TCS Daily : October 2001 Archives

Un-Happy Halloween! Eco-Scare Tactics Are Designed to Poison Minds

As if America hasn't had enough real threats of bioterrorism, a few fear-mongering pseudo-ecologists have decided to use Halloween to spread public angst about the safety of their food. NERage, a group opposed to genetic modifications (GM) designed to... Read More

Energy Security is National Security

The Attorney General's latest warning of possible terrorist attacks portends a particular danger at home. But few officials are now warning of a general danger from abroad - a disruption to the nation's life-blood of energy supplies. While U.S. Homeland... Read More

Reality Bites: "911" Halts the Global Warming Crusaders

Sometimes fate just deals you a bad hand. Youre going along, doing your thing, and then - wham! - something comes from out of nowhere and puts you out of business. So it is today for the global-warming crusaders. Before... Read More

Reality Bites: "911" Halts the Global Warming Crusaders

One would like to think that if Special Forces soldiers such as the ones on the ground in Afghanistan could have special Robocop-style gear that let them walk faster, carry more weaponry, and bust into enemy strongholds, the pro-defense budget-makers... Read More

The Ledeen Doctrine: Iran and the Future of Freedom

NEW YORK, Oct. 30 - On the top of your reading list today should be the piece by my American Enterprise Institute colleague Michael Ledeen on the op-ed page of The Wall Street Journal. The headline: The Answer to Terrorism?... Read More

"Can We Afford to Wait?"

Richard Perle posed that question about expanding the war to state sponsors of terrorism to panelists participating Monday at a forum on the war against terrorism. Many in the packed audience at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.... Read More

Creepy Crawlers and AOL = America Off Line

NEW YORK - After a swing to the South and West, I am back in New York. Back to a city where the remains of nearly 5,000 people are still entombed in the rubble of the World Trade Center towers.... Read More

Environmental Terrorists Deserve No Special Treatment

There is no shame in believing that those among the Left who most profess their "caring", for animals, the environment, and other non-human "causes" are simply anti-people. This summer, "environmentalists" defended the fruits of their advocacy for more sharks, nece Read More

Vegas Returns to Normal, and Tom Friedman Steps Up

LAS VEGAS, Nev. - In the Bellagio casino, wearing a duck suit while playing blackjack is impermissible. That is what the pit boss is telling the duck, and he is quacking mad. I have been at the roulette wheel wishing... Read More

Beware Reef-er Madness at Marrakech Climate Conference

As U.N. climate talks enter a third round in 12 months at Marrakech in Morocco this week, look for those favoring the flawed Kyoto Protocol proposal for sharp curbs on industrial nations' carbon dioxide emissions to latch on to a... Read More

Greener Than You Think

Editor's Note: The Danish scientist Bjorn Lomborg's new book "The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World" (Cambridge Univ. 515 pp. $69.95; paperback, $27.95) has garnered significant attention in Europe and is now making waves in the Unit Read More

Greener Than You Think

Editor's Note: The Danish scientist Bjorn Lomborg's new book "The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World" (Cambridge Univ. 515 pp. $69.95; paperback, $27.95) has garnered significant attention in Europe and is now making waves in the... Read More

Naw'lins, Windows XP, and Our Anthrax Hysteria

NEW ORLEANS, La. - Last night, Galatoire's was packed. I'm here in the Crescent City alone and, after two and a half dozen oysters at Felix's (the record, says a plaque on the wall, is 33 dozen), I was feeling... Read More

Meet Sen. Jim Jeffords, I-Kyoto

Back when Sen. Jim Jeffords bolted the Republican Party and handed the office of Senate Majority Leader to Tom Daschle, his stated justification for leaving was an unyielding conservatism that had taken hold of the GOP. He said this made... Read More

Cancelled Tests Prove ABM Treaty Is Hazardous to Our Health

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's postponement yesterday of three U.S. missile defense tests over the next three weeks revealed the crippling effect the ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) Treaty is having on our nation's defenses. The Secretary said, "To keep from havi Read More

Anti-SUV Crusaders Will Shoot Selves In The Foot

It is bound to happen. The bipartisan chumminess that pervades the halls of Congress has to end. The September Terror is devolving into a protracted struggle deep in the mountains of Afghanistan and in the fetid kasbahs of the... Read More

Why Terror Fails

POINT CLEAR, Ala., Oct. 25 - Off the plane on a sultry New Orleans night, I rented a car and drove the 200 miles east to Mobile Bay. This was the same trip that the hero of one of my... Read More

A National I.D. Card? Yes; Run By Larry Ellison? No

When I first heard that Larry Ellison, the CEO of Oracle Corp., had proposed a national I.D. card to help fight terrorism, I thought it was a joke. Not the I.D. card idea. But that Ellison was proposing it. Flash... Read More

What's in Store at Next Week's Global Warming Conference

Delegates from 178 countries meet next week for the third time in less than a year to work out more details of the rules and bureaucratic apparatus for the Kyoto Protocol, the 1997 global warming treaty. The big question is... Read More

Trial Lawyer TV: NBC Announces New Erin Brockovich Program

NBC said this week it will feature Erin Brockovich in a pilot for a one-hour syndicated talk show that could begin airing as soon as early next year. NBC's parent company, it is worth noting, is General Electric. Brockovich... Read More

Ultimate Terror Weapon: Ballistic Missiles

Americans "ain't seen nothing yet" in the terrorist war unless our country develops protection against the ultimate terrorist weapon. That's not anthrax, commercial airplanes used as weapons of mass destruction, or even smallpox, but ballistic missiles carrying nuc Read More

Is There a Doctrine in the House? Special Forces Link Technology to Strategy

(Editor's Note: This article is the first of two parts on the interplay of military doctrine and technology) Over the weekend, Americans watched green-tinted images of U.S. military personnel operating deep inside Afghanistan, proving the bold claim of the... Read More

Good Techs Come In Small Packages

History tells us that, when it comes to investment performance, small companies outperform big companies over time. We also know that small company stocks tend to do best heading out of recessions. It's hard to say when the economy... Read More

The Bells after the NY Attacks: From Cooperation to Exploitation

Telecom firms responded quickly, courageously and diligently to the Sept. 11 destruction of the World Trade Center. From all reports, their actions were a shining example of competitors helping each other in a time of national emergency. But it didn't... Read More

Guns in the Sky: Why James Bond Would Approve Today

In the movie version of Goldfinger, James Bond, imprisoned mid-flight aboard a Lockheed Jetstar, eyed a gun aimed at his torso by his racily-named captor and coolly counseled her: "That's a Smith & Wesson .45. If you fire at this... Read More

Without Bayer, We're Bare to Bioterror

If you have been exposed to Anthrax, what's it worth to save your life? How about $4.31 a pill? That's what lists as the retail price of Cipro, an antibiotic developed and patented by Bayer, AG, the German-based... Read More

SBC Doth Protest Too Much

FALLS VILLAGE, Conn., Oct. 22 -- Woke up to a dazzling New England morning, leaves gorgeous yellow, orange and red. Switched on CNBC, and there was David Faber, one of my favorites, reporting that SBC Communications had boosted earnings and... Read More

Concerns vs. Chaos in the Anthrax Scare

Bio-terrorism alarmists view last week's death of a Florida man from anthrax as validation of their advocacy of panic. Cooler heads view the incident more as a limited bio-crime rather than a harbinger of mass bio-terrorism. Such skepticism no... Read More

Can’t Hardly Wait: Promising Bioterror Defenses Just Around the Corner

If there`s a political lesson to be drawn from the chilling bioterrorism that has struck the U.S. Capitol and other workplaces, it`s this: The international convention against biological weapons that 143 countries, including the United States, signed in 1972, offer Read More

Future Shock: Contingency Plan for an Oil Crunch

Editor's Note: As the United States continues its military campaign in Afghanistan and hostilities between Israelis and Palestinians escalate, tensions in the Middle East and Central Asia remains high. All of the activity and uncertainty could affect the flow... Read More

Ending Terrorism By Ending the State Sponsors of Terrorism

The potency of the anthrax strains used to target the U.S. Senate Majority Leader has pushed to the forefront an uncomfortable question the administration must soon face: state-sponsored terrorism and what to do about it. The Washington Post reports one... Read More

If People Cause Global Warming, Why Is There No Human Fingerprint?

(The debate over the President`s decision on the Kyoto Protocol has focused media and public attention on the question of global climate: Do people cause global warming? During the last 100 years the average temperature of the earth`s surface... Read More

Cold War's No. 1 Lesson: Keep Faith With National Virtues

When the Cold War began in the mid 1940s, few Americans knew much about the Soviet Union. Franklin D. Roosevelt, no bad judge of character, was nevertheless bamboozled by Josef Stalin. If knowledge is power, then U.S. policy in the... Read More

New Technologies and Global Warming Science

(Editor's note: These are edited remarks of Sallie Baliunas to the Ohio Energy Conference on Oct. 1, 2001) Human use of coal, oil and natural gas has become the centerpiece in an international debate about global warming, its causes... Read More

The Threat of Biological Warfare

Editors note: This was a presentation by William C. Patrick III at a Feb.13, 2001, Washington Roundtable on Science and Public Policy at the Marshall Institute in Washington, D.C. Patrick has almost 50 years of experience in the field of... Read More

Tax Bill Would Stimulate High Tech

Our elected leaders are mobilizing to offset any damage the terrorist attacks might have on the economy. Last Friday, the House Ways and Means Committee passed a stimulus tax bill that, if it becomes law, will provide a solid boost... Read More

The Battle of Biotech

Even before the Anthrax attacks, biotechnology carried the potential to vastly improve medical care and relieve suffering. Now biotechnology may turn out to be the savior of Western Civilization. Whether the next generation of terror attacks will feature more Anthr Read More

Improved Air Weaponry Leads Campaign That Soldiers Must Finish

Afghanistan's Taliban say they favor returning to a simpler way of life, unburdened by the trappings of modernity. The United States' long-range air power can oblige them. Yet, for all its destructive capacity, the combination of Tomahawk missiles and... Read More

"Separating 'the last mile' of the regional Bells' operations from their other services would promote competition in broadband."

Separating "the last mile" of the regional Bells' operations from their other services would promote competition in broadband, Robert Hall, noted Stanford University economist, told Tech Central Station Host James K. Glassman. A new study by the Hoover Institution Read More

Getting Tough With Terrorists Means Getting Tough With its Sympathizers

"We cannot fight a war without alienating the enemy and the enemy's sympathizers," former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy Richard Perle told Tech Central Station Host James K. Glassman in a prescient interview not long before... Read More

The Environment:Getting Better, Not Worse

Thank you very much. [audience applause] Glassman: Thank you, Bjorn Lomborg. And David Sandelow, executive vice president of the World Wildlife Fund. Sandelow: Thanks, Bjorn. ... I want to start by saying that there`s lots I agree with in... Read More

The Environment:Getting Better, Not Worse

AEI-Brookings Joint Center For Regulatory Study Event on Oct. 3, 2001, with Professor Bjorn Lomborg, author of The Skeptical Environmentalist Moderator: James Glassman of Tech Central Station Panelists: David Sandelow of the World Wildlife Fund and Alan Hammond of Read More

Settle In: Operation Enduring Freedom Will Take Endurance

Second of Three Parts "In this battle against terrorism there is no silver bullet." So said Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld on Sunday, as U.S. cruise missiles -- about the closest thing to a silver bullet anyone has ever invented... Read More

Defense Review Leaves Military Untransformed

The Quadrennial Defense Review delivered to Congress over the weekend provides a very good assessment of a future security environment that will require the U.S. military to fight differently. But the review failed to propose some obvious investments and... Read More

Tech Companies Built For War Or Peace

Fortunes will be made and lost as people bet on the impact of the terrorist war. Is it time to buy airlines at a bargain price, or sell them because they've suffered permanent injury? Will information technology firms gain from... Read More

New Study: Split Up The Bells To Spur Growth

Will the local telephone monopoly limit economic recovery? A new study by noted economists Robert E. Hall of Stanford and William H. Lehr of Columbia indicates that certainly may be the case. The study, Rescuing Competition to Stimulate Telecom... Read More

Lomborg Lands in DC to Demolish Eco-Terror Myths

Global warming is a problem, but trying to fix it would make the world worse. That's one of many conclusions by Danish statistician Bjorn Lomborg in his iconoclastic new book, The Skeptical Environmentalist, that most environmental activists don't like.... Read More

In The Midst Of Terror, Look What Kept America Moving

For all its nasty qualities -- its noise, its muscling for space in cities, its dangers, its (rapidly diminishing) air pollution, its consumption of fossil fuels, etc. -- the four-wheeled vehicle in all its forms remains the engine of freedom... Read More

Global Warming Facts, Consensus Melt Away

The exaggeration over the supposed scientific consensus on the human cause of global warming continues, even as the evidence that the underlying data supposedly proving a human connection melts away. In the July 20 Science, three British researchers attempted to... Read More

Global Warming Facts, Consensus Melt Away

The exaggeration over the supposed scientific consensus on the human cause of global warming continues, even as the evidence that the underlying data supposedly proving a human connection melts away. In the July 20 Science, three British researchers attempted to... Read More

'Be prepared,' Defense Science Board Chairman Tells Nation

"The danger has not passed" of another terrorist assault, William Schneider, Jr. who head's the Defense Science Board of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, told Tech Central Station Host James K. Glassman. He says the nation needs... Read More

To Win Terror War, Know Thy Enemy - Abroad And Within

First of Two Parts If knowledge is power, as Francis Bacon said, no wonder Americans feel weak right now. To be sure, our military can deliver victory on any battlefield, but if the whole of the United States is... Read More

The American Goal: Limit The Sacrifice

Sacrifice (religious ritual) (Latin sacrificium, originally "something made holy"), a ritual act in which a consecrated offering is made to a god or other spiritual being in order to establish, perpetuate, or restore a sacred bond between humanity and the... Read More

Two Techs for Tough Times

Now is when we separate the women from the girls in equity investing. Depressed markets represent some of the greatest opportunities for bargain hunting, but they also require the intestinal fortitude to buy when many people are screaming, "Sell!" This... Read More

TCS Daily Archives