(CNN)The Egyptian army announced Thursday it had killed a key ISIS-allied leader in the Sinai Peninsula. Dead is the head of the AnsarBait al-Maqdis movement, identified as Abu Duaa al-Ansari, and a number of his aides in airstrikes targeting the ISIS affiliate's strongholds, the army statement said. "They managed to destroy a number of weapon and ammunition stores, and their explosives," said the statement ... Read More ... JUST WATCHED ... ....
Clint Eastwood has defended Donald Trump in a new interview, saying that people need to "fucking get over" the Republican candidate's so-called "racist" remarks. Eastwood made headlines in 2012 when he appeared at the Republican National Convention and proceeded to have an onstage conversation with an imaginary Barack Obama in the chair next to him ... Of Trump, Eastwood went on to say ... That's the kiss-ass generation we're in right now."...
Nude photographs published this week are raising fresh questions about the accuracy of a key aspect of Melania Trump’s biography. her immigration status when she first came to the United States to work as a model. The racy photos of the would-be first lady, published in the New York Post on Sunday and Monday, inadvertently highlight inconsistencies in the various accounts she has provided over the years ... “You follow the rules ... citizen ... ....
Melania Trump denied she broke any immigration laws when she first modelled professionally in the US, in the latest controversy to hit her husband Donald's presidential campaign. The Republican nominee has made illegal immigration a key part of his campaign platform, and his wife often cites her path to US citizenship in defence of his hard line. Share Go To ... Mrs Trump used Twitter to dispute that she violated immigration laws ... Period ... ....
FIRST HALF 2016 FINANCIAL RESULTS Slight decline (1.5%) in revenue to €17.6 billion Sustained traffic growth at VINCIAutoroutes and VINCI Airports Stable business level at VINCI Energies Revenue contraction at Eurovia and VINCI Construction Increase in order intake, particularly in France Increase in operating income from ordinary activities (11.7% to €1.7 billion) and net income (12.4% to €920 million) Interim dividend....
- Sustained traffic growth at VINCIAutoroutes and VINCI Airports ... an increase in Concessions revenue, with higher than projected traffic growth at VINCI Autoroutes and VINCI Airports; a slight decline in Contracting revenue; and a confirmed upturn in order intake, particularly in France ... Performance in the Concessions business reflects good momentum in traffic at both VINCI Autoroutes and VINCI Airports....
an increase in Concessions revenue, with higher than projected traffic growth at VINCIAutoroutes and VINCI Airports; a slight decline in Contracting revenue; and a confirmed upturn in order intake, particularly in France... This increase includes 18.6% growth in VINCI Airports' revenue (up 11.4% like-for-like, excluding Aerodom, which was consolidated on 1 April 2016) and 4.9% growth in VINCI Autoroutes' revenue....
THÉÂTRE. Les trois comédiennes de la Grange Fleury de Victoriaville proposent cet été une sympathique pièce intitulée Chloé et Zoé au pays des miroirs et, par le fait même, une excellente occasion pour les jeunes de 4 à 12 ans de découvrir le théâtre. Autres Nouvelles... J'aime trop ça», dira-t-elle ... Noémie est l'autoroute du groupe, celle qui garde le fil de la pièce pendant que les deux autres zigzaguent à travers l'histoire ... ....
(Source. US Department of Defense) ... force presence into 2017.' ... Afghan Forces 'Continue to Step Up' ... Building on Afghan Success ... Carter said he and the U.S ...John W ... 'This added flexibility, coupled with new integration of the A29 and MD530 close air support platforms, reflects our determination to seize every opportunity possible to use our resources in theater to the greatest possible effect,' the secretary said. Continuing the Mission ... U.S....
L'annonce faite ce jour par le Secrétaire d'Etat aux Transports britannique de réaliser une zone poids-lourds de £250 millions pour 3,600 places entre la route J11 et l'autorouteM20 dans le Kent est une reconnaissance du fait que le referendum du 24 juin 2016 n'aura pas d'impact sur la croissance attendue du trafic vers le Continent....
123pneus.fr . L’été, le soleil, le plaisir – Démarrer à présent vos vacances en toute sécurité et sans souci Afin de ne subir aucune panne pendant la période des vacances . Une vérification des pneus et du véhicule vous permet de démarrer vos vacances en toute sécurité et sans stress ... Valider les autoroutes surchargées ... Business Wire) ....
The last time France played a European Championship semi-final on home turf, as they do this evening against Germany, the venue was also Marseille. Michel Platini scored his eighth goal of a tournament that bears his stamp of quality to this day in the hosts' 3-2 win over Portugal... The page is blank ... For one needs only take the short journey along the A50autoroute to the coast from Marseille to inspect a fallen hero's feet of clay. ....
Attendees are invited to come onboard the Navionics demo boat and see SonarChart™ Live and Dock-to-dock Autorouting in action ... Dock-to-dock Autorouting. Award-winning Dock-to-dock Autorouting is a unique breakthrough in boating navigation that quickly creates detailed routes even through narrow waterways and channels, based on chart data and nav aids....