Mírzá Aḥmad Sohráb (1893–1958) was a Persian-American author and Bahá'í who co-founded the New History Society and the Caravan of East and West in New York, and was excommunicated from the Bahá'í Faith in 1939 by Shoghi Effendi.
Born a Bahá'í in Sedeh, Isfahan Province, Persia (now Iran), Sohrab's father `Abdu'l-Baghi was a descendent of Muhammad. `Abdu'l-Baghi was the chief dyer of the town. Both sides of Sohrab's family, his mother and his father, claimed descent from the Imam Husayn, grandson of Muhammad. His mother died when Sohrab was a few months old, while she herself was still a teenager, and he was taken to live with his maternal grandmother in Isfahan.
By 1911, he had founded an organization called the Persian-American Educational Society. Later that year he sailed to Europe "in the interests of his work". Sohrab was secretary and interpreter to `Abdu'l-Bahá from 1912 to 1919. Later, while living in Los Angeles, he helped write a scenario for a movie dealing with Mary Magdalene, for the actress Valeska Surratt. In 1927 Cecil B. Demille released The King of Kings which the duo claimed he had stolen from their scenario. Suratt sued Cecil B. Demille and others in 1928, and mentioned that Sohrab had helped her write the play. The case went to trial in 1930 and was quietly settled out of court.