- published: 22 Sep 2016
- views: 4402
Zagi - Bym [Official Music Video]
Roblox BYM: Omega Flowey speed build (+regular flowey)
Roblox BYM: Sans speed build
Roblox BYM: Gaster blaster tutorial
Roblox BYM: Mettaton Speedbuild
Roblox BYM: Sans Battle test
Onar - Ja bym oszalał
Roblox BYM: Temmie speed build
How to make bumber cannon in roblox on server BYM
Utwór „Bym” zapowiada debiutancki album ZAGI pt. „Kilka lat, parę miesięcy i 24 dni”. POSŁUCHAJ SINGLA W SERWISACH DIGITALNYCH: https://wmg.lnk.to/bym Zagi na facebooku: https://www.facebook.com/zagiofficial Zagi pisze piosenki odkąd sięga pamięcią. Jest kompozytorką, autorką tekstów i wokalistką. Ma na swoim koncie 2 mini albumy: demo „Kilka Słów o Miłości” (2012) oraz epkę „UKE” (2013), a jej piosenki zostały już zauważone przez internetowe media i środowisko muzyczne. W 2012 piosenkami Zagi zauroczył się gitarzysta zespołu HEY Paweł Krawczyk podczas plebiscytu „Zrób Głośniej” organizowanego przez T-mobile Music, rok później Czesław Mozil po usłyszeniu „Pieska” wręczył Zagi Złoty Wiatraczek za pierwsze miejsce podczas Zimowej Giełdy Piosenki w Opolu, dzięki czemu artystka została za...
And here's another speed build. This time its Omega flowey (+ regular flowey.) This was the most suggested speed build. Check description before asking any questions! Q:How long did you take to build Omega flowey? A: Around 4-5 hours. Q: What game is this? A: This game is called ROBLOX. The game i played on roblox is called Build your own mech, BYM for short. Q: What is your IGN? A: Pakko If you have anymore questions, please PM me in roblox. Get dunked on: http://lui421.tumblr.com/post/132264062526/get-dunked-on-its-time-to-slam-jam I also do not own any songs.
Edit: Wow! thanks for 1000 views guys :D edit 2: What the hell, 10000 views? holy crap. Please do not ask me to make this a free model, as i cannot do that because of various reasons. ok im kinda getting tired "HIS SLIPPERS ARE PINK or HIS SLIPPERS ARE GREY" man, lets just say he has a various colors of slippers okay? just... enjoy the video, thanks c; This build came from a game called Undertale, and its by Toby fox! You should check it out!... but seriously, buy the game, its awesome. Roblox Build Your own Mech. This build took over 2 to 3 hours. If you want, suggest anything I can speed build! Subscribe for more... if you want. If you want, you can add me as a friend in Roblox! Username: Pakko, But also, you have to comment on this video your username aswell. i use ezvid cause im...
because you asked for it Faqs: Q:What is this game called? A: Roblox, the game im playing in is Build your own mech, bym for short. Q:What is your username? A: Pakko. if this video gets 20 likes ill make a tutorial on how to make it shoot again, sorry if this tutorial sucks lol.
Smells like mettaton. Please look in the DESCRIPTION!!! before answering any questions! Q: How long did this take you to build? A: Around 1 hour. Q: What game is this? A: The game is roblox, The place in roblox is called Build your own mech, BYM for short. http://www.roblox.com/games/10705224/Build-Your-Own-Mech Q:What is your name in roblox? A: My IGN is pakko. Q:Would you smooch a ghost? A: Heck yeah! GREAT ANSWER! I LOVE IT! I do not own any music. This build is from Undertale. If you don't know what undertale is... I'm not telling you, find out for yourself, its a fun game.
The easiest enemy, can only deal 1 damage. Instead of speedbuilding, I test out how good their attack power is. we use sans c; Just to let you know in this video, i only fought small mechs and cars because when i do damage to large mechs, it doesn't do crap
ZAMÓW "DOROSŁEM DO RAPU" NA http://preorder.pl/ ONAR NA FACEBOOKU: http://www.facebook.com/Onar81?ref=ts Zapraszamy do oglądania najnowszego teledysku Onara zrealizowanego do najbardziej emocjonalnego utworu na płycie pt. „Ja Bym Oszalał". Jak mówi sam autor, w klipie mistrzowsko została przedstawiona hipotetyczna historia skierowana do ukochanej osoby, pełna uczuć i miłości mieszającej się z tragedią. Za produkcję bitu odpowiada duet producencki Złote Twarze, gitarę dograł Michał Lewartowicz. Serdeczne podziękowania dla firmy Moro oraz sklepu California Skateshop za wsparcie tego przedsięwzięcia. Podziękowania: Udostępnienie wnętrz mieszkalnych -- Jarosław Jończyk (NOWA-FORMA) Album "Dorosłem do rapu" na platformach cyfrowych: iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/album/doros-em-do-rap...
FILM SIĘ PODOBAŁ? ŁAPKA W GÓRĘ SIĘ NALEŻY! DZIĘKI! :D ☛FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/SerafinPeziol/ ☛SKLEP: http://www.E-SWEAR.pl/ ☛INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/SerafinTV ☛SNAPCHAT: SerafinTV ☛GRUPA: https://www.facebook.com/groups/177294979285308 ☛ORYGINALNY FILM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtLMatZXAks
hOI!!!!! im temmie! Also, check the description for FAQs. Q: What is your username? A: Pakko Q: How long did this take you? A: 1-2 hours. Q:What game is this? A: Its roblox, and the game im playing in roblox is Build your own mech, or bym for short. i also dont own any songs. Hi. im bob.
Roblox server is Build Your own Mech Link to that server is here http://www.roblox.com/Build-Your-Own-Mech-place?id=10705224 BYM Fan Club http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1050795 Songs: Feint – Snake Eyes 009 Sound System – Dreamscape Reaktor Productions – Can't slow down This video can help peoples which don't know how to make a bumber cannon in roblox . That cannon players can use it in differents buildings , like mechs or tanks and the most good what you can make a bumber cannon in different sizes which you want .Sometimes I see a peoples with guns . This time I wasn't active in Youtube because Im recorded to many videos to youtube , + was my personals problems like slow internet( It's still slow like 1.69 mbit/s ) . So from that I need upload a video on youtube from the...
There's a place in my heart where you used to be
There's a pain, deep inside, don't want the world to see
Nothing, but emptiness, once there was your caress
I was touched by your naked flame
Now, it was hard sometimes, those things that we went through
But believe me when I'd say, I would never mean to hurt you
I hold the memory of holding you next to me
In my arms like a naked flame
Think it over before you break my heart
Think it over before the crying starts
Then we can say goodbye to the tears
I should have known that this time was a coming
But if you ever need me, I'll come a running home to you
There's a place in my dreams where we used to meet
But there's no one around now, it's just an empty street
I hold the memory of holding you close to me
In my arms, like a naked flame