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Previous (Incomplete List)

National Conference on Volunteering & Service, Nonprofit Technology Conference, Bowery Poetry Club, The Poetry Science Talks, Syracuse Technology Garden, Syracuse Innovators Guild, South Side Innovation Center, Limmud (UK), Limmud NY, LimmudFest New Orleans, Le Mood Montreal, Limmud South Africa, Jewish Federations of North America General Assembly, Tribefest, Inside the Activists’ Studio, Siach, ReJewvenation (University of Toronto), Judaism 2030 (Jewish Outreach Institute), ROI 120, Schmooze, Oyhoo!, American Jewish Press Association Annual Conference, National Jewish Student Journalism Conference, Jewish Communal Service Association, J Street Conference, Jewish Agency for Israel, The Posen Foundation’s Speakers Lab, The Wexner Foundation, The Covenant Foundation Annual Conference, New Israel Fund, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Rabbis Without Borders, Rabbis for Human Rights-North America, The Davidson School at the Jewish Theological Seminary, The Hampton Synagogue, Congregation B’nai Jeshurun (NYC), Congregation Ramath Orah (NYC), Romemu (NYC), Rodeph Shalom (NYC), Solomon Shechter School of Manhattan.


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Speaking Topics

  • Journo/Crypto — In an era of rampant hacking, ubiquitous surveillance and an unparalleled number of whistleblower prosecutions, it is more important than ever that journalists take precautions to protect themselves and their sources while communicating electronically. But learning how best to protect one’s self can be technically challenging — especially for journalists more invested in telling stories than the tools they use to tell them. This presentation aims to help bloggers, journalists and journalism students learn to secure their web browsing, email, online chat, and data from prying eyes. [Slides]
  • Cryptoparty — In light of recent revelations about warrantless surveillance of American citizens, it has become more important than ever for individuals to take the necessary precautions to protect their sensitive data from prying eyes. Most online security threats can be mitigated through the use of readily available encryption technologies. However, these technologies can often be difficult to understand and even more difficult to implement correctly. A CryptoParty is a laid-back, informal gathering for those who wish to learn about these tools, including which are most suitable to a given situation, and how to install and use them properly. Bring your laptop (or don’t if you’re extra-paranoid) and get yourself up and running with proxy servers, VPN, PGP, OTR, hard disk encryption and other methods that will help keep your data safe. And drink a brew. Cuz it’s a party. [Slides]
  • CryptoJews: A Jewish look at privacy, surveillance and data encryption — What do Judaism and Jewish history have to say about mass government surveillance and the individual right to privacy? Examine rabbinic texts on privacy and security, explore the Jewish community’s role in advancing the surveillance state, and learn what you can do to protect yourself online from snoops and hackers. [Slides]
  • Occupying Judaism: Jewish Values and Occupy Wall Street — On the eve of Yom Kippur 5772, over 1,000 Jews descended on lower Manhattan to fast and pray in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street protests, giving birth to a movement known as Occupy Judaism. Hear from Occupy Judaism’s core organizer about Jewish values, ethics, and activism in relation to Occupy Wall Street and their efforts to turn the movement’s critiques of wealth and power back on the Jewish establishment. [Slides]
  • The Forbidden Tree of Knowledge: Psychedelics & the Bible — Could the origins of human intelligence, spirituality and civilization lie within a mushroom? Could a halakhic framework for ritual consciousness exploration help stem the tide of drug abuse? Explore the “stoned ape” theory of human evolution and its implications for Jewish civilization. Examine allusions to mind altering substances in the Torah and Hasidic literature that may just explain some of our tradition’s greatest mysteries and provide a framework for sensible drug policy. [Slides]
  • Judaism in the Age of Cyborgs AKA Jeuromancer — Technological disruptions have, in the last decade, upended countless industries – most notably entertainment and news media – leaving business leaders scrambling to preserve their dying models. Could the same be in store for religion as well? Learn how advancements in neuroscience and neurotheology could render Judaism obsolete in the coming future. [Slides]
  • The Jewish Strip Show — Flash back in time to a bygone era in Jewish education with this presentation of 35mm film strips from the 1940s and 1950s recently unearthed at a synagogue rummage sale, and enjoy bible cartoons, photos from Israel’s founding, and Hollywood productions of biblical tales. [Slides]
  • Intro to Social Media for Small Businesses & Nonprofits — Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pin-what? Stop struggling to make heads or tails of social media. This introductory class will help small business and nonprofit employees understand what tools are best-suited to their goals, and how to get a social media presence up and running quickly and inexpensively. Get grounding in the basics of social media marketing, content strategy, community engagement, and analytics. Bring your laptop or tablet for hands-on learning!