dealing with rejection


cover image taken from

I enjoyed completing the questionnaire that is a pre-requirement for obtaining the new Libbe Matz Gang / Degenerate Waves “Victory Through Voltage” release. But I never guessed that this would be the only enjoyment I would get out of it.

Shortly after submitting my entry, I received a brief email directing me to a secret blog for an “update”. The only contents of said blog were an animated pink/black gif flashing with the words “Your application has been REJECTED. Sincerest apologies, Libertatia Overseas Trading”.


It’s hard to express how I feel about this. It is certainly a very confusing business model and I am pissed off that a label I have helped over the last few years has now made it impossible for me to keep up with their output. I guess this could be for my own safety, but come on. On the other hand it is very amusing-ย  to me, and much more for others I’ve talked to about it. Most of the people I’ve discussed this with haven’t had this sort of aggro, but there are a select few of us who are denied hearing “630v HEX ATTACK”.

I’ve had quite a strange relationship with Libertatia Overseas Trading since they came to my attention two years ago and it looks like things are set to get even stranger…

Other things, which I will actually be able to get hold of, probably:

The Hacker Farm / Libbe Matz Gang film “Witches” (which I organised a London showing for last year) is nearing an official DVD (and maybe other formats) release. A “teaser-trailer” has been uploaded to YouTube, which is characteristically sinister, but oddly doesn’t actually feature any footage from the film:

IX Tab have their much anticipated (not just by me) second album coming out soon on Exotic Pylon:



Oh and there’s a new album by The Bug just out too, which you have probably already heard lots about already.



  1. Hahahahaha!

    Brilliant!!! – what did you answer wrong? I got my copy!

    Good to hear they’re not handed out willy-nilly tho’ ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Coming to London soon, might bring my copy with me for you to have a listen as to what your missing.

    All the best


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