Hi :)
The Patch Update PTE 5.1 is released now for the
Patch PTE 5 for the
PES 2016 game. This Update fixes the
Online Mode + new fixed and added features
.. Very Important: This is not a full patch , this is only an update for PTE Patch 5! So you must install first the PTE
5.0 on your PC! ( you can check my youtube video here to download and install PTE Patch 5 in link below )
► PTE 5.0
Video Turorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obKJw0D_SXk
► PTE 5.1
Download Links:
▷ Zyppishare :
( OR )
Mega : http://adf.ly/1ZYI77
► How to Customize New
Team Tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_kqTgrkP8Q
Read new features added: http://ptepatch.blogspot.com/2016/04/pes16-pte-patch-update-51-released
P.S *** As you saw in the video, the new PTE 5.1 removed the
Graphic Menu that i added the
CPK file with Dpfile
Program, actually it did not remove it , it just replaced the Dpfile.cpk inside the download folder , so to fix that open the Dpfile Program again and then check all files, put the new CPK file you added in last place, then you uncheck "Onlinepte.cpk" then you "generate" the dpfile , then you go to "download" folder inside
PES install location, copy the new "dpfile.cpk" and you go back to PTE folder inside pes install location, then you paste the file there.
Final step run the PTE program as adminsitrator , click game mode and select "
► My facebook
Page: https://www.facebook.com/Delchocpage
► PTE Team Blog website: http://ptepatch.blogspot.com/
Konami, mota10 - andy18cruz -
Jesus Hrs - stavrello7, Nemanja, PES
Logos, danyy77, buffon99, klashman69, zlac, Jenkey, cabry, fruits, moody, pesmonkey, -InMortal-, gabe.paul.logan, pimplo, donkscrispo, muske25, nemesisk, gasparzinho, VinVanDam, Estarlen
Silva, a7med sb, cRoNoSHaCk, barcafan, Tunizizou, ramy, Tasci, Cuky,
Maritimo, AMussolini, steadyontherem8, Wens, Tisera09, killer1896, SantyArgentina, Znovik_S, pantelg7, rednik,
Kairzhanov_21, spiritusanto,
KOH, HD3011,
Hawke, Andry_Dexter11, MarioMilan, smeagol75, starvin, juce,
NikoLiberty4, boonaun, Txak, Tizziano, TwistedLogic, basilhspa013, Kuzmich, GOALARG, Swoosh1968, Bilgehan Alpaydin,
Baris Yerlikaya, Killacarrillo, Shram, l4vezz1, oxarapesedit, vangheljs, AdrianMedina, alexis2323, viper12, G-Style, Mo Ha, Jared_Zavala, maxi534
Special thanks to Brezinho,
Ginda, everst9, mckagan22 & PES
- Special thanks to A.
Hernandez for the
Argentinian and
Chilean kit pack
- Special thanks to "
TEAM PES MX" and their creators, Donaldo
Medina, xDark Mauri15x, Mindmaster & UBarreras for the
LIGA BBVA Bancomer.
Follow the "TEAM PES MX" quality work on their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Team-PES-MX-1650399925210665/?fref=ts
Music Credits :
Different Heaven -
Far Away [
NCS Release]
-2) Mendum -
Stay With Me (Krys
Talk Remix) [NCS Release]
* Video for music 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpaHvUOk3F0
* Video for music 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_95eFs4sHZs
- published: 18 Apr 2016
- views: 196