishing beaches, Kochi is one of the most sought after tourist destination. It is advisable to visit the surrounding beach cities of Kochi. Don't forget to experience backwaters of Kerala in a house boat.
Andamans : Beautiful Island territory of India in the Bay of Bengal, Andaman islands can be considered one of the best island destinations in the world.
Jaisalmer : A city located in the middle of desert, Jaisalmer is a place to go for watching the beautiful view of sun lighted virgin deserts of Thar Desert.
Srirangam, Srirangam is a marvellous and magnificient temple in South of India.
Kumarakom. Serene back waters in God's own country, Kerala in South India is a must visit.
In Part One of my India travel video guide, I begin my travels in India with Calcutta (Kolkata). India had long been on my bucket list of countries to travel...
In Part One of my India travel video guide, I begin my travels in India with Calcutta (Kolkata). India had long been on my bucket list of countries to travel...
Pallavi Shah sits down with Erik Hastings to talk about visiting India. The Taj Mahal is just the beginning when it comes to this fascinating world destination.
Please share this video with your friends, subscribe to my HastingsTravel YouTube Channel and follow my blog at http://www.erik-hastings.com.
Pallavi Shah sits down with Erik Hastings to talk about visiting India. The Taj Mahal is just the beginning when it comes to this fascinating world destination.
Please share this video with your friends, subscribe to my HastingsTravel YouTube Channel and follow my blog at http://www.erik-hastings.com.
Explore India Travel, Tours, Vacation, wildlife, Cruises HD
India Vacation, Cruises HD http://youtu.be/cdLRVpt8dk8
Travel Videos HD World Travel http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Explore India on an adventure travel trip with OAT. Visit Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur (the Golden Triangle), tour the Taj Mahal, glimpse wildlife, and more.
Explore India Travel, Tours, Vacation, wildlife, Cruises HD
In our video, watch as travelers discover the magic of India, and preview the life-changing experiences that await you:
Cruise down the Ganges at sunrise
Observe a sacred light ceremony
Ride a rickshaw through a night bazaar
Heart of India
Delhi • Jaipur • Ranthambore • Agra • Khajuraho • Varanasi
From humble villages to ancient temples, you'll see many sides of this unique region of South Asia in our Heart of India video:
25 small group activities & tours
A sunrise & sunset cruise on the Ganges
A Home-Hosted Dinner, plus 32 more meals
Day by Day Itinerary
Small Groups: Never more than 10-16 travelers—guaranteed!
If you're looking for adventure, explore India, where every moment brings new stimulation. The scent of roasted cumin seeds floating through a Delhi bazaar ... a young girl's bracelets jangling on her arm as she prepares for a festival ... Hindu pilgrims descending ghats into the holy Ganges. From the excitement of the "Golden Triangle" cities of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur to the tranquility of the unexpected retreats that lie between them, we explore it all on this tour of India. Expert Trip Leaders will bring you behind the scenes and off the beaten path with their intimate understanding of India, past and present.
River Cruise, Small Ship Cruise, Land Tour Videos, Grand Circle, Explore India, Heart of India, Overseas Adventure Travel, India Travel, India Tours, India Vacation, India wildlife, India Cruises HD, India, Delhi, Jaipur, Ranthambore, Agra, Khajuraho, Varanasi, Golden Triangle
Explore India Travel, Tours, Vacation, wildlife, Cruises HD
India Vacation, Cruises HD http://youtu.be/cdLRVpt8dk8
Travel Videos HD World Travel http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Explore India on an adventure travel trip with OAT. Visit Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur (the Golden Triangle), tour the Taj Mahal, glimpse wildlife, and more.
Explore India Travel, Tours, Vacation, wildlife, Cruises HD
In our video, watch as travelers discover the magic of India, and preview the life-changing experiences that await you:
Cruise down the Ganges at sunrise
Observe a sacred light ceremony
Ride a rickshaw through a night bazaar
Heart of India
Delhi • Jaipur • Ranthambore • Agra • Khajuraho • Varanasi
From humble villages to ancient temples, you'll see many sides of this unique region of South Asia in our Heart of India video:
25 small group activities & tours
A sunrise & sunset cruise on the Ganges
A Home-Hosted Dinner, plus 32 more meals
Day by Day Itinerary
Small Groups: Never more than 10-16 travelers—guaranteed!
If you're looking for adventure, explore India, where every moment brings new stimulation. The scent of roasted cumin seeds floating through a Delhi bazaar ... a young girl's bracelets jangling on her arm as she prepares for a festival ... Hindu pilgrims descending ghats into the holy Ganges. From the excitement of the "Golden Triangle" cities of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur to the tranquility of the unexpected retreats that lie between them, we explore it all on this tour of India. Expert Trip Leaders will bring you behind the scenes and off the beaten path with their intimate understanding of India, past and present.
River Cruise, Small Ship Cruise, Land Tour Videos, Grand Circle, Explore India, Heart of India, Overseas Adventure Travel, India Travel, India Tours, India Vacation, India wildlife, India Cruises HD, India, Delhi, Jaipur, Ranthambore, Agra, Khajuraho, Varanasi, Golden Triangle
New Delhi travel guide that lets you get a look at the street level of the city.
Psychedelic Crater by Kevin McLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Dhaka by Kevin McLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Music: Filling the Void by TeknoAXE
Is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
"Balzan Groove" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
New Delhi travel guide that lets you get a look at the street level of the city.
Psychedelic Crater by Kevin McLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Dhaka by Kevin McLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Music: Filling the Void by TeknoAXE
Is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
"Balzan Groove" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
This is the whole guide about Tamil Nadu, Kernataka and Andaman Islands.
Check out more on my website www.johnbenjamin.se
a website about India, photos, video ,text plus my music.
This is the whole guide about Tamil Nadu, Kernataka and Andaman Islands.
Check out more on my website www.johnbenjamin.se
a website about India, photos, video ,text plus my music.
Check out my Darjeeling travel guide here - http://migrationology.com/2013/05/darjeeling-travel-guide-things-you-need-to-know/ | Have Facebook? https://www.facebook.com/migrationology
Darjeeling, India, is located in the very Northern part of the West Bengal state. Coming from Kolkata, it's hard to believe that Darjeeling is actually in the same state, it's such a vastly different place.
In order to get to Darjeeling, India, it's easiest to take the train to the nearest station which is located at New Jalpaiguri (known just as NJP by the train code). There's little to do in NJP, but from right outside the train station you can then board to a shared jeep and for 200 Rupees, you can take the jeep straight to Darjeeling. The jeep normally takes about 4 hours to reach the town and they will often stop for a few bathroom and snack breaks. The ride to Darjeeling is very windy and very uphill into the mountains, so if you get sick easily, be sure to take motion sickness medication. You will have some amazing views on the road!
Darjeeling, India, is an old hill station that offers beautiful views of the Himalayas. It's a small town and unlike other huge Indian cities, it's much quieter, peaceful, and it's a very nice place to just explore on foot (though not all the attractions are accessible on foot). So after arriving in Darjeeling, I first set off to explore the Chowrasta Square, which is a non-vehicle area with shops restaurants and cafes. There are also many trails leading from the square to other parts of the town. I explored a few of the footpaths leading in various directions to discover Buddhist Tibetan temples and other residential areas.
Probably the most famous thing about Darjeeling, India, is its production of tea; It's one of the most famous places in the world for tea. The climate, elevation, and rich Himalayan soil make it prime growing conditions. Surrounding Darjeeling you'll have a chance to see rolling tea fields and if you have time you can even visit a tea farm such as Happy Valley. Don't forget to buy plenty of tea in Darjeeling before you depart.
At the top of the main hill in Darjeeling is the Mahakal Temple, one of the most famous Hindu / Buddhist temples in the city. The temple is fully decorated by Tibetan colorful flags and there are lots and lots of monkeys, that can at times be aggressive. You can also walk around the area and explore the cave. Just be careful of the scammers in this area that try to ask you for donations. Another one of the most famous attractions in Darjeeling, India, is the Darjeeling Himalayan railroad which is better known as the Toy Train. It's an old locomotive train that runs of burning coal. You can go to the railroad station and purchase tickets daily for the joy ride, which is a 1.5 hour circuit that takes you on a leisurely ride from Darjeeling to Ghoom, the highest elevation railroad station in all of India. The railroad is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
The Tibetan Refugee Self Help Center is a center for Tibetan refugees where you'll find handicrafts and other things to purchase. When I went it was quite quiet and there actually wasn't much to do there. Other really popular attractions in Darjeeling, India, include the Himalayan Zoo and the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, which are located on the same compound and accessed with the same entrance ticket fee. The zoo was interesting and included a snow leopard and lots of red pandas. The mountaineering institute is a museum that houses many artifacts from Himalayan mountain climbing expeditions.
While many choose to wake up and go to Tiger Hill for the sunrise of the beautiful Himalayan mountain range, I was so cold that I didn't wake up and just stayed on the balcony of my hotel to view the gorgeous sunrise over the mountains. Darjeeling, India, is a beautiful little town and you'll have a great and relaxing time when you travel there!
Follow my food adventures at http://migrationology.com/ & http://www.eatingthaifood.com/ Delhi Travel Guide: http://migrationology.com/delhi-travel-guide-ebook/
Bangkok Travel Guide: http://migrationology.com/ebook-101-things-to-do-in-bangkok/
Thai Food Guide: http://www.eatingthaifood.com/eating-thai-food-guide/
Finally, subscribe so you don't miss the next tasty adventure http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=migrationology
Check out my Darjeeling travel guide here - http://migrationology.com/2013/05/darjeeling-travel-guide-things-you-need-to-know/ | Have Facebook? https://www.facebook.com/migrationology
Darjeeling, India, is located in the very Northern part of the West Bengal state. Coming from Kolkata, it's hard to believe that Darjeeling is actually in the same state, it's such a vastly different place.
In order to get to Darjeeling, India, it's easiest to take the train to the nearest station which is located at New Jalpaiguri (known just as NJP by the train code). There's little to do in NJP, but from right outside the train station you can then board to a shared jeep and for 200 Rupees, you can take the jeep straight to Darjeeling. The jeep normally takes about 4 hours to reach the town and they will often stop for a few bathroom and snack breaks. The ride to Darjeeling is very windy and very uphill into the mountains, so if you get sick easily, be sure to take motion sickness medication. You will have some amazing views on the road!
Darjeeling, India, is an old hill station that offers beautiful views of the Himalayas. It's a small town and unlike other huge Indian cities, it's much quieter, peaceful, and it's a very nice place to just explore on foot (though not all the attractions are accessible on foot). So after arriving in Darjeeling, I first set off to explore the Chowrasta Square, which is a non-vehicle area with shops restaurants and cafes. There are also many trails leading from the square to other parts of the town. I explored a few of the footpaths leading in various directions to discover Buddhist Tibetan temples and other residential areas.
Probably the most famous thing about Darjeeling, India, is its production of tea; It's one of the most famous places in the world for tea. The climate, elevation, and rich Himalayan soil make it prime growing conditions. Surrounding Darjeeling you'll have a chance to see rolling tea fields and if you have time you can even visit a tea farm such as Happy Valley. Don't forget to buy plenty of tea in Darjeeling before you depart.
At the top of the main hill in Darjeeling is the Mahakal Temple, one of the most famous Hindu / Buddhist temples in the city. The temple is fully decorated by Tibetan colorful flags and there are lots and lots of monkeys, that can at times be aggressive. You can also walk around the area and explore the cave. Just be careful of the scammers in this area that try to ask you for donations. Another one of the most famous attractions in Darjeeling, India, is the Darjeeling Himalayan railroad which is better known as the Toy Train. It's an old locomotive train that runs of burning coal. You can go to the railroad station and purchase tickets daily for the joy ride, which is a 1.5 hour circuit that takes you on a leisurely ride from Darjeeling to Ghoom, the highest elevation railroad station in all of India. The railroad is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
The Tibetan Refugee Self Help Center is a center for Tibetan refugees where you'll find handicrafts and other things to purchase. When I went it was quite quiet and there actually wasn't much to do there. Other really popular attractions in Darjeeling, India, include the Himalayan Zoo and the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, which are located on the same compound and accessed with the same entrance ticket fee. The zoo was interesting and included a snow leopard and lots of red pandas. The mountaineering institute is a museum that houses many artifacts from Himalayan mountain climbing expeditions.
While many choose to wake up and go to Tiger Hill for the sunrise of the beautiful Himalayan mountain range, I was so cold that I didn't wake up and just stayed on the balcony of my hotel to view the gorgeous sunrise over the mountains. Darjeeling, India, is a beautiful little town and you'll have a great and relaxing time when you travel there!
Follow my food adventures at http://migrationology.com/ & http://www.eatingthaifood.com/ Delhi Travel Guide: http://migrationology.com/delhi-travel-guide-ebook/
Bangkok Travel Guide: http://migrationology.com/ebook-101-things-to-do-in-bangkok/
Thai Food Guide: http://www.eatingthaifood.com/eating-thai-food-guide/
Finally, subscribe so you don't miss the next tasty adventure http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=migrationology
published:22 May 2013
Tips for Americans Traveling to India : Travel Tips
Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Ehow Watch More: http://www.youtube.com/Ehow For anyone in the West, India is either a cou...
Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Ehow Watch More: http://www.youtube.com/Ehow For anyone in the West, India is either a cou...
In Part Five (my last) of my India travel video guide, I trek into the Himalayas along the famed Singalila Ridge, a picturesque trail that winds its way betw...
In Part Five (my last) of my India travel video guide, I trek into the Himalayas along the famed Singalila Ridge, a picturesque trail that winds its way betw...
India Adventure vlog from my travels throughout the country a few years ago. India is the land of contrast, and a place I hold very dear to my heart.
I found a bunch of footage on an old hard drive from my travels from 2-3 years ago. The quality isn't up to par with what I do now, but I thought it was still fun to share:) Enjoy!
Also, be sure to check out Hemant Devara (as seen in this video) who taught me Bollywood dancing in Pushkar if you are ever there.
Where you can find me:
FACEBOOK- http://www.facebook.com/hopscotchtheglobe
INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/kristenadventure
TWITTER - http://twitter.com/HTGlobe
BLOG - http://www.hopscotchtheglobe.com
ACTING WEBSITE - http://www.kristensarah.net
This video was shot with the Sony NEX5R - http://bit.ly/16QG3jS
Music provided by:
Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music
India Adventure vlog from my travels throughout the country a few years ago. India is the land of contrast, and a place I hold very dear to my heart.
I found a bunch of footage on an old hard drive from my travels from 2-3 years ago. The quality isn't up to par with what I do now, but I thought it was still fun to share:) Enjoy!
Also, be sure to check out Hemant Devara (as seen in this video) who taught me Bollywood dancing in Pushkar if you are ever there.
Where you can find me:
FACEBOOK- http://www.facebook.com/hopscotchtheglobe
INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/kristenadventure
TWITTER - http://twitter.com/HTGlobe
BLOG - http://www.hopscotchtheglobe.com
ACTING WEBSITE - http://www.kristensarah.net
This video was shot with the Sony NEX5R - http://bit.ly/16QG3jS
Music provided by:
Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music
published:28 Jan 2014
Travel India on $10 a day! Budget travel tips and tricks
In this video I document my expenses during one day in India, and show that you can travel there incredibly cheap!
Feel like something fun, adventurous and inspiring to read? "Following My Thumb" by Gabriel Morris features 26 travel stories from around the world: http://www.amazon.com/Following-My-Thumb-Gabriel-Morris/dp/1846948495/
Or, Gabriel's practical travel guidebook, "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", is just $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/
Gabriel's travel page on Facebook:
Lots more adventure travel at: http://gabrieltraveler.com
Follow Gabriel on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gabrieltravel
Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. See more below.
Gabriel Morris is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990. He is author of "Following My Thumb", a collection of 26 exciting and hilarious autobiographical travel stories from his worldly wanderings during the 1990s; and of several other books. Visit http://gabrieltraveler.com for lots more info about his travel writing, photography, videos, budget travel tips and much more.
Thanks a lot for watching, and safe journeys!
Travel India on $10 a day! Budget travel tips and tricks
In this video I document my expenses during one day in India, and show that you can travel there incredibly cheap!
Feel like something fun, adventurous and inspiring to read? "Following My Thumb" by Gabriel Morris features 26 travel stories from around the world: http://www.amazon.com/Following-My-Thumb-Gabriel-Morris/dp/1846948495/
Or, Gabriel's practical travel guidebook, "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel", is just $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/
Gabriel's travel page on Facebook:
Lots more adventure travel at: http://gabrieltraveler.com
Follow Gabriel on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gabrieltravel
Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. See more below.
Gabriel Morris is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990. He is author of "Following My Thumb", a collection of 26 exciting and hilarious autobiographical travel stories from his worldly wanderings during the 1990s; and of several other books. Visit http://gabrieltraveler.com for lots more info about his travel writing, photography, videos, budget travel tips and much more.
Thanks a lot for watching, and safe journeys!
Travel India on $10 a day! Budget travel tips and tricks
Ten travel tips for anyone planning a trip to South India! I traveled the North part of India (Delhi) as well and most of these tips apply to that area too. But there was something quite special about the South: Tamil Nadu and Kerala...both areas were lush, tropical and beyond fascinating. One local rightly described the South as "India Light" and I couldn't agree more. I hope these tips help save you money and keep you safe and happy on your journey!
Ten travel tips for anyone planning a trip to South India! I traveled the North part of India (Delhi) as well and most of these tips apply to that area too. But there was something quite special about the South: Tamil Nadu and Kerala...both areas were lush, tropical and beyond fascinating. One local rightly described the South as "India Light" and I couldn't agree more. I hope these tips help save you money and keep you safe and happy on your journey!
published:31 Mar 2015
India Travel Video Dairies - Road Trip to Manali Rohtang from Delhi - Day1
Road trip to Manali - Rohtang, a beautiful hill station at the height of 2100 Meter in Himanchal Pradesh, India. We are travelling to Manali by car from New Delhi in summer time around may. Manali is very beautiful place for hiking, paragliding, skating (winter), fun with snow (winter) & camping. Manali itself is a small town, all time crowded with domestic Indian tourist as well as international tourist as this is the road way to Leh Ladakh Valley in upper Himalaya. I along with my 2 friends visited Manali in summer of 2014. It was an remarkable journey which brought many sweet memories in my & my friends life.
Pick season for Manali travel & tips is - summer from June to august
During winter, it gets heavy snow fall, so mostly couple try to visit this place.
How to go Manali from Delhi ?
From ISBT Kashmere Gate, every day dozens of bus from government of Himanchal pradesh are operated. You can get into bus and travel to Kullu manali. The journey time is about 9-11 Hours. Bus journey can beautiful during day time as you can do lots of sightseeing.
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Road trip to Manali - Rohtang, a beautiful hill station at the height of 2100 Meter in Himanchal Pradesh, India. We are travelling to Manali by car from New Delhi in summer time around may. Manali is very beautiful place for hiking, paragliding, skating (winter), fun with snow (winter) & camping. Manali itself is a small town, all time crowded with domestic Indian tourist as well as international tourist as this is the road way to Leh Ladakh Valley in upper Himalaya. I along with my 2 friends visited Manali in summer of 2014. It was an remarkable journey which brought many sweet memories in my & my friends life.
Pick season for Manali travel & tips is - summer from June to august
During winter, it gets heavy snow fall, so mostly couple try to visit this place.
How to go Manali from Delhi ?
From ISBT Kashmere Gate, every day dozens of bus from government of Himanchal pradesh are operated. You can get into bus and travel to Kullu manali. The journey time is about 9-11 Hours. Bus journey can beautiful during day time as you can do lots of sightseeing.
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Click to see my Nepal travelling videos - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tGHTmltDT4&index;=5&list;=PLSzKbnydlhPKJXlYePpIboeFU8SS06dk-
Take a tour of India - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 travel d...
Take a tour of India - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 travel d...
Wild Frontiers' Jonny Bealby presents a guide to Calcutta and the Northeast of India.
As far as Wild Frontiers is concerned Calcutta and the Northeast is a region that comprises pretty much anything east of Delhi, running along the Ganges flood plain to Calcutta and beyond to the borders of Bangladesh, Burma and Bhutan.
If most travellers coming to India head west out of Delhi to Rajasthan, most that don't head east down the Ganges to Varanasi.
Most of these travel by air or rail directly to Varanasi but if you are of an adventurous disposition there are many interesting places to stop off at along the route, such as Rishikesh -- where the Beatles stayed and wrote the famous White Album -- or Lucknow, a beautiful city packed with fabulous Moghul architecture. In fact if you're looking for a group tour you might like to try our Slow Down the Ganges trip, which, having spent some time in the Himalayas and at Corbett Tiger Park, takes a boat from Allahabad, spending two days and nights, on this spiritual aqua highway.
Whatever your preferred form of transport is to Varanasi, even the most seasons travellers among you are in for a shock when you get there.
Varanasi sits at the confluence of the Ganges, the Yamuna and the mythical Sara Swati Rivers and as such is one of the most important pilgrimage centres in the whole country. Over 60,000 devotees a day come here to cleanse themselves in the rivers holy waters. Others come here to die believing death in Varanasi removes you from the cycle of rebirth and delivers you to heaven and the burning ghats, and the religious festivals that go on here, day and night, are an ever present accompaniment.
From Varanasi you can continue east to Calcutta -- personally my favourite city in India. Largely off the beaten track, Calcutta -- or Kolkata, as its now known locally -- is a quintessential Indian city; a place of bustling bazaars and markets, of epic historical monuments, amazing decaying architecture, great cuisine and above all a buzzing humanity.
And from here head north. First and foremost to the famous tea plantations of Darjeeling -- where you'll find an interesting town, some great accommodation, and wonderful views, particularly of the 8,000m epic mountain Kanchenjunga. And from here, you can continue east, perhaps on one of the famous river boats up the Brahmaputra River, to Nagaland and a very different India.
We have a number of group tours to this region; the afore mentioned Slowly Down the Ganges. Land of the Kama Sutra -- which among other things takes in the amazing Sonepur Elephant Festival -- and perhaps one of our most remote trips called the Nagaland Festival Tour -- which takes you right up into the far northeast. And of course, back in our offices in London and Delhi, we have specialist travel planners that know all these places inside out waiting to help you create the most perfect tailor-made experience.
Calcutta and the Northeast is a region that will require greater effort on the part of the international traveller. It is a region that is less visited than others, where the infrastructure is less well developed. But it is also an region that is home to some of India's most iconic attractions.
Wild Frontiers' Jonny Bealby presents a guide to Calcutta and the Northeast of India.
As far as Wild Frontiers is concerned Calcutta and the Northeast is a region that comprises pretty much anything east of Delhi, running along the Ganges flood plain to Calcutta and beyond to the borders of Bangladesh, Burma and Bhutan.
If most travellers coming to India head west out of Delhi to Rajasthan, most that don't head east down the Ganges to Varanasi.
Most of these travel by air or rail directly to Varanasi but if you are of an adventurous disposition there are many interesting places to stop off at along the route, such as Rishikesh -- where the Beatles stayed and wrote the famous White Album -- or Lucknow, a beautiful city packed with fabulous Moghul architecture. In fact if you're looking for a group tour you might like to try our Slow Down the Ganges trip, which, having spent some time in the Himalayas and at Corbett Tiger Park, takes a boat from Allahabad, spending two days and nights, on this spiritual aqua highway.
Whatever your preferred form of transport is to Varanasi, even the most seasons travellers among you are in for a shock when you get there.
Varanasi sits at the confluence of the Ganges, the Yamuna and the mythical Sara Swati Rivers and as such is one of the most important pilgrimage centres in the whole country. Over 60,000 devotees a day come here to cleanse themselves in the rivers holy waters. Others come here to die believing death in Varanasi removes you from the cycle of rebirth and delivers you to heaven and the burning ghats, and the religious festivals that go on here, day and night, are an ever present accompaniment.
From Varanasi you can continue east to Calcutta -- personally my favourite city in India. Largely off the beaten track, Calcutta -- or Kolkata, as its now known locally -- is a quintessential Indian city; a place of bustling bazaars and markets, of epic historical monuments, amazing decaying architecture, great cuisine and above all a buzzing humanity.
And from here head north. First and foremost to the famous tea plantations of Darjeeling -- where you'll find an interesting town, some great accommodation, and wonderful views, particularly of the 8,000m epic mountain Kanchenjunga. And from here, you can continue east, perhaps on one of the famous river boats up the Brahmaputra River, to Nagaland and a very different India.
We have a number of group tours to this region; the afore mentioned Slowly Down the Ganges. Land of the Kama Sutra -- which among other things takes in the amazing Sonepur Elephant Festival -- and perhaps one of our most remote trips called the Nagaland Festival Tour -- which takes you right up into the far northeast. And of course, back in our offices in London and Delhi, we have specialist travel planners that know all these places inside out waiting to help you create the most perfect tailor-made experience.
Calcutta and the Northeast is a region that will require greater effort on the part of the international traveller. It is a region that is less visited than others, where the infrastructure is less well developed. But it is also an region that is home to some of India's most iconic attractions.
published:04 Sep 2013
Travel Tips & must avoid these mistakes- India & SE Asia
Theese are Travel Tips for first timer travelling to India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand.
These are few things you must avoid :-)
Safe travel.
Theese are Travel Tips for first timer travelling to India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand.
These are few things you must avoid :-)
Safe travel.
India, Pakistan hold border force talks after NSA standoff
India, Pakistan hold border force talks after NSA standoff
India, Pakistan hold border force talks after NSA standoff
Amid a growing war of words and firing from across the border, the high-level talks between India's Border Security Force (BSF) and the Pakistani Rangers began in New Delhi on Thursday and will go on until Saturday. The 15-member Pakistani delegation, led by Major General Umar Farooq Burki, crossed over to India via Attari, where it was welcomed by the BSF on Wednesday.
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T 20 News | 10th September, 2015 - India TV
T 20 News | 10th September, 2015 - India TV
T 20 News | 10th September, 2015 - India TV
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DNA: Saudi Arabia diplomat in India accused of raping Nepali maids
DNA: Saudi Arabia diplomat in India accused of raping Nepali maids
DNA: Saudi Arabia diplomat in India accused of raping Nepali maids
A diplomat at the Saudi Arabia embassy in New Delhi has been booked for rape while his wife and daughter have been booked for torturing domestic helps in this Millennium City, Haryana Police said Tuesday.
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DG talk: Pakistan Rangers delegation arrives in India
DG talk: Pakistan Rangers delegation arrives in India
DG talk: Pakistan Rangers delegation arrives in India
After talks between the National Security Advisers of the two countries was called off about a fortnight ago, the Director General-level talks between the Border Security Force (BSF) and Pakistan Rangers is set to kick off in New Delhi Thursday.
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Video: Woman Athletic Team Coach Beaten Up for Molesting Players in Train - India TV
Video: Woman Athletic Team Coach Beaten Up for Molesting Players in Train - India TV
Video: Woman Athletic Team Coach Beaten Up for Molesting Players in Train - India TV
Watch how a woman Athletic team coach beaten up for molesting players in train.
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Caught on Camera: 5 Armed Robbers Roam Freely on Alipur Road in Delhi - India TV
Caught on Camera: 5 Armed Robbers Roam Freely on Alipur Road in Delhi - India TV
Caught on Camera: 5 Armed Robbers Roam Freely on Alipur Road in Delhi - India TV
Caught on Camera: Five armed robbers roam freely on Alipur road in Delhi.
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Lalu-Nitish Alliance Surges Ahead of BJP Led NDA in India TV-CVoter Opinion Polls - India TV
Lalu-Nitish Alliance Surges Ahead of BJP Led NDA in India TV-CVoter Opinion Polls - India TV
Lalu-Nitish Alliance Surges Ahead of BJP Led NDA in India TV-CVoter Opinion Polls - India TV
The grand alliance forged by RJD, Janata Dal(U) and Congress in Bihar is projected to win within a range of 116-132 seats in an assembly having a total of 243 seats, says India TV-CVoter poll, results of which were telecast tonight.
The BJP-led combine, comprising BJP, LJP, RLSP and HAM, has been projected to win within a range of 94-110 seats, playing second fiddle to the Lalu-Nitish-Sonia alliance, according to the opinion poll. 'Others' have been projected to win 13-21 seats, says the poll.
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BSF, Pakistan Rangers to Meet Today in Delhi - India TV
BSF, Pakistan Rangers to Meet Today in Delhi - India TV
BSF, Pakistan Rangers to Meet Today in Delhi - India TV
BSF, Pakistan Rangers will meet today in Delhi.
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Centre Speeds Up Process Of Bringing Back Geetha From Pakistan To India
Centre Speeds Up Process Of Bringing Back Geetha From Pakistan To India
Centre Speeds Up Process Of Bringing Back Geetha From Pakistan To India
Centre Speeds Up Process Of Bringing Back Geetha From Pakistan To India
India: "Fatwa" di mille clerici contro l'Isil
India: "Fatwa" di mille clerici contro l'Isil
India: "Fatwa" di mille clerici contro l'Isil
Oltre mille clerici islamici di tutta l'India hanno emesso una "fatwa" ovvero un editto religioso di condanna nei confronti del cosiddetto "Stato Islamico".
Le azioni dell'organizzazione jihadista sono definite contrarie ai principi fondamentali dell'Islam.
ALTRE INFORMAZIONI: http://it.euronews.com/2015/09/09/india-fatwa-di-mille-clerici-contro-l-isil
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"Un-Islamic" : India's Muslim clerics issue fatwa against IS
"Un-Islamic" : India's Muslim clerics issue fatwa against IS
"Un-Islamic" : India's Muslim clerics issue fatwa against IS
A fatwa, or religious ruling, condemning the self-titled Islamic State group as "un-Islamic" has been signed by the leaders of all the main mosques in India, which has the world's third-largest Muslim population.
More than a thousand Muslim clerics will explain the fatwa to their followers after Friday prayers. India's 172 million Muslims have mainly opposed the extremism embodied by IS and al Qaeda.
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/09/09/un-islamic-india-s-muslim-clerics-issue-fatwa-against-is
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Fatua contra el grupo Estado Islámico en la India
Fatua contra el grupo Estado Islámico en la India
Fatua contra el grupo Estado Islámico en la India
Los musulmanes indios dan la espalda al grupo Estado Islámico. Más de 1.000 clérigos han lanzado este miércoles una fatua en la que condenan las actividades terroristas de la organización como anti-islámicas y contrarias al Corán. El edicto ha sido firmado por decenas de mezquitas y escuelas coránicas. India cuenta con 172 millones de musulmanes, aproximadamente un tercio del total mundial.…
MÁS INFORMACIÓNES: http://es.euronews.com/2015/09/09/fatua-contra-el-grupo-estado-islamico-en-la-india
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Aaj Ki Baat with Rajat Sharma - 9th September, 2015 - India TV
Aaj Ki Baat with Rajat Sharma - 9th September, 2015 - India TV
Aaj Ki Baat with Rajat Sharma - 9th September, 2015 - India TV
Watch India TV's prime time show Aaj Ki Baat with Rajat Sharma for today's latest news and detailed analysis of trending topics.
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Akalangalile India summary : 9th sep 2015
Akalangalile India summary : 9th sep 2015
Akalangalile India summary : 9th sep 2015
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Naitik aka Karan Mehra celebrates his birthday with India-Forums
Naitik aka Karan Mehra celebrates his birthday with India-Forums
Naitik aka Karan Mehra celebrates his birthday with India-Forums
Hit the play button and check out Karan Mehra aka Naitik from Star Plus's Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai celebrating his birthday with India-Forums.
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Big Story Big Debate: 'Agenda for a Reformed Economy in India'?
Big Story Big Debate: 'Agenda for a Reformed Economy in India'?
Big Story Big Debate: 'Agenda for a Reformed Economy in India'?
What should be the agenda for a reformed or developed economy in India? How will Bihar polls shape India’s near future and Economy? Watch the Big Story Big Debate, Race 2015 'Bihar Decides Reform Impact' with our grand panel in this episode.
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Are activists justified in turning 'Rape' horror into a test of India's diplomatic prestige?
Are activists justified in turning 'Rape' horror into a test of India's diplomatic prestige?
Are activists justified in turning 'Rape' horror into a test of India's diplomatic prestige?
Gurgaon cops have been assaulted by kins of the diplomat who has been accussed of been a sex slaver. All this has been caught on tape. A diplomat at the Saudi Arabia embassy in New Delhi has been booked for allegedly raping two Nepali women, Gurgaon police said Tuesday. The women, aged around 30, have alleged that they were abducted and raped by the diplomat repeatedly at a flat in Gurgaon, on the outskirts of Delhi. The victims have alleged that they were first taken to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia where they were made to perform household chores and were raped there, police officials said.
For More information on this news visit : http://www.new
Desh Deshantar - PM urges India Inc to step up investments: What was holding the industry back?
Desh Deshantar - PM urges India Inc to step up investments: What was holding the industry back?
Desh Deshantar - PM urges India Inc to step up investments: What was holding the industry back?
Guests: Mohan Guruswamy, Senior Economist ; S. K. Jindal, Chairman, ASSOCHAM Investment & Investors Protection Committee ; Priya Ranjan Das, Senior Journalist ; Gopal Krishna Agarwal, National Spokesperson, BJP.
Anchor: Amrita Rai
Air date: Sep 9, 2015
Bihar elections: The most decisive election, India will know on November 8
Bihar elections: The most decisive election, India will know on November 8
Bihar elections: The most decisive election, India will know on November 8
Central Election Commission of India, on Wednesday, announced the election dates for the Bihar assembly elections 2015 and said the elections will be conducted in five phases. Speaking to media, Chief Election Commissioner Nasim Zaidi said, "Bihar elections will take place in five phases from October 12th to November 5th, 2015. Model code of conduct comes into force with immediate effect."
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Nirmala Sitharaman's speech at Global Investors Meet | India | News7 Tamil
Nirmala Sitharaman's speech at Global Investors Meet | India | News7 Tamil
Nirmala Sitharaman's speech at Global Investors Meet | India | News7 Tamil
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BMW 7 Series 750Li | First Drive | Autocar India
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The sixth-gen BMW 7-series is lighter than before and gets lots of new tech. Here are our first impressions from behind the wheel.
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Why neither India nor Pakistan can claim victory - Jabardasth News | iNews
Why neither India nor Pakistan can claim victory - Jabardasth News | iNews
Why neither India nor Pakistan can claim victory - Jabardasth News | iNews
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India, Pakistan hold border force talks after NSA standoff
Amid a growing war of words and firing from across the border, the high-level talks between India's Border Security Force (BSF) and the Pakistani Rangers began in New Delhi on Thursday and will go on until Saturday. The 15-member Pakistani delegation, led by Major General Umar Farooq Burki, crossed over to India via Attari, where it was welcomed by the BSF on Wednesday.
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Amid a growing war of words and firing from across the border, the high-level talks between India's Border Security Force (BSF) and the Pakistani Rangers began in New Delhi on Thursday and will go on until Saturday. The 15-member Pakistani delegation, led by Major General Umar Farooq Burki, crossed over to India via Attari, where it was welcomed by the BSF on Wednesday.
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published:10 Sep 2015
DNA: Saudi Arabia diplomat in India accused of raping Nepali maids
A diplomat at the Saudi Arabia embassy in New Delhi has been booked for rape while his wife and daughter have been booked for torturing domestic helps in this Millennium City, Haryana Police said Tuesday.
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A diplomat at the Saudi Arabia embassy in New Delhi has been booked for rape while his wife and daughter have been booked for torturing domestic helps in this Millennium City, Haryana Police said Tuesday.
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published:10 Sep 2015
DG talk: Pakistan Rangers delegation arrives in India
After talks between the National Security Advisers of the two countries was called off about a fortnight ago, the Director General-level talks between the Border Security Force (BSF) and Pakistan Rangers is set to kick off in New Delhi Thursday.
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After talks between the National Security Advisers of the two countries was called off about a fortnight ago, the Director General-level talks between the Border Security Force (BSF) and Pakistan Rangers is set to kick off in New Delhi Thursday.
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published:10 Sep 2015
Video: Woman Athletic Team Coach Beaten Up for Molesting Players in Train - India TV
Watch how a woman Athletic team coach beaten up for molesting players in train.
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Watch how a woman Athletic team coach beaten up for molesting players in train.
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published:10 Sep 2015
Caught on Camera: 5 Armed Robbers Roam Freely on Alipur Road in Delhi - India TV
Caught on Camera: Five armed robbers roam freely on Alipur road in Delhi.
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Caught on Camera: Five armed robbers roam freely on Alipur road in Delhi.
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published:10 Sep 2015
Lalu-Nitish Alliance Surges Ahead of BJP Led NDA in India TV-CVoter Opinion Polls - India TV
The grand alliance forged by RJD, Janata Dal(U) and Congress in Bihar is projected to win within a range of 116-132 seats in an assembly having a total of 243 seats, says India TV-CVoter poll, results of which were telecast tonight.
The BJP-led combine, comprising BJP, LJP, RLSP and HAM, has been projected to win within a range of 94-110 seats, playing second fiddle to the Lalu-Nitish-Sonia alliance, according to the opinion poll. 'Others' have been projected to win 13-21 seats, says the poll.
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The grand alliance forged by RJD, Janata Dal(U) and Congress in Bihar is projected to win within a range of 116-132 seats in an assembly having a total of 243 seats, says India TV-CVoter poll, results of which were telecast tonight.
The BJP-led combine, comprising BJP, LJP, RLSP and HAM, has been projected to win within a range of 94-110 seats, playing second fiddle to the Lalu-Nitish-Sonia alliance, according to the opinion poll. 'Others' have been projected to win 13-21 seats, says the poll.
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published:10 Sep 2015
BSF, Pakistan Rangers to Meet Today in Delhi - India TV
BSF, Pakistan Rangers will meet today in Delhi.
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BSF, Pakistan Rangers will meet today in Delhi.
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published:10 Sep 2015
Centre Speeds Up Process Of Bringing Back Geetha From Pakistan To India
Oltre mille clerici islamici di tutta l'India hanno emesso una "fatwa" ovvero un editto religioso di condanna nei confronti del cosiddetto "Stato Islamico".
Le azioni dell'organizzazione jihadista sono definite contrarie ai principi fondamentali dell'Islam.
ALTRE INFORMAZIONI: http://it.euronews.com/2015/09/09/india-fatwa-di-mille-clerici-contro-l-isil
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Oltre mille clerici islamici di tutta l'India hanno emesso una "fatwa" ovvero un editto religioso di condanna nei confronti del cosiddetto "Stato Islamico".
Le azioni dell'organizzazione jihadista sono definite contrarie ai principi fondamentali dell'Islam.
ALTRE INFORMAZIONI: http://it.euronews.com/2015/09/09/india-fatwa-di-mille-clerici-contro-l-isil
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published:09 Sep 2015
"Un-Islamic" : India's Muslim clerics issue fatwa against IS
A fatwa, or religious ruling, condemning the self-titled Islamic State group as "un-Islamic" has been signed by the leaders of all the main mosques in India, which has the world's third-largest Muslim population.
More than a thousand Muslim clerics will explain the fatwa to their followers after Friday prayers. India's 172 million Muslims have mainly opposed the extremism embodied by IS and al Qaeda.
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/09/09/un-islamic-india-s-muslim-clerics-issue-fatwa-against-is
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A fatwa, or religious ruling, condemning the self-titled Islamic State group as "un-Islamic" has been signed by the leaders of all the main mosques in India, which has the world's third-largest Muslim population.
More than a thousand Muslim clerics will explain the fatwa to their followers after Friday prayers. India's 172 million Muslims have mainly opposed the extremism embodied by IS and al Qaeda.
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/09/09/un-islamic-india-s-muslim-clerics-issue-fatwa-against-is
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Los musulmanes indios dan la espalda al grupo Estado Islámico. Más de 1.000 clérigos han lanzado este miércoles una fatua en la que condenan las actividades terroristas de la organización como anti-islámicas y contrarias al Corán. El edicto ha sido firmado por decenas de mezquitas y escuelas coránicas. India cuenta con 172 millones de musulmanes, aproximadamente un tercio del total mundial.…
MÁS INFORMACIÓNES: http://es.euronews.com/2015/09/09/fatua-contra-el-grupo-estado-islamico-en-la-india
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Los musulmanes indios dan la espalda al grupo Estado Islámico. Más de 1.000 clérigos han lanzado este miércoles una fatua en la que condenan las actividades terroristas de la organización como anti-islámicas y contrarias al Corán. El edicto ha sido firmado por decenas de mezquitas y escuelas coránicas. India cuenta con 172 millones de musulmanes, aproximadamente un tercio del total mundial.…
MÁS INFORMACIÓNES: http://es.euronews.com/2015/09/09/fatua-contra-el-grupo-estado-islamico-en-la-india
euronews: el canal de noticias más visto en Europa
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published:09 Sep 2015
Aaj Ki Baat with Rajat Sharma - 9th September, 2015 - India TV
Watch India TV's prime time show Aaj Ki Baat with Rajat Sharma for today's latest news and detailed analysis of trending topics.
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Watch India TV's prime time show Aaj Ki Baat with Rajat Sharma for today's latest news and detailed analysis of trending topics.
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Hit the play button and check out Karan Mehra aka Naitik from Star Plus's Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai celebrating his birthday with India-Forums.
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published:09 Sep 2015
Big Story Big Debate: 'Agenda for a Reformed Economy in India'?
What should be the agenda for a reformed or developed economy in India? How will Bihar polls shape India’s near future and Economy? Watch the Big Story Big Debate, Race 2015 'Bihar Decides Reform Impact' with our grand panel in this episode.
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What should be the agenda for a reformed or developed economy in India? How will Bihar polls shape India’s near future and Economy? Watch the Big Story Big Debate, Race 2015 'Bihar Decides Reform Impact' with our grand panel in this episode.
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published:09 Sep 2015
Are activists justified in turning 'Rape' horror into a test of India's diplomatic prestige?
Gurgaon cops have been assaulted by kins of the diplomat who has been accussed of been a sex slaver. All this has been caught on tape. A diplomat at the Saudi Arabia embassy in New Delhi has been booked for allegedly raping two Nepali women, Gurgaon police said Tuesday. The women, aged around 30, have alleged that they were abducted and raped by the diplomat repeatedly at a flat in Gurgaon, on the outskirts of Delhi. The victims have alleged that they were first taken to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia where they were made to perform household chores and were raped there, police officials said.
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Gurgaon cops have been assaulted by kins of the diplomat who has been accussed of been a sex slaver. All this has been caught on tape. A diplomat at the Saudi Arabia embassy in New Delhi has been booked for allegedly raping two Nepali women, Gurgaon police said Tuesday. The women, aged around 30, have alleged that they were abducted and raped by the diplomat repeatedly at a flat in Gurgaon, on the outskirts of Delhi. The victims have alleged that they were first taken to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia where they were made to perform household chores and were raped there, police officials said.
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published:09 Sep 2015
Desh Deshantar - PM urges India Inc to step up investments: What was holding the industry back?
Central Election Commission of India, on Wednesday, announced the election dates for the Bihar assembly elections 2015 and said the elections will be conducted in five phases. Speaking to media, Chief Election Commissioner Nasim Zaidi said, "Bihar elections will take place in five phases from October 12th to November 5th, 2015. Model code of conduct comes into force with immediate effect."
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Central Election Commission of India, on Wednesday, announced the election dates for the Bihar assembly elections 2015 and said the elections will be conducted in five phases. Speaking to media, Chief Election Commissioner Nasim Zaidi said, "Bihar elections will take place in five phases from October 12th to November 5th, 2015. Model code of conduct comes into force with immediate effect."
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published:09 Sep 2015
Nirmala Sitharaman's speech at Global Investors Meet | India | News7 Tamil
Nirmala Sitharaman's speech at Global Investors Meet | India | News7 Tamil
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News 7 Tamil Television, part of Alliance Broadcasting Private Limited, is rapidly growing into a most watched and most respected news channel both in India as well as among the Tamil global diaspora. The channel’s strength has been its in-depth coverage coupled with the quality of international television production.
Nirmala Sitharaman's speech at Global Investors Meet | India | News7 Tamil
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News 7 Tamil Television, part of Alliance Broadcasting Private Limited, is rapidly growing into a most watched and most respected news channel both in India as well as among the Tamil global diaspora. The channel’s strength has been its in-depth coverage coupled with the quality of international television production.
The sixth-gen BMW 7-series is lighter than before and gets lots of new tech. Here are our first impressions from behind the wheel.
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The sixth-gen BMW 7-series is lighter than before and gets lots of new tech. Here are our first impressions from behind the wheel.
Autocar India is your one stop source for test drive reviews & comparison test of every new car released in India. We also offer a great mix of other automotive content including podcasts, motor show reports, travelogues and other special features.
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published:09 Sep 2015
Why neither India nor Pakistan can claim victory - Jabardasth News | iNews
Why neither India nor Pakistan can claim victory - Jabardasth News | iNews
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Why neither India nor Pakistan can claim victory - Jabardasth News | iNews
Watch I News, 24/7 Telugu News Channel, for all the latest news including breaking news, regional news, national news, international news, sports updates, entertainment gossips, business news, political satires, crime news, exclusive interviews, movie reviews, political debates, fashion trends devotional programs and featured shows such as Jabardasth News, Big Cinema, Movie Special, Cinema Chupista Mama, Metro Colors, Anaganaga, News Makers, Adivaram Athidi, Omkaram, Yoga Sutra and Money Money.
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Laura começa a comer os doces compulsivamente e engasga. Cirilo chega à festa de sua amada com um lindo buquê de flores. As crianças ficam deslumbradas com os truques que o mágico faz na festa. Cirilo vai de encontro a Maria Joaquina para entregar o buquê. Malvada, a menina estraçalha as flores e as joga no chão. Cirilo fica desolado. Miguel observa a cena.As crianças começam a dançar ao som da banda Restart. Miguel vai conversar com Cirilo e diz para o garoto se divertir. Maria Joaquina se junta às primas para falar mal dos convidados. Maria Joaquina esbarra em Cirilo e o empurra. Davi consola Cirilo. Paulo solta um rato na festa. Pe Lanza c
Visión 7 - Festejos por el 205º aniversario de la Revolución de Mayo (2)
Visión 7 - Festejos por el 205º aniversario de la Revolución de Mayo (2)
Visión 7 - Festejos por el 205º aniversario de la Revolución de Mayo (2)
Participan del festival en Plaza de Mayo la Banda de Zamba, Maravillosa Música, Agarrate Catalina, Ana Prada, Buena Vista Social Club, Fabiana Cantilo, David Lebon, Javier Malosetti, Emilio del Guercio, Ignacio Montoya Carlotto, Palo Pandolfo, Litto Nebbia y la Bersuit. Entrevistas a Leo García y Emilio del Guercio, músicos. Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el lunes 25 de mayo de 2015. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
LOUCURA DE AMOR DE: Familia e Amigos PARA: Cristina
LOCAL: Zona Leste de Sao Paulo Vila Guarani, uma travessa da Av. Sapopemba, proximo ao shopping Aricanduva.
HISTÓRIA DA HOMENAGEM AO VIVO: Uma das coisas mais legais dessa loucura de amor e que a familia e os amigos fizeram varias cotacoes de precos para contratar uma loucura de amor para a Cristina e o mais legal e que mesmo a nossa ter sido a loucura de amor mais cara a familia e os amigos contrataram a nossa empresa pela forma e pela proposta como conduzimos a nossa loucura de amor, olha so que legal galera essa linda loucura de amor.
Visión Siete: 228º aniversario de Gualeguaychú
Visión Siete: 228º aniversario de Gualeguaychú
Visión Siete: 228º aniversario de Gualeguaychú
La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto central del 228º aniversario de la fundación de la ciudad entrerriana de Gualeguaychú, desde donde inauguró...
22 de DIC. Brindis de fin de año con legisladores nacionales. Cristina Fernández
22 de DIC. Brindis de fin de año con legisladores nacionales. Cristina Fernández
22 de DIC. Brindis de fin de año con legisladores nacionales. Cristina Fernández
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner comparte el brindis con legisladores nacionales en Salones Eva Perón y Científicos Argentinos del Bicentenario. Casa de Gobierno.
09 de OCT. Inauguración de la Terminal de ómnibus “Punta Rieles”. Cristina Fernández.
09 de OCT. Inauguración de la Terminal de ómnibus “Punta Rieles”. Cristina Fernández.
09 de OCT. Inauguración de la Terminal de ómnibus “Punta Rieles”. Cristina Fernández.
09 de octubre de 2014, Santa Cruz: La Primera Mandataria encabezó hoy un acto en Las Heras, Santa Cruz, donde mantuvo una videoconferencia con su par de la Federación Rusa, Vladimir Putin, e inauguró numerosas obras en distintos puntos del país, al tiempo que dejó habilitada la terminal de ómnibus de esa ciudad patagónica.
En su discurso, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner destacó los logros alcanzados tras la recuperación de YPF y pidió primero a los trabajadores petroleros, y luego a todos los argentinos, que “por favor cuidemos nuestros recursos, la fuente de trabajo, cuidemos a esta YPF que ha vuelto a ser nuestra”.
El aumento de producción y
Visión 7 - Inauguran obras en La Pampa, La Rioja, Córdoba y Tierra del Fuego
Visión 7 - Inauguran obras en La Pampa, La Rioja, Córdoba y Tierra del Fuego
Visión 7 - Inauguran obras en La Pampa, La Rioja, Córdoba y Tierra del Fuego
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner encabezó este jueves un acto en Santa Rosa, La Pampa, donde antes de hablar por cadena nacional presentó la inversión de 1.365 millones de pesos para la segunda etapa del acueducto del Río Colorado. Mediante videoconferencias, inauguró el Instituto Regional de Planificación, Control y Servicios Ambientales en la ciudad de La Rioja. Además, asistió a la puesta en marcha de un laboratorio químico de Fabricaciones Militares en Villa María, Córdoba. También anunció que el gobierno nacional aportará 5,7 millones para el mantenimiento de la turbina en Río Grande, que permitirá abastecer la demanda energé
13 de AGO. Seminario de "Políticas para superar el endeudamiento soberano". Cristina Fernández.
13 de AGO. Seminario de "Políticas para superar el endeudamiento soberano". Cristina Fernández.
13 de AGO. Seminario de "Políticas para superar el endeudamiento soberano". Cristina Fernández.
Lunes 13 de Agosto de 2012, Buenos Aires: La Presidenta Cristina Fernnández de Kirchner habló hoy junto al Premio Nobel de Economía Joseph Stiglitz y advirti...
01 de JUL. Homenaje a los Líderes Populares del Siglo XX. Cristina Fernández
01 de JUL. Homenaje a los Líderes Populares del Siglo XX. Cristina Fernández
01 de JUL. Homenaje a los Líderes Populares del Siglo XX. Cristina Fernández
01 de Julio de 2014, Buenos Aires: La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner anunció beneficios para los damnificados de las inundaciones, que incluyen un suplemento excepcional para jubilados...
Conversando con Cristina Pacheco - Pilar Luna
Conversando con Cristina Pacheco - Pilar Luna
Conversando con Cristina Pacheco - Pilar Luna
Conversadora inteligente y apasionada, Cristina Pacheco ha convertido este don suyo en un programa de televisión al cual acuden cada viernes destacadas perso...
09 de FEB. Anuncio desarrollo Mercados Concentradores Regionales. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
09 de FEB. Anuncio desarrollo Mercados Concentradores Regionales. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
09 de FEB. Anuncio desarrollo Mercados Concentradores Regionales. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
09 de Febrero de 2011, Buenos Aires: La presidenta de la Nación Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, presidió el anuncio de acuerdos de cooperación para el desarr...
09 de AGO. Inauguración planta YPF de hidrodesulfuración de gasoil. Cristina Fernández.
09 de AGO. Inauguración planta YPF de hidrodesulfuración de gasoil. Cristina Fernández.
09 de AGO. Inauguración planta YPF de hidrodesulfuración de gasoil. Cristina Fernández.
Jueves 09 de Agosto de 2012, Ensenada: La presidenta encabezó , el acto de inauguración de la planta de Hidrodesulfuración de gasoil, encabezó la firma del P...
Laura começa a comer os doces compulsivamente e engasga. Cirilo chega à festa de sua amada com um lindo buquê de flores. As crianças ficam deslumbradas com os truques que o mágico faz na festa. Cirilo vai de encontro a Maria Joaquina para entregar o buquê. Malvada, a menina estraçalha as flores e as joga no chão. Cirilo fica desolado. Miguel observa a cena.As crianças começam a dançar ao som da banda Restart. Miguel vai conversar com Cirilo e diz para o garoto se divertir. Maria Joaquina se junta às primas para falar mal dos convidados. Maria Joaquina esbarra em Cirilo e o empurra. Davi consola Cirilo. Paulo solta um rato na festa. Pe Lanza convida Maria Joaquina para subir ao palco e cantar uma música com o grupo. Do palco, a menina fulmina Cirilo com um olhar. Cirilo fica extremamente deslocado na festa. Chega a hora de cantar o parabéns a Maria Joaquina. Valéria vê um rato circulando pela mesa em que está o bolo. As crianças entram em desespero. Paulo aproveita a confusão para empurrar a cabeça de Maria Joaquina contra o bolo. Ao chegar em casa, Miguel repreende Maria Joaquina pela forma como ela tratou Cirilo. Maria Joaquina afirma a Valéria e Alícia que foi Cirilo quem soltou o rato em sua festa e a empurrou contra o bolo. Cirilo enfrenta Paulo e afirma que ele fez mal em soltar um rato na festa de Maria Joaquina. Na sala de aula, Helena pede aos alunos para escrever uma redação sobre o tema “como é errado mentir”. Valéria esconde os sapatos de Laura, que os tirou porque estavam apertando os seus pés. Olívia leva a supervisora Bernadete para conhecer os alunos de Helena. A supervisora pede para Laura ler a redação que escreveu. Laura diz que não pode, pois está descalça. Todos começam a gargalhar. Helena fica desconcertada diante da situação. Olívia chama Helena à diretoria e passa um sermão na professora. Valéria se sente culpada pelo que fez. Olívia culpa Helena por passar a mão na cabeça dos alunos e afirma que Valéria é uma ameaça. Helena vai conversar com Valéria. Daniel comenta com Cirilo que Valéria será expulsa. Helena diz a Valéria que não pode mais ser sua amiga. No pátio da escola, a supervisora Bernadete pergunta de Helena aos alunos. Olívia observa Bernadete conversando com os alunos e entra em pânico. Helena afirma a Valéria que vai se distanciar dela, pois só assim ela irá conhecer os limites entre brincadeiras e travessuras. Valéria abraça a professora. Helena desabafa com a mãe e conta que foi extremamente difícil ser dura com Valéria. Os meninos falam que a única menina que pode integrar o Clube dos Cuecas é Alícia, pois ela é “moleca”.
Laura começa a comer os doces compulsivamente e engasga. Cirilo chega à festa de sua amada com um lindo buquê de flores. As crianças ficam deslumbradas com os truques que o mágico faz na festa. Cirilo vai de encontro a Maria Joaquina para entregar o buquê. Malvada, a menina estraçalha as flores e as joga no chão. Cirilo fica desolado. Miguel observa a cena.As crianças começam a dançar ao som da banda Restart. Miguel vai conversar com Cirilo e diz para o garoto se divertir. Maria Joaquina se junta às primas para falar mal dos convidados. Maria Joaquina esbarra em Cirilo e o empurra. Davi consola Cirilo. Paulo solta um rato na festa. Pe Lanza convida Maria Joaquina para subir ao palco e cantar uma música com o grupo. Do palco, a menina fulmina Cirilo com um olhar. Cirilo fica extremamente deslocado na festa. Chega a hora de cantar o parabéns a Maria Joaquina. Valéria vê um rato circulando pela mesa em que está o bolo. As crianças entram em desespero. Paulo aproveita a confusão para empurrar a cabeça de Maria Joaquina contra o bolo. Ao chegar em casa, Miguel repreende Maria Joaquina pela forma como ela tratou Cirilo. Maria Joaquina afirma a Valéria e Alícia que foi Cirilo quem soltou o rato em sua festa e a empurrou contra o bolo. Cirilo enfrenta Paulo e afirma que ele fez mal em soltar um rato na festa de Maria Joaquina. Na sala de aula, Helena pede aos alunos para escrever uma redação sobre o tema “como é errado mentir”. Valéria esconde os sapatos de Laura, que os tirou porque estavam apertando os seus pés. Olívia leva a supervisora Bernadete para conhecer os alunos de Helena. A supervisora pede para Laura ler a redação que escreveu. Laura diz que não pode, pois está descalça. Todos começam a gargalhar. Helena fica desconcertada diante da situação. Olívia chama Helena à diretoria e passa um sermão na professora. Valéria se sente culpada pelo que fez. Olívia culpa Helena por passar a mão na cabeça dos alunos e afirma que Valéria é uma ameaça. Helena vai conversar com Valéria. Daniel comenta com Cirilo que Valéria será expulsa. Helena diz a Valéria que não pode mais ser sua amiga. No pátio da escola, a supervisora Bernadete pergunta de Helena aos alunos. Olívia observa Bernadete conversando com os alunos e entra em pânico. Helena afirma a Valéria que vai se distanciar dela, pois só assim ela irá conhecer os limites entre brincadeiras e travessuras. Valéria abraça a professora. Helena desabafa com a mãe e conta que foi extremamente difícil ser dura com Valéria. Os meninos falam que a única menina que pode integrar o Clube dos Cuecas é Alícia, pois ela é “moleca”.
published:27 Mar 2015
Visión 7 - Festejos por el 205º aniversario de la Revolución de Mayo (2)
Participan del festival en Plaza de Mayo la Banda de Zamba, Maravillosa Música, Agarrate Catalina, Ana Prada, Buena Vista Social Club, Fabiana Cantilo, David Lebon, Javier Malosetti, Emilio del Guercio, Ignacio Montoya Carlotto, Palo Pandolfo, Litto Nebbia y la Bersuit. Entrevistas a Leo García y Emilio del Guercio, músicos. Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el lunes 25 de mayo de 2015. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
Participan del festival en Plaza de Mayo la Banda de Zamba, Maravillosa Música, Agarrate Catalina, Ana Prada, Buena Vista Social Club, Fabiana Cantilo, David Lebon, Javier Malosetti, Emilio del Guercio, Ignacio Montoya Carlotto, Palo Pandolfo, Litto Nebbia y la Bersuit. Entrevistas a Leo García y Emilio del Guercio, músicos. Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el lunes 25 de mayo de 2015. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
published:25 May 2015
LOUCURA DE AMOR DE: Familia e Amigos PARA: Cristina
LOCAL: Zona Leste de Sao Paulo Vila Guarani, uma travessa da Av. Sapopemba, proximo ao shopping Aricanduva.
HISTÓRIA DA HOMENAGEM AO VIVO: Uma das coisas mais legais dessa loucura de amor e que a familia e os amigos fizeram varias cotacoes de precos para contratar uma loucura de amor para a Cristina e o mais legal e que mesmo a nossa ter sido a loucura de amor mais cara a familia e os amigos contrataram a nossa empresa pela forma e pela proposta como conduzimos a nossa loucura de amor, olha so que legal galera essa linda loucura de amor.
LOUCURA DE AMOR SP - 11 2621-7722 & 11 2621-0669
Zona Leste, Zona Norte, Zona Sul, Zona Oeste, Centro,Interior de SP, Guarulhos,São Bernardo do Campo,São Caetano do Sul, Santo André Diadema,Ribeirão Pires, Mairiporã, Atibaia,Santos, Guarujá etc...
ZONA LESTE : Vila Carrão, Vila Formosa, Tatuapé, Penha, Belem, Itaquera, Arthur Alvim,Patriarca,Vila Matilde, Vila Guilhermina,São Miguel,Itaim Paulista,Jardim Danfer, Vila Antonieta, Vila Rica, Jardim Iva,Jardim Colorado,Jardim Tiete,Guaianazes,Vila Nhocuné, Vila Talarico,Jardim Eliane,Jardim Aricanduva,Jardim Arizi,Jardim Brasilia, Jardim Maringa,Gamelinha,Tiquatira, Mooca, Vila Alpina,Brás, Bresser, e muito mais.....
ZONA NORTE: Parque novo Mundo, Jardim Brasil, Vila Curuça, Vila Medeiros, Vila Maria,Santana,Piqueri, Bairro do Limão, Vila Ede, Jardim Peri, Brasilândia, Vila Nova Cachoeirinha, Tucuruvi, Armenia, Jardim São Paulo, Jacana, tremembé e muito mais...
Zona OESTE: Lapa, Pirituba, Butantã entre outros...
ZONA SUL: Ipiranga, Grajaú, Jabaquara, etc...
GUARULHOS: Jardim Presidente Dutra, Vila Nova Galvão, Vila Augusta, Centro, Bom Sucesso, Bairro dos Pimentas, Parque Continental I,II,III,IV e V entre outros...
Procure uma loucura de amor pela qualidade do trabalho e não apenas pelo preço, o barato sai caro e a diferença de valor de uma loucura de amor para outra é muito pequena, faça suas cotações e compare a qualidade da loucura de amor.
Loucura de amor não é mico, quem pode transformar esse momento em mico é a empresa que você vai contratar PENSE NISSO!!!....
O que você quer para sua festa?, um carro decorado soltando fogos e entregando presentes.....ou alguém que transforme todo seu amor em algo visual?....,Pesquise, compare, veja vídeos sem edição, o barato sai caro e o tempo não volta atrás.
Contrate a arte de uma loucura de amor e não um pacote de loucura de amor, quem oferece a você em primeiro lugar o preço, sempre vai deixar a qualidade em segundo plano, Exija Qualidade.
08/03, dia da mulher / 27/04, dia da empregada / 28/04, dia da sogra / 30/04, dia nacional da mulher / 01/05, dia do trabalho segundo domingo de maio, dia das mães / 12/06, dia dos namorados / 02/07, dia do bombeiro / 16/07, dia do comerciante 25/07, dia do caminhoneiro / 26/07, dia da vovó / segundo domingo de agosto, dia dos pais / 11/08, dia do advogado / 11/08, dia do estudante / 21/09, dia da tia / 22/09, dia dos amantes / 30/09, dia da secretária / 12/10, dia da criança / 15/10, dia do professor / 18/10, dia do médico / 25/12, natal / 31/12, ano novo
FACEBOOK : CLIQUE ABAIXO E CURTA NOSSAS PAGINAS https://www.facebook.com/galeracoracaoloucurasdeamorsp https://www.facebook.com/loucurasdeamorsp https://www.facebook.com/loucuradeamorsp01
Obrigado Por Sua Visita, gostou do vídeo?, então deixe seu comentário abaixo, sua opinião é muito importante para o sucesso do nosso trabalho, grande abraço e até o próximo vídeo.... Tchau!!!!
LOUCURA DE AMOR DE: Familia e Amigos PARA: Cristina
LOCAL: Zona Leste de Sao Paulo Vila Guarani, uma travessa da Av. Sapopemba, proximo ao shopping Aricanduva.
HISTÓRIA DA HOMENAGEM AO VIVO: Uma das coisas mais legais dessa loucura de amor e que a familia e os amigos fizeram varias cotacoes de precos para contratar uma loucura de amor para a Cristina e o mais legal e que mesmo a nossa ter sido a loucura de amor mais cara a familia e os amigos contrataram a nossa empresa pela forma e pela proposta como conduzimos a nossa loucura de amor, olha so que legal galera essa linda loucura de amor.
LOUCURA DE AMOR SP - 11 2621-7722 & 11 2621-0669
Zona Leste, Zona Norte, Zona Sul, Zona Oeste, Centro,Interior de SP, Guarulhos,São Bernardo do Campo,São Caetano do Sul, Santo André Diadema,Ribeirão Pires, Mairiporã, Atibaia,Santos, Guarujá etc...
ZONA LESTE : Vila Carrão, Vila Formosa, Tatuapé, Penha, Belem, Itaquera, Arthur Alvim,Patriarca,Vila Matilde, Vila Guilhermina,São Miguel,Itaim Paulista,Jardim Danfer, Vila Antonieta, Vila Rica, Jardim Iva,Jardim Colorado,Jardim Tiete,Guaianazes,Vila Nhocuné, Vila Talarico,Jardim Eliane,Jardim Aricanduva,Jardim Arizi,Jardim Brasilia, Jardim Maringa,Gamelinha,Tiquatira, Mooca, Vila Alpina,Brás, Bresser, e muito mais.....
ZONA NORTE: Parque novo Mundo, Jardim Brasil, Vila Curuça, Vila Medeiros, Vila Maria,Santana,Piqueri, Bairro do Limão, Vila Ede, Jardim Peri, Brasilândia, Vila Nova Cachoeirinha, Tucuruvi, Armenia, Jardim São Paulo, Jacana, tremembé e muito mais...
Zona OESTE: Lapa, Pirituba, Butantã entre outros...
ZONA SUL: Ipiranga, Grajaú, Jabaquara, etc...
GUARULHOS: Jardim Presidente Dutra, Vila Nova Galvão, Vila Augusta, Centro, Bom Sucesso, Bairro dos Pimentas, Parque Continental I,II,III,IV e V entre outros...
Procure uma loucura de amor pela qualidade do trabalho e não apenas pelo preço, o barato sai caro e a diferença de valor de uma loucura de amor para outra é muito pequena, faça suas cotações e compare a qualidade da loucura de amor.
Loucura de amor não é mico, quem pode transformar esse momento em mico é a empresa que você vai contratar PENSE NISSO!!!....
O que você quer para sua festa?, um carro decorado soltando fogos e entregando presentes.....ou alguém que transforme todo seu amor em algo visual?....,Pesquise, compare, veja vídeos sem edição, o barato sai caro e o tempo não volta atrás.
Contrate a arte de uma loucura de amor e não um pacote de loucura de amor, quem oferece a você em primeiro lugar o preço, sempre vai deixar a qualidade em segundo plano, Exija Qualidade.
08/03, dia da mulher / 27/04, dia da empregada / 28/04, dia da sogra / 30/04, dia nacional da mulher / 01/05, dia do trabalho segundo domingo de maio, dia das mães / 12/06, dia dos namorados / 02/07, dia do bombeiro / 16/07, dia do comerciante 25/07, dia do caminhoneiro / 26/07, dia da vovó / segundo domingo de agosto, dia dos pais / 11/08, dia do advogado / 11/08, dia do estudante / 21/09, dia da tia / 22/09, dia dos amantes / 30/09, dia da secretária / 12/10, dia da criança / 15/10, dia do professor / 18/10, dia do médico / 25/12, natal / 31/12, ano novo
FACEBOOK : CLIQUE ABAIXO E CURTA NOSSAS PAGINAS https://www.facebook.com/galeracoracaoloucurasdeamorsp https://www.facebook.com/loucurasdeamorsp https://www.facebook.com/loucuradeamorsp01
Obrigado Por Sua Visita, gostou do vídeo?, então deixe seu comentário abaixo, sua opinião é muito importante para o sucesso do nosso trabalho, grande abraço e até o próximo vídeo.... Tchau!!!!
La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto central del 228º aniversario de la fundación de la ciudad entrerriana de Gualeguaychú, desde donde inauguró...
La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto central del 228º aniversario de la fundación de la ciudad entrerriana de Gualeguaychú, desde donde inauguró...
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner comparte el brindis con legisladores nacionales en Salones Eva Perón y Científicos Argentinos del Bicentenario. Casa de Gobierno.
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner comparte el brindis con legisladores nacionales en Salones Eva Perón y Científicos Argentinos del Bicentenario. Casa de Gobierno.
published:23 Dec 2014
09 de OCT. Inauguración de la Terminal de ómnibus “Punta Rieles”. Cristina Fernández.
09 de octubre de 2014, Santa Cruz: La Primera Mandataria encabezó hoy un acto en Las Heras, Santa Cruz, donde mantuvo una videoconferencia con su par de la Federación Rusa, Vladimir Putin, e inauguró numerosas obras en distintos puntos del país, al tiempo que dejó habilitada la terminal de ómnibus de esa ciudad patagónica.
En su discurso, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner destacó los logros alcanzados tras la recuperación de YPF y pidió primero a los trabajadores petroleros, y luego a todos los argentinos, que “por favor cuidemos nuestros recursos, la fuente de trabajo, cuidemos a esta YPF que ha vuelto a ser nuestra”.
El aumento de producción y el progreso que está trayendo YPF a las regiones donde explora y produce, permitirá, dijo, “sacar más gas y petróleo y producir energía para todos los argentinos y regalías para los santacruceños: recursos genuinos de los santacruceños con una YPF y una Argentina que hoy vuelve a ser protagonista y jugadora central en el mercado energético global”.
Destacó que al convertirse la Argentina en la sede del segundo yacimiento de gas sheild no convencional en el mundo, y del cuarto yacimiento de petróleo no convencional del mundo “volvemos a estar en la mirada de los poderosos, y por eso tenemos que cuidar esta empresa, tenemos que cuidar la patria, ser más argentinos que nunca”.
Recordó la caída del abastecimiento energético cuando “empezó la etapa de desmantelamiento de YPF”, merced a “esas políticas que nos llevaron al desastre, la miseria, el hambre, la pobreza y la total pérdida de autonomía como país” y pidió a los responsables de esa situación que “por favor tengan toda la humildad de admitir que hemos cometido errores” y “ponernos todos la camiseta de la República Argentina, no del Gobierno, en momentos en que necesitamos estar unidos con el esfuerzo de todos”.
Defendió la política de subsidios a los servicios básicos adoptada en su gestión para permitir el desarrollo de la industria y la inclusión, y destacó que ya la mayoría de las provincias argentinas cuentan con gasoductos, salvo en “cinco provincias, donde los estamos construyendo, para que las 23 provincias argentinas cuenten con gas”.
También destacó las obras inauguradas al inicio del acto y celebró el quinto aniversario de la sanción de la Ley de Democratización de Medios Audiovisuales, lo que calificó como ”un verdadero logro, una conquista cultural de todos los argentinos”.
También subrayó la puesta en marcha del Sistema Federal de Mediciones de Audiencias elaborado por universidades públicas, que, aseguró, “permitirá tener la verdadera y correcta lectura de la audiencia de todo el país, no sólo de una región”.
09 de octubre de 2014, Santa Cruz: La Primera Mandataria encabezó hoy un acto en Las Heras, Santa Cruz, donde mantuvo una videoconferencia con su par de la Federación Rusa, Vladimir Putin, e inauguró numerosas obras en distintos puntos del país, al tiempo que dejó habilitada la terminal de ómnibus de esa ciudad patagónica.
En su discurso, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner destacó los logros alcanzados tras la recuperación de YPF y pidió primero a los trabajadores petroleros, y luego a todos los argentinos, que “por favor cuidemos nuestros recursos, la fuente de trabajo, cuidemos a esta YPF que ha vuelto a ser nuestra”.
El aumento de producción y el progreso que está trayendo YPF a las regiones donde explora y produce, permitirá, dijo, “sacar más gas y petróleo y producir energía para todos los argentinos y regalías para los santacruceños: recursos genuinos de los santacruceños con una YPF y una Argentina que hoy vuelve a ser protagonista y jugadora central en el mercado energético global”.
Destacó que al convertirse la Argentina en la sede del segundo yacimiento de gas sheild no convencional en el mundo, y del cuarto yacimiento de petróleo no convencional del mundo “volvemos a estar en la mirada de los poderosos, y por eso tenemos que cuidar esta empresa, tenemos que cuidar la patria, ser más argentinos que nunca”.
Recordó la caída del abastecimiento energético cuando “empezó la etapa de desmantelamiento de YPF”, merced a “esas políticas que nos llevaron al desastre, la miseria, el hambre, la pobreza y la total pérdida de autonomía como país” y pidió a los responsables de esa situación que “por favor tengan toda la humildad de admitir que hemos cometido errores” y “ponernos todos la camiseta de la República Argentina, no del Gobierno, en momentos en que necesitamos estar unidos con el esfuerzo de todos”.
Defendió la política de subsidios a los servicios básicos adoptada en su gestión para permitir el desarrollo de la industria y la inclusión, y destacó que ya la mayoría de las provincias argentinas cuentan con gasoductos, salvo en “cinco provincias, donde los estamos construyendo, para que las 23 provincias argentinas cuenten con gas”.
También destacó las obras inauguradas al inicio del acto y celebró el quinto aniversario de la sanción de la Ley de Democratización de Medios Audiovisuales, lo que calificó como ”un verdadero logro, una conquista cultural de todos los argentinos”.
También subrayó la puesta en marcha del Sistema Federal de Mediciones de Audiencias elaborado por universidades públicas, que, aseguró, “permitirá tener la verdadera y correcta lectura de la audiencia de todo el país, no sólo de una región”.
published:09 Oct 2014
Visión 7 - Inauguran obras en La Pampa, La Rioja, Córdoba y Tierra del Fuego
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner encabezó este jueves un acto en Santa Rosa, La Pampa, donde antes de hablar por cadena nacional presentó la inversión de 1.365 millones de pesos para la segunda etapa del acueducto del Río Colorado. Mediante videoconferencias, inauguró el Instituto Regional de Planificación, Control y Servicios Ambientales en la ciudad de La Rioja. Además, asistió a la puesta en marcha de un laboratorio químico de Fabricaciones Militares en Villa María, Córdoba. También anunció que el gobierno nacional aportará 5,7 millones para el mantenimiento de la turbina en Río Grande, que permitirá abastecer la demanda energética de Tierra del Fuego. Y presentó la cooperativa pampeana de trabajo Uriburu Limitada. Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el jueves 25 de junio de 2015. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner encabezó este jueves un acto en Santa Rosa, La Pampa, donde antes de hablar por cadena nacional presentó la inversión de 1.365 millones de pesos para la segunda etapa del acueducto del Río Colorado. Mediante videoconferencias, inauguró el Instituto Regional de Planificación, Control y Servicios Ambientales en la ciudad de La Rioja. Además, asistió a la puesta en marcha de un laboratorio químico de Fabricaciones Militares en Villa María, Córdoba. También anunció que el gobierno nacional aportará 5,7 millones para el mantenimiento de la turbina en Río Grande, que permitirá abastecer la demanda energética de Tierra del Fuego. Y presentó la cooperativa pampeana de trabajo Uriburu Limitada. Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el jueves 25 de junio de 2015. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
published:26 Jun 2015
13 de AGO. Seminario de "Políticas para superar el endeudamiento soberano". Cristina Fernández.
Lunes 13 de Agosto de 2012, Buenos Aires: La Presidenta Cristina Fernnández de Kirchner habló hoy junto al Premio Nobel de Economía Joseph Stiglitz y advirti...
Lunes 13 de Agosto de 2012, Buenos Aires: La Presidenta Cristina Fernnández de Kirchner habló hoy junto al Premio Nobel de Economía Joseph Stiglitz y advirti...
01 de Julio de 2014, Buenos Aires: La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner anunció beneficios para los damnificados de las inundaciones, que incluyen un suplemento excepcional para jubilados...
01 de Julio de 2014, Buenos Aires: La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner anunció beneficios para los damnificados de las inundaciones, que incluyen un suplemento excepcional para jubilados...
Conversadora inteligente y apasionada, Cristina Pacheco ha convertido este don suyo en un programa de televisión al cual acuden cada viernes destacadas perso...
Conversadora inteligente y apasionada, Cristina Pacheco ha convertido este don suyo en un programa de televisión al cual acuden cada viernes destacadas perso...
09 de Febrero de 2011, Buenos Aires: La presidenta de la Nación Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, presidió el anuncio de acuerdos de cooperación para el desarr...
09 de Febrero de 2011, Buenos Aires: La presidenta de la Nación Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, presidió el anuncio de acuerdos de cooperación para el desarr...
Jueves 09 de Agosto de 2012, Ensenada: La presidenta encabezó , el acto de inauguración de la planta de Hidrodesulfuración de gasoil, encabezó la firma del P...
Jueves 09 de Agosto de 2012, Ensenada: La presidenta encabezó , el acto de inauguración de la planta de Hidrodesulfuración de gasoil, encabezó la firma del P...
Jueves 25 de Julio de 2013, Santiago del Estero: En los primeros minutos del día del 460 aniversario de la fundación de la capital de Santiago del Estero, Cr...
09 de SEP. Cristina Fernández inaugura Unidad de Pronta Atención en Jose C. Paz.
published:09 Sep 2015
09 de SEP. Cristina Fernández inaugura Unidad de Pronta Atención en Jose C. Paz.
09 de SEP. Cristina Fernández inaugura Unidad de Pronta Atención en Jose C. Paz.
published:09 Sep 2015
India Martínez - 90 Minutos. 25 Aniversario Cadena Dial 2015
published:04 Sep 2015
India Martínez - 90 Minutos. 25 Aniversario Cadena Dial 2015
India Martínez - 90 Minutos. 25 Aniversario Cadena Dial 2015
published:04 Sep 2015
Visión 7 - Cristina: "Río Turbio es más energía para los argentinos"
La Presidenta puso en marcha la Central Termoeléctrica a Carbón en Río Turbio, que aportar...
published:04 Sep 2015
Visión 7 - Cristina: "Río Turbio es más energía para los argentinos"
Visión 7 - Cristina: "Río Turbio es más energía para los argentinos"
published:04 Sep 2015
La Presidenta puso en marcha la Central Termoeléctrica a Carbón en Río Turbio, que aportará 240 megavatios al sistema nacional elaborados en base a 1.200.000 toneladas de carbón que se extraen en las minas de la zona. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner inauguró la obra que lleva el nombre de los 14 mineros fallecidos en un accidente en la mina en el año 2004. Los trabajos demandaron una inversión de 9 mil millones de pesos. Durante su discurso, transmitido por cadena nacional, la Jefa del Estado propuso acordar un aumento en la producción de carbón para llegar a los 2 millones de toneladas, y alcanzar así un excedente de 800 mil toneladas que se destinarán a la exportación y representarán un ingreso de 40 millones de dólares anuales.
De alcanzarse esa meta, señaló la Presidenta, el 50 por ciento de la ganancia "será destinado a un bonus para los trabajadores, y el otro 50 por ciento a inversiones en la mina". "Desde aquí, desde el sur, le estamos dando a todos argentinos petróleo, gas y ahora también le vamos a dar energía por carbón", afirmó. Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el viernes 4 de septiembre de 2015. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
20 de MAY. 420º Aniversario fundación de la Ciudad de La Rioja. Cristina Fernández
20 de Mayo de 2011, La Rioja: La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto central co...
20 de Mayo de 2011, La Rioja: La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto central conmemorativo del 420 aniversario de la fundación de la ciudad de La ...
FESTA SURPRESA (PARTE 1) - Aniversário da Milena Stepanienco - 9 anos
A Milena nem desconfiou que a festa era dela, ela foi na festa para fazer um Show de Anive...
published:02 Jun 2015
FESTA SURPRESA (PARTE 1) - Aniversário da Milena Stepanienco - 9 anos
FESTA SURPRESA (PARTE 1) - Aniversário da Milena Stepanienco - 9 anos
published:02 Jun 2015
A Milena nem desconfiou que a festa era dela, ela foi na festa para fazer um Show de Aniversário contratada por outra pessoa, cantou meio desconfiada e ... este vídeo é a PARTE 1
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Cristina Fernández concede a RT su histórica primera entrevista sobre asuntos globales en años
La presidenta de Argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, quien estuvo estos días en Mosc...
published:23 Apr 2015
Cristina Fernández concede a RT su histórica primera entrevista sobre asuntos globales en años
Cristina Fernández concede a RT su histórica primera entrevista sobre asuntos globales en años
published:23 Apr 2015
La presidenta de Argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, quien estuvo estos días en Moscú de visita oficial, ha concedido una entrevista exclusiva a RT. Es la primera entrevista a un medio internacional sobre asuntos globales.
SEPA MÁS: http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/172846-kirchner-entrevista-rt-visita-rusia
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Visión Siete: Cristina: "Aerolíneas Argentinas ha batido récord de cumplimiento"
La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto oficial por el 135° aniversario del baut...
La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto oficial por el 135° aniversario del bautismo del Lago Argentino, en la villa turística de El Calafate, loca...
aen especial 14-09-2010: discurso completo cristina fernandez luna park juventud peronista
24 de agosto de 2012, Buenos Aires: La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó un acto de homenaje a Antonio "el gaucho" Rivero, en conmemoración del 179 aniv...
Maki - Actuación en Isla Cristina (Huelva) (Gira Humildad 2010)
¿Qué opinas? - 40 aniversario del golpe de Estado en Chile
El 11 de septiembre de 1973 un golpe de Estado cívico-militar en Chile terminó con la expe...
published:16 Sep 2013
¿Qué opinas? - 40 aniversario del golpe de Estado en Chile
¿Qué opinas? - 40 aniversario del golpe de Estado en Chile
published:16 Sep 2013
El 11 de septiembre de 1973 un golpe de Estado cívico-militar en Chile terminó con la experiencia de una transformación socialista democrática, encabezada por el presidente Salvador Allende e instauró una dictadura que permaneció por 17 años, encabezada por Augusto Pinochet.
Los militares en el poder adoptaron un programa económico diseñado en la universidad de Chicago, por seguidores de los economistas Milton Friedman y Frederic von Hayek, convirtiendo a Chile en un laboratorio para la aplicación de políticas económicas y sociales neoliberales. Conjuntamente, la dictadura impuso en 1980 una Constitución política a través de un referéndum fraudulento.
Al perder la dictadura un plebiscito realizado en 1988, la oposición de centroizquierda y el régimen negociaron una transición democrática que mantendría intacto tanto el sistema económico como la institucionalidad dictatorial, con semi autonomía y financiamiento garantizado de las Fuerzas Armadas. Así, la democracia de Chile nació en 1990 con una matriz autoritaria, con reglas electorales que hacen prácticamente imposible cualquier cambio sustancial del sistema. Este sistema sigue vigente hasta hoy.
El golpe Estado en Chile causó un impacto mundial y generó profundos debates acerca de la posibilidad de los movimientos populares de alcanzar el poder y realizar transformaciones por la vía democrática electoral. En los países europeos se generó el "eurocomunismo", que buscaba alianzas de clase para aislar a la minoría del capital monopolista. La figura de Salvador Allende ha sido levantada recientemente como ícono de las luchas del movimiento estudiantil y social chileno, y también su experiencia y ejemplo han dejado lecciones que aplican Gobiernos como los de Venezuela, Ecuador, Nicaragua o Bolivia.
El sentido de "Qué opinas" sería percibir la opinión de los ciudadanos acerca del país que Chile fue hasta 1973, y lo que es hoy.
Visión 7 - Apertura de sesiones ordinarias: discurso de la Presidenta
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner pronunció hoy un discurso de casi cuatro hora...
published:01 Mar 2015
Visión 7 - Apertura de sesiones ordinarias: discurso de la Presidenta
Visión 7 - Apertura de sesiones ordinarias: discurso de la Presidenta
published:01 Mar 2015
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner pronunció hoy un discurso de casi cuatro horas, ante la 133º Asamblea Legislativa donde enumeró los principales ejes de su gobierno y anunció los paquetes de leyes que se enviarán al Parlamento, entre ellos la estatización de los ferrocarriles.Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el domingo 1 de marzo de 2015.http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
When you think India, if you think spicy food, snake charmers, dodging cows, the Taj Mahal...
published:04 Mar 2015
India Travel Guide
India Travel Guide
published:04 Mar 2015
When you think India, if you think spicy food, snake charmers, dodging cows, the Taj Mahal, and total chaos- you’re thinking about Northern India. It's an adventure waiting to happen, and will leave you wondering why it only accounts for 1% of world tourism.
Join Ricky Moreno as he explores Delhi, Rajasthan, Agra, Rishikesh, and Varanasi.
Welcome to Delhi. Say goodbye to your personal space. It’s crowded, it’s overwhelming, and definitely exhausting. One day here can feel like an entire week. The only way you’ll have any fun is to just put down the Purell and join the party.
Instead of going straight to Agra to see the Taj Mahal, first I head west to hang with some locals in Rajasthan. Here, the people are welcoming, the desert is sprawling, and the camels command the streets. And it turns out that the cows aren’t the only things Hindus hold sacred.
Karni Mata Rat Temple. Over 20,000 rats call this Hindu temple home, and Indians come here to pay their respects, as these rats are believed to be the reincarnations of ancestors. Shoes aren’t allowed inside, so plan ahead and bring two pairs of socks, and if you’re brave enough, it’s considered an honor to share a bowl of milk with the rats.
Most travelers who come to Jaisalmer opt for the camel safari across the Thar Desert, leading you to a good spot to view the sun setting over the Pakistani border, which happens to be heavily armed, so always keep your cool.
The food is awesome. It completely blew me away. I honestly don’t know much about Indian food, and half the time I didn’t know what I was ordering, but with the intense spices and pungent flavors, every meal seemed to be better than the next, from high end restaurants to local cafes. TripAdvisor and Lonely Planet usually hit the mark with their recommendations, and asking for whatever the chef recommends almost always rewarded me with a memorable meal.
Get on a bus and head north, and you’ll eventually reach Rishikesh- a city where you won’t find meat on any menu, and is overrun by hippie backpackers, weird yoga people, and unruly monkeys. It’s the gateway to the Himalayas.
Oh my God whatever you do.. don’t feed the monkeys. Rabies is a very serious risk in India, and medical treatment to prevent it is very long, and very painful.
After experiencing my share of incredible extremes here in India, my journey brings me to Varanasi, Hindu’s most holy city on the banks its most holy river, The Ganges. Varanasi is a city that was built on and still thrives on traditions. Traditions that may seem strange and shocking, at first, but spend enough time here and you’ll come to appreciate the power of this place.
For many people, Varanasi is their final resting place. Hindus believe that dying here will release you from the cycle of rebirth. For families that can afford it, elaborate cremation ceremonies are carried out in publi c view along the river, their ashes being released into the water. For the vast majority, however, bodies are weighted with stones and sunk to the bottom. These traditions are in harmony with daily bathing rituals- a ritual that is said to remove sins and purify souls.
Please like, comment, and subscribe! There are many more travel videos to come.
India Travel Guide
India, subcontinent of diversity and contrasts, has attracted and fascinated travellers fr...
published:07 Jun 2012
India Travel Guide
India Travel Guide
published:07 Jun 2012
India, subcontinent of diversity and contrasts, has attracted and fascinated travellers from time immemorial. Often, India didn't let them leave. India's unsettled past, its diverse culture, art and architecture make up a great mosaic that bewitches the visitors.
India Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination India.
India is a subcontinent with a long history, a land ...
published:14 Aug 2013
India Travel Video Guide
India Travel Video Guide
published:14 Aug 2013
Travel video about destination India.
India is a subcontinent with a long history, a land of legend, fantasy and reality.A country that extends from the Himalayas in the north to the semi-desert terrain and tropics of the south. A place of incredible contrasts and fascinating splendour. Delhi is the political and administrative capital of India and a melting pot of both culture and religion. A constantly expanding metropolis built on the site of twelve former cities and centre of power for almost a thousand years. Jama Masjid, the Friday Mosque, is one of ancient Delhi’s main landmarks that was bequeathed to the city by the mogul king, Shah Jahan and close to the mosque is the bazaar district of Chandni Chowk, a busy commercial area. The white temples of Ranakpur are the sanctuaries of the Jains and are situated in a picturesque valley to the west of the Aravalli Mountains north of Udaipur. At around the same time that Buddhism was introduced to the area, Jainism also arrived, the religion of the country’s great hero, Mahavira. Rajasthan is the Land Of The Maharajas in all its splendour, a living fairytale beneath the desert sky. Agra was once the imposing metropolis of the mogul monarchy and today the city has lost nothing of its mediaeval atmosphere. Calcutta, or Kolkata, as it has been known since 2001, is the capital of West Bengal and also the second largest city in India. A city of contrasts that could not be more striking. Each morning hundreds of people go to the Howrah Bridge to bathe on the banks of the Hooghly River, a tributary of the sacred River Ganges. In 1853 Bombay had its first railroad and the Indian rail network was soon extended. The Victoria Terminus was built, one of the most impressive train stations in the world. Incredible India, a remarkable country that has always fascinated travellers by the amazing diversity of its people, culture and landscapes.
Beginner's Guide to India
In this guide to India for beginners, Wild Frontiers founder Jonny Bealby talks about two ...
published:19 Sep 2013
Beginner's Guide to India
Beginner's Guide to India
published:19 Sep 2013
In this guide to India for beginners, Wild Frontiers founder Jonny Bealby talks about two perfect destinations for the first-time visitor - Rajasthan and Kerala.
Rajasthan, Delhi and the Taj Mahal
Dealing with Rajasthan first, there are very good reasons why over half of all first timers travel here. Firstly it's close to Delhi where there are excellent flight connections and which is itself a fascinating city. A veritable tale of two cities Delhi combines the busy hustle bustle of the dramatic Moghul Old Town -- with its narrow alleys, its markets and mosques - with the sublime New Town, where quiet parks and tree lined avenues are peppered by some of the country's most magnificent architecture. From here you can travel easily, either by car or train, down to Agra where most go to visit the essential and truly amazing Taj Mahal.
And from here, either travelling via the tiger park at Ranthambore -- which does offer one of the best chances in the world to see a tiger in the wild -- making up the third stop in the triangle, there's the quintessential Rajput town of Jaipur with its bustling bazaar, its famous palace of the winds and the nearby Amber Fort. And that in itself makes a 7 to 10 day holiday.
But if you have a bit more time and want to scratch a little deeper into what is arguable India's most colourful state, from here there are a number of other routings that can take you to some of the Rajasthan's more wonderful offbeat converted Rajput palace hotels. Right now I'm at just such a place, called Castle Bijaipur, from which you can ride the Marwari Horses, go for bicycling rides or just enjoy a bit of relaxation by the pool. There are many such properties in this part of India which you can mix up with other famous towns like Pushkar, Bundi or Jodhpur.
And a great place to finish your trip to Rajasthan is the lake city of Udaipur. Sitting on the banks of the beautiful Lake Picola, Udaipur is a stunning place, packed with impressive palaces, temples and shops; it's easy to navigate and walk around and is often referred to as the Venice of the East. Not only is this one of my favourite towns in India it also has very convenient flight connections back to London, meaning you can spend your last night here -- having dinner at one of the wonderful rooftop restaurant -- and bounce through Delhi without being forced to spend an extra night there.
VTC: Rajasthan is India's most colourful state, it has most of the country's must see attractions, and some of her best hotels.
If you like to travel in a small group our Taj, Temples and Tigers would tick all these boxes as would our India in Slow Motion if you like your travels a bit more off the beaten track; And if you like to travel privately give us a call and one of our expert travel planners will be happy to help design a trip especially for you.
Kerala and the South
However, if something else, perhaps a little less frenetic appeals, then why not head south to the beautiful state of Kerala, which is where I am now.
Kerala is a stunning state situated at the southern tip of the Indian subcontinent and if Rajasthan and the north represents and great place for travel, Kerala, with its beautiful beaches, its temple culture and its meandering backwater cruises, offers the chance to truly relax and enjoy a more traditional holiday.
A great routing here is to fly in to Bangalore, drive down through Mysore -- with its colourful market and immense palace -- to the beach. There are a number of fabulous properties dotted up and down the coast, and in my option none is more special that Neeleshwar Hermitage. Here you can relax, walk along the beach, enjoy truly delicious cuisine and take a backwater cruise.
Using these old converted rice barges to float through the tranquil back water canals is a quintessential part of a trip to the south. And from here you can continue down the coast to another of my favourite towns, Cochin, a place that hasn't changed much from when my mother lived here as a small girl. This route makes for a perfect 10 day holiday, but if you have a bit more time and want to turn your holiday into more of a travelling experience, you can head up to the hill stations of Ooti and Munnar and on into temple filled Tamil Nadu.
Rajasthan and Kerala are the ideal locations for the inquisitive traveller coming to India for the first time. We have a number of small group departures for those that don't wish to travel alone, and a team of experts back in London to help those of you looking for a tailored experience ready to help you create your ideal trip.
Travel Guide to India (Part 1): Calcutta
In Part One of my India travel video guide, I begin my travels in India with Calcutta (Kol...
published:12 Aug 2013
Travel Guide to India (Part 1): Calcutta
Travel Guide to India (Part 1): Calcutta
published:12 Aug 2013
In Part One of my India travel video guide, I begin my travels in India with Calcutta (Kolkata). India had long been on my bucket list of countries to travel to in the world, and in April, 2013, I finally made it there, starting with Calcutta, with no better reason than the fact was I knew so little about that part of the country.
Calcutta was once the capital of the British Empire in India, and today it's home to over 14 million people, which means the city itself is a crowded, dense, loud, but endlessly fascinating place to explore. In this video I explore the alleyways and grand buildings that make up B.B.D. Bagh, the area where the city was founded.
After checking out a parade (a very common occurrence I was to later learn) and grabbing a roadside cup of chai, I stop at the home of famed poet and writer Rabindranath Tagore, the first Indian to win the Nobel Prize, and whose home is a great place to learn about Calcutta's cultural history.
And if you like the video, please check out my travel site, http://www.TheExpeditioner.com.
21 Things To Do In Delhi, India (नई दिल्ली)
For many more things to do in Delhi, where to stay, and delicious food to eat, check out m...
published:24 Apr 2013
21 Things To Do In Delhi, India (नई दिल्ली)
21 Things To Do In Delhi, India (नई दिल्ली)
published:24 Apr 2013
For many more things to do in Delhi, where to stay, and delicious food to eat, check out my Delhi Travel Guide: http://migrationology.com/delhi-travel-guide-ebook/ (click the link)!
Delhi, India, (नई दिल्ली) is the national capital of the country and has a metropolitan population of around 22 million residents. The city is ancient, it's been around since the 6th century BC so there are many historical and cultural places to visit. That's specifically why I created this list of 21 things to do in Delhi, to help you plan and get excited about visiting Delhi, India.
1. The Lotus Temple (Bahá'í House of Worship) - The temple is in the shape of a giant lotus and on the inside is a peaceful sanctuary where you can enter and sit in silence for as long as you like.
2. ISKCON Hare Krishna Temple - I had never seen a temple like this before, so it as an interesting experience to hear the music and walk around the interior of the temple.
3. Kalkaji Mandir Hindu Temple - This temple is a very important Hindu temple in Delhi and while I was there, there were a number of babies being dedicated by being decorated and blessed.
4. Jama Masjid - Located in Old Delhi, Jama Masjid is the largest mosque in all of Delhi. Though they will attempt to get money from you, it's free to enter the mosque, but if you want to take photos inside they will charge you 300 rupees.
5. Akshardham Temple - This modern Hindu temple located on the outskirts of Delhi literally made my jaw drop, it's that amazing. It's free to enter, but unfortunately, they don't allow any photography inside. This is one of the things to do in Delhi that you cannot afford to miss!
6. Gurudwara Bangla Sahib (Sikh Temple) - Unlike some other sites in Delhi where you'll find many touts and hustlers, the Gurdwara Sikh Temple is about the nicest and most friendly place you can go in Delhi. People are extremely nice and you can enter the temple to listen to music.
7. Laxmi Narayan Mandir -- Dedicated by Mahatma Gandhi, this is one of the most significant Hindu temples in Delhi.
8. Hauz Khas Complex - I'm always amazed at the history of Delhi and Hauz Khas is an excellent example of ancient monuments in the middle of a public park.
9. Lodi Gardens - As a free entrance public park, visiting the Lodi Gardens is one of the most amazing things to do in Delhi. It's just like an ordinary park, but it's filled with thousand year old tombs and monuments that are truly inspirational.
10. India Gate - The war memorial is one of the landmarks of Delhi and resembles the famous Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
11. Jantar Mantar - The Jantar Mantar complex is a compound that houses 13 different astronomy instruments. The structures are confusing to look at, but if you read or follow a guide (or audio guide) you'll understand how each instrument functioned.
12. Qutub Minar - Just like Akshardham Temple, Qutub Minar is one of the top things to do in Delhi, it's truly remarkable. The minaret is the main attraction, a huge pillar of red carved sandstone that towers above the ancient ruins in the complex.
13. Humayun's Tomb - One of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Delhi is Humayun's Tomb, built in Mughal Islamic architecture.
14. Tomb of Safdarjung - Very similar to Humayun's tomb is the tomb of Safdarjung. What I really liked is that there were no other tourists the day I went so it was quite and peaceful.
15. Red Fort - Located near Chandni Chowk in Old Delhi is the Red Fort. It's an entire walled in city where you can walk around the browse the many buildings within the walls.
16. Raj Ghat - The Raj Ghat is a memorial park dedicated to Gandhi.
17. Chandni Chowk & Chawri Bazar - The liveliest and busiest area of Delhi is Chandni Chowk and Chawri Bazar. I think it's possible to purchase anything from the entire world in this area, and you'll also find lots of delicious food.
18. Dilli Haat - This handicraft village was set up by the Delhi tourism authority and it's a decent place to purchase souvenirs or high quality crafts. You'll also find a food court that contains canteens serving food from all over India.
19. Connaught Place (Rajiv Chowk) - Known for short as just CP is a huge series of roundabouts and is the central modern business district of Delhi. Within the area you'll find all sorts of shops, famous restaurants and the Palika Bazar, an underground shopping center.
20. Paharganj (Main Bazar) - The main bazar is located just west of the New Delhi railroad station and it's an old area of town where you'll find a market and lots of budget accommodation options.
21. Delhi Street Food - Eating street food is one of the best things to do in Delhi, you'll love it.
Thank you for watching this Delhi travel guide video and hope you have a great trip to Delhi, India! Subscribe here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=migrationology
Train Travel in India - A Short Guide
published:18 Oct 2013
Train Travel in India - A Short Guide
Train Travel in India - A Short Guide
published:18 Oct 2013
India Tourism & Vacation 2015
India Tourism & Vacation 2015, India trip 2015, Tourist Attractions In India
Travel Videos...
published:03 Apr 2015
India Tourism & Vacation 2015
India Tourism & Vacation 2015
published:03 Apr 2015
India Tourism & Vacation 2015, India trip 2015, Tourist Attractions In India
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
India (Hindi), is the largest country in the Indian Subcontinent and shares borders with Pakistan to the west, China and Nepal to the north, Bhutan to the north-east, and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. Sri Lanka lies to the south, Maldives to the south-west and Indonesia to the south-east of India in the Indian Ocean.
India is the seventh largest country in the world by area and, with over a billion people, is second only to China in population, although its much higher birth rate makes it likely to reach pole position in less than ten years.
It is an extremely diverse country, with vast differences in geography, climate, culture, language and ethnicity across its expanse, and prides itself on being the largest democracy on Earth.
See in India
The Taj Mahal : It is actually bigger and more majestic than what it looks in the photograph.
Varanasi : Hindu religious rituals, some harking back to the Vedic age, 5,000 years ago, Varanasi is the oldest living city of the world and the birth place of Hinduism. Don't miss the evening Ganga Aarti.
Tigers : They may or may not be present in all the tiger reserves but your chances of seeing a tiger are fairly good in Bandhavgarh or Ranthambore tiger reserves.
Sundarbans: Largest mangrove forest and delta in the world. Home to the famous Royal Bengal tigers and estuarine crocodiles.
Hill Stations: India is home to some remarkable, scenic and gorgeous hill stations such as Shimla, Mussorie, Darjeeling, Shillong and Ooty.
Sangla Valley : Considered one of the most beautiful valleys of the world lies in the upper regions of Himachal Pradesh. It is extremely scenic with photogenic landscapes and unforgettable landscapes.
Leh : Considered to be on the top of the world. One of the highest inhabited cities of the world. It gives a different idea of high altitude altogether with unbelievable landscapes.
Srinagar : It is the capital of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Extremely beautiful city in the midst of the Himalayas with a very beautiful Dal lake in it.
Gangtok : Capital city of Sikkim. Gangtok is a bewitching hill-station located amidst the multiple-hued mountains of Sikkim.
Goa : Ruled by Portuguese for over 400 years, Goa is a cocktail of Indian and Portuguese culture. Quite a different kind of place altogether, Goa is full of beautiful beaches and flocking tourists.
Pondicherry : Pondicherry was a French colony over two hundred years and has a lot of sighting of French influence throughout it's territories. Now tourists often flock there for spiritual ashrams or enjoyable pubs and parties.
Bishnupur : Located in West Bengal, it is home to the famous terracotta temples and a great centre for classical Bishnupur Gharana music. Do not forget to buy a Bankura horse made of terracota(which is the symbol for Indian handicrafts).
Tirupati Balaji : If you want to see the material richness of a religious place, visit this temple. It is considered to be the richest temple in the world and one surprising sight to see for a non Indian. It is located in Andhra Pradesh.
Nalanda : Related to Buddhism, It was the oldest university of the world later on destroyed completely during the Muslim invasions of India. Sights of Buddhist interest like Pavapuri and Rajgir are in the vicinity.
Golden Temple : An actual temple plated with gold is one of Sikhism's holiest shrines. Looks very serene early in the mornings.
Khajuraho : Supposedly the birth place of Kamasutra, Khajuraho is full of temples with erotic sculptures all around them. One of the most interesting and less talked about aspects of Hindu culture.
Kochi : In a State full of secluded and ravishing beaches, Kochi is one of the most sought after tourist destination. It is advisable to visit the surrounding beach cities of Kochi. Don't forget to experience backwaters of Kerala in a house boat.
Andamans : Beautiful Island territory of India in the Bay of Bengal, Andaman islands can be considered one of the best island destinations in the world.
Jaisalmer : A city located in the middle of desert, Jaisalmer is a place to go for watching the beautiful view of sun lighted virgin deserts of Thar Desert.
Srirangam, Srirangam is a marvellous and magnificient temple in South of India.
Kumarakom. Serene back waters in God's own country, Kerala in South India is a must visit.
Travel Guide to India l The Expeditioner
In Part One of my India travel video guide, I begin my travels in India with Calcutta (Kol...
In Part One of my India travel video guide, I begin my travels in India with Calcutta (Kolkata). India had long been on my bucket list of countries to travel...
Pallavi Shah sits down with Erik Hastings to talk about visiting India. The Taj Mahal is j...
published:25 Oct 2009
published:25 Oct 2009
Pallavi Shah sits down with Erik Hastings to talk about visiting India. The Taj Mahal is just the beginning when it comes to this fascinating world destination.
Please share this video with your friends, subscribe to my HastingsTravel YouTube Channel and follow my blog at http://www.erik-hastings.com.
India Travel, Tours HD
Explore India Travel, Tours, Vacation, wildlife, Cruises HD
India Vacation, Cruises HD htt...
published:12 Jan 2014
India Travel, Tours HD
India Travel, Tours HD
published:12 Jan 2014
Explore India Travel, Tours, Vacation, wildlife, Cruises HD
India Vacation, Cruises HD http://youtu.be/cdLRVpt8dk8
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New Delhi travel guide that lets you get a look at the street level of the city.
published:09 Mar 2014
published:09 Mar 2014
New Delhi travel guide that lets you get a look at the street level of the city.
Psychedelic Crater by Kevin McLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Dhaka by Kevin McLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Music: Filling the Void by TeknoAXE
Is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
"Balzan Groove" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
South India Travel guide for backpackers
This is the whole guide about Tamil Nadu, Kernataka and Andaman Islands.
Check out more o...
published:26 Aug 2014
South India Travel guide for backpackers
South India Travel guide for backpackers
published:26 Aug 2014
This is the whole guide about Tamil Nadu, Kernataka and Andaman Islands.
Check out more on my website www.johnbenjamin.se
a website about India, photos, video ,text plus my music.
Darjeeling, India - Travel Guide and Attractions
Check out my Darjeeling travel guide here - http://migrationology.com/2013/05/darjeeling-t...
published:22 May 2013
Darjeeling, India - Travel Guide and Attractions
Darjeeling, India - Travel Guide and Attractions
published:22 May 2013
Check out my Darjeeling travel guide here - http://migrationology.com/2013/05/darjeeling-travel-guide-things-you-need-to-know/ | Have Facebook? https://www.facebook.com/migrationology
Darjeeling, India, is located in the very Northern part of the West Bengal state. Coming from Kolkata, it's hard to believe that Darjeeling is actually in the same state, it's such a vastly different place.
In order to get to Darjeeling, India, it's easiest to take the train to the nearest station which is located at New Jalpaiguri (known just as NJP by the train code). There's little to do in NJP, but from right outside the train station you can then board to a shared jeep and for 200 Rupees, you can take the jeep straight to Darjeeling. The jeep normally takes about 4 hours to reach the town and they will often stop for a few bathroom and snack breaks. The ride to Darjeeling is very windy and very uphill into the mountains, so if you get sick easily, be sure to take motion sickness medication. You will have some amazing views on the road!
Darjeeling, India, is an old hill station that offers beautiful views of the Himalayas. It's a small town and unlike other huge Indian cities, it's much quieter, peaceful, and it's a very nice place to just explore on foot (though not all the attractions are accessible on foot). So after arriving in Darjeeling, I first set off to explore the Chowrasta Square, which is a non-vehicle area with shops restaurants and cafes. There are also many trails leading from the square to other parts of the town. I explored a few of the footpaths leading in various directions to discover Buddhist Tibetan temples and other residential areas.
Probably the most famous thing about Darjeeling, India, is its production of tea; It's one of the most famous places in the world for tea. The climate, elevation, and rich Himalayan soil make it prime growing conditions. Surrounding Darjeeling you'll have a chance to see rolling tea fields and if you have time you can even visit a tea farm such as Happy Valley. Don't forget to buy plenty of tea in Darjeeling before you depart.
At the top of the main hill in Darjeeling is the Mahakal Temple, one of the most famous Hindu / Buddhist temples in the city. The temple is fully decorated by Tibetan colorful flags and there are lots and lots of monkeys, that can at times be aggressive. You can also walk around the area and explore the cave. Just be careful of the scammers in this area that try to ask you for donations. Another one of the most famous attractions in Darjeeling, India, is the Darjeeling Himalayan railroad which is better known as the Toy Train. It's an old locomotive train that runs of burning coal. You can go to the railroad station and purchase tickets daily for the joy ride, which is a 1.5 hour circuit that takes you on a leisurely ride from Darjeeling to Ghoom, the highest elevation railroad station in all of India. The railroad is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
The Tibetan Refugee Self Help Center is a center for Tibetan refugees where you'll find handicrafts and other things to purchase. When I went it was quite quiet and there actually wasn't much to do there. Other really popular attractions in Darjeeling, India, include the Himalayan Zoo and the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, which are located on the same compound and accessed with the same entrance ticket fee. The zoo was interesting and included a snow leopard and lots of red pandas. The mountaineering institute is a museum that houses many artifacts from Himalayan mountain climbing expeditions.
While many choose to wake up and go to Tiger Hill for the sunrise of the beautiful Himalayan mountain range, I was so cold that I didn't wake up and just stayed on the balcony of my hotel to view the gorgeous sunrise over the mountains. Darjeeling, India, is a beautiful little town and you'll have a great and relaxing time when you travel there!
Follow my food adventures at http://migrationology.com/ & http://www.eatingthaifood.com/ Delhi Travel Guide: http://migrationology.com/delhi-travel-guide-ebook/
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Thai Food Guide: http://www.eatingthaifood.com/eating-thai-food-guide/
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India, Pakistan hold border force talks after NSA standoff
Amid a growing war of words and firing from across the border, the high-level talks betwee...
published:10 Sep 2015
India, Pakistan hold border force talks after NSA standoff
India, Pakistan hold border force talks after NSA standoff
published:10 Sep 2015
Amid a growing war of words and firing from across the border, the high-level talks between India's Border Security Force (BSF) and the Pakistani Rangers began in New Delhi on Thursday and will go on until Saturday. The 15-member Pakistani delegation, led by Major General Umar Farooq Burki, crossed over to India via Attari, where it was welcomed by the BSF on Wednesday.
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T 20 News | 10th September, 2015 - India TV
Watch Top 20 news stories at breakneck speed on India TV in its T 20 News program.
published:10 Sep 2015
T 20 News | 10th September, 2015 - India TV
T 20 News | 10th September, 2015 - India TV
published:10 Sep 2015
Watch Top 20 news stories at breakneck speed on India TV in its T 20 News program.
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DNA: Saudi Arabia diplomat in India accused of raping Nepali maids
A diplomat at the Saudi Arabia embassy in New Delhi has been booked for rape while his wif...
published:10 Sep 2015
DNA: Saudi Arabia diplomat in India accused of raping Nepali maids
DNA: Saudi Arabia diplomat in India accused of raping Nepali maids
published:10 Sep 2015
A diplomat at the Saudi Arabia embassy in New Delhi has been booked for rape while his wife and daughter have been booked for torturing domestic helps in this Millennium City, Haryana Police said Tuesday.
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DG talk: Pakistan Rangers delegation arrives in India
After talks between the National Security Advisers of the two countries was called off abo...
published:10 Sep 2015
DG talk: Pakistan Rangers delegation arrives in India
DG talk: Pakistan Rangers delegation arrives in India
published:10 Sep 2015
After talks between the National Security Advisers of the two countries was called off about a fortnight ago, the Director General-level talks between the Border Security Force (BSF) and Pakistan Rangers is set to kick off in New Delhi Thursday.
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Video: Woman Athletic Team Coach Beaten Up for Molesting Players in Train - India TV
Watch how a woman Athletic team coach beaten up for molesting players in train.
published:10 Sep 2015
Video: Woman Athletic Team Coach Beaten Up for Molesting Players in Train - India TV
Video: Woman Athletic Team Coach Beaten Up for Molesting Players in Train - India TV
published:10 Sep 2015
Watch how a woman Athletic team coach beaten up for molesting players in train.
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Caught on Camera: 5 Armed Robbers Roam Freely on Alipur Road in Delhi - India TV
Caught on Camera: Five armed robbers roam freely on Alipur road in Delhi.
published:10 Sep 2015
Caught on Camera: 5 Armed Robbers Roam Freely on Alipur Road in Delhi - India TV
Caught on Camera: 5 Armed Robbers Roam Freely on Alipur Road in Delhi - India TV
published:10 Sep 2015
Caught on Camera: Five armed robbers roam freely on Alipur road in Delhi.
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Lalu-Nitish Alliance Surges Ahead of BJP Led NDA in India TV-CVoter Opinion Polls - India TV
The grand alliance forged by RJD, Janata Dal(U) and Congress in Bihar is projected to win...
published:10 Sep 2015
Lalu-Nitish Alliance Surges Ahead of BJP Led NDA in India TV-CVoter Opinion Polls - India TV
Lalu-Nitish Alliance Surges Ahead of BJP Led NDA in India TV-CVoter Opinion Polls - India TV
published:10 Sep 2015
The grand alliance forged by RJD, Janata Dal(U) and Congress in Bihar is projected to win within a range of 116-132 seats in an assembly having a total of 243 seats, says India TV-CVoter poll, results of which were telecast tonight.
The BJP-led combine, comprising BJP, LJP, RLSP and HAM, has been projected to win within a range of 94-110 seats, playing second fiddle to the Lalu-Nitish-Sonia alliance, according to the opinion poll. 'Others' have been projected to win 13-21 seats, says the poll.
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BSF, Pakistan Rangers to Meet Today in Delhi - India TV
BSF, Pakistan Rangers will meet today in Delhi.
SUBSCRIBE to India TV Here: http://goo.gl...
published:10 Sep 2015
BSF, Pakistan Rangers to Meet Today in Delhi - India TV
BSF, Pakistan Rangers to Meet Today in Delhi - India TV
published:10 Sep 2015
BSF, Pakistan Rangers will meet today in Delhi.
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Centre Speeds Up Process Of Bringing Back Geetha From Pakistan To India
Centre Speeds Up Process Of Bringing Back Geetha From Pakistan To India...
published:10 Sep 2015
Centre Speeds Up Process Of Bringing Back Geetha From Pakistan To India
Centre Speeds Up Process Of Bringing Back Geetha From Pakistan To India
published:10 Sep 2015
Centre Speeds Up Process Of Bringing Back Geetha From Pakistan To India
India: "Fatwa" di mille clerici contro l'Isil
Oltre mille clerici islamici di tutta l'India hanno emesso una "fatwa" ovvero un editto re...
published:09 Sep 2015
India: "Fatwa" di mille clerici contro l'Isil
India: "Fatwa" di mille clerici contro l'Isil
published:09 Sep 2015
Oltre mille clerici islamici di tutta l'India hanno emesso una "fatwa" ovvero un editto religioso di condanna nei confronti del cosiddetto "Stato Islamico".
Le azioni dell'organizzazione jihadista sono definite contrarie ai principi fondamentali dell'Islam.
ALTRE INFORMAZIONI: http://it.euronews.com/2015/09/09/india-fatwa-di-mille-clerici-contro-l-isil
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"Un-Islamic" : India's Muslim clerics issue fatwa against IS
A fatwa, or religious ruling, condemning the self-titled Islamic State group as "un-Islami...
published:09 Sep 2015
"Un-Islamic" : India's Muslim clerics issue fatwa against IS
"Un-Islamic" : India's Muslim clerics issue fatwa against IS
published:09 Sep 2015
A fatwa, or religious ruling, condemning the self-titled Islamic State group as "un-Islamic" has been signed by the leaders of all the main mosques in India, which has the world's third-largest Muslim population.
More than a thousand Muslim clerics will explain the fatwa to their followers after Friday prayers. India's 172 million Muslims have mainly opposed the extremism embodied by IS and al Qaeda.
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/09/09/un-islamic-india-s-muslim-clerics-issue-fatwa-against-is
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Fatua contra el grupo Estado Islámico en la India
Los musulmanes indios dan la espalda al grupo Estado Islámico. Más de 1.000 clérigos han l...
published:09 Sep 2015
Fatua contra el grupo Estado Islámico en la India
Fatua contra el grupo Estado Islámico en la India
published:09 Sep 2015
Los musulmanes indios dan la espalda al grupo Estado Islámico. Más de 1.000 clérigos han lanzado este miércoles una fatua en la que condenan las actividades terroristas de la organización como anti-islámicas y contrarias al Corán. El edicto ha sido firmado por decenas de mezquitas y escuelas coránicas. India cuenta con 172 millones de musulmanes, aproximadamente un tercio del total mundial.…
MÁS INFORMACIÓNES: http://es.euronews.com/2015/09/09/fatua-contra-el-grupo-estado-islamico-en-la-india
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Aaj Ki Baat with Rajat Sharma - 9th September, 2015 - India TV
Watch India TV's prime time show Aaj Ki Baat with Rajat Sharma for today's latest news and...
published:09 Sep 2015
Aaj Ki Baat with Rajat Sharma - 9th September, 2015 - India TV
Aaj Ki Baat with Rajat Sharma - 9th September, 2015 - India TV
published:09 Sep 2015
Watch India TV's prime time show Aaj Ki Baat with Rajat Sharma for today's latest news and detailed analysis of trending topics.
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Akalangalile India summary : 9th sep 2015
ജലപുരുഷന് രാജേന്ദ്ര സിംഗ്
അകലങ്ങളിലെ ഇന്ത്യ India's water Man Rajendra singh
Click Her...
published:09 Sep 2015
Akalangalile India summary : 9th sep 2015
Akalangalile India summary : 9th sep 2015
published:09 Sep 2015
ജലപുരുഷന് രാജേന്ദ്ര സിംഗ്
അകലങ്ങളിലെ ഇന്ത്യ India's water Man Rajendra singh
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Laura começa a comer os doces compulsivamente e engasga. Cirilo chega à festa de sua amada...
published:27 Mar 2015
Carrossel 26/03/15 - Capítulo 9 - Completo HD
Carrossel 26/03/15 - Capítulo 9 - Completo HD
published:27 Mar 2015
Laura começa a comer os doces compulsivamente e engasga. Cirilo chega à festa de sua amada com um lindo buquê de flores. As crianças ficam deslumbradas com os truques que o mágico faz na festa. Cirilo vai de encontro a Maria Joaquina para entregar o buquê. Malvada, a menina estraçalha as flores e as joga no chão. Cirilo fica desolado. Miguel observa a cena.As crianças começam a dançar ao som da banda Restart. Miguel vai conversar com Cirilo e diz para o garoto se divertir. Maria Joaquina se junta às primas para falar mal dos convidados. Maria Joaquina esbarra em Cirilo e o empurra. Davi consola Cirilo. Paulo solta um rato na festa. Pe Lanza convida Maria Joaquina para subir ao palco e cantar uma música com o grupo. Do palco, a menina fulmina Cirilo com um olhar. Cirilo fica extremamente deslocado na festa. Chega a hora de cantar o parabéns a Maria Joaquina. Valéria vê um rato circulando pela mesa em que está o bolo. As crianças entram em desespero. Paulo aproveita a confusão para empurrar a cabeça de Maria Joaquina contra o bolo. Ao chegar em casa, Miguel repreende Maria Joaquina pela forma como ela tratou Cirilo. Maria Joaquina afirma a Valéria e Alícia que foi Cirilo quem soltou o rato em sua festa e a empurrou contra o bolo. Cirilo enfrenta Paulo e afirma que ele fez mal em soltar um rato na festa de Maria Joaquina. Na sala de aula, Helena pede aos alunos para escrever uma redação sobre o tema “como é errado mentir”. Valéria esconde os sapatos de Laura, que os tirou porque estavam apertando os seus pés. Olívia leva a supervisora Bernadete para conhecer os alunos de Helena. A supervisora pede para Laura ler a redação que escreveu. Laura diz que não pode, pois está descalça. Todos começam a gargalhar. Helena fica desconcertada diante da situação. Olívia chama Helena à diretoria e passa um sermão na professora. Valéria se sente culpada pelo que fez. Olívia culpa Helena por passar a mão na cabeça dos alunos e afirma que Valéria é uma ameaça. Helena vai conversar com Valéria. Daniel comenta com Cirilo que Valéria será expulsa. Helena diz a Valéria que não pode mais ser sua amiga. No pátio da escola, a supervisora Bernadete pergunta de Helena aos alunos. Olívia observa Bernadete conversando com os alunos e entra em pânico. Helena afirma a Valéria que vai se distanciar dela, pois só assim ela irá conhecer os limites entre brincadeiras e travessuras. Valéria abraça a professora. Helena desabafa com a mãe e conta que foi extremamente difícil ser dura com Valéria. Os meninos falam que a única menina que pode integrar o Clube dos Cuecas é Alícia, pois ela é “moleca”.
Visión 7 - Festejos por el 205º aniversario de la Revolución de Mayo (2)
Participan del festival en Plaza de Mayo la Banda de Zamba, Maravillosa Música, Agarrate C...
published:25 May 2015
Visión 7 - Festejos por el 205º aniversario de la Revolución de Mayo (2)
Visión 7 - Festejos por el 205º aniversario de la Revolución de Mayo (2)
published:25 May 2015
Participan del festival en Plaza de Mayo la Banda de Zamba, Maravillosa Música, Agarrate Catalina, Ana Prada, Buena Vista Social Club, Fabiana Cantilo, David Lebon, Javier Malosetti, Emilio del Guercio, Ignacio Montoya Carlotto, Palo Pandolfo, Litto Nebbia y la Bersuit. Entrevistas a Leo García y Emilio del Guercio, músicos. Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el lunes 25 de mayo de 2015. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
LOUCURA DE AMOR DE: Familia e Amigos PARA: Cristina
published:12 Oct 2014
published:12 Oct 2014
LOUCURA DE AMOR DE: Familia e Amigos PARA: Cristina
LOCAL: Zona Leste de Sao Paulo Vila Guarani, uma travessa da Av. Sapopemba, proximo ao shopping Aricanduva.
HISTÓRIA DA HOMENAGEM AO VIVO: Uma das coisas mais legais dessa loucura de amor e que a familia e os amigos fizeram varias cotacoes de precos para contratar uma loucura de amor para a Cristina e o mais legal e que mesmo a nossa ter sido a loucura de amor mais cara a familia e os amigos contrataram a nossa empresa pela forma e pela proposta como conduzimos a nossa loucura de amor, olha so que legal galera essa linda loucura de amor.
LOUCURA DE AMOR SP - 11 2621-7722 & 11 2621-0669
Zona Leste, Zona Norte, Zona Sul, Zona Oeste, Centro,Interior de SP, Guarulhos,São Bernardo do Campo,São Caetano do Sul, Santo André Diadema,Ribeirão Pires, Mairiporã, Atibaia,Santos, Guarujá etc...
ZONA LESTE : Vila Carrão, Vila Formosa, Tatuapé, Penha, Belem, Itaquera, Arthur Alvim,Patriarca,Vila Matilde, Vila Guilhermina,São Miguel,Itaim Paulista,Jardim Danfer, Vila Antonieta, Vila Rica, Jardim Iva,Jardim Colorado,Jardim Tiete,Guaianazes,Vila Nhocuné, Vila Talarico,Jardim Eliane,Jardim Aricanduva,Jardim Arizi,Jardim Brasilia, Jardim Maringa,Gamelinha,Tiquatira, Mooca, Vila Alpina,Brás, Bresser, e muito mais.....
ZONA NORTE: Parque novo Mundo, Jardim Brasil, Vila Curuça, Vila Medeiros, Vila Maria,Santana,Piqueri, Bairro do Limão, Vila Ede, Jardim Peri, Brasilândia, Vila Nova Cachoeirinha, Tucuruvi, Armenia, Jardim São Paulo, Jacana, tremembé e muito mais...
Zona OESTE: Lapa, Pirituba, Butantã entre outros...
ZONA SUL: Ipiranga, Grajaú, Jabaquara, etc...
GUARULHOS: Jardim Presidente Dutra, Vila Nova Galvão, Vila Augusta, Centro, Bom Sucesso, Bairro dos Pimentas, Parque Continental I,II,III,IV e V entre outros...
Procure uma loucura de amor pela qualidade do trabalho e não apenas pelo preço, o barato sai caro e a diferença de valor de uma loucura de amor para outra é muito pequena, faça suas cotações e compare a qualidade da loucura de amor.
Loucura de amor não é mico, quem pode transformar esse momento em mico é a empresa que você vai contratar PENSE NISSO!!!....
O que você quer para sua festa?, um carro decorado soltando fogos e entregando presentes.....ou alguém que transforme todo seu amor em algo visual?....,Pesquise, compare, veja vídeos sem edição, o barato sai caro e o tempo não volta atrás.
Contrate a arte de uma loucura de amor e não um pacote de loucura de amor, quem oferece a você em primeiro lugar o preço, sempre vai deixar a qualidade em segundo plano, Exija Qualidade.
08/03, dia da mulher / 27/04, dia da empregada / 28/04, dia da sogra / 30/04, dia nacional da mulher / 01/05, dia do trabalho segundo domingo de maio, dia das mães / 12/06, dia dos namorados / 02/07, dia do bombeiro / 16/07, dia do comerciante 25/07, dia do caminhoneiro / 26/07, dia da vovó / segundo domingo de agosto, dia dos pais / 11/08, dia do advogado / 11/08, dia do estudante / 21/09, dia da tia / 22/09, dia dos amantes / 30/09, dia da secretária / 12/10, dia da criança / 15/10, dia do professor / 18/10, dia do médico / 25/12, natal / 31/12, ano novo
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Obrigado Por Sua Visita, gostou do vídeo?, então deixe seu comentário abaixo, sua opinião é muito importante para o sucesso do nosso trabalho, grande abraço e até o próximo vídeo.... Tchau!!!!
Visión Siete: 228º aniversario de Gualeguaychú
La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto central del 228º aniversario de la funda...
La presidenta Cristina Fernández encabezó el acto central del 228º aniversario de la fundación de la ciudad entrerriana de Gualeguaychú, desde donde inauguró...
22 de DIC. Brindis de fin de año con legisladores nacionales. Cristina Fernández
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner comparte el brindis con legisladores nacional...
published:23 Dec 2014
22 de DIC. Brindis de fin de año con legisladores nacionales. Cristina Fernández
22 de DIC. Brindis de fin de año con legisladores nacionales. Cristina Fernández
published:23 Dec 2014
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner comparte el brindis con legisladores nacionales en Salones Eva Perón y Científicos Argentinos del Bicentenario. Casa de Gobierno.
09 de OCT. Inauguración de la Terminal de ómnibus “Punta Rieles”. Cristina Fernández.
09 de octubre de 2014, Santa Cruz: La Primera Mandataria encabezó hoy un acto en Las Heras...
published:09 Oct 2014
09 de OCT. Inauguración de la Terminal de ómnibus “Punta Rieles”. Cristina Fernández.
09 de OCT. Inauguración de la Terminal de ómnibus “Punta Rieles”. Cristina Fernández.
published:09 Oct 2014
09 de octubre de 2014, Santa Cruz: La Primera Mandataria encabezó hoy un acto en Las Heras, Santa Cruz, donde mantuvo una videoconferencia con su par de la Federación Rusa, Vladimir Putin, e inauguró numerosas obras en distintos puntos del país, al tiempo que dejó habilitada la terminal de ómnibus de esa ciudad patagónica.
En su discurso, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner destacó los logros alcanzados tras la recuperación de YPF y pidió primero a los trabajadores petroleros, y luego a todos los argentinos, que “por favor cuidemos nuestros recursos, la fuente de trabajo, cuidemos a esta YPF que ha vuelto a ser nuestra”.
El aumento de producción y el progreso que está trayendo YPF a las regiones donde explora y produce, permitirá, dijo, “sacar más gas y petróleo y producir energía para todos los argentinos y regalías para los santacruceños: recursos genuinos de los santacruceños con una YPF y una Argentina que hoy vuelve a ser protagonista y jugadora central en el mercado energético global”.
Destacó que al convertirse la Argentina en la sede del segundo yacimiento de gas sheild no convencional en el mundo, y del cuarto yacimiento de petróleo no convencional del mundo “volvemos a estar en la mirada de los poderosos, y por eso tenemos que cuidar esta empresa, tenemos que cuidar la patria, ser más argentinos que nunca”.
Recordó la caída del abastecimiento energético cuando “empezó la etapa de desmantelamiento de YPF”, merced a “esas políticas que nos llevaron al desastre, la miseria, el hambre, la pobreza y la total pérdida de autonomía como país” y pidió a los responsables de esa situación que “por favor tengan toda la humildad de admitir que hemos cometido errores” y “ponernos todos la camiseta de la República Argentina, no del Gobierno, en momentos en que necesitamos estar unidos con el esfuerzo de todos”.
Defendió la política de subsidios a los servicios básicos adoptada en su gestión para permitir el desarrollo de la industria y la inclusión, y destacó que ya la mayoría de las provincias argentinas cuentan con gasoductos, salvo en “cinco provincias, donde los estamos construyendo, para que las 23 provincias argentinas cuenten con gas”.
También destacó las obras inauguradas al inicio del acto y celebró el quinto aniversario de la sanción de la Ley de Democratización de Medios Audiovisuales, lo que calificó como ”un verdadero logro, una conquista cultural de todos los argentinos”.
También subrayó la puesta en marcha del Sistema Federal de Mediciones de Audiencias elaborado por universidades públicas, que, aseguró, “permitirá tener la verdadera y correcta lectura de la audiencia de todo el país, no sólo de una región”.
Visión 7 - Inauguran obras en La Pampa, La Rioja, Córdoba y Tierra del Fuego
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner encabezó este jueves un acto en Santa Rosa, L...
published:26 Jun 2015
Visión 7 - Inauguran obras en La Pampa, La Rioja, Córdoba y Tierra del Fuego
Visión 7 - Inauguran obras en La Pampa, La Rioja, Córdoba y Tierra del Fuego
published:26 Jun 2015
La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner encabezó este jueves un acto en Santa Rosa, La Pampa, donde antes de hablar por cadena nacional presentó la inversión de 1.365 millones de pesos para la segunda etapa del acueducto del Río Colorado. Mediante videoconferencias, inauguró el Instituto Regional de Planificación, Control y Servicios Ambientales en la ciudad de La Rioja. Además, asistió a la puesta en marcha de un laboratorio químico de Fabricaciones Militares en Villa María, Córdoba. También anunció que el gobierno nacional aportará 5,7 millones para el mantenimiento de la turbina en Río Grande, que permitirá abastecer la demanda energética de Tierra del Fuego. Y presentó la cooperativa pampeana de trabajo Uriburu Limitada. Emitido por Visión 7, noticiero de la TV Pública argentina, el jueves 25 de junio de 2015. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar
13 de AGO. Seminario de "Políticas para superar el endeudamiento soberano". Cristina Fernández.
Lunes 13 de Agosto de 2012, Buenos Aires: La Presidenta Cristina Fernnández de Kirchner ha...
Lunes 13 de Agosto de 2012, Buenos Aires: La Presidenta Cristina Fernnández de Kirchner habló hoy junto al Premio Nobel de Economía Joseph Stiglitz y advirti...
01 de JUL. Homenaje a los Líderes Populares del Siglo XX. Cristina Fernández
01 de Julio de 2014, Buenos Aires: La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner anunció be...
01 de Julio de 2014, Buenos Aires: La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner anunció beneficios para los damnificados de las inundaciones, que incluyen un suplemento excepcional para jubilados...
Conversando con Cristina Pacheco - Pilar Luna
Conversadora inteligente y apasionada, Cristina Pacheco ha convertido este don suyo en un ...
Conversadora inteligente y apasionada, Cristina Pacheco ha convertido este don suyo en un programa de televisión al cual acuden cada viernes destacadas perso...
09 de FEB. Anuncio desarrollo Mercados Concentradores Regionales. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
09 de Febrero de 2011, Buenos Aires: La presidenta de la Nación Cristina Fernández de Kirc...
09 de Febrero de 2011, Buenos Aires: La presidenta de la Nación Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, presidió el anuncio de acuerdos de cooperación para el desarr...
09 de AGO. Inauguración planta YPF de hidrodesulfuración de gasoil. Cristina Fernández.
Jueves 09 de Agosto de 2012, Ensenada: La presidenta encabezó , el acto de inauguración de...
Jueves 09 de Agosto de 2012, Ensenada: La presidenta encabezó , el acto de inauguración de la planta de Hidrodesulfuración de gasoil, encabezó la firma del P...
Could Nikki Mudarris and MallyMall be the next Mimi and Nikko? The on-again, off-again couple just had a sex tape leak but Nikki says the video was made public without her consent. Embedded from instagram.com ... This was a total violation of my privacy ... This is beyond embarrassing and hurtful ... ....
Witnesses and relatives describe moments of terror as killer Chris HarperMercer started his deadly rampage. @heldavidson. Details have begun to emerge of the terrifying experience of students and staff at the Umpqua community college, where 26-year-old Chris Harper Mercer shot and killed nine people and injured at least seven others. Related. 'It can change'. Obama demands gun control action after Oregon shooting ... Twitter ... Twitter ... Related....
2 October 2015Last updated at 12.39 BST...Midway through his speech, he paused for 44 seconds in response to what he describes as the international community's silence. Read more ... Related video / audio ... ....
The strategic chessboard of the Middle East has been rattled severely this week with the sudden entry of advanced Russian warplanes into the already complex battlefields of Syria... So what are the likely consequences?Two different campaigns ... They will then be able to say ... A 15-year-old British boy who plotted to behead police officers at an Anzac Day parade in Australia is sentenced to life, and must serve at least five years in custody....
Cairo. British archaeologist Nicholas Reeves (right)and Egypt’s Minister of Antiquities Mamdouh Damati addressing a press conference here on Thursday.—AFP. CAIRO. Egypt hopes it can soon announce the “discovery of the century” in Tutankhamun’s tomb — what a British archaeologist believes is the burial place in a secret chamber of Queen Nefertiti... Visiting the tomb on Monday, Damati said ... Published in DawnOctober 2nd, 2015 ... ....
India has promised to shave a third off the rate at which it emits greenhouse gases over the next 15 years, in a long-awaited contribution towards reaching a deal to slow global warming at a U.N. climate summit in December ... ....
New IndiaInvestment Trust plc) ... New India Investment Trust PLC ... In accordance with UKLA Listing Rule15.6.8 and on behalf of the investment trusts under its management, ... Quarterly Disclosure for NEWINDIA INVESTMENT TRUST PLC....
New IndiaInvestment Trust plc) ...NEWINDIA INVESTMENT TRUSTPLC. New India Investment Trust plc ('the Company') ... This announcement is issued pursuant to paragraph 15.5.1 of the FCAListing Rules as amended 28 September2007 ... This content was issued by New India Investment Trust plc on the 2015-10-02 and was initially posted on www.newindia-trust.co.uk....
India has beaten China for the first time to become the world’s largest cotton producer in the 2014-15 marketing year, and the gap in production with the neighbour is set to widen considerably in 2015-16, reports Banikinkar Pattanayak in New Delhi. According to latest estimates from the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), India produced 6.5 million tonnes (mt) of cotton in 2014-15 against China’s6.4 mt....
As per the data available with the Spices Board of India, India's jeera exports stood at 1.55 lakh tonnes in 2014-15, while the target for the year was set at 1 lakh tonnes ... Due to the growing threat of ISIS and ongoing crisis in Syria, buyers chose to import from India fuelling the export of the commodity in 2014-15," said BhaskarShah, vice-chairman, Spices Board of India....
Janne Einola, CEO of H&;M India, who has been with the retailer since 1997, shared the company’s plans for the country with FE’s Sunny Sen ... How important is India in H&M’s scheme of things, and how do you plan to expand in the country?. For H&M it is highly respectful to be present in India ... The India market is developing ... H&M has been looking at the India market for three years now ... This is our India pricing....
India has ... Mentioning that India's share in global carbon emissions is just 5.7 per capita, he said it has been decided to formulate a 15-year-plan to contribute towards global action against climate change....
India's Climate Action Plan submitted to the United Nations was ...India targets to reduce the emission intensity by 33 to 35 percent in the next 15 years and will curb 3.95 billion tonnes of carbon emissions by 2030," he said at a press conference here....
More films are made in India than anywhere else in the world ...The BBC's Yogita Limaye went along to rehearsals to find out more for IndiaBusinessReport ... 'Smallest theatre' in India tour 6 May 2015 ... Hamlet with a twist 15 September ......
At a dizzying 15,000 feet above sea level, India and China reaffirmed their commitment to peace and tranquility along the line of actual control (LAC) ... On August 15 the delegation of Chinese troops came to Bum La La and actively took part in India's Independence Day celebration by hoisting the national flags and rendition of national anthems of both countries....
NEW DELHI (OCTOBER 1, 2015)- TodayIndia formally (INDC) to the UNFCCC...Following is a statement by Nitin Pandit, CEO, WRIIndia.. 'India's climate plan builds on the progress the country has made to expand its renewable energy deployment. India can leverage its new non-fossil fuel target to transition to a portfolio of renewable energy sources to become a market leader in clean energy....
The colourful IndiaDanceFestival will be held in The Hague's Korzo theatre from 16 to 31 October to highlight both traditional and contemporary Indian dance in the Netherlands... This edition, Korzo presents a new generation of dance makers from India....
Ya no tendre que rendir cuentas alla en el cielo, aqui en la tierra. Y tu eres como el caballo de Atila por donde pasa nunca crece la hierba. Permitalo Dios nunca mas tenga que enamorarme permitalo Dios que este mundo no escuche lo que dices que el vino sea mas vino y termine por emborracharme que la niña bonita nunca mas se disfrace de 15. Permitalo Dios que te canten la nana de insomnio que el sol que te alumbre sea en tu vida peor que un eclipse que te toque un viaje donde vive y reside el demonio pero que la niña bonita nunca mas se disfrace de 15. Permitalo Dios que te colmen de besos y abrazos y aquel que te colme sea el apostol Judas Iscariote que sea la ignorancia la virtud que te lleve al fracaso para que asi me compares como a un tonto sutil monigote. Permitalo Dios que te ganen todas tus batallas que sea persistente la manera de como te quise que se hagan latentes los recuerdos alla donde vaya pero que la niña bonita nunca mas se disfrace de 15. Que no, que no, no preguntes a nadie lo que es el amor corre mirate al espejo y dime si no eres la desilusion... Ya no, ya no tendre... Ya no tendre que rendir cuentas alla en el cielo, aqui en la tierra y tu eres como el caballo de Atila por donde pasa nunca crece la hierba. PARA FANS INKONDICIONALES DE EL BARRIO---www.cantautorelbarrio.com