سبحانک یا هو یا من هو هو یامن لیس احدا الا هو
لوح ناقوس
از الواح
جمال اقدس ابهی
لوح ناقوس
حضرت وليّ امر
الله جلّ سلطانه در لوح مورّخ ٥ شهر الجلال سنه ٩٨ که
باعزاز جناب بديع اللّه آگاه
آبادهای نازل شده ميفرمايند قوله الأحلی
"راجع بلوح ناقوس و شرح نزول آن فرمودند بنويس اين لوح در اسلامبول
نازلشده بر حسب خواهش آقا
محمّد علی اصفهانی بواسطه حضرت
عبدالبهاء و
اين لوح شب پنجم جمادی الاولی ليل مبعث حضرت اعلی بخطّ مبارک جمالقدم
مرقوم و مسطور گرديد تلاوت اين لوح در همان ليله مبارکه محبوب و مقبول"
Blessed Tablet of
Bahá'u'lláh known as the Tablet of Naqus or Lawh-i-Naqus, Tablet of the
Bell (
The Clarion Bell), also referred to as the Subhanika-Ya-Hu, chanted with great fervour and heartwarming music by the
Bahá'í Youth of
Shiraz. Produced this
...video with its
English translation over a year ago, in 2009, but decided to share it now.
Enjoy! "A beautiful tablet in
Arabic and in Bahá'u'lláh's own hand was revealed in
Constantinople on the eve of the 5th of Jamadiyu'l-Avval 1280
A.H. (
19 October 1863), the anniversary of the
Declaration of the Báb.This Tablet, because of its opening verse, is known as Lawh-i-Naqus (Tablet of the Bell) and is also referred to as the Subhanika-Ya-Hu. It was revealed following a request made through 'Abdu'l-Bahá by one of Bahá'u'lláh's companions, Aqa Muhammad-'Ally-i- Tambaku-Furush-i-Isfahani.The revelation of this Tablet on such an auspicious occasion brought immense joy to the hearts of those who were celebrating that historic festival. Bahá'u'lláh opens this Tablet with these words: O
Monk of the
Incomparable One!
Ring out the Bell, inasmuch as the
Day of the Lord hath shone forth and the
Beauty of the All-Glorious is established upon His holy and resplendent
Adib Taherzadeh,
The Revelation of
Baha'u'llah v 2, p. 18 Most of us by no means can ever imagine the hardship of living in
Iran at this time.
The Baha'i youth are suffering from oppression in reaching their ideals for life and their education everyday. Some of the youth have become scholars, some musicians, some continue their life of teaching regardless of dangers, and some give their lives with no hesitation. Some of the youth in Shiraz, have not let any external factor impose upon their service or creativity. They have invested their love for Baha'u'llah, and energies in a music CD and have created a magnificent fruit of
Love. It is the Tablet of the Bell from Baha'u'llah, Lawh-i-Naqus (The Clarion Bell), also referred to as the Subhanika-Ya-Hu.
Length: 19:51
- published: 02 Jan 2011
- views: 23833