- published: 16 Dec 2007
- views: 24028
Peace is between different social groups and characterized by lack of violence or conflict behaviors, and the freedom from fear of violence. Commonly understood as the absence of hostility and retribution, peace also suggests sincere attempts at reconciliation, the existence of healthy or newly healed interpersonal or international relationships, prosperity in matters of social or economic welfare, the establishment of equality, and a working political order that serves the true global interests.
The term 'peace' originates most recently from the Anglo-French pes, and the Old French pais, meaning "peace, reconciliation, silence, agreement" (11th century). But, Pes itself comes from the Latin pax, meaning "peace, compact, agreement, treaty of peace, tranquility, absence of hostility, harmony." The English word came into use in various personal greetings from c.1300 as a translation of the Hebrew word shalom, which, according to Jewish theology, comes from a Hebrew verb meaning 'to restore'. Although 'peace' is the usual translation, however, it is an incomplete one, because 'shalom,' which is also cognate with the Arabic salaam, has multiple other meanings in addition to peace, including justice, good health, safety, well-being, prosperity, equity, security, good fortune, and friendliness. At a personal level, peaceful behaviors are kind, considerate, respectful, just, and tolerant of others' beliefs and behaviors — tending to manifest goodwill.
A flame (from Latin flamma) is the visible, gaseous part of a fire. It is caused by a highly exothermic reaction taking place in a thin zone. Very hot flames are hot enough to have ionized gaseous components of sufficient density to be considered plasma.
Color and temperature of a flame are dependent on the type of fuel involved in the combustion, as, for example, when a lighter is held to a candle. The applied heat causes the fuel molecules in the candle wax to vaporize. In this state they can then readily react with oxygen in the air, which gives off enough heat in the subsequent exothermic reaction to vaporize yet more fuel, thus sustaining a consistent flame. The high temperature of the flame causes the vaporized fuel molecules to decompose, forming various incomplete combustion products and free radicals, and these products then react with each other and with the oxidizer involved in the reaction. Sufficient energy in the flame will excite the electrons in some of the transient reaction intermediates such as CH and C2, which results in the emission of visible light as these substances release their excess energy (see spectrum below for an explanation of which specific radical species produce which specific colors). As the combustion temperature of a flame increases (if the flame contains small particles of unburnt carbon or other material), so does the average energy of the electromagnetic radiation given off by the flame (see Black body).
Flame of Peace (Flamme des Friedens) is an award granted by the Austrian non-profit organization Vereins zur Förderung des Friedens (Association for the Promotion of Peace), which promotes world peace. The flame is represented by a wood carving mounted on a stone base. The organization gives out awards to prominent people, peace activists and organizations for their activity in promoting peace.
The founder and president of the Vereins zur Förderung des Friedens (Association for the Promotion of Peace) is Herta Margarete Habsburg-Lothringen. Herta Margaret Öfferl, as she was then, and her deputy Sandor von Habsburg Lothringen founded the organization in January 2007. Öfferl had already been working in this area for several years. The symbol is a wood carving of a flame mounted on a stone base. The organization is non-profit, non-partisan and religiously unaligned, and is dedicted to promoting and rewarding endeavors to promote peace. It has given awards to individuals and organizations since 2008. The award is given to politicians, diplomats, media representatives and peace activists.
Oliver Shanti (born Ulrich Schulz 16 November 1948 in Hamburg, Germany), also known as Oliver Serano-Alve, is a New Age musician, best known for his work with the bands "Inkarnation" and "Oliver Shanti & Friends".
As of 2009, Shanti is serving a 7-year prison term in Germany having been convicted on charges of child sexual abuse.
The remainder of "Oliver Shanti & Friends" now perform and record as "Existence", with another "Inkarnation" co-founder Margot Vogl (now - Reisinger) replacing Shanti.
oliver shanti & friends sing this beautifull chinese song for peace and compasion
Oliver Shanti & Friends - Chenresie, Flame Of Peace And Compassion Relaxing Tai-Chi Music.
2013年10月2日発売! 『Flame of Peace』 The East West Alliance, Jay-Kohama-Ikeda Sextet CD番号:RKCU-2612 発売日:2013/10/02 税込価格 ¥2,500(税抜 ¥2,381) C.U.G. Records Roving Spirits BounDEE by SSNW 東と西、国境を越え長い歳月と共に育まれた絆。 イーストウェストアライアンス、ジェイ-小濱-池田セクステットの3枚目となる本作品。 音楽を通じた人と人の繋がり、本アルバムは国籍、人種、文化の壁を越え、さらに円熟味を増した緊張感溢れるサウンドを聴かせてくれる。 また池田にとって闘病克服からの本バンド復帰第一弾となる作品でもある. 楽曲は池田、水野、シアトルのジョッシュ・ネルソンらのオリジナルを含む全9曲を収録。 ジョン・ハンセンがプレイする5.8.は2011年3月、東日本大震災直後に日本で行なわれたもの。 他の7曲は2013年3月、清水市T2audioにて録音。 メンバー ジェイ・トーマス(tp,ss) 小濱安浩(ts) 池田篤(as) 水野修平(pf) expect5.8 島田剛(b) 倉田大輔(ds) ジョン・ハンセン(pf) 5.8 収録曲目 1.Flame of peace (Music by Atsushi Ikeda) 2.Pennies from heaven (Music by Arthur Johnston) 3.Mint blues (Music by Josh Nelson) 4.Tower of Tokyo (Music by Atsushi Ikeda) 5.Everything I love (Music by Cole Porter) 6.Nagoya cas...
Oliver Shanti összehozott néhány olyan albumot európai zenészként, amelyek talán a legteljesebben ötvözik egymással a távol-keleti zenét az európai hagyományokkal. Igazából nincs is más dolga a hallgatónak, csak az, hogy leüljön és figyeljen a zenére és belső énjére. Kicsit hasonlít ez a taoisták "vuwei", azaz a "nem cselekvés" állapotára. Hagyjuk, hogy a dolgok megtörténjenek velünk.. Oliver Shanti Ulrich Schulz néven született Hamburgban 1948-ban. Talán az egyik legismertebb new age zenész ma a világon. 14 évesen már különféle hajókon szolgált, majd bárzenész lett, aztán bejárta az egész világot Párizstól Berlinen át Kaliforniáig és Észak-Afrikáig. Zenei stílusára minden bizonnyal hatással volt az, hogy ennyi földrészen megfordult és sok nemzet zenei világával megismerkedhetett. Albumai...
„Flames Of Discontent" taken from "Liberation EP" - out on 7" / Digital on End Hits Records and Evil Greed on May 22nd. The 7" will be available on limited black/green and black/red vinyl. Both versions are NOW UP FOR PRE-ORDER! Black/Green Version: http://is.gd/rknxTI Black/Red Version: http://is.gd/KBuh7O Wolf Down on Tour: 24.05. DE - Hamburg - Hafenklang 25.05. DE - Münster - Café Lorenz 26.05. DE - Halle (Saale) - VL Ludwigstrasse 27.05. DE - Regensburg - Alte Mälzerei + ANTI FLAG 28.05. DE - Schweinfurt - Alter Stattbahnhof 29.05. DE - Nürtingen - Jugendhaus am Bahnhof 04.06. DE - Aachen - AZ Aachen 26.07. DE - Berlin - Resist To Exist 15.08. DE - Hohenstein-Ernstthal - Voice Of Art Fest FLAMES OF DISCONTENT INJUSTICE LIES BEHIND EVERY CORNER UNQUESTIONING FOOLS CHOOSE TO BOW...
A short documentary on the ancient tradition of the Olympic Truce during the build-up to the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.
Oliver Shanti & Friends - Chenresie, Flame Of Peace And Compassion Relaxing Tai-Chi Music. Oliver Shanti & Friends - Chenresie, Flame Of Peace And Compassion Relaxing Tai-Chi Music. relaxing chinese tai chi music. oliver shanti & friends sing this beautifull chinese song for peace and compasion.
Flame of Peace, Herta and Sandor Habsburg Lothringen: http://thebestofvienna.blogspot.com/2011/11/herta-margarete-und-sandor-habsburg.html
Flame of Peace, Herta and Sandor Habsburg Lothringen: http://thebestofvienna.blogspot.com/2011/11/herta-margarete-und-sandor-habsburg.html
oliver shanti & friends sing this beautifull chinese song for peace and compasion
Oliver Shanti & Friends - Chenresie, Flame Of Peace And Compassion Relaxing Tai-Chi Music.
2013年10月2日発売! 『Flame of Peace』 The East West Alliance, Jay-Kohama-Ikeda Sextet CD番号:RKCU-2612 発売日:2013/10/02 税込価格 ¥2,500(税抜 ¥2,381) C.U.G. Records Roving Spirits BounDEE by SSNW 東と西、国境を越え長い歳月と共に育まれた絆。 イーストウェストアライアンス、ジェイ-小濱-池田セクステットの3枚目となる本作品。 音楽を通じた人と人の繋がり、本アルバムは国籍、人種、文化の壁を越え、さらに円熟味を増した緊張感溢れるサウンドを聴かせてくれる。 また池田にとって闘病克服からの本バンド復帰第一弾となる作品でもある. 楽曲は池田、水野、シアトルのジョッシュ・ネルソンらのオリジナルを含む全9曲を収録。 ジョン・ハンセンがプレイする5.8.は2011年3月、東日本大震災直後に日本で行なわれたもの。 他の7曲は2013年3月、清水市T2audioにて録音。 メンバー ジェイ・トーマス(tp,ss) 小濱安浩(ts) 池田篤(as) 水野修平(pf) expect5.8 島田剛(b) 倉田大輔(ds) ジョン・ハンセン(pf) 5.8 収録曲目 1.Flame of peace (Music by Atsushi Ikeda) 2.Pennies from heaven (Music by Arthur Johnston) 3.Mint blues (Music by Josh Nelson) 4.Tower of Tokyo (Music by Atsushi Ikeda) 5.Everything I love (Music by Cole Porter) 6.Nagoya cas...
Oliver Shanti összehozott néhány olyan albumot európai zenészként, amelyek talán a legteljesebben ötvözik egymással a távol-keleti zenét az európai hagyományokkal. Igazából nincs is más dolga a hallgatónak, csak az, hogy leüljön és figyeljen a zenére és belső énjére. Kicsit hasonlít ez a taoisták "vuwei", azaz a "nem cselekvés" állapotára. Hagyjuk, hogy a dolgok megtörténjenek velünk.. Oliver Shanti Ulrich Schulz néven született Hamburgban 1948-ban. Talán az egyik legismertebb new age zenész ma a világon. 14 évesen már különféle hajókon szolgált, majd bárzenész lett, aztán bejárta az egész világot Párizstól Berlinen át Kaliforniáig és Észak-Afrikáig. Zenei stílusára minden bizonnyal hatással volt az, hogy ennyi földrészen megfordult és sok nemzet zenei világával megismerkedhetett. Albumai...
„Flames Of Discontent" taken from "Liberation EP" - out on 7" / Digital on End Hits Records and Evil Greed on May 22nd. The 7" will be available on limited black/green and black/red vinyl. Both versions are NOW UP FOR PRE-ORDER! Black/Green Version: http://is.gd/rknxTI Black/Red Version: http://is.gd/KBuh7O Wolf Down on Tour: 24.05. DE - Hamburg - Hafenklang 25.05. DE - Münster - Café Lorenz 26.05. DE - Halle (Saale) - VL Ludwigstrasse 27.05. DE - Regensburg - Alte Mälzerei + ANTI FLAG 28.05. DE - Schweinfurt - Alter Stattbahnhof 29.05. DE - Nürtingen - Jugendhaus am Bahnhof 04.06. DE - Aachen - AZ Aachen 26.07. DE - Berlin - Resist To Exist 15.08. DE - Hohenstein-Ernstthal - Voice Of Art Fest FLAMES OF DISCONTENT INJUSTICE LIES BEHIND EVERY CORNER UNQUESTIONING FOOLS CHOOSE TO BOW...
A short documentary on the ancient tradition of the Olympic Truce during the build-up to the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.
Oliver Shanti & Friends - Chenresie, Flame Of Peace And Compassion Relaxing Tai-Chi Music. Oliver Shanti & Friends - Chenresie, Flame Of Peace And Compassion Relaxing Tai-Chi Music. relaxing chinese tai chi music. oliver shanti & friends sing this beautifull chinese song for peace and compasion.
Flame of Peace, Herta and Sandor Habsburg Lothringen: http://thebestofvienna.blogspot.com/2011/11/herta-margarete-und-sandor-habsburg.html
Flame of Peace, Herta and Sandor Habsburg Lothringen: http://thebestofvienna.blogspot.com/2011/11/herta-margarete-und-sandor-habsburg.html
Meditation on the Violet Flame for Peace, Self-love and Tolerance - Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/pmereki
Fireplace - Full HD - 10 hours crackling logs for Christmas On Christmas period just listen Christmas songs and enjoy these burning logs. Virtual Fireplace video in FULL HD 1080p. Enjoy this virtual fireplace video with hot flames and crackling logs. Perfect for a warm and peaceful atmosphere. Tips to use this fireplace: ★ Relax with a glass of wine, listen your favorite classical music and enjoy the spectacular views ★ On Christmas period just listen Christmas songs and enjoy these burning logs ★ You can use this fireplace video for meditation or for a good sleep. ★ Play this fireplace video on a quite family dinner ★ A fireplace is a perfect decor for romantic dinner with your love on Valentine's day or on your anniversary ★ You can use this fireplace video for screensaver on your PC t...
On Christmas period just listen Christmas songs and enjoy these burning logs. Virtual Fireplace video in FULL HD 1080p. Enjoy this virtual fireplace video with hot flames and crackling logs. Perfect for a warm and peaceful atmosphere. Tips to use this fireplace: ★ Relax with a glass of wine, listen your favorite classical music and enjoy the spectacular views ★ On Christmas period just listen Christmas songs and enjoy these burning logs ★ You can use this fireplace video for meditation or for a good sleep. ★ Play this fireplace video on a quite family dinner ★ A fireplace is a perfect decor for romantic dinner with your love on Valentine's day or on your anniversary ★ You can use this fireplace video for screensaver on your PC to enjoy the sound of burning fire and crackling logs
Let's play Stardew valley part 2 What's up youtube nation, it's Kingcon. Today I'm getting back to being Jeff the farmer in Stardew valley. Hope you enjoy. Subscribe to join the Flaming Hunters. Peace out!
Christmas fireplace full HD 4K On Christmas period just listen Christmas songs and enjoy these burning logs. Virtual Fireplace video in FULL HD 1080p. Enjoy this virtual fireplace video with hot flames and crackling logs. Perfect for a warm and peaceful atmosphere. Tips to use this fireplace: ★ Relax with a glass of wine, listen your favorite classical music and enjoy the spectacular views ★ On Christmas period just listen Christmas songs and enjoy these burning logs ★ You can use this fireplace video for meditation or for a good sleep. ★ Play this fireplace video on a quite family dinner ★ A fireplace is a perfect decor for romantic dinner with your love on Valentine's day or on your anniversary ★ You can use this fireplace video for screensaver on your PC to enjoy the sound of burning f...
On Christmas period just listen Christmas songs and enjoy these burning logs. Virtual Fireplace video in FULL HD 1080p. Enjoy this virtual fireplace video with hot flames and crackling logs. Perfect for a warm and peaceful atmosphere. Tips to use this fireplace: ★ Relax with a glass of wine, listen your favorite classical music and enjoy the spectacular views ★ On Christmas period just listen Christmas songs and enjoy these burning logs ★ You can use this fireplace video for meditation or for a good sleep. ★ Play this fireplace video on a quite family dinner ★ A fireplace is a perfect decor for romantic dinner with your love on Valentine's day or on your anniversary ★ You can use this fireplace video for screensaver on your PC to enjoy the sound of burning fire and crackling logs
SUBSCRIBE for more incredible videos of truth. I have never consented to being submitted to living in this system and have never contracted willingly with this system. The Armor of God - Ephesians 6, 10-24 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, wi...
TRACK LIST SIDE A 1. My Brave Face, from "Flowers in the Dirt" (1989) - 0:00 2. Band on the Run, from "Band on the Run" (1973) - 3:19 3. Silly Love Songs, from "Wings at the Speed of Sound" (1976) - 8:32 4. Too Many People, from "Ram" (1971) - 14:28 5. Live and Let Die, from "Live and Let Die" (1973) - 18:40 6. Let 'Em In, from "Wings at the Speed of Sound" (1976) - 21:53 7. Loveliest Thing, from "Flowers in the Dirt" (1989) - 27:04 8. The Song We Were Singing, from "Flaming Pie" (1997) - 31:00 9. Say Say Say, from "Pipes of Peace" (1983) - 34:52 10. Let Me Roll It, from "Band on the Run" (1973) - 38:49 11. My Love, from "Red Rose Speedway" (1973) - 43:39 12. Young Boy, from "Flaming Pie" (1997) - 47:47 13. Queenie Eye, from "New" (2013) - 51:41 14. Maybe I'm Amazed, from "McCartney" (19...
This is a peaceful movement
No need for guns or bullets
No need for hate or violence
This is a peaceful movement
Illusions aren't fulfillment
Change is ever present
Life is what you make it
Ready to take it all on
It is what it is yeah na na na
It is what it is yeah na na na
Your trying to make it something that it's not
Don't try to make it something that it's not
It is what it is yeah na na na
It is what it is yeah na na na
Trying to sell me something I don't want
Trying to feed me something I don't want
Isolation propoganda desolation war
Isolation propoganda desolation war
Isolation propoganda desolation war
Isolation propoganda desolation war
It is what it is yeah na na na
It is what it is yeah na na na
Your trying to make it something that it's not
Don't try to make it something that it's not
It is what it is yeah na na na
It is what it is yeah na na na
Trying to sell me something I don't want
Trying to feed me something I don't want
Trying to make me something
Trying to feed me something
Trying to sell me something
Trying to make me something