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John Kasich, via Michael Vadon / Flickr

The most absurdly-framed question at the GOP debate: Same-sex marriage

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If this question were any more loaded, we’d have to take away its car keys.
Donald Trump speaking at Liberty University, screenshot via YouTube

Christian supremacist elites can’t save Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio

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Ted Cruz is busy organizing Evangelical elites who haven’t been able to lead their flocks away from Trump.
Anti-conversion therapy protest, via Daniel Tobias / Flickr

Ex-gay conversion therapy challenged in federal consumer fraud lawsuit

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If conversion therapy is consumer fraud in New Jersey, it may be consumer fraud everywhere.
Orrin Hatch, via Gage Skidmore / Flickr

Senate Republicans triple down on SCOTUS obstruction

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They get how high the stakes are. Here’s hoping the Democrats come to play, too.
Phil Robertson, via Gage Skidmore / Flickr

Ted Cruz half-jokes about making Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson UN Ambassador

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His reasons why weren’t funny.
Religion and LGBT equality, via Wikimedia Commons

Virginia Republicans pass “nondiscrimination” bill that specifically protects anti-LGBT discrimination

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Christian privilege meets Orwell.
Religion and LGBT equality, via Wikimedia Commons

What “religious liberty” bills have in common with voter ID laws

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“Religious freedom” bills are “gay-neutral” the same way that voter ID laws are “race-neutral.”
Marco Rubio, via Gage Skidmore / Flickr

Marco Rubio confronted by gay voter in New Hampshire, sticks to anti-gay script

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Rubio-bot had another malfunction on the trail.
LGBT Israel, via Wikimedia Commons

Ex-gay conversion therapists flee US, find home in Israel

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What counts as fraud and abuse in some US states is perfectly legal in Israel.
Rick Santorum fixing gun violence, via Wikimedia Commons

Santorum will exit tonight

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