The Clintons, via stocklight / Shutterstock

The Clintons’ DOMA history thoroughly debunked

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A comprehensive review from Buzzfeed should settle this once and for all.
The Clintons on inauguration day, via Wikimedia Commons

Clinton called out for whitewashing Defense of Marriage Act history

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The Defense of Marriage Act was actually *pro* LGBT equality???
Don't Tell Me to Wait

Don’t Tell Me to Wait

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Kerry Eleveld’s out with a new book on the LGBT movement’s relationship with President Obama. Read it.
Protesters outside the Supreme Court, and across from the US Congress, for the oral arguments on the gay rights cases involving DOMA and Proposition 8 in March, 2013. © John Aravosis 2013

What to watch for at the Supreme Court today

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A few things to keep in mind as the Court hears Obergefell vs. Hodges.
Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton and Bill Clinton attend the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting at The Sheraton New York Hotel on September 24, 2013 in New York City. JStone /

Is Bill Clinton redeemed?

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Former President Clinton has been invited to address the annual HRC gay rights dinner.
doma blag boehner supreme court

The Defense of the History of (Gay) Marriage

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A new book has the “definitive account” of the gay marriage battle over the last 5 years. And gets it all wrong.

Gay marriages have begun in Michigan!

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Last night a federal court struck down Michigan’s gay marriage ban, the 14th such victory since US v. Windsor.
dadt white house protest

Breaking: SecDef orders 9 rogue red-state National Guards to recognize spouses of gay US troops

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National Guard in 9 mostly-southern red states have defied DOD orders to recognize spouses of gay troops.
the South

Alabama GOP tries to force out College Republican chairwoman for being pro-gay

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Watch all of her young friends abandon your racist, sexist, homophobic party for their rest of their long lives.
Protesters outside the Supreme Court, and across from the US Congress, for the oral arguments on the gay rights cases involving DOMA and Proposition 8 in March, 2013. © John Aravosis 2013

PA county conducts gay marriage, says state ban invalid post-DOMA

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County officials say the Supreme Court striking down DOMA gives them the authority to conduct gay marriages.
gay marriage prop 8 doma

Gay groups criticized for pursuing marriage equality when people are poor

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“How is [gay] marriage going to protect you from poverty?”

First green card issued to Irish spouse of lesbian in Denver

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Green card was issued as a result of Supreme Court striking down DOMA.

A beautiful story of love and marriage in the wake of Prop 8’s demise

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The story of how our writer, Chris Andoe, married his longtime boyfriend, Damon An Harris, last week in SF.
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